Is Killary finally kill?

More emails leaked, rumored to contain the mythical health records, not that her health is any secret. Even the rumors of her killing off DNC staffers is getting out and gaming traction.

With that said will this be enough to stop her? Or will MSM ignore and spin it while the record is corrected?

>pic related, condition is breaking

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Is it me, or is pol a little slidey today?

The one thing I just cant write off is the fact that the only thing stopping Trump now is his own mouth..

Hillary on the other hand is sitting on some real bombshells that just keep leaking.

I don't know if the media shilling will work for long enough..

At this point I honestly cant tell whom is shilling whom. Like, logically speaking this just does not make sense anymore. Lets follow it to its logical conclusion anons; lets say she DOES have a myriad of illnesses, then it wont matter if she is elected; because if she dies then we wont be dealing with her we will be dealing with whatever shadow is behind her. She probably isnt well, and this probably is the reasoning for what will likely transpire.

She'll get away with it as usual because she's Hillary Clinton.

The types of people who are going to vote for her seemingly don't care. Hillary is crooked, everyone has known this for decades. Nobody cares. All they will continue hearing from the opposition is the same exact thing they have been hearing for decades: Hillary is crooked!
They don't care.

They are far too invested and the MSM will not report it. Sorry guys. It's over. Trump is going to be eviscerated.

President Hillary. Say it with me.

downside of her dropping out now or just dropping dead, is that all this dirt on her that has been dug up might go to waste


Bad things usually happen when a president dies in office though

running for president while you're gravely ill isn't heroic and it doesn't make you a martyr, it just means that you value power more than you value your own health and that is wildly irresponsible

it would have been braver of her to announce her candidacy and then pull out immediately after because of medical reasons, and Hillary Clinton would have been remembered as the type of role model she would have you believe she is, but this? This mad dash to the finish line? It's just made her look like a fool

a weak and deluded fool

No, it's just starting to get bogged with all of these things.

Surely this will be the end

...who dies first?
sickly shill, or besieged reformer...
>reportedly dead FBI agent, 65yr old male
>found trying to bypass security at trump tower
in possession of unmarked pistol (custom not serialized) with a silencer.

make it look comfier

do it for the Saint of Store Fronts. (Stormfront)

>i-its over this time
>i swear!

Ahahahaha fucking drumfshits, you are so delusional and retarded.


Nobody outside the tin-foil-hat subculture gives a shit when the alternative is Trump.

The two party system, and your (yes you personally) excitement over an emotionally retarded demagogue are to thank/blame for Hillary's impending victory.

>$0.02 has been deposited into your account, thank you for correcting the record.


Many voters would rather have the devil they know than Trump the "fascist".

>not true

all media lies

>(yes you personally)

Kyle cares

>try unfucking your own country Shariah London
before spreading that shit into ours.

all the support for her, is large corporations and establishment...not WE THE PEOPLE

Who are you?

>t. increasingly nervous CTR shill

That's a reddit tier image

CTR shill here is right. What can we do to stop her? There's got to be something. If people don't care about the corruption, what's her Achilles heel?

You scrub, harambe is holding a flashlight. There's another pic of him where you can clearly see the green tailcap switch.

>I really like the CTR explanation

because it makes me lose less hope in humanity
*person paid to shill...unethical, but ok
*person brain damaged, knowingly promoting most corrupt politician in our records


here, left you a list:
her main enemy, Informed voters.
not tards that only watch the media she already had paid off.

Not trying to help their autism, but who the fuck holds a flashlight like that? Who has a flashlight in a well-lit building?

I think something has already leaked, my neutral friend.

Like I said, literally no one cares. The apathy is astounding for something so serious.
Bullets...? You know, that's crazy enough to be crazy.

no one cares?
>about the future leader of our Nation?
they would put a mexico tier dirty politician in charge...

people care enough to turn out at rallies in record numbers.
and promote trump in this joint, at a rate far larger than the shill apologists.

Yup, sure thing, and all the polls are rigged, including fox news,
You go to Sup Forums unironically, I don't need to know anything about your subhuman brexiting ass
Good for kyle?
maybe there's a vast and well funded conspiracy designed to undermine your safe-space that nobody fucking cares about, save Trumps own campaign for the purposes of lifting antisemitic memes. Alternatively, maybe your ideology of conspiracy-theory-driven tin-foil-hat-wearing intellectual feces-throwing is simultaneously so exposed and doomed by your spiritual liege, that now there are actual liberals in your secret clubhouse to laugh and point while you get left behind by civilized society.

It's a meme-generator image I made a couple weeks ago at memegenerator as it says in the lower-right corner.

another day of her getting put in a bad daylight.

new false flag when?

>not simultaneously ironically and non-ironically posting on Sup Forums
I'd ask you to get on my level but clearly I'm playing an entirely different game

>poll rigging is manipulated on purpose.
discourage opposition by making them think they don't stand a chance, and going to vote or try to get more support is futile.

the sampling group has been doctored further recently, and most media is backing shillary.

I can't put too much faith in the polls

5d Backgammon?

>add the number of views for all those videos, and it isn't much.

luckily google's #1 search for Hillary is "is hillary going to jail"

>known HQ of Trump grassroots and the new European right
>on one of the biggest websites in the world
>nobody fucking cares about

Your paymasters really aren't getting their money's worth.

Shit man I can't even play 2d backgammon

Some flashlights have a ridge around them, sometimes made of rubber or part of the aluminum body. No clue the technical name for it.

>Trump has string of terrible political disasters that everyone who's not radicalized right finds repugnant
>Hillary climbs in the polls
>"The sample must have been doctored"
No, the sample is just not the repugnant right-wing subculture that exists in the back-alley-ways of the internet

If this TRULY is Drumpf's HQ, then all hope is absolutely lost for him.

response to last paragraph.

>I believe in political decent, for both me and you.
and its best to have someone who sees things completely different to get to the bottom of things.

however, I don't want to believe that my intellectual equal, on the other side of the spectrum. would instantly excuse repeated, blatant, criminality.

>I expect better from you

>Rudy Giuliani claims online videos show Hillayclinton is unhealthy

Damn, I always loved that man for no reason

>I generally like to be just a number... but left likes specific examples.

I am an immigrant
I paid my own way through university, with help from the military.

>trump has much hot air.
>Hillary, actually promoting these wars I want no part of. and in favor of turning US into sweeden 2.0
and has a trackrecord I can not respect, I would have been in prison for over a decade, for just what she casually did with her e-mails.

> instantly excuse repeated, blatant, criminality.
On Nov 9, I fully intend to go back to exposing Hillary's corruption, and supporting Sanders' revolution, which will now be more politically significant given that it represents the electorate of the party in power. She is truly disgusting, but Trump is DANGEROUS, and the people he represents and energizes are, in agregate, more disgusting than she is. Furthermore, her flaws (corruption, cold calculating ruthlessness, a tendency to solve problems by having people killed) are flaws expected in a potus, some almost being Job qualifications for someone who's job it is to coldly decide who gets drone-ganked for the greater good of America. Trump's flaws (immaturity, short attention span, not knowing what "nuclear triad" means, inability/unwillingness to self filter to avoid political disasters, universal revulsion outside of American red-states and Russia, not knowing "why we can't use our nukes," and being a self-described counter-puncher) are all flaws that are genuinely unaccounted for and genuinely dangerous for the man who holds the Biscuit. So as much as Hillary disgusts me, "From now until election day, everything else — every issue, every fight, every cause — has to take a backseat to defeating Trump. He’s like an infection — you don’t fool around with it.”

>I can live with that answer.
you'd prefer status quo, to a gamble.

>I have some hope for the Donald, otherwise I'll keep you posted from the front lines :/

goodnight user.

what we on the left see is a choice between voting for the puppet or voting for the hand up her ass. trump said it himself when he defended his Clinton contributions: he gives money to everyone so that they always call him first whenever they need to vote on something.

im voting 3rd party (whoever is polling highest, i dont care) because i dont think it actually matters who the president is, and there is an off chance we can create a hung election this year and cause the government to implode.

>you'd prefer status quo, to a gamble.
As far as 7 word summaries of my stance go, that's about as good as we're going to get.... yeah, pretty much. When "going bust" means nuclear apocalypse, and "folding" means a liberal status quo that's really not THAT bad as far as average quality of life is concerned, yeah I play it safe.


>half-way civil and reasonable argument on Sup Forums

Okay, well now I've seen everything, and I think that's a sign that it's time for bed.

>he doesn't know Trumps ultimate plan

this shit-sputing was attention whoring

The real stuff is going down soon

>If this TRULY is Drumpf's HQ, then all hope is absolutely lost for him.
Sup Forums turned a businessman who everyone but us hates into a mass movement. Reddit's man didn't even get the nomination. And now you are shilling for a bad person who does bad things. Sad.

>Yup, sure thing, and all the polls are rigged, including fox news,
Exactly. Or have you missed how everyone on Fox except Hannity is now on Hillary's side?