I think it's time that we change our flag Australia, just like Canada did to represent their nation more honestly

I think it's time that we change our flag Australia, just like Canada did to represent their nation more honestly.

My grandparents came her from Italy during/after WW2, to them the Union Jack represents oppression as it was the British who attacked and subjugated the Italians during that conflict.

I think we abandon the legacy of such a cruel people and embrace our true multicultural identity as a nation of immigrants from all over the world.

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400th time clicked on flag cuz gif

I am stupid

Haha yea mate


Lets just remove the union jack and draw a pile of dog shit in it's spot to represent how fucking shit this country is right now... remove apex & brother 4 life to make Australia great again


I think we should instead have my boy Big Alton on the flag who was murdered by violent American police

He dindunuffin?


Our flag bears the stars that blaze at night
In our southern sky of blue
And that little old flag in the corner
That’s part of our heritage too.
It’s for the English, the Scots and the Irish
Who gave our Australia its birth
And you who are shouting to change it
You don’t seem to understand
It’s the flag of our laws and language
Not the flag of a faraway land.
There are plenty of people who’ll tell you
How when Europe was plunged into night
The little old flag in the corner
Was their symbol of freedom and light.
It don’t mean we owe our allegiance
To a forgotten imperial dream
We’ve the stars to show where we’re going
And the old flag to show where we’ve been.
It’s only an old piece of bunting
It’s only an old coloured rag
But there are thousands who died for its honour
And fell in defence of our flag.

Written by an anonymous Australian.

> union jack offends my grandparents

Yet they still came out here and got a headstart in life they would never have gotten back in wogland. My grandparents came to NZ from Croatia, they weren't butthurt by the union jack and southern cross. Or if they were they put up and shut up.

I wouldn't go live in Canada and demand they put a fern on their flag to make me feel more welcome.


get out wop scum!

I know this is bait, but the Australian flag looks like shit. Do something like America did with their flag.

I like your flag goyim.

Keep up the good work.

You're cancer even the EU doesn't want you back, you're just a side hoe now mate

holy shit thats a solid flag.

>I think it's time that we change our flag Australia
Until you can think of a better one, no-one's going to give a shit.

the aussie flag is the 3rd best looking flag behind us and uks

fuck off hans yours looks like shit period blood and piss

Our flag looks like shit? Mate your 1914 flag was good you current flag looks shit it looks like the Abo flag

the eu begged us to ignore the vote

the eu can get fucked

time to restore the commonwealth wop

I can't tell if this is a meme.... But you guys know it's not supposed to have a star of david, right?

Your flag is a cluster fuck. Change it to something like

I... No we never loved you. We don't want you're Arabs to have free travel in Australia you're trying to spreading your cancer

Not a argument

hahaha holy shit I didn't even notice

Germany's flag reminds me of a 1970s fashion catalog

It's *your dickhead

said the one with the abos and chinks

Throw the Union Jack in the corner and it's perfect.

>consider supporting republicans here
>see who the average republican is
>mostly arrogant privilege checking, naval gazing fuckheads

God save the queen, I guess.

jewish tricks are everpresent.


not wanting the history of the old empire to be the foundation stone of your country

Australia only has one flag and it doesn't represent migrants wanting handouts

That was my point... I'd say we should just take back the Union Jack for the whole, but would rather see Commonwealth nations in uniformity.

White background

Union Jack top left

Wedgetail eagle in flight with one leg lower than the other as if it were about to catch it's prey centered to the right

I'm shit a graphics, someone make this pls

We are not changing our flag. There is nothing wrong with it and it represents our current state perfectly.
So shut the fuck up cunts.

So make the whole 3 countries a pure cancer? What logic is that, there is no British empire, there is soon to be no British people

Fuck off back to shitaly Marco.

brexit and the law changes has stopped the damage

once article 50 is triggered expect big things

the commonwealth will be restored the uk will not give up and fade into obscurity like france and spain.

Shutup faggot

You guys are gonna help us out when China invades, right?

that looks like you bastardized the eureka flag with commie shit

trident has been given the greenlight

Yeah, just like they did the last time a bunch of kill crazy asians charged down those islands.

Australian nuclear weapons program when?

Who else will? Maybe America if Trump wins. We at least have experience of fighting wars in far off islands. Sure we will.



>Yeah, just like they did the last time a bunch of kill crazy asians charged down those islands.
Yea, because that was the only thing going on at the time.

Jews want you to change your flag because it essentially amounts to shitting on your Anglo heritage and sets a blank slate for brown immigration

china wont touch jack shit we dont even need nato just the anglosphere

Here, take this - we're not using it.


Can't we have them anyway?

How about you leave. We're full of faggots like you.

Aww heck yeah!

kys faget, we'll leave if motherland cucks itself and doesn't article 50, brexit was best reason to stay

>My grandparents came her from Italy during/after WW2, to them the Union Jack represents oppression as it was the British who attacked and subjugated the Italians during that conflict.
Well, they can fuck right off back to third world pasta land then, ungrateful cunt.

Fucking Catholics. That's all this debate is ever about.

This Thread is like a reunion of old war friends and australia is the one who is having one too many flashbacks and is completely mental just saying "FUCK YOU YOU HAVE TAINTED THE PUNCH HAVENT YA CUNTS" while the rest of us are looking at you with both sympathy and disgust. There is a reason you act like this. It's because your prison baby scum and you are sad nobody in your life loves you.

If Trump doesnt win and America succumbs to brown devastation I guarantee you we will not be helping out any more white nations. Do you really think this generation of niggers being raised that will eventually take some political office like Cummings will give one iota of fuck about helping out "da evil white man"? Nah you guys are gonna be on your own. My advice is to start shilling for your countries to develop their own nuclear artillery and stop depending on the United States of Basketball Americans

Granted most of the figures are because of America bit still. Dem stats and trips are sick.

>My grandparents came her from Italy


>No America
Is it the niggers? It's the niggers, isn't it?

shut up paki marxist scum

If the USA lets us. We need nuclear power stations first anyway.

We're good. Why not put it back in your linen closet with the other beach towels?

we are the top business centre in the world..NY is 2nd

australia is rich in resources and one of the biggest exporters of uranium

americas fleet would double in size also

America looks like he is going to kill his family

Funny that.

Population and landmass would be from America and a hefty chunk of GDP and military spending but your right each country brings something to the table Canada brings landmass. Too bad it'll never happen.




Got to see the HMS Dauntless launch in Govan Glasgow. The chart doesn't do it justice a large fine ship she is.

Nice bantz cunt. This is the Queens country.

>Just like Canada did
Might as well put a piece of fucking bamboo in between two blue lines
Or or a fucking cypress leaf, maybe an animal like a Rhino
It'd be about the same.

Something like this, but better

>Free movement with

Already to many asians, muds and islanders pham, no thanks


Eh, i like the concept, but for a flag it's not that great. Animals make great heraldic supporters, but flags should be simple designs.

Could make the eagle bigger and the Jack much smaller and remove 7 point star as we would then be unified under eagle instead

Again, it'd be a good image, but for a flag it should be kept simple. Even something like Cyprus is a clusterfuck.
With what you're suggesting, we should just bring back more widespread use of Arms.


It's a bit insane how my fellow countrymen want this out of Scotland. God damn that place is full of cucks, so glad we left. However we did recently stick it to the merchants.

Am I the only one that actually likes the Australian flag's appearance?

Yeah nah, it's good. I like it.

It's not bad. It's our anthem which really needs changing.

Kek saved


Canada should go back to their British flag.

Chinese are weak cowards who have historically been shit at navies and would never win in an invasion. Literally the worst thing that can happen to us if we stay white is economic subjugation, and that's not too bad. It's like the US, which you could never invade but is probably going to collapse one day because of internal fractures. Muslims and blacks are the only internal fractures I'm worried about so we should just be wary of them.

Plus if we were serious about protecting Australia, we'd just colonise New Guinea and just put our military there, ally with the Christian parts of Indonesia as part of a regional protection racket, and put our asians in camps and we'd be pretty much safe. No one is going to invade Australia.

Man Govan truly is a shit pit.

scots just dont want to be the 1st to get nuked in an all out war

dock it in liverpool imo

Well, seing as you are one of our states you should make this your flag

Simple design, not complicated


Agreed. That shit is lame.

why are you responding seriously to an aussiepost?

i agree



I think it's more to do with the the liberal hippy faggots wanting to "disarm the nukes, they're no use!" God I hate them.

I don't live there bit yeah it's pretty rundown just went to see the launch. People seemed friendly enough if a little depressed. It's cool their still building ships though I guess.

>who have historically been shit at navies
I feel like underestimating them in that regard is a mistake. They may have been shit historically, but that doesn't mean they haven't learned how to be effective since.

This is the shitest flag I've ever seen, why get rid of the southern cross and put a fucking eagle?

One day we'll have the anthem we deserve.
Not the lukewarm highschool song we do now.

Aye there's some new flats and shit but for the most part it's all fucking Detroit tier abandoned buildings. I'm from Baillieston so don't care much tbqhf.

same but the scots are one of us so we tolerate their bullshit even though they are 50% cucks