Sup Forums philosophers, What's your take on Porn? Do you consider it degenerate? If so why?
> picture somehow related
Sup Forums philosophers, What's your take on Porn? Do you consider it degenerate? If so why?
> picture somehow related
>porn = watching other people fuck
>porn watchers are cucks
you think it's as simple as that?
Why do i even bother?
Yes and no.
Yes because you jerk off because you're not brave enough to get what you actually want. Another regretful inaction
No because your body your choice and it doesn't harm anyone. Much like doing drugs or comitting suicide
Pornstars and pornographers are degenerate, as is being addicted to pornography.
Watching porn is not degenerate, as you're just looking to rub one off and carry on with your day.
That's not how it works. When you watch porn, you self insert as the guy fucking the girl.
You're not watching porn to watch a guy fuck a chick, you're watching to live vicariously through him.
i'm downloading 100gb Aletta Ocean clips right now
>those nipples
Watching porn is only degenerate if you pay for it
>still watching 3d porn
I only watch babyfur porn at this point. (it's not cp)
moldova stealing romanian caravan internet.
the village isp doesn't know who's who.
don't act like you're eating caviar
you're eating SHIT
Why would I care?
Those are disgusting, fake tits.
its the town rapist
Yes it's degenerate.
I won't let you prejudge me based on my flag. I'm better than people in my country. Ask me about music i'm superior to these people.
Do you guys not get banned for this stuff? I've been banned 3 or 4 times for posting similar pictures, I don't get it.
"Posting pornography is not permitted. This is a politics board, not a porn board."
I guess it's against the rules, but seems to get a pass 50% of the time?
If you have access to a digital harem of women, at the click of a finger, you won't be motivated to go out and find a real woman, and your tastes will get increasingly more and more bizarre. Yes it is dgenerate.
I watch gay porn of muscle hunks while working out to keep me motivated, and it's worked well so far in making gains. I both get to directly see the inspiration for what I want to be and also have started to associate working out with being turned on. I now get hard when I do squats and l-sits and planks. When I finish my workout, I finish stroking off and it's the most satisfying thing in the world. I go no-porn on rest days, which then makes me look forward even more to my workouts because I get to look at porn.
Basically, I am a degenerate and I decided to make degeneracy work for me.
That's g00d, my d00d.
In my personal opinion it's degenerate if consumed on a daily basis, i'll have 1 tug a week to keep the old chap working and stave off that ass cancer.
watching porn to view others having sex is like watching a romcom to be entertained by a fantasy romance or watching james bond to vicariously experience being a spy. its just entertainment nothing more nothing less
>once a week
Try every other day if you want to actually negate your chances of prostate cancer. Less than that and the effectiveness of masturbation drops by half.
1 in 3 men develop prostate cancer.
Porn is l-lewd...
I noticed I watched an enormous amount of porn and jacked off constantly when I was unemployed, but now that I'm working again I only jerk off two or three times a week and usually just in the shower.
Idle hands, it would seem, favor penis.
Some people have small dicks and it fucks them up that they can only rely on porn. it's just another form of entertainment/recreation. Just like weed or alcohol.
Porn is just like everything else in the world
You can enjoy it but you need to learn to regulate the time you spend for it
>inb4 degeneracy
I can even post this
Just like you self insert when you watch anither guy fuck your girlfriend?
Porn is the reason why cuckoldry is so prominent today. You have a generation of men whose only exposure to sexuality for almost a decade during their formative years is to be an observer and watch other people do it.
Frequent masturbation INCREASES your chance of prostate cancer at a younger age you silly cunt, it only helps at fifty
> those nipple
Both titles are completely fucked.
>actual tits are different shapes and sizes
>nipples are at different levels
>one areola is the size of a pepperoni while the other is the size of a baseball
tantric sex is about what's good, porn is about what's possible
Don't forget the big scar underneath.
I didn't even know they did that procedure that way anymore.
Truly those are the worst tits I have ever seen on someone doing porn.
its andorra
Shit, I don't even know how I missed that.
I watch amateur shit, but I don't watch the actual "real" porn, it's all fucked up and fake as fuck, like anime or some shit. It's cold and dirty and there's no life to it, so if it gets you off you're just a horndog with no brain, just whacking off to the first pair of tits you see - you could probably look down and get off to your own mantits