>tfw they have been planning this for thousands of years
Why fight a power no mortal can comprehend?
>tfw they have been planning this for thousands of years
Why fight a power no mortal can comprehend?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why fight a power no mortal can comprehend?
Bootlicker. sage
>why fight
because we can, and will.
shieet idk man
>Why fight
i don't have anything else better to do
because the fight will be fun.
The glory is in the struggle
because we can.
Underrated not even funny.
F ir s t Po st --- -- -------- B est P o st .
>they have been getting their asses kicked for thousands of years
Just another meme.
Just another hashtag.
Just another team.
Just another flash brand.
Abandon ship! Abandon ship!
People actually believe i NWO shit....
They are a embarrassment to humanity.
Because we have nothing to lose
Lol low quality b8 fgt
Hello facebook
How are you enjoying your stay
Far from bait, im sorry the truth triggers you, no, im really not
Facebook is filled with conspiratards, go home, stop trying to send me to your damned site.
If you're sincere in not giving credence to 'nwo' theories then you're either too young to have a relevant opinion, or too ignorant
In a world post snowden leaks, hell even post echelon confirmation - you have to be retarded not to be able to put basic public information together
Clam down kid, NWO is not real, how do i know, because im not a fucking idiot, go live i your non-existent anarchist society, you will be begging for a NWO.
Stay pleb
NWO is a fucking meme, nothing more you daft cunt.
it's a shit tier babby's first meme on top of that. just pathetic.
that is part of the plan
Order through Chaos. Masonic concepts 101.
Let shit get bad enough and people will beg for an overlord to fix the problems the same overlord created.
People are already embracing it, look at Brexit, half the friggin country embraced it.
Look at Hillary supporters, they definitely embracing it and defending it.
The problem is, how can we resist it?
There will have to be blood shed, but when?
>Falling for the NWO meme
Keep blue pilling
Come on, user.
This will all be much easier once you accept.
>Posts cringy fat conspiratard facepalming
Cunt has no self control (hence why he is fat) , lives off blue pills and imagination, yeah you owned me kiddo.
That is a big blue pill i would have to swallow.
>Should the New World Order be embraced rather than resisted?
You could have said "try to infiltrate and subvert their plans", you could have said "make a NWO that's free of degeneracy", you could have said "they have the same values as you but they don't show it", but no you simply said "lel let the fuckers who made your life terrible win".
Do you really expect to convince anyone?
leave it to a brit to embrace tyranny
well, you might just be too stupid to read or listen.
enjoy knowing everything and accomplishing little, enemy to emues.
There is so much wrong with that macro.
Im happy, not falling for the conspiratard trap.
Bear in mind, if this is true
KEK is on our side
you'll fall for anything.
you are not wise. you may be intelligent, but you are not wise.
The serpent is the wisest animal in the jungle, little mowgli. Be as wise as a serpent. that's what the masons say.
You're missing an "n".
That's some solid info you've got there m8
Deniers should get some new buzzwords or at least some solid argument if it's not too much to ask.
>There is so much wrong with that macro
Oh, do tell. You should quite easily be able to point out exactly where that image is incorrect. But I know that you won't, because you're a shill.
In the meantime I'll leave you with an image taken in the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych's backyard. Nothing to see here goyim, keep scrolling.
You don't get to come up with names for us, you are the tinfoiler, you are the abnormal societal reject, go elsewhere with your autism.
Masonic symbols everywhere, even in booze advertisments.
>The eye represents God. Omniscient, as is shown on many churches.
>Pyramids weren't built by slaves.
>Novus Ordo Seclorum actually means New Order of the Ages, referring to the New World, "free" of British rule
>Annuit Coeptis actually means "May our undertakings be favoured", which is reasonable for anything to hope for.
>And finally, yea, the Bavarian Illuminati were founded that year, but the American Rebellion was developing much earlier, and Weishaupt barely made it out of his own area before being slammed.
oklie dokley neighborooni.
I'm not coming up with any names, it's simply what you are doing denying and typing the same overused buzzwords
> topless pyramid made of oranges
> masonic ladders everywhere
> guy with sunglasses representing blindfolded freemason wannabe led into the temple
> statue of liberty grill w lighter in one hand and raised foot like the actual statue of liberty
> masonic columns and altar
> masonic numbers
> masonic colors
> devilish red and black magician posing with is arms in a Baphomet like position
just off the top of my head, there are many more
>citation needed.
I'm not sayin that you are wrong, but you provide just as much proof for your context as he did.
none. you choose to see it one way and he chooses to see it another. you can't claim to know what was going on in the head of the guy who came up with all this shit.
>The eye represents God. Omniscient, as is shown on many churches.
Rosicrucian churches and catholic churches. Again back to the Holy See concept, which is less than benevolent in context. literal demiurge worship.
>masonic ladders
> masonic columns and altar
Only Masons use them?
> masonic numbers
> masonic colors
What would those be?
>the eye represents God
Correct, the elite, those at the top, and God, are united. Their goal is to become God.
>Pyramids weren't built by slaves
Yeah, Moses leading the Hebrews out of Israel didn't happen. Why isn't the whole Pyramid one with God, why only a select elite? Why only those at the top? You have very little to say about the structure itself, how some have their "eyes open" and those at the bottom do not.
>Novus Ordo Seclorum
You're actually right about this one, I'll do a quick edit, thanks.
>New World, "free" of British rule
mix the truth with lies, I like it, though I think the explanation for why they are demonizing religion and their desire to keep power is simpler.
>Annuit Coeptis
My original translation on this one was correct. God is the one favoring their undertakings.
>Bavarian Illuminati
no response other than it's a (((coincidence))), nice.
I always think about his photo. Is Putin controlled opposition?
>masonic ladders
climbing to godhood.
>I'm not sayin that you are wrong, but you provide just as much proof for your context as he did.
No worries, what part do you need cited?
>Rosicrucian churches and catholic churches.
I don't think there are any Rosicrucian churches, but yea, of course Catholic ones. As well as others. It's pretty prominent Christian symbol.
>literal demiurge worship.
>Correct, the elite, those at the top, and God, are united. Their goal is to become God.
Maybe, but that's just one interpretation which happens to suit your biases.
>Yeah, Moses leading the Hebrews out of Israel didn't happen.
Aye, most likely not.
>Why isn't the whole Pyramid one with God
It's unfinished to show that they [Americans] shouldn't rest on their laurels and instead always work.
>mix the truth with lies
No? Though I believe there are many interpretations of the phrase as regards the founding of the USA.
>My original translation on this one was correct.
Except it wasn't. You can't just google translate Latin, it's very context sensative.
>no response other than it's a (((coincidence)))
If you're going to go full tinfoil, then it's more likely that the American traitors founded the Bavarians, given the timeline.
That wouldn't be Masonic, then. Jacob's Ladder, perhaps, but that's not an exclusive symbol.
>masonic columns and altar
>only masons use them?
This is a whole new level of shilling
I'm starting to wonder if you're that reporter who was the first to have an RFID implant and shilled on the news about how awesome it is
the eternal geometer. worship of worldly things. that is what the all seeing eye represents.
there are Rosicrucian churches. more of them than you think. do a quick google maps search.
No, many religions use them, but the specific configurations of objects in the videos is clearly allusive to freemason symbology. Though you need a trained eye and some knowledge of it to spot all the allegories and symbols.
The ladders throughout and the staircase in the last sequence all have 13 steps, like the steps of the pyramid in the dollar bill. This is a very important number.
Also the pythagoric 3 is recurrent. The bottles in the bar back wall are 23 for each row, arranged in 7 rows. Etc.
There is a masterful and significant use of color. Black and white attire for the protagonist.
White as the color of purity, red as the color of sacrifice. Blue and green in the mulatto chick's dress that I think represent the highest degree in the masonic hierarchy. The purple cloth on the DJ altar. Etc.
>maybe, but that's just one interpretation which happens to suit your biases
Everyone is biased, the goal is to get others to be biased like yourself
>It's unfinished to show that they [Americans] shouldn't rest on their laurels and instead always work.
>always work
>not slaves
Choose one faggot
>Except it wasn't.
Sorry, I got my interpretation from Wikipedia. I guess you're a Latin scholar then?
nice meme to shut down discussion
>Americans founded organization created in Germany
wew lad
also, I have this. I've read well over half of it.
Top down aesthetics.
Bottom up obfuscation.
Basics of sacred geometry.
Look at how the great pyramid was left unfinished.
Smooth limestone cap as the all seeing eye. Seemingly randomly placed stones from the bottom up but in the middle.
In the middle is where it gets interesting, you can see a clear cut evenly distributed stairway.
The goal was to cover the entire pyramid with limestone, but something happened.
I'm just asking what makes them Masonic, and not something else.
>the eternal geometer. worship of worldly things. that is what the all seeing eye represents.
That seems a bit contradictory, but hey, if that's your interpretation, it's fine. Just don't expect it to be the only one.
>there are Rosicrucian churches. more of them than you think. do a quick google maps search.
I did. Not finding any. Besides, it would be entirely against Rosicrucianism to have a church, as it's not a religion. Even given all the shitty RC groups there are.
>The ladders throughout and the staircase in the last sequence all have 13 steps, like the steps of the pyramid in the dollar bill.
So it's American symbolism?
>Black and white attire for the protagonist.
That's just all men's formal attire. Duh.
>I think represent the highest degree in the masonic hierarchy.
Well no, but i'd love to hear your reasoning (for srs, not being sarcastic).
>Choose one faggot
I'll choose both, because they're not mutually exclusive. Obviously.
>Sorry, I got my interpretation from Wikipedia. I guess you're a Latin scholar then?
Except Wiki still says you're wrong? And not a scholar, but I did learn it somewhat in school.
>nice meme to shut down discussion
Not my intent, but you're drawing lines between events which just happened to occur at the same time and ignoring why they did. I'm surprised you didn't throw the Chinese Hung Society in too.
>wew lad
That was my point.
What is it? A lodge Bible?
>not mutually exclusive
yeah, if you make people love always working they won't think they're slaves! Fuck off
>Wiki says you're wrong
"it is literally translated, '[he/she/it] favors our undertakings'"
Why are you lying?
You're obviously a Masonic shill. You're pretty bad at your job, you know?
American symbolism is masonic symbolism, as the dollar bill can at least suggest. We're not talking about a burger with fries.
I read somewhere that blue represents the highest degree attainable in the initiatic progression. I might be wrong.
I don't actually know a lot about this, I just noticed some well known symbology throughout the video.
I think the whole sequence of events, the "plot", represents some kind of initiation.
In the last sequence, the protagonist accepts a drink from the devil, a pact of sorts, to be able to access the last step of the ladder, in the form of toasting with the blue and green three-horned haired mulatto chick.
The black and white dress is not casual.
Lol i bet my ass that this dude would write down "FEMA camps are conspiritard tinfoiling" a thousand times while being inside one
>What is it? A lodge Bible?
you tell me first. I think you are shilling. I could be wrong though.
At the end of the blue lodge stay, your either go York or Scottish rite... assuming you don't go the shriner, Rosicrucian, or some other less known route.
Well somebody recently watched The Librarian.
>yeah, if you make people love always working they won't think they're slaves! Fuck off
>All work is manual labour
You Libertarians are the worst. Fun fact, knowledge and wisdom are work too.
>"it is literally translated, '[he/she/it] favors our undertakings'"
It's more "to approve" or "may approve", given the sense.
>American symbolism is masonic symbolism
Eh, not really.
There are some cross over ones, but that's true everywhere.
>I read somewhere that blue represents the highest degree attainable in the initiatic progression.
I guess it might in some cultures. In Masonry it's just the colour of the furniture and regalia in some places. Royal Blue is on grand lodge aprons in English jurisdictions because it was favoured at the time, but then it's green for Scotland because Scotland. Americans use purple because they like Rome, and purple was regal.
>I think the whole sequence of events, the "plot", represents some kind of initiation.
It could, i'm not discounting that. Just confused why people (other posters) think Masonry is the only initiatic society to exist or look at.
You're hurting your cause by abandoning logic and claiming coincidence without evidence of connexion for proof.
How would I possibly know? There's no writing on the cover, so it just looks like a Bible.
And that's not a Rosicrucian building, that's the American Scottish Rite SJ office building/temple (where they don't even do A&AR meetings, stupidly enough).
If the Jews have the ability to bend the world to their will despite being a minority, they deserve to rule
The guy is an ubershill, all of his posts are basically: "yeah, so?, it's just a coincidence"
>At the end of the blue lodge stay,
>your either go York or Scottish rit
>Rosicrucian, or some other less known route.
I really do hate the dumbed down American Rite some times.
And your posts are "Of course it's linked even though i haven't shown how!" So what next?
>manual labor is the only labor slaves do
nice strawman, masonnigger
>It's more "to approve" or "may approve", given the sense.
How does that make my literal translation incorrect? Someone must approve, the most likely candidate for that is God.
Reminder that this masonnigger still hasn't addressed the core of my original post. You've yet to say why materialism is being pushed in every part of our society.
Why are the elites are trying to eliminate God? Why are they worshipping satanic imagery? Is it maybe because they are actually worshipping Satan?
Satan promotes materialism
God promotes Spirituality
Only by removing yourself from the materialistic trap can we lead our people out of this mental prison that has been constructed.
>You're hurting your cause by abandoning logic and claiming coincidence without evidence of connexion for proof.
Lel, pretty much what you've been doing the whole thread
Very annoying isn't it?
NWO: Communism By The Backdoor
I don't have to show something so obvious
>nice strawman
How was that a strawman? You're the one who's afraid of work for some reason.
>Reminder that this masonnigger still hasn't addressed the core of my original post. You've yet to say why materialism is being pushed in every part of our society.
Oh that i agree with. The (((elites))) want us to be materialistic and hedonistic because it's more managable.
>Why are the elites are trying to eliminate God?
See above. Saying it's satan worship is overcomplicating it. They might be, but that's not really a concern. The real effects are.
>Lel, pretty much what you've been doing the whole thread
No, i was asking for proof, and you acted all superior in not providing it. Very queer.
There it is! If it was obvious, you'd have no problem showing it!
You seem to know a lot about Masonry.
The purple cloth on the altar is just a coincidence?
Why is it the only purple object in the video?
I think Masonry and other initiatic societies share a lot of their symbolism, given that they are built on and treasure more or less the same esoteric knowledge (I reckon).
I'm ignorant about all the details and nuances in this field, so I can't say anything precise about which particular society uses which specific symbols. I guess I'm trying to say that here is overlap here too.
I think it's safe to assume there is something going on allegory-wise in the video. The imagery is quite peculiar, not to say bizarre at times, for it to be completely random atmosphere-building visuals.
This is also confirmed by other overtly eyeswideshutesque videos in the same advert campaing.
>The purple cloth on the altar is just a coincidence?
In Virginia? No, they're big on purple there, because again, it was a Roman regal colour. Other jurisdictions use white (purity), or whatever colour fits with their furnishings. We have black altar cloths too, for when someone has died, and we're in mourning.
>I think Masonry and other initiatic societies share a lot of their symbolism
Yes and no. A lot of same or similar origins and conclusions, you know?
You were implying that I was only talking about physical labor as slave labor, I am not afraid of work. I'm afraid of not being able to choose whether to work, pic related.
>The (((elites))) want us to be materialistic and hedonistic because it's more manageable
So if you realize what's going on why do you not fight against it?
>satan worship
It helps the Christians lurking in these threads to realize what's going on. It may be Satan, it may not be. I believe that it is, and those who have faith will see it in the same way. Either way, the elite are acting in a manner commensurate with someone who does believe, and that's what really matters.
I got one just as crazy if not crazier.
We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.'s founders.
why do you guys all sound the same?
Seriously, I have worked for masons and argued with different ones before and it's like you are vetted on how to respond.
I know it's not just the masons being nepotistic. However, you're a piece of the puzzle. Don't be surprised when you are put under scrutiny.
You've had guys providing it this whole thread with all that symbolism everywhere the pyramid on the dollar, the billderberg group, david rockefeller and bush bragging about it should be more than
enough but you simply refuse to accept it as proof it's more likje if you are doing it just to troll, and if that's the case then i think that even you would agree with me that it stopped being funny like an hour ago
Weird as fuck dude...thanks
Torches in the beginning make the hall look like the entrance of a temple, then the eerie masked couple inviting Salma in the room.
The necklace resembles a collar (which is present also in the video I posted).
The bottle with the two testicular glasses at its sides on the tray is clearly a phallic analogy, to which the protagonist responds with favor.
If the music isn't enough, there's the androgyny theme.
"When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a plowshare." [Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree, K.T., The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff.
The warrior on the block is moved through force, which is concentrated through the application of law. This is what makes the soldier move.
Now you should understand why the business of law is of the utmost importance to masons. It allows them to apply force without an opposite reaction if done properly. If you can hoodwink someone without them even realizing it, then you are pretty much a level 99 wizard.
Thank you, I didn't know that.
Do you have some titles concerning esoteric symbology which you can point me to?
I'd like to know more.
>Why fight a power no mortal can comprehend?
They're the ones doing that, not us. Why are they throwing their support behind the Antichrist? They should know that he's going to lose.
>I'm afraid of not being able to choose whether to work, pic related.
Which is still a misinterpretation of the symbol. Life is work that we are all part of.
>So if you realize what's going on why do you not fight against it?
I do as much as i can. I try and avoid commercialism and make a point of being as self sustainable as possible (which is also work).
>Either way, the elite are acting in a manner commensurate with someone who does believe
Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think that even matters too much. They'll have to sit in judgement at some point, so let them believe what they will. It's how they affect everyone else which is the problem.
>Don't be surprised when you are put under scrutiny.
I'm not. A bit of scrutiny every now and then helps keep things clean.
No, people have just been posting pictures. That isn't concrete proof of a group formed on one side of the world impacting a rebellion which developed years prior.
Memes/macros/whatever aren't proof. Actual records are.
I would actually say you're better off reading something like The History of Initiation by Revd. George Oliver to explain the purpose of such systems and symbols before getting into anything on the symbols themselves.
After years of being redpilled, I reached the ultimate redpill. We had a choice all along. The elites are right and are fit to rule. They are smarter than all of us. And we are clearly unfit to carry ourselves, look at what happen when you give voice to the masses, look at what happen when people start to have more power, the society becomes a filth pile of degeneracy. I just hope that once they get at the top they will use their influence and wealth to achieve greatness in science and other various important spheres. Maybe one day the people will be fit to rule but not yet, now, with our technology it's better to leave this to a few very smart people that work in the shadows, our of the spot of the medias (actualy they control them). This way they can do what's necessary and won't be stopped. Sometimes sacrifices need to be made. For the greater good of humanity we need to serve them.
>they have been planning this for thousands of years
no they didn't, the only constant is the jewish greed &selfishness
They formed in the 16th/17th/18th century and have been progressing from then on, main purpose was to get rid of aristocracy with which they succeeded. The whole 20th century was social experimenting on what form of rule works out in what way, that plus advancement in psychology, both to manipulate masses and the individual
But guess what, it is still all built on glass feet, we here are the living example that the programming and forced degeneration can be repropgrammed in a matter of weeks. Control the propaganda and you control the normie
Thank you for the advice
androgyny is a big part of their movement. Baphomet and all that noise. Desecrating the divine aspects of the universe composed of male and female parts and all that noise.
I can't believe they chose that music in the last video.
>They are a embarrassment to humanity.
Kek these cunts have no clue.
One more piece would be to say that few to no symbols are concrete and have multiple meanings, depending on where one is standing.
I say that so you can avoid being a zealot, since there are hardcore fundamentalist "Christians" who call everything outside of their tiny approved circle as evil, when really it's just different.
The filthy pile of degenerate society was promoted by the elites so i don't think that they having absolute power would be something good, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely
you are out of your mind.
Martin Shkreli universe would suck dick. George soros universe would suck dick.
Jacob Rothschild Universe would suck dick.
It all sucks dick, dude.
They are not benevolent. Indifferent at best.