Where the fuck did the Black Egypt myth come from?
Where the fuck did the Black Egypt myth come from?
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>egypt is in africa
Literally that
You're serious? That's the only reason and nothing else?
The Kushites. Egypt was busy fighting off the niggers a lot of the time. One time they took over.
It's not their civilization, obviously. They were used as slave labor and think that means it's theirs somehow. A lot like the US.
Ayy don play muthaphukin cracka ass bitch ass nigga we wuz kangz muthafuker so dont play bietch u come in my fuckinh hood home an i be lak poppin shots in yo ass bitch
You expect niggers to have reasoning skills? Really?
Yes. I think you overestimate the intelligence of niggers.
They really are drooling apes.
I think with the Nation of Islam movement, especially with Malcom X. There might have been some retarded French writer who thought they were Black and nigger run with that quote all the way home to Hell.
An oral tradition passed down from the original kangz of Africa.
Does anyone remember Razio?
Niggerz n Sheeit
Nigs literally tried shaming racists in Brazil with billboards
There were a handful of pharaohs from Nubia, south of egypt, and they're pretty much black. But that's like 100 years out of 3000 years of ancient egypt though.
They think some of the statues from back then "look black".
Last I checked, Egypt was STILL in Africa and hardly any niggers to be seen, what happened to them?
Google Cheka Diop. It started with this nigger.
>b-but I'm not Canadian
So fucking glad that kanngz /r9k/ faggot is gone.
Do you think egyptians were white or something?
I'm not saying THEY WUZ KANGS but Egyptians were most definitely brown at the very least.
Are you some kind of racist or something? The answer is obviously white supremacists drove them out
dont talk about this shit if you ever go to prison, you will be killed desu
So the white Pharoahs, started oppressing the Nigger Pharoahz and that's why they are all shitskins now? Hmmm, interesting hypothesis, you might be onto something.
Brown Arabs =/= Subsaharan Africans
Both were isolated from each other for thousands of years by the Sahara.
No one's claiming the Egyptians were as white as Hans, but the claim that they were as black as Tyrone is ludicrous.
africans were slaves
they did mix however with Egyptians
Did they really do this?
Some pseudo-intellectual Afrocentric fuckwit looked at a map of Africa, saw that Egypt is technically on the continent of Africa, and said "WE WUZ KANGZ N' SHIEEEET!!!" and then convinced a bunch of other blacks and liberal whites in the same manner.
Egypt is part of the African continent, so blacks had to be kangz n' shiet.
Black people are called "Sub-Saharan" Africans for a reason. They come from south of the Sahara Desert.
Niggers can't resist and survive the Sahara, so they don't exist above it
Sorry, knew it was some dindu name
No problem. Chicken dip gave me a chuckle
>Where the fuck did the Black Egypt myth come from?
It's because arabs don't like Berber people
The arabs consider Berber people as black people
And since Pharaohs were Berber people it means then that they were black
And black people specially from the USA took this opportunity to make themselves kings of Egypt
There were black Pharaohs, and there were non-black Pharaohs. It is known that ancient Egypt arranged marriages with both Kush and Sumeria, and whether a Pharaoh was "black" or not largely depended on the past couple of generations of marriages.
Imagien you are Black American in the United States.
Asians are better than you , Whites and even Mexicans.
decades of blaming everybody but not yourself has lead to a victim culture deeply rooted in the brain of the majority of blacks.
>They hold the black man down man
> They are opressing us
>Fucking racists man
In this vacuum of stupidity somebody looked up in the history books , realized that Egypt is in Africa and started saying:
>We are ancestors of exyptians!
Because you cant be proud of living from benefits, yu can be proud of having shitty job but humans can be proud to be ancestors of something big
Its a nigger meme and attempt to raise the nigger spirit by showing them they worthba shit.
Have haritage and shieeeeet.
Nigger stays a nigger and not even lies will change that.
We wuz unwanted by afrika and every where else is more apropirat.
This man is north African berber. The people your showing are either mixed or culturaly assimilated. Try again
>This man is north African berber
Yes he is indeed
Egypt is in Africa. Dindus come from Africa. Since the only civilisation that comes from Africa they know about is Egypt they want to appropriate it. Because they are ignorant about population geography they seem to imagine Egypt being populated by sub saharan bantu people.
Someone should teach them about the Nubian kangdoms, or the Aksum empire, or the Sahel kangdoms. At least they could roleplay somawhat approprietly. But even in Africa Bantu negroes are bottom of the barrel, only people worse than them are pigmeys and khoisan clickers
AYO it be speled Ludacris you dum cracka
It's nothing more than a therapeutic myth designed to give blacks a sense of self-esteem.
Confronting the fact that they're the stupidest and least accomplished race of "people" on the planet is too difficult for most of them to face.
Just goes to show that niggers will steal anything and everything.
If communism has taught me something then it goes like this
>we need history to support our arguments
>edit history to support said arguments either through outright fabrication or by "filling in the blanks"
>backtrack as required, consistency is irrelevant, the opponents are fascists anyway
I remember Dan carlin saying in one of his Podcasts where it came from. Can't remember who it was though.