Trump wants to deport this

>Trump wants to deport this

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military service makes you a citizen.
try again tomorrow.

This but they're still retards for trying to make a political statement in uniform, I hope their command burned then

Wtf i hate trump now

I'm pretty sure that's fucking illegal.

Doing that shit here, holding an Niggertinan flag here while in uniform will get you a helicopterin'

Military is soon to be taken over by liberals. Once liberals are the majority of the military, then there is zero chance of a military coup. If Hillary wins, then this country will transition to a one party system.



It's always been full of them. You know how fucking retarded you have to be to join the military for anything that isn't nationalism and pride in country? I know people stateside who joined because their girlfriend broke up with them and they didn't know what else to do.

Completely, inalterably, impossible. Same with the cops.


Parading a foreign flag while in military clothes seems like a good way to get bopped.

Masonic symbols

Nah. You will not find a bigger nest of right wingers than the military.

It's not the 50's anymore. Less than half a percent of people are in the military today. Almost no one has any connection to anyone in service or care about people in the military today.

Real patriots of USA.

>Soldiers demonstrating loyalty to another nation without direct orders to do so

I hope they get shit duty for a month. You're US military, fucking own up and hoist your country's flag.

Towards the end, the Roman army was made up almost completely from foreign mercenaries.

I guess you didn't see this pack of faggots.
None of the country boys I know join the normal army. They're all Marines, Rangers, and Seals.

However sadly Marines, Rangers, and Seals only make up a small percentage of the enlisted. Most enlisted people in the normal army (which is the bulk of US armed services) look like these retards.

They're fucking traitors. They want to die for their gringo boss. Fucking Uncle Pablos.

>Implying that a military full of liberals will be competent.

Luckily your average NRA member will have more competency with firearms

>Fucking Uncle Pablos.

Top kek

Literally Treason

No idea where you are getting this from, as the marines are much more non white than the army by all accounts. That being said, blacks definitely gather together inevitably in the military, not sure why basic human nature is a surprise.

You army can partecipate in politics ? Ours is forbidden to.

Ours is forbidden as well from doing what they're doing. You can attend rallies, pose in front of flag, etc., just not ... in fucking uniform, as the implication is the military is endorsing what you're in uniform for, and it should remain impartial.

I do to, if those mother fuckers love Mexico so much go the fuck back to that shithole.

>Let's join the military of the country I live in

why are these people not shot?

Shit duty? Try court marshal. This is essentially showing allegiance to a foreign power, while in fatigues no less.
The stupid assholes don't even understand the difference between legal and illegal migration.

>Uncle pablos
Can we make this a thing now

Not instantly you dont, and these faggots could get kicked for making political statements with their uniforms.

You do not have all your rights when in the military, these spics should just go join the Mexican army if its so great there.

>Soldiers ON DUTY waving foreign flag
That's execution material there

the non-county is right

Top kek

What exactly would these people do if we go to war with Mexico?

Do all soldiers have a list of "countries I won't fight"?

Would they consider becoming traitors?

America is so fucked.

If Trump doesn't uncuck the military, and fast, I don't know what we do.

I used to be kind of put off when he said we have to revamp and rebuild our military, but now I 100% agree.

Muhreen here, the combat arms is pretty fucking white, beans are second.

The support and admin parts however...

Its a running joke here how every marine in supply/admin/ammo is a nigger, me and my friends call supply marines SupplyNiggers or WarehouseNiggers

I figured the libd would want more women and minorities in the combat arms but its not the case in thr marines

Has anyone reported them?


American soldiers literally holding another nations flag... Your dumbass doesn't see the problem with this?

Based Chile

>Our country is being served by people who'd rather wave any other flag than the American flag while in U.S. uniform.
Dishonorary illegals, they have to go back.

Niggerdamus, is that you?

The only reason these illegal spics are joining our military is to take their newfound military training back to Mexico where it can then be utilized to better carry out drug cartel operations.

Nice. In my unit, it was the same, Alpha Company was called "Aryan" Co because of... being all white.

The idea that the military could ever be converted to majority liberals is ridiculous.

Actually you are wrong faggot

In Rome, there was an Army that didn't put the Roman Nation first. It ended really badly for Rome.

And rightly so.


We both know the higher ups are too cucked to do that. One Twitter hash tag later and they'll be given medals for some new made up bullshit made out of a flattened bottle cap.

I'm not Mexican. Nor am I a black Nostradamus.

so... I don't think so?

says person with Russian flag

How many deportations to toxico?

That's an absolute disgrace to the flag each one of them are wearing on their right shoulders.

They should be deported.



Maybe, but we're still expected to worship them for some reason. Imagine all of the types of retards and rejects that need to resort to bending over for the government.
Just look at this picDo those look like fucking heroes? The military is becoming a joke. No one joins out of patriotism and sense of duty. It's all muh benefits now

the mighty american army !


Such a disgrace. Give me the source of the pic in the OP, I want to report this. My Grandfather didn't serve in the marines to have it turned into a shitshow.

Luckily we're 200-300 years away from that sort of thing, but the writing is on the wall if we don't elect Trump.

The analogy is especially imperfect because we don't NEED PoCs for our military, and we have way more than we need.

You forget that the prior majority motive for joining the military was.. fear of imprisonment for disobeying the draft. Patriotism is a bigger factor in the military nowadays than ever before.

Delete this

gayest post ever.

America's 1st lieutenant guys.
No wonder the amerifat got rekt in irak and let ISIS took over the whole country.

wow they look like ass. least intimidating officer corps.

>France talking shit about anyone's military

Those nigresses were disciplined for their political display in uniform and those spics will be disciplined as well if their CO isn't a nutless faggot

Politic is now allowed in your military school for the sake of diversity.
Daily reminder that these girl will be at the top of your military

.t mexicunt

>US military
>Defending America and its freedoms

Pick one. And anyone that doesn't see a problem with a nation's own soldiers holding a foreign flag in uniform is unbelievably naive. I'm fairly certain there's libcucks out there that would screech about the 'intolerant' reactions in this thread.

France is shit and relies of foreigners to do any hard fighting its true, but the shit churned out by West Point these days is god awful. You know this.

this desu