I heard having a salary over 80k has no increase of happiness. Is this true?
I heard having a salary over 80k has no increase of happiness. Is this true?
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I'll volunteer to be a guinea pig.
Plausible, since a single can already fulfill all his basic needs.
You basically just become another normie faggot who can afford more bullshit, that's about it.
You'll just find other things to lust after/be depressed by.
It doesn't matter how many trillions you have or if you only have $20.
In the end, happiness is just a perspective, leaf.
I'd believe it. I'm a poorfag and having money doesn't really make me happy. Having someone would.
Enter the issue of women wanting money more than they want a man they could love.
It's the circle or bullshit. Work for what you don't care about to have someone who you care about...who cares less about you and more what you make.
Depends on how you use it and what your job and city are.
Yeah once you hit 81k it's all over and the depressions sets in
I dunno, good friends and family seem to be the most important.
you get happier as your salary increases then plateaus at 80K. money cant make you happy forever. after that point i suppose it becomes about using money wisely to gain the most happiness out of it
Do you play video games? I mean, do you remember the part in games when you have all the money to buy all the gear, reached the level cap? Personally it the moment when you get bored and start a new game, or you stop playing.
The thing about life is that there isn't another game after. Just you. The life of the rich person is to keep playing a game became boring.
It's false. Don't listen to these blue-pilled faggots. The more money you have, the happier you'll be. You just have to be smart with your money, which most people aren't.
You should immediately invest a lot of the money, so you can always secure a stable income.
>It doesn't matter how many trillions you have or if you only have $20.
get the fuck out of here if i had 1 billion dollars i'd live like scarface and go out shooting thats not even the same thing as having $20
Yes, you keep getting happier on average as your income increases. That plateau thing is a myth. Rich people really are the most happy :(
Is 40-50k enough to live comfortably if you don't live in a major city?
At the risk of sounding like a liberal pig: I'm pretty sure money only affects your happiness as much as you allow it (as long as you aren't shit poor).
Lots of rich people hate their jobs and plenty of low to middle class peeps have jobs they love. Depends on what you value.
>i'd live like scarface and go out shooting thats not even the same thing as having $20
Exactly, you're not that much different from a nigger. It's people like you that can never be happy with a lot of money cause you don't know what happiness is...
Now, please, be a good goy and suck my dick.
This. I went from a NEET to being employed as a software developer but I don't feel any happier. I feel less anxiety than before though. Before I was afraid of never being able to find a job. Now, I'm afraid that I'll get fired someday.
>get the fuck out of here if i had 1 billion dollars i'd live like scarface and go out shooting thats not even the same thing as having $20
Yeah, everyone thinks it's amazing until they have the responsibility.
Have every person you've ever known crawling at you just for your money.
Constantly having to wonder if people are being genuine with you or just disingenuous to get money.
Having a fake life doesn't make you happy.
It's fun for a while, sure.
also, that's bullshit
You can't buy happiness but I'd rather cry in a Porsche than a boxcar
those are the eyes of a man who's looked inside many a cave of wonders
Absolutely, outside of New York that's a homeowners wage in any city with under half a million people
If you have all the money you'll start being afraid of death, or your health. Doesn't that old Rockefeller dude have like his sixth heart transplant or something? Hillary for that matter wears diapers and can't walk a flight of stairs. Fuck money, I'd rather have my health. But at the moment you can't buy it completely. So poor and healthy > rich and unhealthy.
Money does buy happiness. You just have to be smart with it, and you have to also invest in order to ensure you'll have a stable amount.
Yeah because everyone around you seem to only want your money and not you.
How did they calculate $80,000? Did the study factor in inflation? Would $80,000 "feel" the same in several years? Is it the number eighty-thousand or what $80,000 can bring?
A person who is happy doing something and making 40K will probably be happier than someone who hates his career and makes 80K. A person who makes 80K and loves his career will probably be happier than a person who makes 40K and loves his career.
Depends almost entirely on the people that surround them.
did you teach yourself to program or go to school?
Did you see the World Peace office sketch?
I think the problem is with 80,000 a month you already it the best food and you can ownly leave in one mansion at once.
Once you have money for a sportcar, you'd rather just not deal with a car tbrqfh
Happiness occurance for give seconds when good things happen.
Its not a stable or sustainable state of being.
If you're poor but you get a little richer you're happy.
If you're rich and dont get richer you're bored. Golf is not that much fun after all.
>I heard having a salary over 80k has no increase of happiness. Is this true?
Probably, i think most people are ok as long as they have financial security, health and no crushing debt i think.
Real life are not as limited video games. There are always more shit you can sink money into, once you get the 500k dollar car and the 5 million dollar house you can get a 50 million dollar yacht or a plane. Even when you're at Bill Gates level there are things like private space flight that you can waste money on if you only care about yourself and materialism.
Looks like he stayed up all night and binged on cocaine.
>Have every person you've ever known crawling at you just for your money.
>Constantly having to wonder if people are being genuine with you or just disingenuous to get money.
If you're ''filthy rich'' i guess you mostly hang around with other rich people and maybe older friends.
Someone listens to Joe Rogan's podcast...
How much do you save?
>If you have all the money you'll start being afraid of death, or your health. Doesn't that old Rockefeller dude have like his sixth heart transplant or something? Hillary
Because they are extremely self serving evil people that only care about themselves. They are afraid that they will be judged when they leave this world.
And they will be.
Poverty causes unhappiness, but when you reach a certain level of wealth you've got all your needs and desires covered and anything more is just icing, but not cake
Even driving a Lambo gets old when you do it everyday in traffic
Also, the more you earn, the more hours you probably put in and the tasks can be more stressful and responsibility-filled
I believe it. I personally am not wealthy but I've lived a privileged life because my parents are doing well. I have everything material I want but I'm miserable.
>Even driving a Lambo gets old when you do it everyday in traffic
And then you have shallow vapid gold digging whores constantly bothering you. Which probably gets old when you're 25 or have fucked a few dozen of them.
If you pick up a girl in a 97 honda civic at least you know she likes you for you or at least your big arms/dick.
>cliche things poorfags say to feel better about themselves
\you can always buy sex
Yes, take the minimalist red pill and you'll be a lot happier and freed from the shackles of blatant consumerism and the artificial needs implanted to you through the media and advertisements.
depends on where you live.
80k is poverty time in san fran.
80k is like the minimum amount women want just to get married and cuck you now
Of course cucks who fall for the "work hard and get the girl and marry her" meme are unhappy
san fran is also full of degenerates. I rather have 80k and a cabin in Montana then 800k and a mansion there.
Both me and my gf make about $100k and are both really depressed. I'm in my late 20's and a lot of my friends an heroed lately but they were poorfags. I thought it was more a late 20's depression when you realize all you have left is the same shit over and over and get old and die. The best thing keeping me alive is I know I have a great job compared to everybody I know my age.
80k is not that much
If i had a billion dollars i would be the happiest man in Sweden.
I would buy houses next to prominent politicians and journalists and then i would give it away to Afghans, Somalians and Gypsies. When they move i would just do it again until i ran out of money.
Mostly self-taught.
I save most of my earnings.
Even though I have more money than before, I don't feel like spending money on luxury goods because I know it won't make me more happy.
80k US dollars per year for the year of the study. They would have done some sort of questionaire and matched happiness to income level.
the study concluded that you don't gain the same level of happiness past that income level, not that you don't increase happiness.
As long as personal spaceships aren't a thing, I'm fine without money.
Maybe try not flaunting your fucking wealth like a billionaire and no one will know about it retard
>Buy a simple respectable house, maybe two or three bedrooms and a couple bathrooms, nothing fancy like a fucking mansion that displays your wealth
>Don't buy a 100k car, because you don't fucking need it
>Dress nicely, but not expensively
>Tell people you play with stocks or run a few small websites if they ask about your income
Also I hardly have any friends now, so having a billion dollars wouldn't ruin my life by wondering if people are being fake nice for my money. Obviously if for whatever reason you can't hide your wealth, like you won the lottery and the news announced your name, strangers coming to me out of nowhere are after my money, but you act like you couldn't use that to your advantage as well
>hot as fuck girls throwing themselves at you for your money
>hang out with them, enjoy as many blowjobs and fuckings as you want
>never give them a dime
Seriously, it's not hard
This is one of the most beautiful posts Ive ever read.
Why does Daniel Radcliffe always look so fucking JUST?
It's a jew lie.
There was research done suggesting that a salary of over £50k PA (post tax) didn't lead to increased happiness, because apparently after that point you stop enjoying simpler things, which is a net loss in happiness.
I don't fucking believe a word of it though. I know plenty of people earning more than that, and they enjoy all the things I enjoy.
Checked and kek'd. That's good thinking.
it is somewhat true. past that, your physical needs are mostly met. at that point the insatisfaction inherent in being a slave begins to loom larger and larger
At that point you are more interested in the higher levels of fulfillment which are the hardest - sometimes impossible to achieve. It's like when you start working out. You go full GOMAD and for the first few months you're seeing some nice steady gains and feeling the buzz of personal growth. Then you get to a point where it takes years to make considerable gains. The thrill of transformation is gone and you end up a fat fuck with floppy tits.
I can budget past 80k with ease, aka they're wrong, aka it's what jews are telling non jews to try to quell the rising fire.
What attracts you to a woman? Looks? Humor? Style? Whether she can cook or not? Whether she can suck your dick to your satisfaction?
Any of those combined, to you, make that woman what she is. In much the same way, how much money you make and whether you're a boss or faggot make you what you are.
So when you say:
> who cares less about you and more what you make
It's not totally accurate. Because what you make, to her, is part of what you ARE.
Work, save and invest until you have enough fuck you money for you.
you're such a assumption making bitch, i appreciate what i have now but dont fucking tell me i wouldn't be a lot happier with 1 billion dollars and don't even try to make the argument that 1 billion dollars == $20 because there's so much wrong with that.
> I save most of my earnings.
Very smart. I did the same for over 10 years.
>Even though I have more money than before, I don't feel like spending money on luxury goods because I know it won't make me more happy.
Eventually you'll come out the other side. Except you'll think you're doing the same thing as now. It's only other people that call what you buy (or want to buy) "luxury goods".
Examples: you will eventually feel that most cars below about $35k feel like cheap rental cars. And eventually you'll get tired of that scene. Same thing with suits, shirts, socks, haircuts, bottled water, you name it.
Basically, you'll eventually feel like rolling up in a decent car with a decent haircut and in decent clothes and having outcome independence (who cares if some whore on a first date orders surf and turf plus five $14 cocktails) is simply smart. You won't think it's luxury, it's mostly other people that will.
are you serious? have you never heard of being cheap, dont make it obvious that's why bill gates wears walmart jeans
I dont know but I sure would be mad as fuck if I fell below 120k after taxes. Bloodsuckers everywhere!