What a fucking surprise.
What a fucking surprise
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If it's any consolation, with the way things are going with his government and TFW's there is no way in hell they will get reelected.
>Trudeau being the biggest cuck in the western world
Color me shocked matey.
Just fucking nuke us already
please never end
You know you guys will never get legal weed because it's haram, right?
It's only a matter of time before he insists people respect sharia law in Muslim presence.
did he run on anything besides feels and progressiveness?
Has he defended polygamy yet?
whats a burkini?
> there is no way in hell they will get reelected.
Yes way.
I'll make sure he got reelected.
Screencap this.
This country is a fucking joke with this guy, and legal dog fucking, the Chinese and the poo in the loos everywhere
Isn't his popularity up from when he first got elected
You people are a joke, I'd take my streets any day of the week
first I thought it is a mix between a burka and a bikini
luckily it turns out is something different
Trudeau also said we shouldn't call Honour killing barbaric.
I voted for the local Conservative MP and helped get him in, so I did my part in the last election. That being said, the burkini ban is pretty silly. The burkini is basically just a wetsuit that covers the hair - it doesn't cover the face. There's no way people should be pressured into wearing a burkini or assaulted for not wearing one, but an outright federal ban on the swimwear is not the correct course of action.
india has more muslims than the entire western world combined.
>Trudeau spouts off about the decisions of foreign nations, while refusing to do anything at home
Jesus, he's a Sup Forumslock
>Trudeau defends 'individual freedoms'
>Canada just fined someone $42,000 for making an inappropriate joke
I'll be honest with you. I just don't like them and I think having burkas etc. will end in your female friends being bullied into wearing them too. I want those extremists to be gone. If they come here or to your country and can't do minor compromises in exchange for our hospitality they shouldn't be here.
Don't take what our primemeister say or does seriously, we don't. He can barely walk ten feet without taking a selfie.
No, he promised short term infrastructure building jobs, long term investment in the Canadian job market and promised to legalize cannabis ( another way to create jobs )
So far he hasn't delivered on anything, in fact he imported more temporary foreign workers ( TFW ) instead. Lying liberal jew.
You can literally be imprisoned in Germany for this post
what a burkini wearer says:
...aaaaand this leaf is fine with that
So what's wrong with letting someone use a Burkini? I legitimately don't see the harm with this one guys.
>Ward told Spiked that he plans to appeal the decision, and if that fails, will try to bring the case to the Supreme Court. “If I lose that I’ll just move to Syria or Saudi Arabia, or some other country that respects free speech as much as Canada does,” he said.
And Hans was never hearen from again.
Yea but for how long, Sven Abdullah? :^]
Sup Forums btfo
dont be such bigots its the current year after all
If the things keep going like they do many Germans would go to prison sooner or later anyway. At least I'll have the peace of mind for knowing I didn't participate.
>yfw you realize that trudeau is an islamic sleeper agent and mole.
>Thought policing is real
Fucking christ.
Godspeed Hans, and be sure to make many contacts and friendships with those redpilled fellows you'll meet in prison.
It's what Muslim women wear to the beach.
This. I don't get why they would ban that, but not burkas all together.
What if someone that had 3rd degree burns all over their body wanted to see the ocean? Would they be banned?
Just ban Islam and be done with it.
Correction: it's clothing made out of bathing suit fabric with long pants and long sleeves and a hijab attached to make sure you can enjoy sand creeping in every little crack while demonstrating just how fucking modest and prude you are.
The burqa is already banned in France.
As bad as Trudeau is, the Canadian Trade Minister is the worst on I've heard on "tolerating" Muslims.
Note her crazy looking eyes too. She's either insane or on drugs.
Burkas are already banned in France.
It's okay to police an individual's choices if Sup Forums dislikes those choices.
But why? What's their reasoning?
But it's PROGRESSIVE!!!!
It's hypocrisy to allow burkini in the name of 'individual freedom' while not allowing freedom of speech, see
Canada is so empty you could move every Muslim there and no one would ever notice, but I guess you will find that out soon.
Headlines you could well believe were written by AI searches.
Thought Crime is real in the US too, basically.
While not enforced by law, saying the wrong thing can make you a pariah.
Try saying you support Trump on Normiebook or on a University Campus.
I like the ban because it discourages shitskins from going to the beach. They smell bad and look ugly.
>so far he hasn't delivered on anything
And this is why we shouldn't let women fucking vote, all these liberal sjw feminists just voted in some autistic fuckboy that doesn't even know how to run a country
Was he really the best candidate at the time of the election?
The beach, like every public place must be preserved from religious symbol, the burkini is not a swimwear or a new trend, It's a political project, of a counter-society (?) based on female enslavement.
That approximatively what Manuel Valls said.
You could take that same reasoning further and band burkas all together.
From what I can glean about Canadian politics from Sup Forums, they're essentially like you guys where only one out of two Parties really has a shot at gaining the Prime Ministry.
It was either Trudeau or the guy they had for the past 8 years
We just told you they are banned.
A famous last name, not being the other guy we had for a decade, not being dead, and a handsome face (compared to politicians).
But he's going to totally legalize weed, bro.
France did ban the full veil Burka before, didn't it?
the guy we had was good :( rip sharp harp
I agree with you. The government shouldn't ban clothes. And this is also VERY symbolic. We have got way bigger problems with islam than some piece of textile. The burkini debate was designed by politician to make people think they are preoccupied with the islamization, while in fact our borders stay wide open and we keep being allied with the Saudis and the Syrian rebels
the spineless cuck agrees on everything NO is a racist word
When is your next election?
Genuinely curious why everybody here loses their shit about not being allowed to draw/depict the islamic prophet muhammad (e.g. muh free speech) but are happy that we're told what to wear by the government
Hate the ideology (oppressing women by forcing them to wear burkhas), not the clothing itself.
seriously please explain because I feel like I'm missing something
2019 or 2020
Far too long regardless
2019, but theoretically he could be replaced anytime, right?
The PM is just the head of the Majority Party in a parliament, isn't he?
Is there anything that says the Liberals have to keep the guy they went in with?
I know Greece replaced its Leader and people got mad once.
It's reverse propaganda.
France wants to look like it's fighting the Muslim Horde while actually doing nothing to stop their conquest of Europe.
>We banned the Burkini, you guys!
>Meanwhile, 2000 churches are torn down to make room for more Mosques
I thought public opinion of him is really high?
Who gives a fuck what someone is wearing?
Instead we should just counter balance it by having more beaches lax about letting chicks take their tits out.
Sure it's usually women you don't want to see, but it would piss the fuck out of shitskins and they wouldn't be able to say shit without being fed the same "can't tell people what to wear" line.
Far more honest and therefore better reason.
Apparently, it's an EastvWest thing.
I know the Canadian kids I go to college with, Ontarians, think he's a fucking idiot, and they're goddamned Muslims.
I would like to publicly apologize to Sup Forums and to the entire world for our national embarrassment of a prime minister. Please know that there are some leafs who are absolutely ashamed that this circus clown can broadcast his views and claim to represent Canadians.
I thought all French beaches were already Clothing optional?
We're so fucking screwed, Canadians are the most apathetic voting block on the continent. Look at Ontario with our premier, shit down a billion on a scuttled plant and people still vote liberal on just the fucking premise alone. It would take a total melt down of the economy to get Trudeau out..
They could have a vote of non confidence but that will never happen unless he does something absolutely retarded that is actually bad PR or if some way somehow everyone in the country turns on him hard. And the latter wont happen because all the people that voted for him because they actually liked him (and not the ones who voted because lmaoNotHarper) love him for all of his faggoty actions because that's literally all he's done in a year. The ones who voted against Harper have almost all realized they made a grave mistake, because he has literally done nothing to win them (or anyone really) over with a MAJORITY GOVERNMENT.
no but topless is allowed
How else are you going to survive the culture war?
Oh, shut the fuck up. All of you.
Here's the truth - unless Trudeau has a hideous disfiguring accident, he's going to be PM for the next fifteen years. Women will vote for him in droves. And once again men, especially white men, are going to be completely buried by their vote.
Same thing is about to happen here in the good ole USA for very different reasons. I'm authoritarian left so I am pretty fucking happy about it. Just sad to see little right wing pantshitters believing they have a chance. It's like they're fucking blind when we swing the feminist sledgehammer down on their heads so fucking hard their puny skulls crack.
Honestly, I don't care if lightning strikes and we somehow lose a little of the bitch vote either. In twenty more years, both nations will be very brown, very Muslim, and very fucking hostile to the hateful pantshitting pale white right.
Like, so fucking unrelentingly cruel that we will have drones operated by black cops show up at whitey's house and drag him to jail kicking and screaming for saying Trump was right, or Canada fucked up letting in all those refugees.
Tick tock, righties. Eat shit. You have three more election cycles, maybe less, before it's obvious how eternally fucked you are. Go ahead, take out your guns. We are looking for any excuse whatsoever to smash you all over the head and take them away.
We want you to fight. We want you to lose. We want you to surrender, or die.
I know we meme a lot, but has Trudeau done anything for the Canadian Economy policy wise or is he just the World's most successful Professional Virtue Signaler?
Top kek I'm not fighting for this leftist shithole, I'm making my money and abandoning Canada for good in 2-3 years. Going back to the true modern home of the white man, SEA
Fucking no. At best he stalled our economy dying by selling all the gold. I say stalled because its still in the shitter and he hasn't done anything about it so it's gonna get worse. On top of that, despite already high unemployment we're going to be taking in 300k chinks as temp workers because ?????????? instead of fucking investing in Canadians getting jobs.
There was an economic summit earlier in the year and if there was any doubt before then in his ability to manage an economy, this would have solidified it. When asked something along the lines of 'what does Canada have to offer to those looking to invest in the country', I shit you not he replied, again along the lines of because I'm not 100% on the quote 'We offer workplace diversity.'
So yeah, we're fucked. I' ll try and find the clip so I dont look like a complete retard.
Wew lad it's worse than I remembered
>who gives a fuck about what someone is wearing
Many people and so should you.
Women are the gatekeepers of your society, whoever has sex with women of your society perpetuates himself in it. Hence why all their Muslim clothing is very controversial on women mostly, people care a lot less about men's clothing. Those that wear hijabs and burkinis are clearly signaling they don't want to be part of society as it is, they just want the economic bonus of the west and they want to add sharia values if not outright sharia law. They don't want to partake in a society where bodies aren't supposed to be hidden. Their clothing subtly tells all women "if you get harassed, it is your fault", and they have enough brothers, cousins and uncles to indeed go harass anyone who is dressed haram.
French and Belgian people know what a fucking cancer street harassment has become. The only way to avoid it is by wearing a fucking scarf on your head.
It's another step to cultural Islamization.
Here's a little article for you fear mongers.
Not all Muslims are the same.
What the fuck is wrong with his Voice?
>mfw canadians are actually the ones with the muslim leader
I dont know but it has a similar effect that Hillary's does. With her's I just wanna die before I hear more. With him I want to punch it shut.
Might have to do with the fact that he was a drama teacher so he might be using some kind of stage voice all the time which makes it sound extra gay. I cant really put my finger on it, all I know is that I hate the sound of it.
you know what? honestly at this point i wish i could put together a team like in the movies take the US president hostage and forcibly start the nuclear war. Every fucking day i hear about Russia-US tensions im on the edge of my seat hoping the nukes get launched. im ready. surviving the wasteland will be better than this
Nope. he is ensuring the liberal party stays in power forever. """electoral reform"""
I hope he just crashes the economy. What we leafs need to hope for is a second great depression and starvation so that a violent revolution can be initiated
No, Nuking the World gives Turkey an unfair advantage
come on? the people are so apathetic that all we would need is enough men for a literal beer hall putsch and we could successfully take over (plus the non-brass military hates the government ie. the guys who actually do the shooting)
the 98% in canada are literally the pixar future-humans but less fat. They couldnt give a fuck less who was in charge or why as long as they get to eat and have entertainment.
i kekd
The indian immigrants will save canada bt voting conservative.
no mate. the conservatives will save us is a (((lie)))
our two parties are simply the two halves of the same puppet or two sides of the same shekel. both have screwed us over near equally
canadas only hope is to tear this system down brick by rotten brick through revolution. we cannot change a system from within that is designed only to create an illusion of change