Why do so many women wear collars now?

Why do so many women wear collars now?

Looks hot senpai

to cover up their adam's apples

Used to be "in" in the 90s

They are in fashion again. They were in the 90's for a time. I think they are hot, but I have a lot of dominance related fantasies that deal with collaring women, so maybe they are degenerate.

This. Hot af.

A collar is a symbol of submission.

Is there a problem?

I've yet to see one woman do this, except my druggie whore of a mother who'd be surrounded by more kids if her tubes weren't tied.

this was a fad in the late 90's that quickly died off.

I liked it.

Basically it's a way to say they have a bdsm tumblr

90's style is retro/cool to wear again, has been for a few years. a little bit of blood rushes to my penis when i see a choker on a qt girl desu senpai, too bad it's a 99% chance indicator of major daddy issues

I find it stupidly attractive.

I remember how in high school, this one average girl wore it once and never before that had I had the urge to drill her silly.

That shit is magic.

The thick dog collar lie ones look stupid as fuck, ones from the 90's like that were awesome. I remember my middle school banning them.

these shits have been around since the 90's dude

I don't know. It kind of gets me hot.

During the 12th century women were collars to show their submissive to the muslim. The Saracend took the as slaves when they invaded the holy land.

This is a disgrace to all women and christians. Boycott this shit.

I don't know but it's fucking hot especially on the skinny little ones

They want to be ruled by men again

Saw the other day someone posted that it's "a symbol of submission" probably thinking it means cute, loveable girl and not some fetish whore who gets gangbanged by blacks and old men for money

It's called a choker homie

Looks sexy, without looking slutty.

It's black belt for sucking dick and they want the world to know

what goes around comes around

Mine wears it as a symbol of being owned

but this is a choker not a collar

I don't. That looks dumb and pointless.

this. i like it too. has been popular in california for the last two years


Fatty with neck rolls detected.

What can I say, once I've collared them it ain't going off ever again :^)

Another gold medal for Australia in the shitposting and bants Olympics

because they're dogs?

this is all you need to know. He even threw in the tumblr part.

it does look slutty and it makes them look like a slave u fucking degenerate burgercuck

Excuse me? I'm not fat. I'm slim.

dis niqqa knows

dey bitches niqqa

Look at those dubs. Kek praised me.



its meant to draw attention to the neck which is a very sensual area for women

im a chad trust me guys I know

checkem with kekrolls detected

Dick magnet.

Not as revolutionary as yoga pants, but I approve.

yeah, it's the latter.


since the 90s. my sister used to wear one of those in middle/early high school

Shit. Do they come in more colours then?

Didn't you read when you were a kid, dummy? Jesus.

heretic, may Kek strike you down

She is signalling that she needs daddy to choke her

I remember those from 90's and how they used to make crazy horny

They used to be $.50 in coin machine at the local pizza parlour when I was a wee lad. Now any skank will form over many dollars for one. Very fucking trashy.

Is there a reason why people are noticing them just now?

Come on it's a recent thing and you know it.

That's a choker and they are sweet af

collars should be common bitch attire
dayum aussie i like ur style

why this thread again? baka

why is this makes me so hard

whats the psychology behind this.

Kek underrated

its basically a way to advertise they like being raped in bed

>liberal degenerate shithole
No wonder you like bitches

Submissive feminine women are hot 2bh

Post more choker qts

Not recent. They were everywhere in the 90s. over half of the girls at my school had them. They went out of style, and now they're back in. That's all it is.

>dominating women
I guess if it never leaves the bedroom than you're just being hedonistic

but women being submissive and servile and men being strong leaders is what nature intended
Putting women in their place in every day life is far more important than sex roleplay

Slim for a American?

Is this Sup Forumss ultimate fetish

Looks nice.

Bitches like being dominated.
I want to put every chick who wears these in handcuffs.


you must be over 18 to post here

I second this nosed gentleman. Someone explain it

I wouldn't go as far to say "since the 90s" though. They seem to have been out for a loooong assed time.


>this one average girl wore it once and never before that had I had the urge to drill her silly.

Its a symbol of submission
aka you are probably a dom

Preparing for Islam

That's it mane.

>aka you are probably a dom
so any male?

Lol, relax, Ivanovich.

Daddy issues.

Honestly, I have literally never met a single woman who wears one and doesn't have daddy problems.

I honestly think it's a direct correlation.

hell yeah, they give me boners


Fucking hell

Lol no
shitload of males are not (probably more than doms from what i saw on fetlife)

Not the collars, but hair color.
It has the same meaning though.

I see them on teenage bitches a lot. I mean, it's hot at first, but then I just get mad because it reminds me of their sluttiness.
>im a le sub in the relashunship
>im tryng out diffrnt gais and explorng my body ;)

"daddy issues" seems like a gift to mankind. There is nothing that gets lumped into "daddy issues" that doesn't seem like the most awesome thing in the planet.

This is my fetish.

Don't you mean what comes around is all around?

looks retarded as fuck

Aussie beat me to it

They're called chokers, and if you don't know your 90s fashion, you're too young to be on this board. Back to Sup Forums please

Maybe in bedroom but not in public you degenerated murrican

You're probably gay senpai

It gives definition to the throat bulge when you face fuck them.

theres no real way to describe it without sounding like some cocky douche, but if theres any other guys here whos girls wear their collar then they understand. mine loves to because she likes the idea of being my bitch and shes proud enough to show it off. basically only comes off for showers and she uses it as a reminder to not get too uppity. when i met her she was one of those "independent i dont need no man" types but now she doesnt do anything short of breathing without asking me first.

as for these other girls who like wear them to high school and shit idk why they wear it but im sure some ppl will get what im sayin.

Because they are sexy as fuck

Why do I want to marry a degenerate and dominate her into living a normal life?

What even is this fetish?

nah I just get turned off by slutty women.

I don't know why, though.

My girlfriend prefers to wear a belt and leash so I can walk her around and correct her when she's being stubborn.

How did you change her?