Why are japs that much mental?
pic related.
Why are japs that much mental?
pic related.
Fact: Japanese are the most degenerate race in the world.
I swear, they weren't this bad before we nuked them.
We should have flattened Russia.
>Only air in bag is her queefs
Sign me the fuck up
I also have a collection of vacuum packed Japanese people. It's sort of like collecting figurines.
yeah wait if the vaccum was powerful enough woudln't it suck the air out of your ass/vagina and cause problems?
this is really stupid.
>lack of oxygen gives you braindamage
>you might die
>but at least you become an "eternal love" meme
stupid as shit m8
>(((modern art)))
(((Modern """"""""""art"""""""""))) is degenerate
Japanese are always 10 years ahead in degeneracy compared to the west. All you anons will be jerking off to this type of stuff 10 years from now.
>not fapping to this
check out cocoasoft
It's like Silent Hill. I like it but it's dangerous.
>Japs have balls
Who would have thought?
What the fuck was that really your first thought
Jesus fucking christ
fake, they are korean
This makes me anxious
Yah, nah. Furries, shemales, trannies, homos, cucking, racial mixing, cartoons, freebleedingetc. all are infinitely more degenerate than the japs. With them it's funny, with these it's serious.
fuck man i don't even know what to say