>tfw your country is getting worse each day, but still is the best in the World, so you can't really complain
Tfw your country is getting worse each day, but still is the best in the World, so you can't really complain
lol cuck
Before people bring up meme states like Luxembourg - yeah, they're better, but they're to small to matter. Amongst countries with over 10 million population, Germany kd still segusbly the best in the World.
>best in the World
post 2000s germany is a disgrace
>best in the world
Lol, is that why you're invading our country? Cause yours is so good?
what exactly is your criteria for "best"
I'm fascinated. I live in a German city in America so I feel like I've won.
>I - 7
>still is the best in the World
There are plenty of places without rapefugees and terrorists, and with freedom of speech and freedom to criticize government.
Germany is shit.
So what country is better? Yours, where real unemployment is around 12%, and you can easily land on the streets, even with an ovrrprized college degree?
Or countries like Norway, or the United Arab Emirates, where your standard of life is pegged 1:1 to the oil price?
Germany is one of the very few high-wage countries with intact heavy industries, that alone makes it exceptional.
Hilarious and original.
This meme doesn't affect me more since we won the gold medal.
Germany has just been getting fucked up since like 1850. You would think they would grow a pair more than once. I mean even Poland is wising up to this shit.
>high wage
>where real unemployment is around 12%
It's WAY higher, lol.
Now forget for a second you exist and compare our wages with the rest of Europe.
Accentuates my point even more.
toiletdoctors from poland take there jobs, so they come to us, work for 1/3 wages, and still think they are uebermenschen...
rapefugees and no money or plan to deal with them. Eine armlänge Hans. But youre probably turkish so I go with Ahmed... Also stop comming here. you have to go back.
Classic teutonic arrogance
Oh you mean I should for a second leave reality? Yes, in a fantasy world, germany is a first world country.
Which city and what do you mean with "German city"? Do they speak German there or how should I understand it?
>poorer than italians.
Wrong. German wages are kept done to support industrial export.
Germany is still great, but the ger, with his culture and morals will disappear if nothing changes drastically within this decade.
I'll go to america then. Plenty of white places with mountains and cold wheater.
You're sheltered beyond imagination, if you unironically think Germany is a bad or dangerous place.
100% memes, 0% content, nice achievement.
No we speak English.
I mean I'm from New Braunfels, and it's populated by Germans immigrants.
Dude, we have the lowest pensions of all OECD countries. Our cities look like trash. Media and culture are worthless commie indoctrination. The countryside is getting pounded with wind turbines. The majority of newborns in larger cities are foreigners. This country is only worth living on paper.
Best in the world at destroying Europe. Gotta finish what you started century ago. At least you can't blame Germans for giving up easily. Congrats shitheads. I'd like Germans if they didn't do that.
It simply means real estate in Italy is more expensive. They have fifty percent youth unemployment.
Our wages may be stagnating on a high level, American median wages actually fell since 1990.
The shit you put up with and think you can get away with calling yourself civilized. Not anymore Hans. Stop being so staatshörig. All of you cucks.
Oh yeah and we have one the lowest home ownership rates in the Western hemisphere.
Why do you pretend ours is not quickly turning to shit ?
Of course it's way better than Germany but the OP's point stand : we see it getting worse but can't complain.
There are literally 20 niggers just roaming and selling cocaïne just in front of the station where I live and there's nothing being done, they've been here for about 5 years now.
I don't feel safe in the streets anymore.
>best in the world
Lol u wish.
And my wish was granted.
Yes, but unlike the rest, we can actually do something against it when the sentiment changes. We wont have to revolt or anything close to it. Im not worried at all over the future of switzerland.
Also, call the cops. And keep calling them
You are the best. But at what cost?
Your people were sold out completely.
High wages
Meh, some train station niggers dont worry anyone. They live on the fringes of society and will be deported, dissapear or drown in a lake sooner or later. Also I started carrying my glock 26 every day with one in the chamber three years ago. Our strongest party is still right wing. We just have to fight the germancuck mentality...
alright guys some of you are alright and some not do not visit Sup Forums tomorow
If you truly love your country and its people, then it's time to make Germany great again by electing a hard right official next year.
Does Germany have any hard right politician gaining traction at the moment?
learn to vote right... call the cops, if they not come, take a video, and send it to media "cops do not there jobs, to protect children from drogs"
swiss need better bordercontroll and a fence, if schengen not work, we must "temporary" secure our borders... but our politics are to slow, and no one wants be the "bad guy", we need a leader, not 7 old corrupt woman who want reach for them selfe the maslov pyramid...
All you need to know, son
all available organisations are infiltrated by ((them))
((afd)) - ((npd)) - ((identitäre bewegung)) - ((pegida))
> employer pays 5561.05€ / month
> you only get 2755.8€ (49.6%) of it (pic related just subtract VMA)
> health care payments increased soon due to rapugees, bureaucrats have their own health care you share yours with gibsmedats
> nothing gets fucking done with your taxes, can't even finish building a fucking airport nowadays. streets and bridges falling apart
> 19% VAT, mandatory 17.50€ monthly for state propaganda, high rents so jews can make money from you
> called racist by unemployed leftists who spend all day helping the enemies within
It's all about money here and that is shit compared to, say, Switzerland and USA if you are actually capable.
Germany will fall within 10 years.
Are you dumb? Compared to the cost of living here, wages are shit. Germans are among the Europeans with the least amount of financial wealth.
That's why our industry is doing so well. It pays shit wages and keeps the profits to itself.
So where do you have higher wages, if ours are apparently so subpar? In Spain ? Italy? Poland, maybe?
Being born in Germany and getting a job here is a privilege. There's a reason half of Asia and all of Africa would you everything to come here.
Hör auf rumzuheulen du schwuchtel.
> ((npd))
even confirmed by media
> ((identitäre bewegung))
if not already they'll be very soon. truth is they have been on the watch of the verfassungsschutz for a quite a while, they just made it official.
> ((afd))
> ((pegida))
obviously, they planted provocateurs
the cutie on the pic is very likely a shill in identitarian movement. have her on fb and she exhibits every trait I expect from a shill.
Was ist das bloß für 1 Netiquette
This is important news in Germany
Good for you champ every patriot should consider their country the best in the world.
red mal 1 vernüftes deutsch
>>employer pays 5561.05€ / month
>> you only get 2755.8€ (49.6%) of it (pic related just subtract VMA)
Holy fucking shit
>be teacher
>earn 4k/month
>keep 3k
life is good lads.
Japan is better than Germany in every way.
You cucks are one of the most degenerate in the world.
Animal brothels exist in Germany.
Germans have no problem eating Raw Pork either.
Also, your most famous people was obsessed with Scat like Mozart.
>best in the World
top 20 definitely.
maybe even top 10.
wew laddy
Lived in germany for years. Its not a very nice country.
>slow to pick up new technologies
>cash based society, no credit/debit cards
>government services not online, have to visit a büro which is open from 9 am to 11 am
>renting a flat? Hope you have saved up for buying a kitchen from ikea
>most people refuse to speak english
>turk roaches everywhere
>high taxes on income and businesses
>mandatory public health insurance 600 € pm if you make over 70k
I could go on all day.
I'm a high school custodian and i earn 2,800 a month.
So what, is that it then? The game's over? The future is inevitable?
What does the general population think about all of this? Is everyone most left wing nutjobs? Or are there a lot of hard core German Patriots starting to arise?
Keep 2800*
What traits for example?
Mozart was a Freemason, everyone knows those guys get up to some fucked up shit behind closed doors.
>spend 1.6k for rent
Like poland exept turks and non englando speakerinno and earning 2.5K PLN instead of EUR
This is gonna save your country
How long have you had that job?
4k is entry wage since I just started.
Also, 3k€ in Germany is better than 3kDollars in the US.
Actually I pay 750, I live with a room mate.
>Full time job
>room mate
Yep, the American dream style.
I scam some little fagots on the internet for 5 hours a week and earn 500 dollars a month, which allows me to live a super comfy NEET life in my own apartment.
A year and a half, I make 22 an hour and it tops off at 25$ an hour. I go up a dollar every year for the first 5 years and that doesn't include additional pay raises the school gives us sometimes.
Our country is doomed. At this point I just want a quick and sudden death - not the slow, agonizing volkstod.
That's pretty neat.
Isnt't the just dull as fuck though? I dunno if I could do something like that without developing some kind of mental illness.
job, not just.
Congratulations, man. Keep up the good workind.
I went to Texas for a week in March, bought a 1911 pistol and I'm going to a concert in october.
What will you use that gun for my man.
sorry didn't watch it all but the baby bonus is good, but you gotta secure your borders mate...
And you guys have sacrificed your future for this temporary prosperity. Your women are working like your men, and your birthrate is suffering as a result. Now you have to import migrants to uphold your economic system that requires constant growth.
So enjoy "the best country in the world" while it lasts, because you've destroyed it.
It would be extremely dull if it wasn't for my coworkers. It's amazing how we are all white except one Mexican who is bro tier in a high school in southern California. It's also a lot of moving around, I wouldn't be able to do an office job. I have too much energy.
if your a German by blood your welcome in the great island nation of Australia
You :^)
>All those women
>All strongly against german children
>All extremely pro foreign invasion
>All complaining women don't have enough power
So german politics is completely dominated by insane leftist women hell bent on destroying their own country all just to prove they are politically correct while complaining men have too much power...
I am absolutely disgusted.
The proposition by the AfD is all we need right now, but as you can see, it was rejected by the landesparlament brandenburg and I have no hope of pushing a similar proposition through any landesparlament or the bundestag.
I will die on german soil before becoming a refugee myself.
This sums up the video
>German man suggests german parents should get baby bonus for having german children
>5 tumblr tier feminists and 1 cuck who are all leaders of political parties get mad and call him a racist and reject the policy
Friendly reminder to not take refugees from Germany, they will leave their shithole and vote for more gibs like cucks in California turning the place into shithole.
Lies! Last I checked, only Chinks and Indians (aka IT specialists) were allowed to enter and look for a jawb.
> obvious discrepancies (while not seeming ill)
> example 1: questionable what she spends her day on (no work apparently), only networks in right-wing and has many fb only contacts. claims that is what her life is about BUT takes a lot of time off (because it is her job ;) if you are into something you spend 16 / 24 out of it)
> example 2: plays the single mom with blue eyes Brandenburgian maid really hard, but lives in Berlin. it's both a bait and a distraction "have to spend time with child off my job"
> example 3: very very intelligent (not "smart"), claimed she wasn't taken into studienstiftung b/c she was acting racist. can't believe she is that stupid. Can't check records coz I do not have her name.
> mainly probed me on my connections
> reacted very oddly when I send her a job description from Verfassungsschutz which is basically big brother internet surveillance
If you are in contact with her be VERY careful mate. Note: V-Männer and Frauen never come alone and always have a team behind them.
The entire German Baby boomer generation needs to be wiped out in its entirety.
You will pay for the crimes that you have committed.
Makes me sad to see how weak the west has become. The EU was such a bad idea
If women couldn't vote we would turn all of this degeneracy around in a few decades.
>few decades
It would only take two years.
It won't last long though, there are thousands of Israelis moving en masse to DE to manipulate the real estate market to make a quick buck.
Most germans like you are fucking retarded, thats why our country going downhill. Blaming the boogeyman, muslims, instead finally burning the stupid elites here in germany.
Und außerdem du Spast: Living in some southern countries are nowadays much safer than europe countries meanwhile.
I am not in contact with anyone I dont know.
I decided that the best tactic was to change my envirment.
So I redpilled my family and friends (half of them already were) that I know for about 8 years.
Teachers are overpaid due to Beamtenshit protects you from cold progression and social security nightmare. What annoys me is that they're like "I could earn much more in free economy!!!". Not them in particular.
Meanwhile I have to ripe myself a new asshole to get 3k€/month in Berlin.
Day by Day, its getting worse and more frustrating to live here.
But I love my country to much ti leave. And besides, what alternatives are there?
I don't want to go to Eastern Europe, the people are pretty based, but all the countries are poor as shit
I've been in germany many times.
The best in the world is not what I would call it.
Not that the netherlands are much better.
Sweden is better than both, believe ig or not, and Poland so far holds the title of best country I've been in.
Might have to start stocking up on water fritz, the estrogen in the water has fucked your brain. Australia has huge white flight migration stats.
hey guys, I think this article might interest you:
(try to with it with a translator)
the refugee crisis was designed carefully long time ago, before there were any regugees. I think this is crusial to get to to people, for them to understand that it's not so much of a humanitarian iad, but rather a trap, and that many people - many germans had to suffer through it already, as they bought out the houses in their villages and basically killed their businesses
>Poland so far holds the title of best country I've been in.
care to elaborate why?