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Harper tried to ban the burqa in a last ditch attempt to win over voters, but that backfired pretty badly.
They don't get in our way so it's not a concern.
Sweden has not been in a worse state in several hundred years.
Our muslims are fine, they are well behaved. You should try smackin them around a lil sweden bros.
>canadian of Swedish descent
What are the chances my gf doesn't cuck me?
Cause you dont actually have many, and those you have are hand picked immigrants
I saw a woman in a Burqa at Superstore. It freaked me out
Turd in blue on the left is pic related.
It was the Niqab actually, but you're still right.
Most Canadian Muslims here are for a ban on face covering garments, but it was bad timing on the ex-PM's part.
You dont understand how bad things have gotten. Our justice system cant do it´s job. Even if they catch our newly arrived criminals for things like pickpocketing and stealing theyll say they are 14 and will be released without any repercussions.
It really doesn't make sense why they let this get out of control.
It's a horrible move for your parties reputation to do this and you're not importing voters because none of them will vote anyway.
I know this feel Sven
When things are going so bad in your country that your are somehow proud of it. Almost like when you are in an Emergency room with a paralysed spine and you are smiling to the guy who just come here for a broken leg.
>It really doesn't make sense why they let this get out of control.
Thats right but our leaders dont seem to be able to confront reality. Our chief of police even said that he thought that the police did a good job this past summer, even with all the rapes and torched cars.
The majority of swedes are brainwashed and mostly toe the party line, very few show their discontent. The old parties still have most of the voters behind them.
How bad does it have to get for you to want to make a change?
Are these statistics accurate ?
I think you don't have reached the point when they are enough to reclaim something. It's the same for the USA, but if you continue on multiculturalism, once you reach 15-20%, it's all over.
Maybe we could create a scientific theorem with that. Do we have enough records ? (Germany, Sweden, UK, France, Belgium, ...)
Intelligence service in France have predicted a civil war if the next terror attack target specifically children or cops.
Is it a real question or just a troll ?
>Is it a real question or just a troll ?
It's real. I actually have no real idea about how the public natives are feeling about the situation. After all, I only have biased media to gather information from.
Oh I have tried. I´ve taken personal risks to try to fight our degenerate culture, I´ve tried to talk honestly about genetics and race, how we should tighten our borders. But it wasnt enough and now it´s too late.
Ipsos poll:
>71% of Germans
>70% of Italians
>67% of the French
think that terrorists are hiding among the refugees
>50% of Germans
>65% of the italians
>50% of the French
think that there are too many migrants
Also there is a very severe consensus culture that has to be experienced to be understood. Even now, after all that has happened here, I have a hard time finding someone that shares my views, there are many but they dont voice their opinions.