When the fuck are we going to deport the chink cunts?
Why did you post that abortion flag you fucking cunt?
The chinks aren't that bad. I would remove the islanders before them
im sorry but they are there to stay.
because any flag with the union jack in the corner is automatically shit
Because it's less likely to be confused with the australian flag
Fuck off cunt.The Islanders arent buying up all the property.
Fucking Chang I swear to god
>a fucking fern
>yellow ID
When are you finally going to get a non-shit flag?
Are you fucking retarded
> When the fuck are we going to deport the chink cunts?
W-we're still allowed to be tourists, right?
[spoiler]I love South Island, snow is a novelty to me because I am an equatorial monkey[/spoiler]
yes we want ur jew money but no stay after a monh
I wouldn't want to.
Emigrants are terrible people with no loyalty to their motherland.
good good let the rage flow through you
it's like you want to be confused with austria
We now allow shitty chinese drivers to kill motorcyclists and then only do 6 months home D...no deportation
Nothing. Both the Maori and Brit NZ are going to be wiped out by the literal Jew and replaced with an Afro-chick society and there is nothing you can do about it.
How's Hawaii doing btw?
Delet this
im not in hawaii and yes their flag is shit and needs to be changed
Why are shart in marts so hellbent on destroying any trace of Britishness? Jealousy?
Oi. I'm the only one allowed to make a general. faggot
Moko looks like scribbles
delete this.
Nah we deport them so they can come back under another name in 3 weeks
Chinese in nz are:
A new passport is barely a minor headache
Too bad they'll be evidence of our superiority until you collapse in the next ten years
>t. paki rape gang member
To add to that I had to laugh out loud at the Herald article yesterday with the Chinese guy complaining that NZ is "too soft on criminals"
PRC Chinese overseas like places that are soft on white-collar crime but fascist-jackboots on blue-collar crime.
Because in order to get overseas they have to be white collar criminals.
I know that fella, went to school with his brother and my mates are real good mates of theirs.
Fucking shit what happened, imagine how fucking shit you'd feel as the family? This country is going to hell in a hand basket and we're too apathetic/unintelligent to do anything about it.
Says a lot about us when we have people who say shit like "I'm voting for Key because he seems honest".
Let that sink in.
Do you realise you guys have one of the ugliest flags in the world? It's fucking hideous.
Imagine how you would feel holding your brother or son in your hands while he dies.
Luckily for that CHINESE CUNT, Chinese don't have empathy. Instead of doing 17months in jail, she gets let off with a slap on the wrist and no deportation.
Trust me, I voted Labour last election, voting NZ First from now on.
Check out the latest version of Critic guys
So progressive!
FUCK dumb phone rotated it
laughing my ass off rn. maybe all those dumb white girls that go to otago actually results in more sjw bullshit than uoa, who knows...
And no one gives a fuck while they are getting "rich" from their house going up in value.
New Zealand is going to get the BIG ISLANDER ALOHA DICK.
Sinking refugees. NZ whites move to Australia. Islander takeover of NZ
Would you please link me to this story?
>Imagine how you would feel holding your brother or son in your hands while he dies.
I can't, I can't imagine what that's like and I hope I never understand what it feels like.
He seemed like a good cunt from what I knew of him. Won't pretend I'm not pissed about a white guy not being able to have kids, either.
>voting NZ First from now on
I'm straight up thinking of getting involved in the party aye. I think my views would be too extreme though, maybe not considering the popularity of the 'Pakeha Party' and I'm a poof so I'd have that to be a safeguard against cries of bigotry (not that I care but I'd use the PC beliefs against the PC crowd, you know?)
Don't get too mad sepai. Nothing we can do about this shit
NZ bros have the coolest new flag desu
When will you guys start using it?
You could be NZ's version of Milo.
It's fucking sad man.
I can't be fucked with any of it, this country isn't going to improve. the demographics have changed too much and racist Chinese and Indians support National.
Disappointed by that referendum, the union jack is offensive.
Stay jealous of the banterstamp
Nope it's awesome.
Chong Kee the Don Key, has meetings with "chinese leaders" who donated to the cause because they want to get rid of the union jack.
fuck off chang
how about this one?
fuck off chang
>You could be NZ's version of Milo.
I don't really follow him, think he's a bit of a fag to be honest.
I really want to get into politics but thinking the best way would be to get into the entertainment industry. Be subversive, you know? I'm intrigued by the rise of Trump and see how one could model a more 'right-wing' version inspired by he and Hitler.
One thing Kiwis love is taking the piss, whose the easiest to take the piss out of? SJWs.
New Zealand is a multicultural country a British flag has little to nothing to do with modern New Zealand and doesn't represent the unique culture here.
Personally I am Pakistani, and none of us are fond of looking at a Christian cross on a flag that was meant to represent us.
The real question is when are the chinks going to deport you?
We in the same boat here.
>Personally I am Pakistani,
you blew your cover this is now bait
Trying too hard
You can't become popular in NZ the way Trump got popular in the US, brashness , arrogance and disrupting civil society doesn't resonate with Kiwis
What do you call a Pakistani in New Zealand?
>Uncommon scenario therefore bait
Everyone is welcome here, I've not met anyone white in NZ who didn't think it was really cool that I was born in Islamabad.
That's pretty aesthetic tbqh.
>brashness , arrogance and disrupting civil society doesn't resonate with Kiwis
Right but taking the piss does.
The issue here is really rolling up your sleeves and doing the hardwork. If there was a politican you got down and dirty, actually worked for what they believed, it would be unstoppable.
In other words if a politican was able to sit down and have smocko with the boys, after doing exactly the same work as them, it would be a cultural/political force unlike anything we've ever seen.
Zdravo Zvonimir! Kako se? Can we just borrow your red and white checker board flag for a while? Its fucking brilliant.
You have to be trolling.
You don't like the St Georges Cross on our flag? Go back to Islamabad Zaheer. No one made you come here and be offended by our national ensign.
So a modern day Shadders?
Boating, Canterbury Rowing Club, 1910. Steffano Webb
I was using a personal example but there have been Chinese here for as long as white people, and let's not forget we should all have the approach of borrowing the land as it isn't ours, but that of the native Maori.
In 30 years from now that flag won't represent the majority of us Kiwis, it should have been changed sooner rather than later.
Is there a link or source for this?
Is Rotorua really that bad?
>When the fuck are we going to deport the chink cunts?
when you excise the tumour of greed from your brains
>So a modern day Shadders?
Basically, yeah.
The standard for the Kiwi politican is Michael Joseph Savage (who was born in Australia). Unassuming etc. I think we need to move away from that "keep ya head down" tall poppy shit but we don't like brashness/arrogance so it would have to be done in a very controlled way.
Sincerity is actually a big thing for us which is funny when you consider we have a Jewish banker as our PM. He was able to counter Helen Clark in his personality as a 'bit of a bloke' in spite of being anything but.
Winnie fails in this regard terribly because he comes across in a similar vain to Paul Henry, bit up himself. Winnie would do well if he joked about himself. That's what us Kiwis respond to, taking the piss but we especially love someone ripping themself apart. Yanks find that alien.
Children at Empire Day celebrations, Stratford, 24 May 1903. James McAllister
I've been here for 6 years it's my country too
So why does it come up in jokes about shitty places and that "gumboots are the standard", according to the Maoris and islanders I work with?
There was an article in the herald (jewshills)
It's lovely if you've lost the ability to smell
You get used to the smell after a couple of hours and you barely smell it. Ive been there like 4 times in my life
you have to go back
Just don't get too close to Maoris and you'll be fine you silly boys.
My family has been here for almost 100. Fuck off
Fucking pajeet racist CUNT
Maoris are brotier
Unless you are white and your family goes back 100+ years you are not NZer
t. Half-Kiwi
I personally would like to see the cuckstain Christchurch sold to the Chinese along with all the fucken degenerates in it. The fucken filth in Christchurch is terrible its a waste of space and an economic cancer on the great nation of New Zealand.
Try 1842 you newfag
>Duchess of Argyle represent
Leave Meme City alone
So you're part of the problem then?
you have to go back
Well my family went to visit, me and my Dad were fine with the smell, but my mother couldn't stand it at all and she vomited multiple times.
try 1776 faggot
are you chinese?
And why don't you?
Because my family aren't shitskin muslims and we've been here since the 50s faggot.
Go back to your muslim shithole. We want to make NZ more Christian.
Tim Shadbolt is the fucking man.
And if you're Maori?
no faggot.
>More Christian
m8 my family arrived in the 1820s
Maoris count as NZ
Comment was directed to immigrants.
>Not being euphoric