USA, why waste billions of dollars on a wall with Mexico when you can have this!
USA, why waste billions of dollars on a wall with Mexico when you can have this!
Because that's fucking stupid, impractical and would fucking suck if your car broke down half way through.
The last thing we need to do is make it easier for those spam munching island monkeys to get over here.
>rail tunnel
wew lad
That rail would cost more to ride than an airplane and would probably be slower. We have a lot of stupid bullshit train lines in this country already that are obsolete, like one that's a 3 day trip through the desert that costs to more to ride than a plane, and no-one rides it because it's stupid.
And what if the rail brakes down in the middle of the ocean?
I didn't know tunnels floated
is hawaii legit off the west coast?
There's no such thing as "wasted" with government.
As long as you're giving money to american workers and american companies you'll eventually get it all back throught taxation.
nah m8 it's down by cuba and stuff
>is hawaii legit off the west coast?
Where else would it be?
If trump wins we can have both.
But it's not like we dont have planes, and boats.
can LA really get any worse
Why would that nigger want to destroy kawaiii?
is hawaii legit off the west coast?
That cuck literally thinks giving money away to mexico is normal
Idk where the fuck you found a train that's a 3 day ride through the desert, I bought an Amtrak ticket from Iowa to California for less than $500 round trip and didn't spend more than 48 hours on the train going either way.
fucking useless, it is much faster and cheaper to keep using planes when traveling such a long distance to a small island, also crossing an active tectonic boundary with an underground rail is an very bad idea.
Look, Hawaiians protested and shut down a high-speed interisland ferry that would've finally let residents travel between all the islands without the hassle of going to the airport because
>We hate tourists and we don't want them here!
Those people would protest against this and shut it down too.
Never been, don't care.
The volume of travelers to Hawaii is statistically insignificant.
rail you dumbfuck
The highest cost I've seen for the wall is $60 billion. More reasonable estimates are around $10-15 billion.
Honolulu's rail system, which will be between 14 and 20 miles long, depending on whether the project gets the axe or not, will cost between $9 billion and $11 billion.
>rails don't have railcars
>they never break down
>one explosive
>entire oceans drowns millions of people
I'm honestly surprised the muzzies haven't done this in the Calais tunnel
Don't let the other Amerifags berate you. Most of them couldn't tell you where Zealand is in comparison to Aus.
But ya it's way out there.
Proposed by who?
Building the Chunnel and connecting our glorious lands to France was the start of Great Britain's downfall.
well its not off the fucking east coast m8
Hawaii is still in the middle of a 20 year long battle to fund and build a fucking monorail from kapolei to Honolulu that has been nothing but an economic and political shitshow. We will be fucking each other's wives on Mars before this ever sees the light of day.
Kek at all the anons taking your shitpost seriously
They are on two different tectonic plates faggot.
Hawaiians cannot even build a rail system on-island without it going billions over budget, what makes you think they can get a rail tunnel underwater 2600 miles?
Plus Hawaii isn't that great desu.
t. Mainlander working in Hawaii
>what is an airplane
are you fucking retarded?
ive never bothered to look and most maps showing USA had it on the right.
Made sense to me cause lazy, and florida's over that side and has nice weather
Sup Forums has to be one of the dumbest boards on Sup Forums and Im including myself. Are you guys fucking for real?
Vote for Djou, kill the fucking thing at Middle Street.
It is if you go far enough.
We could have a LOT of stupid shit, but what's the return on investment from this? I think that planes do us just fine.
>australian intelectuals
I'm working on a teleportation device that doesn't just relocate my existence, nope. It relocates the rest of existence around you.
You see here, I am the Internet God, aka, God of Design, aka another egotistical piece of shit who couldn't string together a thought form if the idea gave me a reach around but the way I see it, the weather could be worse. heh, it certainly is getting there.
I can't wait til people start to understand that we've been bending light this whole time, with our pollution.
I'm going to hit in your fucking neck, you're soo stupid!
Cause mad!
>it's a schizo post
It's one of the most highly trafficked, and therefore has a larger population of stupid people to potentially reveal their stupidity. You just have a lot more opportunities to notice it here.
Who cares? Heat and hot weather is for niggers and spics only. Only they enjoy it. White pople love rain, snow and windy weather.
If they kill it at middle it's practically useless. It will do nothing for traffic since it won't go all the way to UH.
Although they've already said $6.8b is the max they'll put into it, so it is probably doomed to that fate anyways.
I'm just glad most my work is done in Oahu, and I'm on the beautiful island of Kauai now.
It's like, to the upper right I think.
>not spending money on a rail system to our best allies!
>he took their shitposts seriously
That Aussie edumacation
What if airplane broke off in mid air? Should we stop all development of all airplane and turn all of existing planes to scrap metal?
Holy shit murican are dumb AF
all they said was that it's a rail. how is that wrong
It doesn't go all the way to UH now. To get there, in Phase 2, would cost beyond the current budget projections.
Fucking this.
This boi gets it.
well at least i can find wisconsin on the map
its right next to Lake Flaccid
Sheepfucker education at work lads.
How about we build a hydroelectric dam between Murka and Hawaii
Explain what I said wrong. They said it was a rail. Nothing else was implied
Not even a close comparison. Pilots are taught how to safely deal with a plane going down in case of emergency. If your railcar breaks down in the middle of the ocean then you're pretty fucked.
Wait wait wait
A hydroelectric dam with a high speed rail ON TOP OF IT!
No you can't dont lie to yourself
I didn't realize that their flags were almost identical, and every time that I saw a New Zealander post just I thought it was an Australian. I didn't realize it until I saw a thread where they were fighting.
I wonder how much context that I've missed out on before noticing that? I still don't even notice they're different unless they're right next to each other and the color tips me off, I just assume Australian.
>Pilots are taught how to safely deal with a plane going down in case of emergency.
Remember Germanwings m8
You are an embarrassment, your stupidity has made your country a tiny bit weaker. KYS
i can, but only thanks to periscope and jewbook live feeds from the milwaukee chimpout
>USA, why waste billions of dollars on a wall with Mexico when you can have this!
Because Mexico paying for the wall is fair.
Mexico paying for a way for Americans to get to Hawaii is just bullying.
>fault lines and extremely close proximity to tectonic plate boundary
Using jewbook, nothing in your country makes news anywhere else because your country is irrelevant
isn't this going through a fault line?
what could possibly go wrong
It would be cheaper to build a tunnel to Russia
>white dots
That guy who aloha snackbar'd a mountain? What about em?
Why? To start another flood of immigrants to the US?
Just playing, you aren't so bad Immigrants from a U.s. state
Almost fucko
Not much people living in Siberia
It's not going to stop them. It's just going to be Mexico 2.0 but with some russian qtes included.
>one crack in the tube.
>entire system fails
>everyone dies
gee i wonder why they dont build rail tubes under extreme water pressure.
The other dude couldn't control the plain, or stop the other faggot.
I don't think terrorism really counts as a typical emergency.
>Tire falls of of your car: Emergency
>Rear passenger starts stabling you: Super Emergency
Well, it should, I mean, a life is in danger, it is an emergency.
> waste
isn't mexico supposed to pay for it?
your country is such a shitshow we watch your news for laffs
this is either amazing b8 or one of the dumbest things ever said on Sup Forums and ive been here for years
if only you were Australian i could confirm my suspicions but considering how you capitalized and used that's and added a comma im thinking it might just be an Australian level bantz. However, if im wrong don't ever breed.
There's this one American that always refers to Australians as kiwis, but I'm hesitant to point it out because I don't know if I'm being trolled or not.
>build tunnel
>China fills railway with nukes and ships them from Hawaii to the mainland
>Commiefornia wiped off the map
>100 years of glorious Republican rule
I'm in.
Because it's retarded. You want to build a railway under the ocean, in the most active fault zones in the world.....When we already have this thing called airplanes.
I see nothing wrong with the idea, as long as it's Cali that's funding it alone.
All the homeless people that got tricked into a free ticket to Hawaii will come back and go to Vegas en mass.
Yeah, I always thought it was some small archipelago next to Alaska island.
>tropical islands
>near Alaska
>Alaska is apparently an island
Keep fucking that sheep