Christians BTFO !!!
Christians BTFO !!!
not sure what connection you're trying to make. christians noticed that a lot of nonchristians were tribesmen, so they called them heathens
and your point is?
wtf i love divide and conquer now
The same way the british were universal and everybody else was abbos
there is no issue
Also black priests are the least dindu niggers in existance
Fun fact: the word "pagan" comes from the Latin "pagus", which means a countryside. The original meaning of the word "pagan" is the same as for what is now "hick", "hillbilly" or "yokel", which means that for centuries, christcucks have used the exact same vocabulary that SJWs use today.
Basically, if you were a polytheist instead of a monotheist, it meant you were not "enlightened", "modern" and "hip" enough. Funny how little has changed and how the SJWs of today act in practically the same way as the christcucks of yesterday
>Christendom being the source of SJW
You know? You might be onto something here
ok hick
The group striving for change always considers the previous group backwards.
That doesn't mean the group for change is wrong.
Nor does it mean the traditionalists are wrong.
Its just how it always is.
Christians wanted the pagans to change. So Christians considered themselves enlightened peoples helping the backwards tribesmen.
Now, SJWs considered themselves educated changing the backwards Christians. Are Christians suddenly in the right because they are the traditionalists now? No. Thats not an argument.
Same way its not an argument to claim pagans are in the right for being the traditionalists of old.
You can argue everything else about which belief systems are healthier whatever. But using this is silly from both sides
Pic related
Yeah, why do you think the early Christians in Rome acted like modern liberals? Using antifa cuck tactics to get their way.
Because Christianity was never a conservative movement. It was Iron Age communism.
>Some early Christians sought out and welcomed martyrdom. Roman authorities tried hard to avoid Christians because they "goaded, chided, belittled and insulted the crowds until they demanded their death." According to Droge and Tabor, "in 185 the proconsul of Asia, Arrius Antoninus, was approached by a group of Christians demanding to be executed. The proconsul obliged some of them and then sent the rest away, saying that if they wanted to kill themselves there was plenty of rope available or cliffs they could jump off."[12]
t. Abdullah Uygur
no argument either
>in 185 the proconsul of Asia, Arrius Antoninus, was approached by a group of Christians demanding to be executed. The proconsul obliged some of them and then sent the rest away, saying that if they wanted to kill themselves there was plenty of rope available or cliffs they could jump off.
what the fuck?
That's not original at all. Christianity is responsible for most modern moral trends.
Im not arguing for either side. Im saying the "CHRISTIANS ARE SJWS LOL" is stupid. Im defeating a claim, not making my own.
>inb4 strawman
These people claimed it
If you had put Michael Moore in Ancient Rome he would have been a Christian fanatic, because all the liberal-minded people were drawn to it, just like today they are drawn to anti-whitism.
>Christians sought out and welcomed martyrdom. Roman authorities tried hard to avoid Christians because they "goaded, chided, belittled and insulted the crowds until they demanded their death.
Just as annoying as regular SJW
He is onto something
SJW believe man was born good and society corrupt him.
Christian believe man was born corrupted and Christ save him.
Christianity has nothing to do with SJWism.
Christianity lead to universalism and multiculturalism.
Paganism is the tribal european spirituality.
bah. theyre both jewish lies implying man was/is ever corrupt as a general whole
JIDF devide and conquer thread #632629
>It was Iron Age communism.
Charity =/= organized state theft.
>strong pagan Europe
Rome was in deep shit and people were becoming godless degenerates more and more as the time went on. Most degenerate Roman Emperors happened before Christianity.
Economy that depended on expansion and the Empire was already too big to control and dividing the Empire between 2 or more ambitious Emperors did not help.
Christianity managed to prolong the Western Roman Empire's lifespan for 200 years.
Byzantine Empire, with it's capital of Constantinople, named after the Emperor who set Christianity as the state religion, survived 1000 years longer.
Also Christianity was the only thing that saved the western roman culture by converting Germanics.
Problem was they were surrounded by foreigners slaves, 30% - 50% of population in Roma wasn't roman.
So no more unity.
Their decadencie led by good economics results destroy them in a few century.
Its exacly what we see today for the western country.
>Chosen people
The Bible doesn't say that. In fact it says the opposite. The KJV mistranslation makes it unclear, though.
Whatever the roots of sin is, it has nothing to do with the fact christianity considers you're born corrupted and being a christian (=being part of christian society) is the way to save his soul.
If anything a christian thinks more like Voltaire than like Rousseau.
I think your picture is wrong because it's based on a misunderstanding of christianity. For example, the way to redeem yourself in christianity is purely personnal while it is the charge of society of marx.
I completely agree, but Christianity has strengthened the unity (by forcing the religion and making it state controlled).
But without the change in the economy system, West was doomed, especially with the Germanics, Slavs, Huns and others coming from the North.
The Empire at the end was too multicultural and the rich, decadent, people of Rome just invited more and more barbarians to support their economy.
In the end West Roman army was completely ruled by foreigners and their soldiers were loyal to them, instead of Rome.
Those who ignore history, are doomed to repeat it.
Christianity as unify the non roman, popularity amongs the slaves. So it couldn't strengthened the empire but led to something else.
A little bit like today, cristhianism didn't protect us against decadencie and multiculturalism and our rich rulers import islamist witch convert the trash tier european. It will not strenghten our country, if it's not stopped it will crash and leed to something else.
>Christ was a communism spreading jew
some shit never changes
>pagan rome
I honestly don't give a fuck embodying a closeminded heathen meme mentality based on runes and what not.
universal seems better.
Yep. It was the same for Muslims, when they called them Saracens even though Saracens werent always Muslim. But over time it became a thing which writers also adopted.
>Christian anything
And yet Christianity went on to dominate the world.
>Implying that multiculturalism is going to be successful and society won't collapse due to mass immigration
It's all greek
What we're experiencing is similar to the fall of western Rome. Traditional government and society lasted another thousand years past that in the Eastern Empire. Even now there is hope for man.
Pretty fail image when all the descriptions of race-mixing are extremely negative. Meanwhile the Christian quote is totally random.
What caused the fall of the Roman Empire? Did Christianity play a role?
As the saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day," and neither did the Roman Empire fall in a day. There are a number of reasons for the collapse of the Roman Empire — a decline that took place over many hundreds of years. The rise of Christianity did play a small, but not insignificant, part in the decline, in that it eroded traditional Roman beliefs and values and caused conflicts between Christians and those who continued to hold onto the old pagan philosophies. These conflicts led to persecution of the Christians, until the first Christian Emperor of Rome, Constantine, put a stop to the persecution.
Most historians believe that there is a long list of causes for the fall of the Roman Empire. The internal causes included political corruption, economic problems, and a series of leaders that — let's face it — were more interested in their personal gain than in the welfare of the common people. The external causes ranged from disease and plagues that ravaged the population, to attacks and defeats from the Germans, Huns, and various barbarian tribes that weakened the Roman military and vastly decreased the amount of territory controlled by the Empire.
By 286 AD, the Empire was a mere shell of itself, and the Emperor Diocletian split the Empire into two: East and West. The Eastern Empire would eventually become the Byzantine Empire, while the Western Empire would decline into nonexistence. By 476 AD, the remnants of Roman Empire were finally destroyed, after barbarian tribes removed the last Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustus, from power and Roman rule over Europe was no more.
>our European overlords making all the same mistakes as the romans 2000 years ago. When will they learn?
except he was kissing the hands of some holocaust survivors
alos picture of a screen? litteraly how cheap are you kikes
If your line of reasoning is correct then everyone better start kneeling in the fucking church before they're all kneeling in the mosque. Going back to paganism is just going to cause even more division in a time when we should be united.
how is it multicultralism if they are all christian?
Because black culture is crime and third worldism.
>What is a Protestant
orthodox = from Greek ὀρθοδοξία, orthodoxia – "right opinion"
really makes you think
Heresy. Stupid question.
you know black culture is just invented by jews to exploit negroes right?
Also, most pagans are not like Varg.
heathens united against racism is worth a search if you like cringe.
They must have gone to Africa very early then and implanted it into their minds.
Not every christian.
Look at Sarah Palin - Hardcore hot MILF pro-gun pro-life
I don't see Alexander the Great in this picture. Created the Empire, universal as fuck, heathen, boozer, bisexual.
>tfw your boyfriend (female) will never fist you for the glory of Odin
>Going back to paganism is just going to cause even more division in a time when we should be united.
>Protestants are heretics.
Fuck you. Catholicism is beyond cucked and Orthodoxy is nationalistic and will only truly accept you if you're Russian/Greek etc.
Damn. Great pic.
>talking about jewish influence
>post a picture of indian influence
>Orthodoxy is nationalistic and will only truly accept you if you're Russian/Greek etc.
Some parishes, yeah. Just find one where the people aren't cocks. It's like Protestant church-hopping except there's no heresy going on, just finding a group you mesh with. I go to a Syriac Orthodox church and everyone there is white and ex-catholic ex-protestant.
Western Rite Orthodoxy is also a thing.