This motherfucker Martin Shkreli bought the rights to produce a specific medication costing 13.50 USD per pill and hiked it to 750 USD. People will die and face financial ruin for his greed. Yet will you defend his capitalistic spirit Sup Forums? Isn't this exactly the sae shit Jews were hated for?
This motherfucker Martin Shkreli bought the rights to produce a specific medication costing 13...
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that pill better let me astral project and mouth fuck strangers for 750 dollars
He ended up getting screwed in the end
Don't loads of people get those pills free from the government now?
Isn't it a drug that's rarely used and when it is used you only need to take it one time?
Yeah, nah, fuck off
insurance covers the pilland a new pill was produced. he just got rich off the man and got away with it
hes a smart guy
He will pay for his wrongdoing.
>People will die and face financial ruin for his greed.
Nope. He was giving daraprim out for free on his twitter to anyone who needs it. You can literally get it off him personally for $0. There are plenty of people who can confirm this. The price jacking was in order to bleed pharma insurance companies and other greedy wall st. banks dry. Don't hate the player, motherfucker.
Yes. He gives the drug away for free if you need it and don't have insurance. If you have insurance, then they should ve covering it anyway. He literally did nothing wrong and it was all just a witch hunt for no fucking reason. Watch his youtube videos. Dude is pretty cool.
>People will die and face financial ruin for his greed
Anyone who has insurance has the kikes pay it
Anyone who doesnt gets them for free
Im not aware of the specific case your talking about but the pharmaceutical industry is corrupt as fuck. Arent there only really 2 major companies producing medicine now, and one of those is making moves to take over the other? They know that in a lot of cases the government is paying for this stuff and so they charge through the fucking roof, same thing i saw a while ago about a company that made stationary for hospitals, where charging $30 dollars for a 15cm ruler that would have cost 50 cents anywhere else. It just had that snake helix logo on it.
He just showed how corrupt the system is.
He's a cunt who needs to be killed.
There's nothing wrong with making a profit but fleecing sick people is cuntish.
No one will ever die from this decision because end users aren't getting raped, insurance companies are.
Maybe read something other than Gawker faggot.
Hes a leftist faggot.
Fuck him.
>Doesn't understand basic economics
>Doesn't understand that costs don't just disappear
>Doesn't understand that we all end up paying the price for this behavior through higher insurance premiums
In the meantime insurance premiums go through the roof.
He only charges insurance companies that
He gives it away to anyone that asks for it for free
>end users aren't getting raped, insurance companies
Insurance companies don't get raped you clueless faggot, the cost is passed on through higher insurance premiums. This exact behavior is part of the reason why our insurance premiums are so fucking high here in the US.
>He only charges insurance companies that
And then our insurance premiums increase. We have the highest cost of healthcare for a reason, because of behavior like this. Did you honestly think the cost just disappeared and that for-profit insurance companies just pay for it out of their own good will? No, you clueless faggot.
>abuse america's bullshit pharmacy
>get shit on by dumb people
>be rich and laughing your ass off
don't see much of a problem here, the US has a shitty system in place. it's not that guy's fault the system is so shit
It's not like other bigger companies haven't done the same shit Shkreli did.
In fact, that kind of shit happens all the fucking time and no one bats an eye at it.
I wholeheartedly support capitalism and at the same time am wholeheartedly opposed to patent law.
Without patenting, Shkreli wouldn't be able to get away with charging that much for long.
>thousands need this drug
>yeah just tweet me, a rich guy who has nothing better to do than help peasants, and I will personally deliver it to each and every one of every single person who needs it
>no really, listen to these guys, who I absolutely did not pay, who will tell you that I did so
I believe this 100%
True there.
But he is also going to court for stealing profits so that's also a thing he deliberately never mentions
and what specific medication is that?
Dubs of truth right there. The cost gets passed on to the consumer, and everyone's like, yeah he's a bro.
He's not a bro he's a cunt who would step over his own mother for a percentage.
>everyone else is doing it too meme
Brought to you by the same retarded attitude that brought you the 2008 financial crisis,
Watch this vid.
I think this says all you need to know about his character.
>Yet will you defend his capitalistic spirit Sup Forums?
It's not like I am saying it's okay to do. I don't like it. But that's the way shit is ran. He is just playing the game that everyone else is playing.
he's not, he's started pretending to be an SJW recently though in order to smear their image because he's a master trole
Health insurance covers the cost, and shkreli would give anyone who could not afford it, the medication for free.
Most of the profits the company made from the medication went into further research of the medication, pharma companies are just butthurt at him thats why they're paying the media to shill against him.
It's free to 90% of patients. The other 10% don't pay for it, their insurance provider does FAGGOT. You played yourself.
if you can believe Shkreli paid people to lie about him giving them the drug, which he can produce at will, for free, why can't you just fucking believe he'd give it out for free. i've seen multiple gay people thanking him on his twitter for doing this
Okay, we get it. You like sucking New York judge and pharma cock. You've made this very clear.
>buys rights to an old and inadequate drug that has negative side effects
>jacks price up considerably
>uses profits to develop a better drug without the side effects
>if anyone cannot afford it he gives it to them for free
He's a benevolent capitalist, a very rare breed. I don't see how any smart person would hate him.
Literally saying everyone is bad why bother trying.
What happened there?
The companies had to pay 750. People got it for free in some cases or for cheap.
Why are you fags discussing shit from last year?
> Be drug
> Be produced and sold below market value
> Incur gigantic losses
> You will be terminated by company
> Businessman buys the recipe and sells drug at market value
> Continued avaliability and covers cost of production.
Now be commiefag
Hes a typical albaninan kebab rat
Albanian defence force
You guys....
Nothing is free.
Need I remind where how that "free" medicine is free?
His ladyfriend walked in during a livestream.
I blame the people who sold him the rights those greedy capitalist bastawds!
>And then our insurance premiums increase
Because insurance companies have to pay an extra 0.00000001% more due to 0.0000000001% of their customer base having the specific type of HIV that may use this drug?
Daily reminder that patent law is not free market.
Friendly reminder that innovations would be considered private intellectual property in a free market system and would lead to the same result.
You just described pretty much every pharmaceutical company
Without patents there would be little economic incentive to invent and improve unless you had the capital to instantly ready yourself for capitalization to begin with, thus securing the market for the patent to start with.
Patents don't last forever anyway.
It is not the capitalism that is bad, it is copyrights and patents, and the government that is enforcing them.
There should be no copyrights, and there should be no patents. If you make something you don't want other to make, keep it a secret, but it should not be the states job to make sure noone does the same thing.
Without patens and copyrights, about a week after this asshole raised the price, someone else would start to make this medicine, and comepetition would keep the prices low.
are we going to ignore how Epipen has gone up by 400%?? At least Shkreli uses the profits for R&D, what Mylan Pharma are doing is just pure scum.
I know what you're talking about, i was simply objecting to the accusation that he exploited HIV sick patients, instead he loaded the cost off to all the others, which is not as grave of a crime as he's accused of.
Doesn't make him an evil man in my opinion, he used the profits to develop a better drug, judging from that what he did, had a positive net benefit.
>Patents don't last forever anyway.
I heard they just change a minor ingredient, and renew the patent, and play around with this indefinitely.
I can't hate the guy. He also bout that million dollar Wu-Tang album for shits n giggles. Word is he uses it as a cup holder.
> Sup Forums cares about price hikes on drugs that help real poz faggots
times are a changin
I don't know about that.
I do know however that once they expire they're public domain for good.
Yes, but the old recipe is now publicly available. There are factories in the third world that produce drugs developed 20 years ago en masse and sell them legally. This meme that medicine must be socialized at any price must die already.
Seriously. I don't give a fuck about a drug to prevent dirty fucking homos from contracting diseases on account of their disgusting lifestyle. You gotta fuck up real bad to get AIDS. You don't just slip on a banana peel and *poof*, you have AIDS. Fuck these queers.
That was the point. He could hike up the prices as much as he wanted and the consumers wouldn't notice a thing because they wouldn't pay a dime, because the insurance companies and the government would cover all the costs
There should be no such thing as private intellectual property, you cannot own an idea.
And it is fucked up, if you invent and register a medicine, or device 10 seconds earlier than the other 1000 researches developing the same thing, should hold the monopoly rights to produce it.
Plus dirty jews already registering patents on fictional things that are not even existing yet, but probably will be developed in the future.
Intellectual property is pretty much intellectual monopoly. What is free about not letting people produce something because some else discovered it?
There is still an economic incentive to sell things without patents. It's not like drug companies can instantaneously learn how to make other companies' drugs. The time that it takes for this to happen is more than enough to recoup R&D costs (if you also remove the excessive R&D regulation that is supported by the pharma industry as well).
Plus there is no peer reviewed empirical evidence that the absence of intellectual property slows innovation.
Read this if you don't believe me:
>people will die
>government money
>free shit
copyrights aren't capitalism
>outjews the jews
>the patient isn't affected in the crossfire
He's our hero
the shkreli debacle is a prime example of both the media's complete disregard for proper investigative journalism, which it seems to regard as no longer being a necessity in the world of googling all your answers, and of big pharma's loophole paradise.
if anything, liberals should be celebrating that the madman managed to expose such a big loophole that is frequently exploited by the elite who write the fucking rules themselves so they can use those loopholes in the first place.
the fact is was very loosely associated with HIV patients made it blow up into some pro-gay sob story which had nothing to do at all with the wider implications.
>People will die and face financial ruin for his greed.
No they won't, ever. There will never be a single american person harmed by this, only insurance companies. Uninsured people don't have to pay that much.
The patent system is supposed to offer people rights of their inventions and intellectual property and help out the little guy who innovates.
In reality they do barely anything to stop large companies blatantly using other people's IP.
My grandfather owns 2 patents relating to location systems in phones. From the South East Asian branch of Motorola he won something like 7 million + court fees but that was after spending about 4 million in court fees and 8 years working towards that. The patent is absolutely legitimate. He's been trying for 15 years to go after other big companies. What "little guy" has that kind of money and time? He doesn't even work any more, he spends all his time dealing with lawyers.
Do you know what happens with Apple? A paid lawyer sends Apple a notice notifying them that they have infringed upon their client's patents. 3 months later the Apple lawyer replies with pages upon pages pointing out a misused word or something of that sort. This continues on for years. After over a decade it's finally in the first stages of actually going into a courtroom. My grandfather will literally be dead before he can keep on challenging with this patent. This is the reality of the patent system. This is the reality of the legal system.
Third world may produce cheaper drugs, based on expired paterns, but they cannot enter western market since government regulations.
And nowhere did I said that medicine should be socialised, it should not, you cannot pay, you die. BUT the government should not prevent people from copying some already available medicine, and from producing the medicine themself, if they are able to, and sell it for cheaper. Free market would solve the healthcare problem.
>People will die
What is the drug for?
Kill yourself, jew.
Shkreli is a jew and needs to die like the rest of them.
Both of you should ask yourselves why even bother to research and develop anything. Do you seriously believe people will spend months in a dimly lit room to "make the world better"? Nope - like anybody else, they want cash for that work. What you are suggesting is basically slavery for intellectuals. There is nothing free in parasitic behavior. The problem of course is that we are talking about medecine and health, a topic that is quite emotionally charged. Of course nobody wants people to die, but thinking of new ways to prevent people from dying has its price and it has to be payed in some form. Patents are the most efficient way.
If you need more expamles of how ridiculous patent regulations can be, look up any gun on wikipedia. There are thousands of patents on the mechanisms, and people managed to improve or circumvent the existing ones in some way, which lead to a big variety of guns.
>one meme by this ID
really made me think
Homos contracting aids. Literally a non issue if it wasn't for the homo-commie alliance you have going there.
>Do you seriously believe people will spend months in a dimly lit room to "make the world better"?
Yes, we spend months on Sup Forums argueing to make the world a better place, for free. And that job, even for an avarage wage is still better than grinding yourself down in a factory or fields. Plus not having to work around paterns would reduce the amount of time needed for the development.
Guys is a fucking faggot.
Listens to fucking nigger shit like wu tang and hates donald trump. Fuck this cuck.
It's not to make the world better, it's for profit, I get you.
All I'm saying is that you can still make a tidy profit without a patent and the book I linked proves that it's the case.
Patents just make sure that goods and services are unnaturally expensive. New competitors in technology-heavy markets also get taken down by the thousands of patents large tech companies have up their sleeves.
Government controlling "rights" to produce is not true capitalism.
Epipens are a Jewish conspiracy.
>100% natsoc, card carrying member of Hitler did nothing wrong, my two favorite websites are Stormfront and Sup Forums
>told my whole life I'm probably deathly allergic to stinging insects
>trip and fall in grade school during a fight, conveniently into a fire ant mound
>EMT's say I was stung 73 times
>nothing happens
>still get a fresh epipen until I'm 22
>working on a farm and get stung by yellow jacket
>embrace death
>nothing happens
Don't even get me started about peanut allergies or gluten.
There's the problem. The liberal virtue squad couldn't resist when faggots were involved.
>teaches degenerates to use a condom next time
only ones being affected by what he's done are niggers who can't into sex without getting themselves killed
the insurance company is who pays for the pill not, the one who wants it
Sure, but the improvements must be worth something too. There's a reason patents last for a limited time, in order for innovative companies and individuals to exploit their advantage. After that time its open season, which usually leads to a host of smaller, more efficient companies to copy the drug.
The government is needed in a free market to ensure basic fair practices, and not allowing people to steal private property falls in that category. Look at the havoc the chinese are inflicting by ignoring patent laws: Literally any innovation is worthless now because they just steal it and leave the innovator without his reward.
because they couldn't cover the costs of the drug on what they were charging for it let alone fund more research
How so? It's not like they will cover that expense.
I don't know about you but I do it just to curse at blacks and muslims. It's relaxing between study breaks.
>old news
>1 post by this id
Name 1 person that died from the price hike.
Crashing the medical/pharma/insurance cartel is a good thing.
The patent wore off decades ago. No one else produces it because it wasn't economically viable.
can relate
this is why i hurt people
It's his right.
>what are agents
Autism runs rampant through these threads.
How the fuck did you surmise that from my posts you bellend?
>Post misinformed viewpoint
>1 post by this ID
I absolutely DID NOT see this coming!
But if you are the first to enter the market, you have some time to establish costumer trust, and a brand, before competitors copy you. And if you keep your prices reasonable, costumers would chose you against newly emerging competition.
The government has it's place, to prevent false advertisment, and ban poisonous materials, but it is not their place to tell who can use an idea.
Sure I do trash mudslimes and niggers of all sort and jews too, it is relaxing. But I do enjoy, and consider useful a good debate, and read arguements for and against things I care about.