
This is just fucking fascinating. There actually exists, in current year, a tribe of uncontacted humans on an island in the Indian Ocean. They can't read or write or even MAKE FIRE. Here's a video of some pajeets giving them coconuts. They're basically the purest nigger specimens.

WARNING: Nigger Nudity and Degeneracy.

Other urls found in this thread: Joshi&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=628&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwizpIOl9NXOAhXCJhoKHfOWAzAQ_AUIBigB

honestly.. they got it easy

tropical island, probably the last place on earth not infested with Jews

and no AIDS.


Get off by board.

redpilled savages keeping the degenerate cast iron pot jew away.


>They can't read or write or even MAKE FIRE.
There's hundreds of those in Birmingham, too.

Lmao. Maybe I meant it ironically. But check out that ass at 2:59 and tell me you wouldn't hit that.

We have some in the USA as well, all they can make are burritos.

Ya'll fags posting in a slide thread

Imagine sex with one of them...

They can't even make fire? Our enrichers are awesome at making fires.

We got on our level.

It'd be great. Just pure animal passion.

I don't think I'll be able to handle твн.

Why shouldn't we just kill them all, and then take over the island as the nation of Sup Forums?

Considering that one of them was eager to show his cock, yes, you're right.

Hey pajeet, how are these people viewed in India? Are they viewed as Indians, or are they just though of as savages on a random island territory.

Why would you kill them, when you could enslave them?????????

We should resettle our refugees there

Yet they can make IEDs

>leaving savages alive

yeah that worked out great last time. look at the fucking West Indies today you fucking idiot

Pretty sure 99% of the population doesn't care/know about them. That's a good thing I suppose.

I remember watching a documentary about them. The British tried contacting them in the 19th century or something. They used one of their favourite conquering methods where they would kidnap one or two of the native people and treat them like kings in order to gain trust of the locals when they returned. Instead, the two they kidnapped died from the non-introduced diseases of the modern Anglo. When they returned their dead bodies the tribes attacked them.

Now everyone just leaves them alone and it's even illegal in countries like India to go anywhere near the island. It seems that the tribe(s) don't have immune systems as developed as ours and we'd wipe them out in a couple of weeks.


Why use monkeys, when android servants are a thing in a decade or so?

her nigger parents couldn't even spell her name right

It still boggles my mind that we have this entire world society that even North Korea is a part of, and then there's this random island of niggers that is less advanced than we were 10,000 years ago. This island is basically a time machine. If you want to travel back in time, infiltrate this island.

>Why use monkeys, when android servants are a thing in a decade or so


>no economic jewery
>tropical environment
>healthy GMO-free diet
>plenty of exercise
>no feminism
>no 9-5 job, probably, eat, sleep fuck and spend the rest of the time lying on that beach
>laws which restrict outsiders from coming in and ruining the party

jealous desu

airdrop a shitload of niggertech white tees and baggy jeans onto it and you'll bring them up to detroit levels in no time

>he wants an autonomous machine that can spy on him to make him dependent on it


>That nigger getting BTFO by the coconut


You spent London wrong


We learned our lesson the first time.

Should have picked our own cotton.

If I got shekels I'd hire some mercs to purge those spear chucking nigs and renovate that island into a holiday resort

>dying at age 40
>living in ignorance of the outside world, seeing modern humans as alien-like beings
>taking the ultimate bluepill

baka desu

So they are guaranteed to be wiped out in the near future.

they act just like niggers

So, how many weeks did they need to convert to Hebrew religion and start working in American porn films?

They aren't acting.

How bad is your English? wtf

what would happen if you drop some porn magazines on the island

>Quite a few discarded their weapons and gestured to us to throw the fish. The women came out of the shade to watch our antics... A few men came and picked up the fish. They appeared to be gratified, but there did not seem to be much softening to their hostile attitude... They all began shouting some incomprehensible words. We shouted back and gestured to indicate that we wanted to be friends. The tension did not ease. At this moment, a strange thing happened — a woman paired off with a warrior and sat on the sand in a passionate embrace. This act was being repeated by other women, each claiming a warrior for herself, a sort of community mating, as it were. Thus did the militant group diminish. This continued for quite some time and when the tempo of this frenzied dance of desire abated, the couples retired into the shade of the jungle. However, some warriors were still on guard. We got close to the shore and threw some more fish which were immediately retrieved by a few youngsters. It was well past noon and we headed back to the ship...[13]

I can imagine this scene in the US.

He's saying they don't act like niggers, they ARE niggers.

I wonder how the world would react if someone went there as a prank and video taped a massacre and just killed them all and posted it online. Lol how mad would black people on twitter be or liberals
Anyways would prep/10

Probably re enact all of it with the niglets like the Australian abos did.

To be fair when you're closed off from any other tribe and small in number, incest is inevitable.

Truly an Irish nightmare.

>you will never throw a coconut at a modern-day, pregnant, ape woman and knock her over

>you will never throw them bags of ecstasy and watch from afar as the day unfolds

Kek. Her name is Zara Joshi, BLM supporter Joshi&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=628&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwizpIOl9NXOAhXCJhoKHfOWAzAQ_AUIBigB

Seriously though, it's funny how humans are just a step away from what we call "animals".

I think everyone should question their morality on what separates humans from livestock. Why can we put apes in zoos but not these "people"?

How do people watch this and not think that an uneducated white man would have considered these things another species and taken them as slaves as we do animals?

I mean, Africans were way more advanced than these people. They had slave traders and merchants.

What about the nagus? And the ancient African tongue speak that could kill a man ? You are seriously underestimating the power of the black man

>>>African fucked their own people over for personal gain
>>>Africans were more advanced

More advanced than these isolated islanders. They can't make FIRE.

it says they are a matriarchy

Time to give them some feminists to culturally enrich.

You're the dumbest poster I've seen here so far. Your reading comprehension is terrible

It's weird to imagine that before chinks people like this inhabited south East Asia. You still find Negrito tribes in the philippines, in Malaysia, not to mention abos and papauns and melanesians. Must have been something epic, the chinkification of Asia. Provably even more brutal than the Yamnaya expansion

This is one nation that does not have a Jew problem.

There are so many islands across South East Asia it is absolutely insane

>tfw you will never own your own island
>tfw farcry 3 will never be real life

You can own a really shitty island.

haha I'd hit that ass harder than the coconut did

Most islands are empty, hop on plane and boat and go full DiCaprio the beach style.

Literally MUH DICK top kek



The Abos and Papua New Guinea natives are a part of a long gone group of ancient humans that existed 60,000 years ago in Southern Asia, the Indians in the South have brown skin from racemixing with these ancient humans. Just think about that user where all of these Filipinos or Viets are now there were brown skinned nigger mentality walking apes allover the place.

Dat ass. I wonder what would happen to your pure white dick if you fucked one of these things?


Even an ugly Abo would be instant wet pussy to the females of this group of humans so they would probably swarm a white male and force his dick into their pussies because they have no restaint when it comes to horniness since they have less impulse control than nigger females.


Yeah, but would it give you dick-rot or something? A jungle pussy can't be sanitary. Esp if you & your forefathers have been inside nothing but clean anglo puss.


They dont have no STDs from our world due to being isolated so its the cleanest vaginas on earth. Also some colonist went muh dik on wild african women and their dicks still worked fine.

Can't even make a fire

every rudimentary tribe in the world is black niggers and yet so many still believe blacks are equal to other races.

I wonder what niggers whom other races civilized think when they see stuff like this?

Sounds like Australia mate.

Interesting. So basically like our American Indians were. We'd be more harmful to them than they'd be to us?

>enter the Island to give them coconuts
>all stone age negros die from flu

it not actually the first time they encouter them , i've seen a british i believe documentery around this , they sent them a pig as a peace gift , they burried it alive and danced around it to tell them to fuck off , based as fuck


I think they might have been even worse than niggers. Just look at Abos and shiet. It's also fair to assume they were completely shittier because they managed to disappear from everywhere they used to live. I think the last negrito died out in Taiwan something like a 100 years ago.
Every continent had something like this. Africa had the Bantu expansion, Eurasia the IndoEuro one, south-east Asia the chink one

What I find most impressive is how well the Indian Government is managing the situation there.


what were they thinking?

India could learn a lot from this island like waste management.

How can they survive. They don't even have a credit score or a retirement plan?

Someone should send a financial advisor over there.

Please tell more.

The shit you see Papua New Guinea natives do is the same thing african niggers did before whitey came.

At least they managed to come up with agriculture indipendently

We should send them welfare and ruin their society lol
>why would we fish? We just wait for the white men to bring food!

That would just cause them to multiply.

Mix these humanoids with Ancient Aryans and you get the modern Indian.

I think they might have been contacted once.
Some pajeets shipwrecked on their island and kept being attacked by the Sentilese.
The Royal Navy sent an expedition to save them and captured 6 islanders. The islander adults died of western diseases pretty quickly s they took the children back with loads of gifts.
They went back a few times with more gifts over the following years.

Right, multiply and stop working. I want to see what they do without check cashing places to hang out in and soap operas to watch.

Plus we can randomly pull the plug and see how long it takes for monuments to the white man to spring up.

Do they live in ancap?

"We are independent peoples! Nobody is allowed to come on our island, anyone who tries will be killed by our spears!"

"Our warriors will destroy any one who co--"

So you don't have nigger lives matter a couple of centuries later