Who would you rather have as a friend?
Who would you rather have as a friend?
slavs. Who doesn't want to shoot AKs, drink Vodka, and buy glorious Adidas clothing?
slavs, they can teach me perfect squat technique
cmon OP, is this even a question worth asking?
Sounds like a good time to be had, also kebab removal.
Tough question, I would love some boipussy but the slavs seem pretty laid back as well
Guys on the bottom. They look much more friendly than slavs.
My best friend, and best man at my wedding is gay. He's not a raging faggot like the guys in the bottom half of that picture, however.
>germany posting
the squatting gopniks for sure
Bottom left in the Brazil pants.
Some homo
Slavs are sweet m9
Not even a competition
Slavs have more booze and their gruff exterior seems to hide a shy but fiercely loyal interior.
They look like the type of guys who would have your back in a fight you started with 10 guys all bigger than any of you.
Slavs and chavs are pretty similar and I've known some pretty sound chavs.
Meh, probably the gays. Those Slavs look like violent degenerates, the gays are just degenerate.
>retarded bluepilled normie
>ugly twink closeted mtf
Neither relly.
Slavs would make fun of me for not being able to handle my liquor.
Fags would make fun of me for not going out to clubs.
I'd rather stay home with my dog.
im pretty sure if you went through the history they did the last 30 years youd be like that too
I think I'd rather have a friend who tries to come onto me as opposed to a friend who steals my money and car.
under the slavs? what are those? feminine men? flat as fuck girls? a mixture of both?
It's pretty tempting desu, but I'll take the Slavs.
Slavs, no question
what about friends you can steal money and cars with?
I'll go Ivan, because that Brazil bum is making me uncomfortable.
Do he have the booty? He weirdly do...
Slavs are subhuman niggers. Here the other day, two of them sat outside the train station in Oslo talking loud in slavshit and whistling at any girl passing by. With their thin hair, crappy style and ugly shades, the girls ofc ignored them. They are discusting
We would TEACH you how to handle liquor. No point in dragging one of our drinking mates around - it's never fun.
We drink to resist western degeneracy.
Pick one poison.
How do they do it? I can't squat for long without losing my balance and going cunt-up.
The Gays. Gay guys can be funny as fuck.
I have to pick one? I can't choose to not have friends if these are my options?
But I have money and cars.
The few ive had the displeasure to have to listen to were annoying as fuck. Unfunny like women
But those two are not real slavs, they're western spies. That is not how real slavs squat. Your entire foot needs to touch the ground, only western spies squat on their toes.
>pic related is a true squat
Unironically the slavs. I'd rather talk shit and get smashed than fuck a boy.
I can drink about one 0,7L bottle of vodka (37.5%) before I get shitfaced. Is that good enough?
The fags because they'd probably actually have money and drag me to decent places, and if they tried to make any gay moves on me I'd just say no. Those slavs look like depressed degenerate alcohol-addicted druggies who just squat outside the liquor store all day. I wouldn't want to be around them since they'd probably get me in trouble and try to make me into an alcoholic/druggie.
Homo here.
Slavs. Those little shits are ugly.
The one on the left looks like Tidus, the middle one like something married to a grunge rocker, and the right one looks like a fagged out elijah wood.
why not grab more money for vodka and a car to joyride in? you definitely dont joyride and crash your own car for fun but others cars? why not comrade!
Dacian knows whats up
Didn't you just leave Europe so you could get away from those subhumans?
Woah, what is that?
slaves can be brotier while faggots will allways try to buttfuck you.
absolutley haram
average i`d say
Polacks > Swedes.
Sorry Sven but there's no way I'm getting cuckboy cuddies.
Fuck off. I'm from armenia and everyone knows the true squatters squat on their toes.
Maybe if the faggot had es instead of monster we could be butt buddies
>not getting cheeki breeki
>Looks like Tidus
>Is actually the opposite
Slavs are just niggers with white skin.
I like Slavs when they avoid becoming sexual or whatever. Drinking without any women around is fine with Slavs. However, I am monogamous, and the idea of a random orgy, when there are girls, while drinking is not my kind of thing.
At least, there aren't that many homosexual Slavs, That's very good.
>Squatting on toes
You were never true slavs to begin with, just a bunch of middle eastern spies.
you seem pretty butthurt Sven
omg this halloween i'm totally going as a gopnik. practicing my slav squats as we speak
Gopniks. Even as a homosexual I'd rather into vodka and hardbass it out then be with annoying heart-bleeding screechers.
>wanting useless and lazy violent drunkard instead of qt mtf sex slave
Eh, grass and it's peculiar qualities related to frame of reference.
We've been through two bottles per person before. But a mate jumped off the first floor balcony afterwards, so it was too much. A bit.
He was okay, don't worry.
Yeah why won't they pick me? :(
Slavs. Something tells me we'd have some pretty interesting political discussions over a roadside poo squat
Faggots and all of western degeneracy are banned by law in nearly all slavic countries, even Slovenia, which is probably the most (((progressive))) slavic country.
What if I don't drink? I'm fine with being the permanent DD but I would rather do shit than get shitfaced. Unless we're both doing shit and getting shitfaced. Then it's just a matter of them handling their liquor and not going full retard
A fashionable fag of course. They are fun.
of course you would serously believe that
>can't even use your own country's guns because they are so shit
What a cuck.
We can play "balance the squat" game when we're drunk
Someone is a operator.
Bottom, why is this even a question?
it's their asian genes - the hip insertions are different, the sockets are shallower
you literally cannot squat as low as they can
otoh they literally cannot run as fast as you
Already have a few gopnik friends. So yes I'll take them
>the most (((progressive))) slavic country.
isnt that Czech Republic?
Im friends with slavs. crazy mofos who like to get drunk and do shit. But very valuable and loyal friends.
>I take my knowledge from internet memes
That's an asian squat. Slavs squat with their heels off the ground.
Heels touch ground when Slavs squat around
nice b8, have a (((((you)))))
The gopnik
>cheeki breeki
Why can't we have both?
you would be too if you lived here
>indian /tanned/ user goes poo in what he thinks is a designated shitting street because he saw some slavs do it and squats next to some 2m tall and almost as wide at the belly monster with thick faux-golden chain holding a cross
Protip: it doesn't end with gay scat sex if that's what you hoped.
I thought you guys hated faggots, I'm starting to like you alot less already.
I don't know, that's why I'm asking
Because the gopniks would beat the shit out of the homos.
If you don't drink, you drive the Lada then.
>me: HELP! theres a bunch of niggers assaulting me!
>slavs come in swinging
>do nothing but offer penis
>i dont like penis, so nothing there
It's a bit more difficult. Actually, there are much more homosexuals in russia than in other countries, it's just our culture that makes them repress their orientation. You'd be amazed of how many homo-references there are in average Russian speech.
What kind of "you" are you talking about? Being afraid of people who fuck each other in their buttholes is on of the dumbest reason for hate.
That's not how it works in real life between reasonable people.
>Not wanting to have a cute feminine twink as a friend for causal fucking when you couldn't get a bitch at the club
It's like your a closet homo or something tbqh famalam
Lada Samara
>yugoslavia occupying not only macedonia but thrace as well