How are transgenders treated in your country?
Transgender Rights
I don't think anybody really thinks about transgender people here.
They're not noisy cunts like the yank's ones are.
Laughed at and viewed with disgust publicly, would probably be beaten up in some dark alley when found out.
Never saw one.
We had one hermaphrodite model, that "became a woman" and escaped the country to fuck some rich boy and live on his cash.
Andrej Pejic, if I'm not mistaken if you want to google it.
Same here there is a few in my town but only 2 of the younger generation and they both male to female, one of them is actually my Jewish friends bro/sister. He doesn't post gay shit on facebook the gayest thing he did was wear a dress to the prom and.his profile pic is him in make up, I honestly don't care about them if they keep to themselfs the same goes for gay people.
does this guy ever stop shilling for leftists, jesus..
i remember when comedy used to be about just being fun
What are transgenders? Some kind of aliens?
We don't have them in Poland as far as we know
Man fuck this limey. Why are people not only expected to universally accept whatever the left thows at us but also instantly realize how to accomadate for the feelings of every individual?
I wish they were treated like regular mentally ill people.
>user, there is no Liberal Bias in the Media
>Fucking Comedy shows pandering leftist propaganda left and right, but mainly left, without a hint of dissent
The straw that broke my back was when Jon Stewart, looking JUSTED af, actively told people not to vote for Trump.
What in the Holy name of Mary's Tampon happened to, "Each according to the Dictates of Hos own Conscience"
>making jokes about having strong sexual urges as a teenager is disgusting
Also this
No such thing
I doubt there are any
Bull fucking shit. That will never happen( link won't load so I can only read link), what's next ? A mother suing you for mistaking her baby's sex ?
They are horribly abused by the medical establishment and media. They are told to get permanently disfigured for a treatable mental illness known as gender dysphoria. These people are lied to every single day. Anyone who honestly tries to help them is called transphobic.
I am not familiar with this Transgender rights?
Is that some kind of westerner sickness is you dont treat symptoms accordingly?
We treat symptoms with little medicine, I like to call "beating the shit out of retard who want to push and project his mentall illnes onto others".
you know that's bs
Like shit as it should be.
Literally arab tier
>Western values are best values and norm for the world, they are not to be questioned
Grow out of your ass, just because your TV and other media tell you same lie repeatedly, it does not make it true.
Go jerk off to traps and promote low natalism in your country.
>that fox weather guy confused as fuck
That's got me a nice laugh, anyone know the original clip?
What's that Serbia? I can't hear you over the sound of your complete and total irrelevance.
Pretty gud
>"We don't have them in Poland as far as we know"
>Poland is 4 people sitting in a room browsing Sup Forums on a single dimly lit early 2000's laptop
I don't know, honestly.
They need special treatment or something? why do you asking?
They have the same rights as everybody else. They just aren't satisfied with what they have. So ask yourself if they are oppressed or entitled.
We may be irrelevant in the world but Biden still came to Serbia so suck our dick so that we dont take Russian S-400 and their missiles, oh would it be a misfortune if some random nuclear missile from Russia ended up in here?
I guess that Americans will try to not have another Kaliningrad hm...?
Such a small country, such interesting positon...
They have tried so hard to promote them on TV, specially in a popular program here called Showmatch which is the embodiment of jewish degeneracy. However, despite their efforts, trannies are seen as mentally ill by the common populace except for zurdos (leftists) who desperately try to grab any vote.
There are a whole lot of trannies in my city (contained to their respective red zones) and most are prostitutes, and you'd be surprised how many married men frequents them, but nobody will ever confess they fucked trannies, never ever, it's the single most shamefur dispray.
What's wrong with trying to educate yourself by being empathic towards them?
libruhls are retarded.
Better being irrelevant than degenerate, go and export your rotten ideology elsewhere.
what is that? A new flag for the mentally ill? They need something other than the rainbow flag?
Kek he is even more retarded than i thought.
American vice-president does not know Europes geography. What did I expect.
>that flag
Thailand YES
Soon to be defunct flag
>How are transgenders treated in your country?
With therapy
(I wish)
Why didn't you take our missiles Sorbia? I tought we were bros.
I hope so.
It's Vucic trying to suck dick to EU, but remmember Serbs ar eso pro Russian that we would rather be part of Russian Federation than EU.
Also our goverment did not have enough money to buy S-300. But we bought six MIG-29 and BM-30 and BM-27. It's nothing to you but to our weak militarry it's big deal.
stfu or die
damn latvia i didint know you are transgender now.
The rainbow flag is mostly for lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. Here is another popular transgender flag
>How are transgenders treated in your country?
I quote. "Transwhat?"
There are no Transgenders here because we killed them all/Forced them to migrate.
so do trannies who get on hrt before puberty turn out good looking?