Whats wrong with degeneracy?
Some people call it being Libertine.
Why not a case for hedonism?
Only plebs don't know how to have fun.
Whats wrong with degeneracy?
Some people call it being Libertine.
Why not a case for hedonism?
Only plebs don't know how to have fun.
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It's all fun and games until you realize that other people are footing the bill for your degenerate self-pleasure.
Because a whores life has no real value.
And no whore values life.
You cannot trust a whore. A whore will always sell you down the river.
>Some people call it being libertine.
Here you go, OP.
It's ultimately self-destructive, because you're constantly chasing a fresh, more intense pleasure. On a broader scale, it's harmful to civilization.
how stoic.
You can't imagine how many people will sell everything they are for something they have been tricked into thinking is valuable.
I value whores because of their willingness to do as I wish.
hypocritical degenerate
>On a broader scale, it's harmful to civilization.
maybe civilizations priorities are fucked up.
no war started because somebody was playing with their dick
It's not stoic at all. Your ability to master yourself has nothing to do with how much you enjoy certain things. People successful in Alcoholic Anonymous aren't stoic, but they are fighting for control of their lives, realizing that while they love that particular vice, self-control is more important.
They sell me their time and their futures and their selves in exchange for worthless monopoly money.
they are so dumb they don't realize they are whores.
but that's what they are. I pay you to do something you don't like, or you find difficult, otherwise why would you call it work, and I reward you with pleasure and the things you need.
Whores, every one.
whores are good for society, as long as they stay leashed.
No, but there are civilizations wiped out because too many people don't stop playing with their dicks, metaphorically speaking.
All of society is based upon humanities willingness to compromise.
>They sell me their time and their futures and their selves in exchange for worthless monopoly money.
everyone does that. Is everyone a whore?
Oh, Lord. OP's counter-argument was literally muh dick. Now I'm just embarrassed.
yes. society doesn't function otherwise. Humanity is a race of prostitutes.
Everyone has their price.
Some peoples prices are higher than others...
but make them the right offer and they will all sell.
>Why not a case for hedonism
Your view on Hedonism is pure meme.
Hedonism is a philosophy of restraint, not indulgence.
You restrict yourself so that you may fully appreciate the small things. You stave to appreciate the crust of bread, and then you die.
This is the dictate of Epicurus
That's why I respect the bhudda and jesus christ especially.
They didn't sell.
The problem with being attached to the material world is that it makes you a whore, and being a whore makes you a coward. Then you are easy to take control of.
You can do it if you want.
I'm not going to, though.
>material word
you mean the real world
>not Aristippus
When you die, you're not existing in the physical world anymore, but it's just as "real". Hell isn't so pleasurable, or so I hear.
The only follower of Socrates worth a single shit was Antisthenes
wars and soldiers are won by finance.
they need bullets and weapons and food and shelter and transport and water and medicine and clothing.
All of these material goods cost money. And it is all powered by the whores whose price is so low they are called "slave labor".
However, back to the point of soldiers, they all have NEEDS, and through their needs you enslave them.
They cannot maintain their power unless people give them what they need. So they are whores for what they need, they will do anything for a gun and bullets and food and bombs and what they need to maintain their power.
whores all the same.
To be or not to be.
We are all called on to sell at least once in our lives beyond the normal standards of selling our time.
>you mean the real world
This isn't the real world.
I can make the USA military destroy your country because you have what they need.
>only plebs don't know how to have fun
what if i had fun killing hedons :^)
if so then we wont be using democracy no longer
you will be isolated away from politics forever and you can continue masturbating elsewhere, if your numbers increase too much you get executed for attempting to move into politics, as it always fucking happens
There is nothing wrong with degeneracy. Since degeneracy is merely a concept. Like time or free will. It cannot be proven to be neither absolute good nor absolute evil.
>Civilizations ascend to greatness in hobnailed boots and descend to oblivion in silk slippers.
>Why not a case for hedonism?
there is an old indian tale that explains exactly why, maybe one of my fellow americans can help me find it.
it involves a few animals and a man. there is a crow/eagle
good and evil
they are words, just words.
what matters is what I have said.
If you humanity lowers it's collective price by indulging in the culture and values of prostitution it's value as a species goes down.
how much do you think Apple pays its workers in third world countries?
what do you think their price is?
Having fun is great. Nothing can go wrong.
And what's after that? You become emotionally distressed and change your wrong ways? Not sure if it works that way
choice is an illusion.
you will change when you lose your money, or you will die from your inability to take care of yourself.
Everything has a price, particularly anything "good", even if it isn't immediately apparent.
SJWs are really just libertine fascists.
what are you blabbing on about apples for. What does that have to do with anything? And do you know how long prostitution has been around for? if you look around society and humanity is still standing.
Humans aren't ants, there is no ingrained collective standard everyone adheres to. Each person lives by their own mantra. There is no case you can argue that degeneracy is wrong because like I said, its a concept. There is no right or wrong.
So the only thing I have to do is not to lose money? Sounds like a plan
easier said than done.
Because of a finite resource called 'Time'. Your time is being used for degeneracy instead of working. This is just one of the signs that society is in mass decline.
That a common problem for everyone, so it's not like it's something to cry about
but the process of making a choice isn't.
>if you look around society and humanity is still standing.
For now. Freemasonry has only just raised humanity into the modern age and we are mere decades away from many mass extinction events.
>there is no ingrained collective standard everyone adheres to.
Leaders of men unite their people together to become more powerful and to conqueror.
That which unites you in the modern age is economics and capitalism.
Degeneracy is inherently destructive to mankind.
It makes you stupid, makes you sell, makes you a coward and whore.
I don't see it as particularly stable. Masses of blue-pilled, i.e. "respectable and moral," folk are required to maintain the background for others to have fun.
I realized that awhile ago and stopped professing my beliefs so I could continue taking advantage of these morons. You should too, OP.
Das pretty neat.
Its all fun and games until the barbarians drive in, sack your city, kills you, rape your wife and enslave your kids.
>Degeneracy is inherently destructive to mankind.
>It makes you stupid, makes you sell, makes you a coward and whore.
okay but there is always two sides to a coin mate. If you want to resort to rhetoric I could easily say degeneracy has lead humans to where they are today. All the technological advances, all the good things in life is a direct result of the thousands of years of degeneracy that got us to where we are today. See how this works? You'll need more than scare mongering to prove degeneracy is actually bad.
>no war started because somebody was playing with their dick
No, they just lost them to other people who started them.
>Degeneracy is inherently destructive to mankind.
What's so bad about that?
It makes you stupid
There's a ton of retatds around being especially skilled in one partcular subject and doing quite well in life.
>makes you sell
Oh my, bring the holy water
>makes you a coward and whore
Everyone's a coward. Those who's not cowards are too arrogant. And whores... What's wrong with whores? They are great
You have a weird value system
Tell me more about these mass extinction events user.
I have a lot of money.
I also have a domination fetish.
for a large sum of money would you be willing to eat my shit?
easiest 20 grand you've ever made.
this one user?
>having fun
Nope. Why would I?
>what's wrong with being a subhuman baboon with no discretion or discipline?
the vast majority of our scientific achievements come from military intervention and the intervention of those with the light
no whore has invented anything.
>war is never a dick measuring contest
oh you know, over population, nuclear bombs, meteors that sort of thing
>why would I?
That is exactly the question I want to answer.
Do you want more money?
What do you want? need...
I'll see what I can do.
>the vast majority of our scientific achievements come from military intervention
Name one. Most scientific achievement are made by people who were studying shit too deep for their time because it was fun. Somwtimes they also did it for money or to make something useful and make lives of everyone a bit simplier.
>Name one.
pay me
I want a lot of shit and you can't do anything to give it to me. I might eat some arrogant douches shit to acquire some specific skills or character traits. Maybe learn something useful. Or maybe just for the sake of it. But for money I don't need or want? Nah
You haven't showed me any skills or knowledfe to ask for money. At the moment you are incompetent in my eyes and not deserving of any pay
Whores aren't inventors so no shit they don't invent anything its not their job to. But how do you know that top scientist was able to create without the help of prostitutes helping him unwind and indulge in some human pleasures? You don't know.
How do you know a whore won't give birth to the next Einstein? You don't know.
How do you know society will be better if you get rid of prostitution and "degeneracy"
You don't know.
no room for progress, it's like becoming a nigger
>to be or not to be
opinion discarded
Short relatively srs answer?
>It's selfish.
>Or maybe just for the sake of it.
Maybe sometime in the future we can arrange to make it happen
>How do you know a whore won't give birth to the next Einstein? You don't know.
That is hilariously unlikely.
although a very small amount of scientists have been known to engage in prostitution the overwhelming majority have led stoic lives.
>Maybe sometime in the future we can arrange to make it happen
No we can't, boy. No we can't. Not with you.
Hedonism only works when you have good self control, forethought, responsibility, and can understand cause and effect.
Otherwise, it'll ruin you.
Your neurotransmitters go out of whack.
It's not hedonism that is bad.
It's ignorance and being unprepared and irresponsible.
In all things.
>How do you know a whore won't give birth to the next Einstein? You don't know.
Its more likely that 1000 whores will give birth to 3000 whore babies that then demand gibsmedat from the government which in turn extorts the money from the next Nikola Tesla and forces him to work a menial job in a factory instead of doing his own thing and inventing meaningful stuff.
A pack of condoms cost like $5.
If that is how you feel then so be it. You shouldn't tell someone you will eat their shit "just for the sake of it" if you don't mean it!
Why not?
>muh marriage
>the overwhelming majority have led stoic lives.
If I am going to humour your generalisation you will have to do the same for me.
Lets say the overwhelming majority of these scientist of yours, who lived stoic lives, they all enjoy fresh baked bread in order to maintain their motivation for living/inventing. But the baker who provides the bread loves fucking prostitute otherwise he has no motivation to bake the bread.
Everyone has a role to play mate
because it makes me think you're a whore when you aren't.
If you really think my value system is so weird, you would have eaten my crap without a 2nd thought.
Anyone can bake bread.
that's not valuable.
Hell, I can just have machines make it for me.
I do not think it is wrong to have fun once in a while, but completely pursuing a life which is filled with nothing but fun and pleasure is simply foolish.
Not only will it have the opposite effect of what you want, because through a lack of contrast you lose your sensitivity towards the good moments of life, but it also weakens you towards the inevitable challenges later on and makes you fold every time.
Excercising restraint and going through trials makes the easier times so much sweeter. And once you actually go through harsh times you will realize that you do not need much. Instead of getting drunk as fuck and throatfucking some whore you will be experiencing absolute bliss while petting your dog in your kitchen.
Because if we go into full personal liberty it will may end as anarchy and destruction. Look - No leader, No religion, No rules - It leads to catastrophy.
good job missing the plot there mate
>Look - No leader, No religion, No rules - It leads to catastrophy.
Only if you're still an animal.
More evolved people need no leaders. They're smart enough and competent enough to lead their own lives.
Authority, in the end, is for the immature.
there is no plot.
first you said that humans are not ants, then you go on to say we all have our roles to play.
These roles are no longer necessary thanks in part to automation.
Humanity is now the single greatest liability to the continued survival of sentient life on this planet.
all those points but I noticed you forgot the most important one that I said.
>resorting to rhetoric and scare mongering
Programming your brain in a bad way makes you be a bad person.
Our brains work by coding information using our sense's , allow yourselfs to fall to degenerate behaviour will create imblance in your life and will make you less productive , you'll get frustrated if you don't have any degenerate behaviour once you've tried , yeah it may feel good but maybe it may feel too good. Afterwards nothing feels the same a soft touch of a caring woman no longer is anything , you want a big cock in your ass.
Take straight men in jail , serving 10 years sentance and get out, afterwards is hard for them to enjoy a good meal after eating shit, it's hard for them to be free after being imprisoned , it's hard for them to be with a woman after getting fucked in the ass for 10 years.
This why it's a lot harder to maintain a relationship with a woman , with whom you make a child which that child grows up healthy psihologically.
I axe you do you want your daugheter to be in a orgy with niggers and arabs , filled with cum? Would you join and fuck your own daugher and shove your cock in her mouth why blacks and niggers are shoving their cocks in her tight ass and pussy?
OR worse what if that was your son , and you were there enjoy that degenerate behaviour fucking your son while blacks are fucking in his ass...
If no , then consider NOT having degenerate behaviour so that you may be responsible and also passs it on to your child , asure your own child that he'll have the mental health and strength to resist the temptation of degenerate behaviour.
If you don't plan on being responsibile with your child or having a child , then go on be degenerate.
And sexual dominace over your woman is not degenerate behaviour , you are feeding into her insecuries and making her feel complete. A woman wants to feel secure and being dominated is a good way of giving her asurance that she is under your protection , as a reward she's willing to do anything for you ... ANYTHING.
WW2 researcher trying to improve radar, discovers his equipment is heating stuff with the radiation.
>CTA Blue Line
nigga that woman looks familiar
oh come, in capitalism society does not exist, egoism pays and everyone is responsible for itself
If somebody is so stupid to pay and work for someone's else bill then it is his/her/hir problem.
No, it's still fun and games even then. Who cares about other people right?
Or you have a "let them eat cake" moment and your underlings get fed up with your fat hedonistic out of touch bullshit and drag you out into the city square for a public strangling.
Is that mayonnaise?