Every German needs to be wiped out.
They are now an enemy of the White European people and need to be destroyed for this bullshit.
They have become worse than Jews.
Every German needs to be wiped out.
They are now an enemy of the White European people and need to be destroyed for this bullshit.
They have become worse than Jews.
Trips rewarded from Kek.
Where are you Germany? You mother fuckers along with Chink elites need to be all hunted down.
Fuck off kike.
Read the fucking archive you mother fucker.
There is a network of German managers that is working in conjunction with China and India for the sole purpose of replacing white workers in major tech companies.
This is unforgivable.
Read the archive you son of a bitch.
You people are too easily brainwashed.
Germany is a mistake. All Germans do is burden the world and offer only death in return. Then they go on about
>muh aryan
Fuck off, you aren't master race, you are a bunch of blood thirsty barbarians that have disguised themselves in the industrial world and modern society.
What culture do you have outside of bringing the fall to other empires and killing tens millions of whites in Europe?
It's why I say the biggest enemy of the Anglo-Saxon is the Anglo-Saxon; always has been, always will be
Not the Jew, not the Slav, not the Muslim, not the Chinese
Now and again, a small group of those Anglo-Saxons get fed up and overthrow the state. The state builds back up and the shit creeps in again.
The eternal Kraut
It was obivious
>fuck off kike! the jew commie traitors(insert merkal here) are importing mudslimes by the millions as a final act of revenge on the germanic people,but this will only strengthen the germans in a new race war in which the mudslime will side with germans to finally get rid of the kikes.
I dont deny it.
But this is a result of you brainwashing us into cucks after the war.
you wanted this.
Saxony must be polonized
>you wanted this.
I wanted this? This network of German managers is conspiring with the fucking Chinese and Indians you piece of trash.
No...not me nor any sensible US citizen ever wanted this. This generation of Germans have become an enemy once again....this time from the opposite spectrum.
>Every German needs to be wiped out.
>They are now an enemy of the White European people
Sounds like you are an "enemy of the White European people", OP.
Ah its obviously my fault.
You niggerloving jewboy, why did you elect Obama twice? Piece of shit that you are
Why are you guys chimping out?
No, it is because two world worlds that were pretty much initiated by Germans in less than half a century forced them to strip you guys because like hell you'd start a World War III.
You're not Roman.
You're not European.
You're probably not even white.
Honestly, don't you have anything better to do?
It's the usual gang of shitposters with an autistic hateboner for that country south of Denmark that shows up this time of night.
You cant really believe this.
Good points, Mr. Kiwi
Oh, can you explain what Problem they have with Luther? What was his supposed "crime"?
No - it was the joos amirite? "Gott mit uns" is your version of "he good boi, he dindu nuffin."
>What was his supposed "crime"?
Being an antisemite I suppose. They'll say he "destroyed Christian unity", but then they'll turn around and claim to be Protestant.
Thats what I was going to say. Most anglos are protestan. Or are people doing this post some weird catholic anglo minority ?
Doesnt really make sense.
Its proven that Germany did not start ww1.
It is proven that it did escalate it willingly.
>Or are people doing this post some weird catholic anglo minority ?
Pretty sure they're jews. I know for a fact that some of them are.
So did Russia and Austria.
What is your point? Swiss mountain jews really like to be in the German hating club, dont they?
Same. You saved this thread for me. Thanks.
>Defending the eternal Kraut
>Due to their actions they left a stigma on blue eyed blonde haired whites
>Their ideology of the perfect white causes divisions in whites with brows hair and/or eyes
Thanks Germany.
>Swiss mountain jews really like to be in the German hating club, dont they?
He's probably that moroccan immigrant, he just took his name off.
Except that the
>only blue yed blondes are aryan
is a after war antgerman meme.
If you really read the books about racial classification you would know that.
Since you are a shill you didnt.- of course.
There is a lot of hate on Germans going on in Switzerland.
IdK why, I guess its because we are the big neighbor.
You wish.
It's mainly because you tend to come here and spread your nigger culture. I don't care what you do up there, but don't send your liberal babyboomer failures here and expect love and understanding.
Germans are the best.
I for one love my German overlords
The day of rope is coming.
When your shield of brown savages and chinks has been destroyed...you will be next.
close your borders then.
Did I mention the nigger culture? In all seriousness, we are working on it.
>thread is full of dindu krauts
Fine, where is the problem then?
Or are you just too much of a little whiny bitch to do something against it?
Are you like us? Just smaller and less relevant?
The Swiss are known for their banking. All Germany is known for is concentration camps.
Unlike you, we have rules and respect them. As I said, we are working on it.
Germans have the best Engineering and innovation in the world. They produce durable and long lasting products.
People in Asia prefer German appliances and machinery over all others. Why would you want to get rid of these people? Fucking burger.
They are probably jews. Just ignore them.
So? You dont like efficiency?
Read archive to understand.
See what I mean about the shitposters being coordinated. They all use the "dindu" meme.
Am I being paranoid for seeing this shit? It's like there's an organized group making these posts.
maybe some jidf testing reactions to their new memes?
I wonder who could be behind this post
If it's true, they've been at it for a while now.
>destroy most holy Empire(Russian Empire)
>destroy rome
>destroy third rome
>enable protestantism and communism world wide
Well the meme is shitty obviously.
Don't forget the invention of communism and enabling thereof, the incarnation of nigger culture.
Seriously, are you guys reading off a script?
As if you give a shit.
What was destroyed had to be destroyed. They were all rotten to the core.
Communism was a jewish invention.
I do because I live next to them.
You're not Roman.
You're not European.
You're probably not even white.
Why do you even bother?
we do not send them. we´re still glad they are leaving tho
This is some dark magic going on here.
We all know you don't have a sense of humor Hans.
When Germany sends it's people, it doesn't send its best. They have lots of problems. They send their babyboomer leftists, ex commie university professors and upper middle class liberals, and some I assume, are good people. I see what we are getting. They are coming from all over the world, some even from the middle east.
Shoo shoo Deutschroach
The Eternal Kraut has always been worse than the Jew.
you have absolutely no fucking clue about europe. We need Germany, they have formed a completely distinct culture of their own that makes us stronger. they're the most disciplined and the most organised nation, they don't mind concentrating their whole life around work. of course that also makes them a little boring, uncreative snobs, but that doesn't really matter, we have spain to provide us with the fun aspects, france to outsnob the germans, and poles to be creative. my point is: we are diverse, but it provides some balance, we get rid of germany and fall into pieces shortly after.
I´m deeply sorry for my race, how do you want me to kill myself?
>started and lost 2 world war killing millions of white europeans
>started reformation
>created communism
>destroyed roman empire
muh aryan race of course poorlack would support his german overlords
Correct. Germany is the heart of Europe.
We need to develop a European identity without protecting the national identities and becoming a monstrous communist EU super state.
We need something like a holy league of white people that protects European outer borders against every non white and jewish invasor.
The dirty Kraut, back to his old tricks. Making everyone "European" isn't going to make you any more relevant, Hans.
The one that also built most of those empires and wound up delaying the death of us all. That now comes anyway, courtesy of you dumbass kike-enabling slavemutts. So you know, fuck you. We only ever gave you back what you deserved; now enjoy the beautiful multicultural spoils of your victory.
yeah because I have to power to assign continents, you bloody yid.
Shut up island chimp.
>Krauts think they can hold the Anglo
Fat chance you square headed nancies
sorry, smileys are for krauts only here. if you use smileys and are outside of german clay you should leave this board ^^
that image is offensive to the memory of harambe
Thas right, you fucking britcuck. (^.(*.*).+)
>krauts even try to remove freedom from smileys
Surprise surprise
The EG should never have turned into the EU. Atleast not into what it has become.
The nations should independtly decide over their laws, not some buerocrat in Brussel writing 30k word laws regarding vegetables.
Under certain circumstances economic help should also be provided, not as a MUST but as a "we should"
On a very smallscale a good example would be friends, friends dont need laws and pressure to be nice to eachother and help one another out.
We, as countries, should strive to get compatible laws in stuff regarding trade... cause it makes trading more easy. But the decision would solely lie with the countries themselve.
And after 100years or what of slowly drifting together there could be talks about joining into a superstate.
This whole failure is just too rushed, Germany makes too much pressure with it´s economical power.
A yuro superstate wouldnt be necessarily bad, if actual measures were taken to preserve the national identies.
Same with a single currency, that works only if the involved nations have a similiar economic power per capita.
Also that (new and improved) EU government would be needed to be directly voted in from the public, not the current behind closed door scheming.
Essentially we should have aimed to become something like the US could have become before the FED bank took over, with more distinct differences and freedoms between the states
We will make smileys out of your skin and gifs out of your bones.
I agree with everything you said.
Fuck off cunt
If you're not a cuck pushing people to import niggers then you're killing innocent white people around Europe because MUH NATSOC you autistic piece of shit. Stop being an extremist, you were calm until your fucking cock grew back.
Just as barbaric as you were a thousand years ago.
The Kraut never changes; the Kraut is eternal.
Stop killing whites, Britain.
What? So according to you we either
A) Destroy yurop with imported mudslime
or B) because of muuh Führer?
Tell me more about your black/white thinking.
So this is how people are born who start such threads?
Shocking intel.
>Germany is the heart of Europe.
The egotistical aryans are back at it again. Britain, France, and even Spain should say that well before Germany can. Only thing Germany is heart of is the refugee waves.
If just 20 German men would jump one hajab wearing old mooslim and beat the fuck out of her I would have a lot more respect than I do now.
>They are now an enemy of the White European people and need to be destroyed for this bullshit.
They always have been.
Truth is world peace can only be reached by the reign of french people.
Purée de carotte pour tout le monde !