Well there goes her career.
White Olympian blames manly black women for her defeat in an interview
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She's right though.
Holy Kek she was right
fucking based
Those are men
Why do you have this photo bredren? Are you anti-white in Australia?
Don't be racist.
holy fuck there's no way this is real
polish anons please confirm
>it's a sexist belief that women's physical prowess is less than men's
You could make the case for the one on the left being a grill but those other 2 are definitely dudes
the one on the right can't possibly be a female, right?
What the fuck.
This is the fall of humanity.
Aliens, just glass the planet please.
Testosterone kinda like this?
this. i cant believe someone this racist still exists in 2016
Wasn't the one in the middle a tranny or something? Or hermaphrodite
It was hilarious the hermaphrodite (balls no ovaries) who got first (by a lot) was walking around patting them on the back with a big shit eating green on xers face. You know it was thinking "holy shit its so much easier to win competitions when I'm twice as big as them"
>I will inject myself with a bit of testosterone next time
Big if true
Also, fuck those nigger men
So symbolic of the West
>Left reading itself
I feel bad for the women who lost to a man though
They identify as women, so they are. This is what women keep telling me anyway. Deal with it. I can't wait for all the female world records to be held by men in skirts by the time Tokyo rolls around.
"""""She""""" literally has a pair of balls.
I love how all these leftist sites don't have comments sections in their news so they can't be proven how completely fucking wrong they are.
Topkek are these things supposed to be females?And of what species?
Because I've never seen a female homo sapiens like that.
Yeah. Noticed that with certain newsites too
>White people whining again
nothing new here, not news worthy
ill screencap this for the next finfuck to claim theyre white
>inb4 having high testosterone levels gets declared as doping
ooga booga where da white women at
>It's racist and sexist to say that losing because someone has an unfair advantage beats you
If you're in a womens' sport, and someone performs like a man, because they're a man, you have the right to call bullshit.
I wonder how much the pawn shop gives those coons for the medals they get
God damn that salt
It could fill the entire Atlantic sea.
Also that would be cheating and seen as using performance enchanting drugs.
Black people actually already have more testosterone that whites in general, in the first place
It would make sense to seperate olympics by race or we're going to keep seeing white people win stuff like weightlifting and black people win stuff like running, and there will never really be any surprises
just like if we made women compete with men
Just admitt that you are oppossed to them because they are niggers Sup Forums.
Do not give me any of that "unfair advantage" bullshit. We all know that we want to see feminists eat their own equality medicine here.
Like the other user said, this cunt is salty as fuck because she got btfo by someone elses physical prowess.
Realistically semenya should simply not be allowed to compete as either a man or a woman since semenya is neither a man nor a woman
Logically what they should do is put hermaphrodites in the Paralympics but this will never happen because it implies they are cripples and that will hurt feelings
>entire world bandwagons against Russia for doping
>while they dope themselves
honestly, there should be two games, one with doping and one without. would be much more entertaining
I've found this interview in polish, so yes it's true.
I feel like my eyes and underdeveloped intellect are both under attack as I'm expected to accept that these are """women"""
>""""""she"""""" is called SEMENYA
You cant make this shit up
>It would make sense to seperate olympics by race
No that would not make sense and is in fact incredibly stupid. Something like that is just a sign of incredibly poor sportsmanship
Look it up
It is real, she was a little bit butthurt. I'd say that Olympics has to include more strict doping regulations, although I do not agree with out bitch if the African girls passed doping tests
>Criticize niggers for being men racing as women
>sexist and racist
>written by a chink
Any article with the phrase "message to haters" was not written by a journalist, and the writer should be tossed onto a bonfire along with the assholes that hired HER
It's pretty ridiculous. The next generation of 'female' Olympians will consist of transgenders and hyperandrogenism..
It's not doping that's her problem, her problem is Hyperandrogenism. Which basically puts androgens production into overdrive, which the Olympics has rules for and Semenya has been tested for.
How can white womyn compete?
>moooom,b-but they, they did it too!!!!! It's not fair! I'll do it too next time! >:(
The weak must fear the strong.
It's not about doping, they have unnaturally high levels of testosterone in their bodies.
Supposedly they should've been given test suppressing drugs or possibly an operation to remove any testicles hiding away in their abomination of a body.
They should've protested before the fucking games started and go collectively on strike refusing to partecipate.
Throwing a bitchfit at the end solves nothing.
nah just more bitch hormones than whites. kek
>Fifth and most important, the IAAF failed to establish that a woman born with naturally high testosterone levels has a significant performance advantage over other women.
>According to the court, the IAAF did not produce convincing scientific evidence that endogenous testosterone (produced by a woman’s own body) has the same powerful performance benefit as exogenous testosterone (from drugs).
You guys are just racists. Semenya and the others won despite lifelong discrimination for their condition, not because of it. There is no evidence that endogenous testosterone actually yields a performance advantage.
This, absolutely pathetic, women do not deserve to be in the olympics at all, they can't compete without an anti-meritocracy gender splitting.
Yeah spit in the face of meritocracy because it goes against white supremacy.
Let the blacks exceed in their running and jumping, they have better calf tendons and insertions for it. The olympics is already a collosal waste of money, let's not make it more ridiculous.
>Supposedly they should've been given test suppressing drugs
'She' was . . .they changed the test' levels to three times that of a normal woman and put her on suppressants to do it and she stopped winning races, so they put the levels back up to unlimited and Hey Presto - she won races again.
I saw 'her' being interviewed, the look and the voice!!!! . .. it wan pretty much a man.
why do these tanned dudes all have gynomastia, is it something in the paki diet?
By not having an IQ of 90.
Social Justice Asians are even worse than self hating Whites
Why? Tattoos are stupid enough on white people where you can actually see them, but on dark skinned black people? Why the fuck?
Why do you need a smart woman? Do you not have any friends to talk to?
>for years, taking testosterone has induced muscle development, strength and stamina
>now that a tranny niggo has cheated in the olympics, "WELL THERES NO PROOF TESTOSTERONE IS A PERFORMANCE BOOSTER"
Niggers are retarded, more news at 11.
You guys should come out of the closet. Black skin is smooth and superior. I have never seen a black person with acne or pimples. Meanwhile the average white is a vampire and evaporates in the sun due to melanin problem.
But nignogs smell, don't they?
New Olympic rule: Points are now adjusted for test levels.
Not really. The civilized people blacks I met in S.E. Asia from Senegal and Ethiopia were quite normal and used deodorant.
Education can work wonders.
Wow, that's sexist.
Men and women are equal and this backwards bitch needs to be punished
Plenty of blacks suffer from skin problems
hey, so were they tested and passed? If so, I do not see a problem here. But if we see a problem arisen in a connection to their testosterone, we should just make new regulations.
No, I mean, their sweat smells different from whites' sweat and to us it smells off.
hey fag I never said she wasn't hot.
If you discount any wman as being attractive because she isn't white, isn't black or whatever then you are a retard.
But yeah if you are a dark QWEEN there is no point in getting tattoos.
I want a black gf. Supposedly they don't have rabid feminist tendencies that white girls have.
Yes, a secret man.
he IAAF was using testosterone levels until a court made them suspend the rule of two years.
Enter Semenya.
>Supposedly they don't have rabid feminist tendencies that white girls have.
You are in for one hell of a disappointment.
What are you talking about pal? BLM, black feminists, all this stuff is there.
its all well and good to find them attractive, but if you burn coal or drill oil, youre probably a lower class white and are ruining your genetic stock
Of course she's just salty. These people did not break any rules, so they won fairly.
If you're going to complain about things that were decided at birth you shouldn't be holding the Olympics in the first place. Usain Bolt is not exactly an average human male, either, even when you subtract all the training.
But I can understand that women get angry when they're told that they're not manly enough to win their competition.
Ultimately you are your Y chromosome.
If you bleach a black woman her sons will all be black skinned white men, and every time they get black pussy, no matter how black their male decendents become they will always have a white man's y chromosome.
It should be the goal of every white man to have as many black skinned male heirs to single mothers as possible, full black men can't compete with mixed race men.
Plus if you are white you can date up in terms of individual attractiveness. A 6/10 white can fuck and breed a 8/10 black woman quite easily, without having to be rich or anything, they just want to be bleached.
I'm not saying don't have white children as well.
Do you not understand that semenya has a dick and balls? Do you really believe he should compete in women's sports?
I'm in favour of this. Don't sjw tumblr feminists say women and men are equals? Then they shouldn't have any objections to half-men who identify as women participating in women sports
Where is the "blacked" logo?
Do you have proof of that? Last I heard they actually tested her and she turned out to be biologically female.
It's funny that Sup Forums gets really into these discussions about how people should be the gender they're assigned at birth but then gets triggered when something like this happens.
Shut up fuckface. This is the reason why some "black" men today don't have the nigger brain
Do you seriously believe she hasn't done that already?. Also you don't know shit about steroids do you?
Bout tree fiddy
why do you people post this shit? does it make you feel better about being race traitors to try and convert other people?
Please post fuckable Black Girls