What will change if China becomes the world's largest economy?
What will change if China becomes the world's largest economy?
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Fucking Asians... i take the woman but the men all have severe autism and no souls.
I'll kill myself
Dude a fucking samurai just goon that Chink in his fucking bean with a hammer or what
Good, fucking degenerate got what he deserved.
>That last line.
Fucking kek.
I'll never understand this webm
more animes
I hope he learned a valuable lesson about common courtesy.
What can you not possibly understand in this webm?
I enjoyed this so fucking much...
Basically that guy was chewing seeds and spitting the husks (Or whatever) on the floor. People told him to stop, he confirmed he was degenerate, random guy came along and hammered the guy in the fucking face.
Very beautiful Webm.
Hopefully we'll have some trade deals with them by then so they can lift our economy out of the gutters that EU put it in.
daily reminder that this was quite literally an act, with actors. stupid cunts
Probably why there's a man in armor with a hammer.
Possibly an ethnic cleansing of human garbage?
Why is the random guy dressed like a superhero?
I'd say their average penis size will increase.
With large economies, come large penises.
because they're on a train duh
Why is there an ancient Chinese warlord wielding a hammer on the subway?
Judgin by his furious attack he's probably some local psycho
>Some guy is chewing seeds on the train
>The guy besides him doesn't like it
>The guy besides him decides to be an insufferable piece of shit and complains
>Some guy in the back had his parents force him to eat seeds
>Forced seed eater becomes enraged as he relives childhood nightmares
>Goes and hits seed eater with a hammer
Never been to china, but I guess parents just sometimes force their children to swallow seeds in these parts of the world
have you ever seen a chink without 10 pounds of makeup on?
fucking german men you guys are seriously fucked in the head
Ok that I don't know I just assume Asia has people dressed like that everywhere.
China becoming a superpower would hopefully path the way for more dindus and "refugees" heading there instead of the west.
we all understand the webm itself, it's more the context surrounding the webm that leaves me with questions
do all asian subways have a hammer wielding gold ninja?
does he feel as strongly about other violations as he does about spitting seed husks?
does he have other tools at his disposal, or is he limited to strictly hammering faces?
I hate asian women more than asian men
>when the 4babbies need spoonfeeding
It's staged btw. There's a pic of them both standing with their around around each other and fake blood all over the guy's face
Arms around*
Not naming your webm Chinese Thor.
You fucked up.
based Judge Dredd laying down the law
They already are the largest economy. America's economy is inflated by Juden tricks and the fact that most of the added value to their products happens in the US, while the real production is in Mexico or China.
>be in chinese fightclub
>first mission goes horribly wong
He's a police carpenter.
I like to think he's limited to hammering faces.
His options are either don't hammer or do, he has to decide on a case by case scenario whether he should hammer or not.
He quickly looks down to his watch.
"It's hammer time"
Viciously beats a baby that was crying too loud.
God damn it Sup Forums..
Can someone translate leaf?
This is Asia's answer to heroic propaganda and soft power social control.
Its so contrived. And has been posted before.
It's staged Why do pol keep posting repeated stuff despite being proven to be fakes before?
As a carpenter I can confirm that the man in question is indeed.
An officer of the Wood working law.
China is 2 billion same minded people which limits people creativity.
They will never become the largest economy unless they give up their repressive government.
Nice to see that pic. It's a damn shame most people on Sup Forums have average IQ and don't know how to Google the story for themselves.
>Dude a fucking leaf just gooked that chinkey beaner and and hammered my arse for malt
I think its cryptic
Shit they are. Imagine how much germany could do with their landmass, resources, and amount of people. 1 billion biologically germans! We would literally have outposts on other plantes and moons right now.
USA/Israel will translate to China/Pakistan on the world stage. We are their greatest ally for 65 years and counting.
When will at least 50% of China have electricity and plumbing?
Because you all exist in my head anyway. Who are you to tell me what's real or isn't?
Not with todays Germans you won't
lmao no. You would just have the capacity to accept another 50 million or so refugees.
You'd be too busy catering to rapefugees.
Ahhhhhh that's how the Germans think, no wonder your country has gone to the dogs.
I milk gets sour there's the possiblity to make cheese.
>Who are you to tell me what's real or isn't?
I'm (You) because I exist in your head
>Chinese Thor
Nigga, please. The proper name for that file is "Hammurai.webm"
>Implying people care enough to google story
it already happened and nobody noticed
Germoney every time I went to the Alps to hike I sought out the dankest Germanest places. I love you krauts, you are such a cute people. Now wherever you go it's shitskin Central. Used to piss me off seeying terronis in Bozen, now even they seem decent people. Going to a cute little aleman speaking swiss village on a lakeside and shiet and seeing niggers it's soulbreaking
Never say fuck you to Mongolian.
Asians in general are very fucking passive and will let others walk all over them. I'm surprised the older guy even said anything to the punk, let alone stood up to him. The fact that he got a good old fashioned American ass-kicking is almost too good to be true.
I lived in S.E Asia for a few years. Asians seem passive aggressive but they often look for dumb reasons to pick fights with you. They are very xenophobic.
The next WW will be between chinks and muslims
I mean it's kind of obvious because you don't just find Qing dynasty warlords walking around the subway with framing hammers.
also if you hit a guy with a hammer like that he's not getting back up
nice colour scheme cunt
fucking gold
I thought he must of been some kind of train cop or something, dunno never been to Chinkland
zero welfare
swift death penalty, sometimes without even needing a judge
they'll still go to the west
What is it with China and finding the most retarded ways to die and the most retarded reasons to beat the shit out of/stab each other?
Peanut inspector.
They're pretty common in Hong Kong.
They'll whomp you for spitting too. Smoking is fine but.
I'm pretty sure he's the groom at a wedding. There's some chinese chick in the background in a wedding dress.
Guy probably just had a nice wedding at the registry, was the way to the local take out joint for the wedding meal, and some cunt is being a cunt on the train and ruining the mood and generally being dirty.
Who's that knocking on the door?
Better run run criminal scum because it's
Gold armor adorned and hammer in hand
He's bring justice to the oriental land
Don't shit on his streets or spit on his train
because if you do, you'll be in a world of pain
ayo hol up dat nigga a power ranger
best post
there are a lot of crazy people that seem normal in public
It's staged you D I P S H I T
So if u chew seeds on a train a fucking golden knight or some shit will come and bash your teeth out with a hammer?
Count me in.
>complain about a guy getting seeds on the floor
>get blood on the floor instead
92% in 1990, lad. 100% since 2012.
96% of Chinese have indoor plumbing since 2010.
It's the town rapist.