What is the worst religion on earth, pol?
I pick Hinduism, with their rotten caste system, and those reincarnation/moksha bollocks they use to justify it. Islam is a close second.
What is the worst religion on earth, pol?
I pick Hinduism, with their rotten caste system, and those reincarnation/moksha bollocks they use to justify it. Islam is a close second.
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I think reincarnation/moksha translate over to a sound figure of speech tbqh senpai. I think the practice is misguided because it comes from ancient times.
>Implying any religion is good.
>Reincarnation is a solid tool for zen thinking though.
>I personally believe Judaism or Islam is by a wide-margin the worst religion.
Whats wrong with your flag
>"rotten" caste system that mainly prevented racemixing
>"reincarnation bollox" which meant you have to live a noble life
>It's fucking Indonesia
Hinduism is great theology.
>caste system
Only plebs would say that.
the problem is, reincarnation is being used to justify caste, class, and defend the aristocracy. Born a slave? Your own past self's mistake.
All religion is shit, but the worst has to be feminism.
Egalitarianism. It is currently destroying western civilization.
>being a filthy mullah
>having the audacity to call out another religion
Fuck off
>reincarnation is cool senpai
>eastern religions are peaceful and spiritual
lol these delutional plebs listen too much to yoga instructors.
Hinduism is based you faggots. They just live in poo in loo, if their shit culture actually followed Hinduism, they would be a religion of peace. As for the caste system, the present caste system, in which the caste is determined by birth, is not given in the Vedic literature. The original name for the Vedic social division of labor was varnashrama. The Bhagavad-gita (4.13) declares that the system of varnashrama is based on guna (qualities) and karma (activities) or, in modern parlance, attitudes and aptitudes – not on birth.
The caste-by-birth idea – the bane of Hindu casteism – is decidedly non-Vedic. The Vedic texts abound with examples of qualified people, even if low-born, being elevated to respectable places in society.
>assuming I'm a muslim
are you not busy gangraping women in a bus?
Says the pig cock sucker
Feminism is pretty much a religion these days,
I'd have to say that.
Or Islam, both of them are regressive and utterly incompatible with the rest of the world.
>my religion is originally good and peaceful
>this modern form is wrong and unpure
even muslims use this argument
Heeb zionism
Best: Christianity
Worst: All the other heathen devil worship out there
Massive pleb detected
Come back to us Indonesia. We will forgive you for the rebellion and the Bersiap. en.wikipedia.org
You'd be better of within our kingdom.
Who cares about hindus, they are not expanding into your country. Stop sucking muslims cock
Nigger, Islam inherently teaches violence, division, etc. Learn a thing or two about Hinduism. The actual philosophy and metaphysical beliefs are pretty on point, although sometimes needed to be taken with a grain of salt / metaphor. You can see the truth of it easily, as long as you are not lying to yourself. You know it user. You know that the conglomerate of
Buddhism/Hinduism/Taoism/Hermeticism/Spiritualism/Sikhism/Christian(a very modified form)/Confucianism/Theosophy is all correct in it's own way. Kikes and Mudslimes do not belong here.
in his early meccan phase, muhammad was very jesusish. An opressed teacher on freedom of religion and equality. Once he had a country to govern, Islam turned political and violent. The only difference was Jesus never had a country to govern.
Besides the crusaders were basically isis, just look at some parts of the old terstament. Christianity had a chance to reform to become somewhat better, Islam hasn't. Not that any religion has a place in the modern world.
Hinduism remains a religion of peace, know that it is only the elite that maintain the caste system. Most religions have been Satanically infiltrated.
Scientology then hindu
Asatruan/Norse religion.
Unlike Islam, which is just incidentally violent, it actually advocates violence, raiding, etc. Ultimately, it's a Marvel comic tier religion that's just a list of stories with similar characters. Only the most pretentious, insufferable modern westerners have chosen to become neopagans with it. It's literally devoid of theology.
Honestly, nothing of value was lost when Scandinavian women began converting. Even Irish paganry had some interesting Trinitarian implications.
>feeling the need to clause Christianity
It's still pretty based my friend even though it is infiltrated by the eternal Jew. Did you know reincarnation used to be one of the pillars of belief in Christianity until the 5th century?
>Crusaders were isis.
The crusades were a response to the old islamic state. The Turkish/Ottoman empire. Islamic agression was threatening europe for a hundred years before the christcucks got off their asses for the first one.
Atheism by far
It is basically a religion meant to serve the state, and preserve racial purity.
Cruel, but in the past was efficient in preserving the South-Asian races.
Modern Hinduism is even worse then ancient Hinduism.
>Caste System
Every Caste had a job
Originally Sudras/Dalits did not exist in ancient Hinduism.
Sudra's/Dalits are technically casteless.
All Non Hindus fall under this caste.
Most of these people where conquered people (e.g. non-hindus)
They are akin to slaves in other societies.
Free $$$ for the state.
Don't worry Pajeet
If you be a good member of society you will get rewarded in the next life,
so don't rebel.
The one thing that is good about it is
>Preservation of wildlife
Middle-eastern Elephants extinct due to Romans and Persians
Still exist in India and also Africa (but only due to under population in and lack of civilized societies in Africa).
Lol Hinduism was relentless in its thirst for conquest.
Dalits and Shudra's where literally added in to Hinduism so conquered races would remain slaves forever.
>isis is a reponse at hundreds of years of western imperialism
Nothing justify violence and retarded theocracy though. Funny how instead of fighting back the invaders, they end up slaughtering civilians in less relevant places. Very similar indeed.
Also instead of the ottomans, perhaps you meant the abbasids and seljuks,
Not really, most "Holy" wars where political, and religion was used to motivate the laymen into taking a side.
Even the Crusades had a lot more to do with politics.
Same with Ottoman aggression.
Some Muslim rulers even lamented the fact that many Christians and Pagans converted to Islam, because then they received lower tax payments, despite the goal of Islam being to convert others.
I'm not an atheist but its undeniable that Religion has always been used to benefit kings and rulers.
>Come back to us Indonesia
WTF, not even Germany is that eager to take in 200 million Muslims !!!
It's our rightfull clay you talented cloth sewer.
It's been like that for almost 400 years, in those years they didn't en masse migrate to our beautifull lowlands because the different island sultanates we united we're doing good.
Make Indonesia Great again = Make Indonesia into the Dutch Indies again.
>eastern religions are peaceful and spiritual
Didn't say that. Just that Hinduism is interesting and has a lot of parralels to Christianity. Plus, caste systems are good for humanity.
t. Filthy jungle gook mudslime
Buddhism is the worst - the aim is annihiliation of the self - no desires, no attachment to anything, and eventually no reincarnation - just nonexistence. Islam - at least its bad in a human way.
>rightfull clay
>400 years
I think it's been their 'rightfull clay' a tad longer then that don't you think ? by at least 3000+ years
Christianity is the most decadent. Especially shitty today. Look at the pope kissing the feet of those refugees.
Best: Bhuddism
Worst: Islam
Pope isn't christian you bumbling retard
>Pope isn't christian
Caste systems are spergy trash. Without affirmative action, people will self-segregate into informal castes, and the informality makes them more adaptable.
Explicit rules are only better than informal ones for sperglords who wish they were computer programs.
"The Pope is the Bishop of Rome and the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church."
Really makes you learn something and not be a retard
Fuck you Daendels
Christianity/Islam/Judaism are tied. Middle east bullshit is bad news.
>Pope isn't christian you bumbling retard
Explain this spergy shit? Catholicism is the most popular form of Christianity by a wide margin.
>muh random Protestant sect or orthodoxy is the true Christianity huuuurrrrrr
What kind of worst are we talking about? Mormons really get the cake as the worst lie, it's amazing some people still believe it.
Worst for civilization is obviously Islam, however. It's not disgusting, it's outright evil.
You're really giving the masses too much credit.
I'm not suggesting Brave New World, but like you say, people make informal castes anyway, so why not benefit from it?
Exactly. It's Catholicism. Not Christianity.
Maybe that doesn't mean much in America but in Europe the differences are very important
The cult founded by Stefan Molyneux.
The hype cult?
oh right, your infertile obese king couldn't get a son so he destroyed millennium old institutions and traditions to bed some toothless Anglo whore, thus creating real Christianity.
>The pope isn't Christian
Congratulations, you've officially ruined the reputation of all Bhuddists on Sup Forums
Mfw even if I killed myself I'd just come back anyway.
i do prefer buddhist notion of reincarnation, which is a reaction to hinduism
Did you guys know there was a WE WUZ KANGZ religion?
Is Buddhism the one with all the different kinds of hells that exist for certain punishments and once you've served your time you get to go to Heaven?
I had to taste cow piss as a child because of Hinduism. FUCK IT. All religions are equally bad.
What benefits?
Allow me to salvage Bhuddists and reincarnation a little bit here.
>Encourages responsibility to yourself and others
>Discourages materialism and all the degeneracy that comes with it
>Encourages philosophical thinking and critical thought
>Enlightenment doesn't come through strapping bombs to your chest or fighting holy wars
>Generally speaking Bhuddists aren't exactly big fans of Islam so wouldn't act like complete cucks when it comes to securing our borders
>athism is religion durr
tired of this meme
Religion: the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
The whole goal is to live out a lifetime free of suffering, and the reward varies depending on the sect ranging from getting to come back and share how you managed to achieve enlightenment to the edgelords who think the reward is non-existence
>It's Catholicism. Not Christianity.
Not quite how it happened. It was more a result of Luther fixing Papal stuff.
Besides Pelagianism is real Christianity.
It keeps the inferiors in their place, and functions (when done properly) as eugenics to facilitate the best people for their positions.
Nice hat, infininigger
Found what I was thinking of
Polack, once again - atheism is a religious position. A faith.
The only thing a rational person can be is an agnostic, or a member of my personal zoroastrian sect that you can only gain admittance to by buying my 3000$ book.
It's equalism that you're all thinking of. Feminism is just a sect of it.
weak memeing
Non-sperglords have social skills > IQ. Explicit rules are only good for parasites who like to game rules, and sperglords who need to learn how to human
Classic China, always got to be some sort of infinite pain fuckery isn't there XD
You keep using that term as if it bolsters your argument. Besides, the undefined rules are better for the parasites. Ie. a Jew could never have attained a high caste in India like the have in the West.
i'd say Islam. why ?
>using fear to make people pray
>Allah only care about your prayers, not your happiness
>everyone will be tortured in the afterlife, while waiting for the end of the world
>it's the only religion that is not actually compatible to be mixed with other religions in a country
>muslims agree with sharia law
>and sharia law is not fair
>the true islam actually doesn't tell you to circumcise
>the true islam doesn't forbid you from interreligious marriage
Well its not infinite. Its more like a prison sentence.
you can't get worse than any of the three Semitic shitstains of a religion
Islam Judaism or Christianity - all Semitic garbage
just kill each other already you faggots
wah ada indon
dari mana gan
Could you pick one please !
The Jews came out on top because of a caste-like system - banking was seen as low-status, so the outsiders did it, and then it turned out to be important, and they took control.
Comparing the current start of the US with the US constitution should show that explicit rules are no protection
Rightfull Dutch Clay.
Now you're the biggest muslim country in the world. Good job!
Shittiest is hinduism and islam
Best is Buddhism and Sikhism
Reformed christianity is also good
They were also allowed to do that. Previously, anytime they attained anything, the rug could be pulled out because they were under stricter rules. Only once things became hazy were they allowed to position.
bandung gan, lu ?
>cant even speak coherently
>claiming The White Man's Burden to educate easterners.
and i'm a muslim myself, technically. kinda want to explore catholicism since christians aren't very good people anyway (i learned from Sup Forums)
Yeah, I kinda realised that My wording was wrong after I hit to post
jkt, standar
>muh small irrelevant denomination is the true church of god
see they are expansive, they just suck at it compared to muslims
Atheism is faith , proof to me that atheism is true
>Protip you cant