These are americas biggest states, how can we make them white again?
These are americas biggest states, how can we make them white again?
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Alaska is bigger than both.
And it's already mostly white.
By population
Minority white in newborns
Texan here
was swiping through Tinder a few minutes ago. Nothing but fat trailer trash and beaner women
Is there any possibility of a state leaving the union like ever?
catch a load of this bluepilled faggot
You didn't say populatuon, you said biggest state. Alaska is twice as big as texas.
That's what you get for being on a degenerate hook up site you stupid cuck.
It'd take some major cucking. Like a 911 tier happening and the feds not doing anything because of cultural sensitivities.
I've never actually hooked up with any girls I match with I mostly just do it for entertainment
So how would that play out? The gouverneur of Texas goes to the supreme court or what?
Take what you can get if you're looking on there.
you sound like a lonely low-iq autist. for everyone who isnt mentally retarded OPs meaning was conveyed perfectly.
Both of those states are lost causes.
Short of developing an ethnic bioweapon that specifically targets wetbacks, there's no way of ever making them white again.
>build wall
>mass deportation
>cut welfare to remove incentives for single motherhood
>restore White racial identity via race realism
>create White community organizations to encourage births with organized baby showers and scholarship funds
>Read about the Iberian Reconquista.
Californian here, Southern California. I walk into work everyday and hear everyone around me speaking Spanish, and the T.V is always in Spanish.
>California has largest population of illegals
>7% of population
>10% of work force
>Has a non-white majority
California is fucked. Don't come here.
yea it seems all the decent women left it a year ago or so. I remember when it first came out and there were a lot of qts. Pretty depressing thinking how chads pumped and dumped them and now they think all men are like that.
No, there is no official mechanism.
After the civil war there have been a ton of things put in place to prevent it actually.
I don't think our beaner problem is as bad in Texas as it is in California. There are a lot of Tejanos here that were Texians before Americans. But they aren't in The Valley, and that's where the illegals and D voting Latinos are. The good Tejanos are out west or went north to the Hill Country/I-20 corridor west of Dallas.
Something big needs to happen in The Valley that pushes these people out. Mainly get rid of their tin shack neighborhoods, think District 9 tier living, that's what's happening in The Valley. Except a vial of Tecate won't turn deportation agents into Guatemalans.
Haha, no germany. Texas would take it's military and take matters into their own hands. I'd assume they'd mobilize the army and claim independence under pretense of retaliation if ignored. The U.S. government is cucked enough that the feds might fear another civil war on their hands and allow a peaceful secession.
So, when you discuss population size you say biggest instead of population?
We have are own air defense. Texas air national guard
Alaska is bigger than both combined
Biggest state*
And more beautiful than both combined.
I want to move there but I hate big mosquitos. When I went salmon fishing there as a kid they almost picked me up and flew away with me. Is there any way to deter them?
That's debatable, California has shit tier people but it's pretty damn beautiful
>big mosquitos
By big do you mean how many mosquito's there are?
Texas has beautiful places they're just all a 3+ hour drive apart from each other. In between is oak/mesquite plains and oilfields.
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. The Sierra Nevada mountains are the best. They just scream "North America".
california is shit it's literally bleeding
No I mean those fuckers were the size of a silver dollar. I've been stung during the rainy season while fishing on the Colorado river here, it's like a minor bee-sting, but those fuckers felt like a tetanus shot every time they hooked up with me. Maybe it's an old childhood fear but the phrase "everything is bigger in Texas" seems to ignore how big the flying bugs are in Alaska.
Yes. Switzerland is bigger than Bulgaria and Norway, for example.
No wait. Swede bro is retarded.
We can cherry pick all day. California has everything.
here you go, majority non-white
all big(pop. wise) states are majority non-white in newborns. sad
I never said Texas was Alaska I'm just saying we have all sorts of above average beautiful shit whereas most states only have a few bragging points.
But I didn't say newborns and I wasn't talking about texas. I said Alaska is mostly white which it is.
As a TXfag sometimes I think about fucking off to Alaska. Far too many brown people here.
>As a TXfag sometimes I think about fucking off to Alaska.
move from very hot state to freezing cold state. I wish my body could handle shit like that.
Your state would be amazing if you didn't shit away your water supply for farming non-native crops, and your politics which I won't blame you for. I am jealous of the public shooting land and abandoned gold mines you have, I have private land to shoot on but it's nothing like your opportunities. If only your gun laws didn't suck.
Would Texans really be willing to fight the US military in that kind of case? I thought you all identified as Americans first before whatever state you're from?
It's a liberal shithole from top to bottom. If it was just 75% white and conservative, it would be the best state regardless of topic.
same here man
It's not that bad if you are an /out/fag. I'm from south Texas and my dad is from Ohio, he flew me and my brother up to northeastern Ohio to icefish when we were kids and I lived in Lubbock during college. If you know how to dress the part that's half the battle. The other half is filling a chest freezer and gathering a few cords of firewood during the spring/summer/fall so you can enjoy winter.
This is my interpretation though, alaskanon please butt in if I'm wrong.
Texas is a whole different animal. Huge Texas flags waving everywhere you go. Texas edition vehicles from chevy. It's like it's own country.
By protesting for an "Immigration Decision" law, where THE PEOPLE get to decide whether or not they want to intake on immigration. However, it will not seem racist if we don't specify race
>when we were kids
that helps a lot. you have to tell little kids to put their coats on when it's freezing.
Texans are very prideful.
Never been to Texas but from what I've heard I thought you were all American as fuck? You know what I mean.
Have you ever asked anyone there what they think about it?
They do love America but from the people I've talked to when I went on vacation a couple of times, Texas comes first.
Texas would never vote to leave the union in our congress. And if war was proposed it wouldn't ever come to that under the Obama admin. They'd settle for a trade agreement in the same style as NAFTA. We have oil, cattle, and a few cash crops, we still need winter crops from the west and PNW, and whitefish outside of the gulf. Any presidential admin would mask it as a trade agreement. They might get angry and fight only because of PanTex and military bases, or the fact that we pay 7% more into the federal tax system than we receive.
yes minus a few cities like austin and dallas and houston. But there are also true texans living in those shitholes.
living in lubbock now. it's growing pretty fast but there are too many damn homeless people
detonate explosives along the Andreas fault line and push it into the pacific
You wouldn't replace "biggest" with "population".
You'd ask which state is the most populous.
Not at all.
They are lost.
No matter what stupid shit I said, did you think op was talking about population or the size of each state?
It was quite obvious.
>Dat AZ vs TEX
It lasted until I was 16, after that high school sports interrupted our schedule. I still know how to bundle up and handle -10 and lake effect snow, and goose hunting in the Texas panhandle with sustained 30mph winds in 5 degree weather. It's fucking awful but I know how to handle it. I just don't think anybody from here can handle 4 months of those conditions with nothing to eat but salmon/halibut, deer, and whatever else they shoot. I did 8 months on elk, duck, dove, and axis meat and whataburger was a luxury meal.
Not all Texans are like that. Most of the ones that feel that way have been in Texas since 1836 or the Civil War.
>Americas biggest states
> no mention of population
Idk man, I just don't know.
to be honest, I started to reply to OP by saying that those states were full of mexicans already, so I was thinking population, but OP clearly used the wrong word, there's nothing wrong with thinking he meant land area.
relax. this is just an egyptian oven mitts discussion group.
I laugh so hard when liberals, usually beaner liberals, try to claim that Prop 187 caused California to go blue. They are either liars or dumb as fuck. Mexicans are going to mostly vote for Democrats no matter what. You could go back in time and make Prop 187 never exist and the voting paterns today would be identical.
living in lubbock now
I'm sure it's not the same beast it was when I was going to Tech and working in fracking, but, if you ever get tired of the frat boy Chad dude stuff New Deal and Abernathy are a good place to just drive around and eat a good hole in the wall burger.
>detonate explosives along the Andreas fault line and push it into the pacific
And watch the country's food prices skyrocket by 500%.
Good point, he does mention " making them white again".
>white again
Hahah, no.
In less than a generation Texas will be a blue state full to the brim with hispanics.
Anyone with common sense is already packing their bags.
Abolish the police.
The situation will solve itself.
Niggers and spics hate cops, so we may be able to actually get those idiots to sign their own death warrants and support banning the police.
You can only run for so long.
>Anyone with common sense is already packing their bags.
This is a stupid thing to say and you're wrong. Look at our gubernatorial election.
>inb4 Trump
Some people here don't like the guy, that doesn't reflect internal party politics since Trump differs quite a bit from Abbott's stances and his supporters. Trump doesn't have a choir singing his praises because his ideas for a great America don't reflect Texans' ideas for a "great America". You can bitch and moan about it nonstop but it won't change Texas' ideas about conservatism. Trump is having a rally here today, he can nail down the Texas vote if he chooses to do so, most of Cruz's voters are angered by his performance, it's his state to lose. His speech today will be a serious indicator if he wants to win the state, stick to his message, or piss it away.