who the fuck came up with the idea to build these ugly shit blocks half of europe lives in?
Who the fuck came up with the idea to build these ugly shit blocks half of europe lives in?
I did.
Is that Ruse?
>different heights
>different window sizes
>different colours
They keep the proles spirits low so they have no energy for revolt
In communism, ugliness is beautiful.
Why are american walls so thin you can actually punch through them?
Typical sovietic architecture.
I agree, it's crap.
What america has to do with this? Why you mudslimes are so obsessed with america?
Calm your autism Pajit I just wasn't raised in a sewer so I don't plague the board with a new thread when I can perfectly fit an architecture question ITT
soviet architecture at its finest
there are good news
some workers arrived recently who are supposed to fix the cracks in the walls, change the windows and repaint the blocks and make a children's playground in the area thanks to some EU sponsored program.
However they seem to be sleeping rather than working right now kek
A mountain jew guy, on his name corbusier.
Thanks that was interesting
it's burgas
They look like the buildings we have here. They are pretty common in Eastern and Central Europe. Whose idea was it? I don't know, but I bet Stalin had some to do with it.
My university has this ugly shit everywhere. Pretty funny considering it's also one of the most SJW safe-space minority-friendly places out there in America. Marxists really like that architecture for some reason
That's what bulgarian workers do here too. I'm glad this isn't a thing they just do here.
Well, how are you going to fit everyone in cheaply otherwise?
If you need lots of proles to keep wages down and productivity high, you gotta stack em somewhere.
There's a place with houses a bit like this around 10km from where I live.
Literally in the middle of the woods. Trees everywhere, along the way, it's just in the fucking woods until out of nowhere you see a few apartment buildings with 10 floors. No paint on the sides, just like a bunch of concrete blocks stacked on top of eachother.
>who the fuck came up with the idea to build these ugly shit blocks half of europe lives in?
Check this intro to one of the most popular commie-era movies
central planners.
they can't into art or architecture for whatever reason - almost always turns out ugly.
If you don't believe it, google "jewish architects" and then start checking out some of the names and buildings they've designed.
It is literally a foreign concept to me that you can 'work' and slack off like this.
Is this Silistra?
They're the BLOC countries for a reason.
>They look like the buildings we have here. They are pretty common in Eastern and Central Europe. Whose idea was it? I don't know, but I bet Stalin had some to do with it.
Stalinist architecture looks like this. I don't know about Poland, but in Russia most commieblocks were build at Khrushev and Brezhnev epoche. They were so badly constructaed, that now we destroy some of them - people can't live there.
I live in one of these ugly ass blocks.
Post the most depressing blocks out there.
progressive socialist governments built them to house their utopian multicultural workers
function over beauty
however they also function like shit, just as with all communism and communism-lite
The same people behind all disgusting ideas, the bloody French.
I hate them so much.
BRICS because is all look like bigs bricks after finish
Holy shit that's bad.
That is right. Why have home when you can live on streets?
Is Sup Forums really that ignorant, or is this just another stupid bait thread?
People needed place to live and this was best solution.
You have no home and you have 2 choices to change that.
1 You go live in one of soviet block flats now.
2. You wait 40 years sleeping on park bench till you can make enough money to buy yourself something better.
Seriously, retardness on this board grows with every week.
>those Paleolithic cars
What year was that taken?
Usually, communists. They were very utilitarian and practical, those people, going with what will work and do what is needed while upholding balance of costs and amenities - even if it makes the final product look horrible.
Pretty much an imperial hive world, downsized.
Yep, same... around that time -- late 50's and 60's. I like the Stalinist architecture. We have this in Warsaw. For a long time there was a debate whether to tear it down but we have accepted it as part of our patrimoine or heritage.
This my building...
Not as commie as OP's
>Not as commie as OP's
but still ugly as fuck
Forgot pic.
Aesthetics is an evil fascist concept. We stay away from that sort of bigotry
Yes, I know that building. It's very famous worldwide. Whenever I see it on photo I authomaticly think it's Moscow, but then I remember it can also be Warsaw. And sometimes it's really Warsaw.
these guys
We have the exact same Stalinist era building, called the Latvian Academy of Sciences
Historicly 100% agree. All this architecture was either Le Corbusier ideas or the developemento of his ideas.
Britbro got our back.
Dawaj gaz
Britain its time to stop trying.
papa stalin
you're lucky he had those built at all
before that you slavshits lived in those slanty wood shacks
>before that you slavshits lived in those slanty wood shacks
It's not stalinist architecture. Stalinist architecture looks like this.
>negro education
You do realize that there is a difference between Government buildings and buildings made for representation - and the houses of the working class right?
>Why are american walls so thin you can actually punch through them?
cheap. easy to build. easy to modify and repair. serves the purpose quite well.
They didn't build large amounts of building for working class in Stalin time. The mass cunstuction began after.
Only welfarefags and poorfags live in those buildings and poor Immigrants.
It's a good way to filter ghettos out from respectable neighborhoods.
I don't get it, are you jealous or something, because you still live in wooden shacks?
>My university has this ugly shit everywhere.
most universities cannot afford to have beautiful designs and high quality construction. If you have money and they allow you to, live off campus in a nice apartment.
my first college dorm had rooms so fucking small that two people could reach out and touch both walls easily. but that did not matter because it was enough to get by and it was temporary.
I have read that blacks hate housing projects as if there is some inherently evil quality, and I cannot understand that. Free housing, and they hate it? I always think they hate it for the crime it is full of, without admitting that it sucks because they suck.
You mean the grey featureless apartment blocs made out of prefabricants? Those were actually a Dutch invention. They build a few but they turned out to be unpopular for obvious reasons, so they quickly abandoned the idea.
The eastern countries ended up picking up the idea instead, since they were cheap and easy to build (remember the eastern states didn't receive any money from the Marshall's Plan) and provided lots of living space to a large number of people (many of which lost their homes in war) in rapidly industrializing countries. Not to mention their destruction wouldn't be that huge of a loss from a cultural standpoint in case another war broke out (which was very much expected, at least during the first few decades of Cold War).
You don't know what you're talking about. I grew up here (pic related). These buildings gave cheap and comfy housings to millions of people. It's beautiful, like some kind of socialist science fiction. All the facilities are near, hospitals, shops, bus stations etc... Infinitely better than any kind of shitty western suburbs.
That isnt a government building.
But literally on Chrushev came up with an idea of minimalistic, low cost low quality densely placed commie blocks.
Everyone get a flat!
How is it a bad thing?
>Half of europe
Yeah, the eastern half.
Meanwhile, in Norway...
you see the same exact thing happen with McMansions, funny enough. in both cases, the contractor has to build under a specific budget while also needing to meet unrealistic design goals. here's what happens:
they buy whatever windows are in stock instead of placing an order for 20 windows of the same size. they use whatever paint is on the shelves instead of having paint mixed to match the colors. they use whatever sizes of timber are already cut and dont bother placing orders for bulk quantities.
Let me guess, the councillor lived at the top of the tallest building and had several floors + that bridge all to himself
>Those were actually a Dutch invention
Do you have more information about this?
Fuck that's a nice picture. I know where I will be spending my money soon.
They are actually pretty comfy to grow up in
pic related my commie block
>Fuck that's a nice picture. I know where I will be spending my money soon.
taste is truly subjective. that pic is hideous to me, partly because some nut oversaturated the colors because he could, but also because it's just an awful mess of colors thrown together.
pic related is beautiful to me in a minimalist sort of way.
That's not even expensive housing, you can get a small apartment in this picture for pocket change. I usually rent one there in the summer since it's right in the middle of Norway's second biggest city and the nightlife is pretty good.
mind-boggling that this is in greece as well.
Needs more trees along walkway then it'd be fine
Lol. Yet again Sup Forums showing its complete idiocy with "ideas" taken from wikipedia. That's all your knowledge, a google search.
There wasn't one single style in the Eastern bloc architecture. In Russia there were many architectural styles, from Socialist Realism (pic related) to Constructivism and some Brutalism.
And no, Corbusier didn't make anything in these styles. If you want someone who was far more influent in architectural modernism, google Mies van der Rohe and "less is more", because that's your only source of knowledge. You probably never read one book in your life.
The percentage of uncultured sub-90 IQ apes must be really high on this board. It's probably one of the stupidest boards on the site.
Oh, and one more thing. These blocs you see in Bulgaria and Eastern Europe actually had no style whatsoever. They were the result of rushed policies of forced urbanisation. They were an answer to the party's policy of providing fast housing to the population that was being displaced from rural areas.
They were just basic structures made of prefabricated concrete slab panels, there was zero styling in them. It's basically not even architecture, it's a bunch of concrete boxes that were built cheaply and fast.
But hey, you are the masters of shitposting, if you have consensus on your retarded ideas that have nothing to do with reality, that must be it. It's "Corbusier", "Brutalism", "I saw it on wikipedia, so it must be true". kek
>Meanwhile Belarus somehow gets the best buildings
comfy as fuck
To be fair, not half only us poor ex gommies.
maybe your pic was intended to be a bad example, but if that's your idea of awesome, then we have to disagree.
there are about five different ways that the things in that picture just scream eastern bloc mediocrity.
>wake up
>go check Sup Forums
I hate my neighbours
city is grodno if I remember
When my neighbours are loud i knock on the wall to make them aware everyone can heard them.
>tfw no comfy commie block apartment to live in
Why live
>They were the result of rushed policies of forced urbanisation. They were an answer to the party's policy of providing fast housing to the population that was being displaced from rural areas.
everyone know this, dunno why you get so angry
We got some blocks similar to these in Australia
We generally call them the Murder Flats, because they are so run down and cheap that typically only drug addicts/alcoholics, Ex-Convicts, Sex Offenders and Criminals
>because they are so run down and cheap that typically only drug addicts/alcoholics, Ex-Convicts, Sex Offenders and Criminals will live in them, normal people wouldn't set foot in these apartments
We have them as well, thanks to our urban planners deciding that beautiful old-fashioned architecture was too bourgeois. So they tore lots of it down and built a bunch of towerblocks instead.
>sleep tight
>neighbor decides to drill another hole in his wall
In Finland they're called Suicide Cubes :-DDD
>drug addicts/alcoholics, Ex-Convicts, Sex Offenders and Criminals
what's left? poofters and abos?
This. (Ashkenazi) Jews have extremely high verbal/mathematical IQ, but relatively poor visual/spatial IQ. Hence a fuck ton of kikes in media and academia, and relatively few in engineering or architecture. Also, being biological inclined to degeneracy, everything they create is ugly, soulless and designed to crush the spirit of others. There's an article somewhere from the Jerusalem Post, openly revelling in how Jews destroyed European Romanesque architecture in the 60's because they didn't feel part of it.
Jesus Christ, Europe.
We thought you were civilized.
Nothing wrong with commie blocks as a "final solution" when your country is in a housing crisis. They are cheap.
The problem with comme blocks in eastern Europe is that you obviously skip maintenance. If there were landlords actually taking care of the buildings they wouldnt look like Africa-tier.
Here is an example of Swedish commeblocks from the 60's.
Where in the EU is this?
Average home in Norway looks like pic related.
Banlieues in france are scary, infiltrated by terrorists and arm dealers. Banlieu 13 just showed me how fucked your country is, especially the parisian suburbs.