Should it be mandatory to torture all known pedophiles? Some kind of off-shore "processing" facility perhaps?
inb4 pedos pathetically try to rationalise their torture-worthy existence.
Should it be mandatory to torture all known pedophiles? Some kind of off-shore "processing" facility perhaps?
inb4 pedos pathetically try to rationalise their torture-worthy existence.
Other urls found in this thread:
Gitmo for US
Nauru for Australia
____ for UK?
Trump will be able to arrest pedophiles simply by enforcing existing laws regarding loli hentai on the Internet. Pedos think it's legal, so they should be easy to catch en masse. He could spend a few months accumulating names and then do a mass roundup. He might need Congress's cooperation to send them to Gitmo, though, but that should follow easily after the next few attacks by ISIS recruits in the US.
an eye for an eye
they should be raped for raping children
stupid goy
this is just an excuse so you can torture muslims, you gross racist white male piece of shit
round him up
fuck i meant
Sorry lardo you wouldn't even be able to catch me
>it's a mentally ill people focus on a target they perceive as safe to attack
No, you have to be careful of the precedents you set, unless you're just funposting on the internet, in which case you can suggest whatever draconian solutions you want.
Pic is op
We should screen every person to see if there pedos. I've read that pedophile brains are different from normal people brains so that should be easy to sort them out, them we can do God knows what with them, maybe use them to test new medicines.
My brain is definitely different.
I'm smarter, more evolved, and capable of seeing past the societal biases and brainwashing that bogs down lesser minds.
There's a reason many of the elite are pedophiles, and also many Jewish.
We should do the same with homosexuals and foot fetishists then.
Oh look at that, a pedo blatantly reveals his true stripes and sick desires
Nah, but we should ostracize psychopaths who want to murder people they don't like and limit other people's freedom.
These types of threads is definitely what reminds me the joke that is Sup Forums.
Yeah, why try to cure the mentally ill? Just burn them.
Why try to understand human sexuality? Just kill the deviants.
Why try to understand and manipulate genetic variation? Just kill and destroy whatever gene variation you think shouldn't exist.
Why try to evolve as human beings? Just cut the problem short, kill people, and if another problem surges, just kill it again. Even if that person happens to be you or part of your family.
I don't think the average normie or Sup Forumsfag realizes how many pedos they are and that they probably know at least a few.
Eventually. US laws are based on "contemporary community standards" so we have to shift the Overton window back first.
there are*
>Even if that person happens to be you or part of your family.
Appeal to emotion is not an argument.
fucking bigot accept them for who they are. I let my neighbour bugger my wifes son because i'm a caring person
I wasn't serious. Stop being an autist.
It's part of the argument, but not the whole of it.
You're not just an animal, you're human being.
You're above natural selection.
You can rise to be above nature.
The whole argument was that killing problems instead of understanding them and hoping they won't come back is not part of human nature, and completely undermines our evolution as species.
Instead of just going away and trying to kill your problems away, understanding them is without a shade of doubt, much more productive.
No argument you can spout can ever go above this.
I have no intention of spouting any arguments since you haven't offered one in the first place.
Look at the damage control by this subhuman trash. I would love to inflict endless amounts of pain onto you.
I think I should be allowed to date Chino-chan.
Understanding and solving a problem is objectively better than running away from it and pretending it doesn't exist.
Counter it.
>butthurt feminist roastie
I don't disagree, but your post is not an argument. It is a statement of an opinion.
>My brain is definitely different
Are you left handed by any chance?
No, but I'd like to think I'm slightly more proficient with it than many, possibly due to an injury I sustained on my right wrist however that forced me to use the left a lot.
However I do skateboard goofy and fight southpaw.
Like, you write with your right hand but fap with the left hand, and have a strong connection with the left hand despite being right handed?
Actually yes I fap with my left hand, and write with my right hand.
The problem here isn't sex between people of different ages but the psychopathy of OP and people like him.
>Someone who despises mentally ill subhumans is automatically a roastie
Nice non-argument. We need to round you scum up like cattle. I've already bashed a few of you in Sydney, broke an old man's jaw with a cricket bat and made him leave this suburb. If they think they can assimilate pedophile trash into our communities then they have another thing coming.
Actually, most of those labeled as pedos, don't fit into the clinical criteria. Most of those that actually lay a hand on a minor, are just sociopaths who do so, because it is easier than handling a grown adult. They migth have a deviant attraction to minors, but their respective illnesses are in fact other ones - Lack of empathy chiefly amongst them.
The actually pedophiles, are a much tamer breed, with many restraining themselves. No, really, look it up. They hardly commit violent or forceful sexual crime either.
lmao yes please come at me with a cricket bat you dumb emu cuck. Let's see how that works out for you.
The reason people want pedophiles dead insn psychopathy, but relativism. A normal person likes dogs but would want to kill a crockoach if any was in sight. Same thing with pedos, normal people are pedophiles the same as crockoachs.
>I'm smarter, more evolved, and capable of seeing past the societal biases and brainwashing that bogs down lesser minds.
I'm tired. I meant to say that normal people see pedophiles the same way they see crockoachs.
Further proof that pedophiles are not only subhuman degenerate trash but they have significantly lower IQ than the majority of the population. I'm not in your country, I didn't threaten you personally, please explain the logistics of how I would kill you? Just know that I would love nothing more than to torture you. You're a thousand times worse than anything you claim to hate.
Meanwhile, in reality:
If you met me you wouldn't even know I'm a Pedo unless I told you dipshit.
I don't think you're going to mistake me for a roach, I'm not even Turkish.
No, for people like OP it's definitely psychopathy. Psychopaths get away with how they are by beating and killing people society hates. Your English needs some serious improvement btw.
This is actually very interesting
Did you start out fapping to normal porn and then deviated at older age?
This I think, is a pretty big clue between biological pedos and those who learned to be one.
>my opinion = normal
Not an argument.
what is that, a brazilian?
I would be more inclined to kill a pedophile than a cockroach.
>tells a story about busting some poor old mans jaw with a cricket bat like a badass
>doesn't understand why I would respond in that way
I was always attracted to girls of all ages and just never grew out of the attraction.
At around 13 I started going to Sup Forums and that was when I started fapping to child models and such being posted. Before that point I had started fapping around 9, and introduced some shitty normie porn occasionally probably a few years after that.
You're the autistic one. I would be surprised if you weren't on the spectrum considering the amount of known pedophiles that are autistic. Perversion of children is a known symptom of friendless autistic men.
trannies are so fucking creepy
btfo autist
BTFO indeed.
I await the sheep shagger's response.
This is mostly true. Rape is done by people with mental problems, but actually most people who "lay a hand on a minor" do so without harm to them (until the system gets through with the kids, anyway). Studies show that most reported sexual encounters between children and adults are consensual and most children do not experience it negatively. That's the pedophiles. See Rind et al and the followup study. We don't say all straight people are evil because a guy goes and rapes a woman.
There's so many bad arguments from ridiculous interpretation of statistics and sensationalized stories. For example the idea that pedos are all rapists and manipulators, and that pedos are mentally challenged (because mentally challenged people don't understand boundaries they get pushed into the same pool).
I'm sure there'll be a "children can't consent" argument reply to this post at some point.
>I'm sure there'll be a "children can't consent" argument reply to this post at some point
Just because the response to your post is obvious doesnt mean it was wrong. It just means your post was incredibly stupid.
Most children are unaware of the physical and emotional ramifications of sex. That's why limits are placed on who you can legally fuck. If that's too difficult a society for you to live in then do the world a favor and end yourself.
>respond to a post based in sourced studies, reason and logic with stupid baseless opinions and rhetoric
As a psychiatrist, my problem with pedos is not rape per se, but producing and viewing illegal material.
I've had a client who came to me saying he indulged in illegal material for sometime and then stopped when he noticed one of the pictures he had was photoshopped, and the real picture had the child completely bruised and abused.
Not much we can do to help them besides anti-depressives and teaching them socializing skills. In some cases anti-depressives are very helpful because it lowers the libido and helps them engage a relationship with adults, with some even succeeding too.
Most children are unaware of the physical and emotional ramifications of everything, but we allow children to do many things and have many things done to them that are dangerous or emotionally complicated, such as playing on monkeybars and swingsets when they could break their necks, going to school where they could contract sicknesses and disease, receive punishments they won't understand at all until they're older, adults yelling at them, etc. Studies show kids aren't necessarily harmed by sexual contact. Mutual pleasure between people isn't that complicated in reality.
>If that's too difficult a society for you to live in then do the world a favor and end yourself.
Nah, I think I'll live and make society better.
>As a psychiatrist,
Oh god. You people aren't satisfied with fucking up adults but you have to fuck up children too because a book says something is a mental illness and wrong.
>and the real picture had the child completely bruised and abused.
That is extremely rare and is evidence of psychopathy, not pedophilia -- which is a sexual orientation not a mental illness. Psychiatry is a pseudoscience.
>In some cases anti-depressives are very helpful because it lowers the libido and helps them engage a relationship with adults, with some even succeeding too.
Do you realize you are pathologizing a normal thing? Its always existed, it will always exist. Our extremely limited historical horizon where its considered evil and a mental illness isn't an excuse to turn people into medicalized zombies. Psychiatry had the same problems with homosexuality, look how that turned out.
How do you even think lowering someone's libido, a completely natural thing, isn't a form of abuse?
Calm yourself, the person who I am helping came to me because his condition was causing him distress, and that's all there is to it.
He wants to have a fulfilling relationship with an adult and wants to live without having to hide himself.
I just try to help him, and whoever comes to me, live a fulfilling life that he pursues and that's what they pay me for.
>Calm yourself
I am perfectly calm, railing against injustice isn't a sign of being upset but being sane.
>The person who I am helping came to me because his condition was causing him distress
And how did you determine his distress was caused by his sexual orientation rather than societal pressure? Let me guess, you didn't even try.
>and that's all there is to it.
Highly unlikely.
>He wants to have a fulfilling relationship with an adult and wants to live without having to hide himself.
How can he have a fulfilling relationship if he is not sexually attracted to his partner? They can be great friends and he can pretend to enjoy sex, but it wont be a fulfilling romantic relationship.
>I just try to help him, and whoever comes to me, live a fulfilling life that he pursues and that's what they pay me for.
This is no different from trying to help a gay person to be straight. Do you think this person's pain is caused by being gay or by people saying what he is is wrong and that he should die? You think you're helping, but you're causing other problems and continuing an unjust system.
No, sending them to prison is enough. Just don't offer them protective services and the other inmates will take care of the rest.
Funny how allot of dudes who end up in prison have been sexually abused as a child.