It must be devastating to you people like you that Sweden is a successful country, whereas you aren't successful even in being a decent person. These "lets hate Sweden for helping people X" threads spawn almost daily and the country is still here, being successful and our residents, barring a few right-wing goons, are happy.
It must be devastating to you people like you that Sweden is a successful country...
Other urls found in this thread:
You're only happy in the beginning. It'
s because you become sexually active at 12. After 30 you all become depressed alcoholics.
I'm not jealous I just don't understand you.
Literally everytime I've interacted with a swede they have been an asshole.The rest of the countries pictured I've had positive interactions with. I think the problem is you swedes specifically.
>mass immigration
pick one
*checks flag; checks again*
Man.. they're even taking australians now..
You're projected to becoming a third world country in 14 years.
Fuck Sweden
Then why are you fuckers abandoning your shit country?
Sweden is destined to become a third world shithole by 2030.
You're the Only Scandi Country that's actually getting worse.
Swedes are the biggest fucking assholes. Just play 1 game of cs:g they all think they are Olofmeister. But it's easy being a big tough boy on the internets when in real life muhammad who is 29 but 13 in sweden beats you up and rapes you in school every day.
My ancestors are smiling upon me, Swede. Can you say the same?
By building a society which helps the sick and the poor to the fullest? Yes, they would.
You are other brothers and we love you.
You'll be a 3rd world country in less than 8 years now.
Yeah I'm actually pretty sorry for contributing to the whole Sweden meme
Don't you think that the picture is a bit insulting. Pretty sure that pork is haram for muslims.
Finns are neither european or asian. Recent genetic studies have confirmed this. We are genetically isolated much like sardinians or icelanders.
You can only find a 'list of grenade attacks' for one country in English Wikipedia: Sweden.
"In a significant increase of bombings, Swedish police forensics have investigated around 150 explosions a year since 2015.[1][2] There were over 30 grenade attacks reported in the Swedish city of Malmö alone by August 2015 of that year.[3][4] In 2014 there were a total 25 grenade explosions in Malmö.[5] Many of the attacks were said to be part of organised crime, and extortion of restaurants and businesses.[6] The number of explosions, largely by hand grenades from the Balkans, along with shootings are extreme both by Scandinavian and European standards.[7][8][9] Malmö police have consequently warned about possible undetonated grenades around the city.[10][11]
In addition to grenade attacks, there are a significant number of related bomb attacks with unidentified devices, including homemade bombs.[12][13]"
I'm sorry swedebro, but it's too late for you.
No, you insufferable cuck. Your viking ancestors would take one look at you, flay you alive and feed your pathetic corpse to the wolves.
Fy fan i pungen asså, om jag var instängd i ett rum med Wolodarski, Arnstadt, Schyman och nån random dansk och jag hade en pistol, då skulle jag skjuta danskjäveln.
Jävla äckliga korvätare.
I can't read arab
>hurr durr sweden is a third world shithole
Meanwhile in US of A
implying a Sven ville have bollerne til at skyde en pistol TOP KEK
Sweden yes
What do you think?
We must start our nordic union and bully sweden into the right path again, bring back eugenics and become demigods
you all are cucks
you are insulting someone for eating sausages
only a shitskin would find that insulting. are you going to call him a dirty dog now as well? a milk drinker? kek
How about that Winter war?
You can only be a successful country if your population is white.
See how successful Sweden is in another 20 years when 30% of your population is muslim and all of them are living off benefits.
Also this. Every single Swede I've talked to has been a smug piece of shit. Not even in the funny Aussie kind of way, just very annoying.
fugging revolution D-X
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''............. _.·´
Nice shitposting but I wonder if you're actually Swedish and not just some Australian with a proxy.
And you're retarded.
Swedes have huge egos
And I don't really understand why, Denmark, Norway and Finland are pretty laid back.
american "muh heritage" fags like you are a disgrace too your ancestors
Pride is the sound before defeat and all that.
Jag är svensk ditt mähä.
Pols stor stygga varg i form av sen läskiga araben som våldtar o dödar allt är grovt överdriven.
Scandinavians are extremely smug and condescending.
Janteloven doesn't mean anything anymore
Oh really? So there are no problems with rising rape statistics and over representation of Africans and Middle Eastern criminals? Just last week they reported 50 molestations at one little festival in Stockholm and of course the assailants were Afghan and other "unaccompanied minors". You can't take your daughters to the pool anymore because there is a risk that they'll get molested or raped by shitskins. The suburbs are practically no go zones for police, firefighters and ambulances because as soon as they go there their met with a barrage of rocks.
I can go on but sure, there are no problems over here at all.
>and our residents are happy.
Ah yes, the old meaning of "gay". These days gay just means gay, Sven.
I don't like seeing what's happening to Sweden. Cars being torched nightly, rape capital of Europe, little Mogadishu, assaults on first responders, no go zones, hair trigger rioting. It saddens me deeply.
I'm not trying to compare Sweden to the US and win the Sup Forums contest. We have just as many, if not more, problems here. But I still weep for Sweden. I weep for Europe and the white race. This didn't need to be.
Closing your eyes and pretending it isn't happening won't help anyone. I know that some Swedes honestly don't know what's going on and don't believe it when they see it. Your government and media work hard to keep you blind and silent. But if you're on Sup Forums you have access to the truth and the demonstrated capacity to find it.
I love my white brothers and sisters I'm Sweden. I hope that everything works out for the best, and that your multicultural experiment doesn't lead you somewhere you don't want to go.
being nordic has fairly little to do with ethnicity.
There are better ways to increase GDP, and because only a few of the migrants have gotten jobs GDP per capita is declining.
>GDP per capita is declining
But it's not, it's rising.
No migrants are getting jobs. They're fucking making fools of us.
>I'm too traumatized to work
My fucking ass
They're going to teach their offspring this as well. It's literally cancer for your country
Is that real?
brain parasites from all of the fish paste they eat
I read that it's mostly from youth looking for work abroad (~20% youth unemployment), and people moving back to Iraq etc. Believe it or not but people don't want to live in tiny module homes in crime-ridden areas, in a dark cold country where you have no job and no future.
I'm slightly jealous of all those countries but Sweden if I'm honest. There is literally no universe where I'm even remotely jealous of swedes.
You sound upset
LOL Sweden
Did somebody say my name cunt?
It will go down again when all the refugees are actually registered in the system. The temporary rise in GDP was extremely artificial, how do you think rampant government spending and loans are going to help the economy in the long run?
Those parasites get free housing and pocket money the second they cross the border and claim asylum. And if they're denied once they can appeal a second time and all while they keep getting money!
And once they become citizens less than 50% find a job in 7 years, out of those 50% about half only make minimum wage which means they're not really contributing to society.
>Actually believing it will last.
You socialists never learn.
I'm sure you are happy Ahmed, you get to ficki ficki women that don't look like postboxes sans burka and when you get caught you don't even have to do time.
Iceland > Scandinavia > Finland
>It must be devastating to you people like you that Sweden is a successful coun
*scroll down*
t. chong li
and the only "mongoloids" we have are saamis, but both sweden and norway have way more them than us
Your country is shit and a joke.
Stay on your side of the hemisphere or we will fuking rek u m8.
I've never met a Swede with a sense of humor.
I've partied with Norwegians and Finns a bunch and they're awesome.
They were Nazis though I guess.
t. Jaan Tamm
t. BBC refugee
I didn't think so, but I wouldn't put it past your gov.
Fair enough, but that's Auckland, the dumpster of NZ.
Eesti > Suomi
How're those ghettos, Sven?
How is Estonia exactly better than Finland?
sweden was a succesful country
>tfw sardinian
nope, just an observation.
pls take us back brgds skåne
Tbh you sound like a good cunt. Finland > Eesti > Latvia > Sweden
Thanks mate, I love you too, but desu Iceland > Finland > Scandinavia
Is still is right? Just -Stkhlm, -Göteshit
i've only known one nice swede, everyone else has been an asshole, a liar, a degenerate, a cuck, or any combination of those
i know a lot of people here that have had similar experiences with swedes
If you want to know the costs of our recent migration.
8 obv. Migration
13 is Equality and newly arrived immigrants establishment into society.
Also projected future costs.
Who are those guys
This desu
when will you wake up white man?
Those integration programs don't even work.
Iceland > Finland > Norway > Eesti > Danmark > Shitden tbqh
By 2031 Swedes will be a minority in their own country.
Sweden is just far beyond saving.
fukn kek at the monkeys in the end of the video.
Jamal throws the shemonkey infront of the car that returns to drive him down again.
>being this delusional
It´s okay, I can´t imagine what living in constant isolated darkness with no sunlight or fun or social interaction is like in the long run.
Obviously it has some serious side-effects on the brain.
Iceland just fuck off, nobody cares about you
This tbqh
Wut. How is Sweden better than Finland?
I respect Sweden for their compassionate society. I just think you've put it risk letting in hordes of Muslim non-whites.
Swedes are nice as fuck, by the way. They are not like the French, who are terrible and unpleasant people. Swedes are kind people.
Maybe this time :3
Memes aside, Sweden is still okay outside the "major cities".
Also swedes are more white, Finns are...I don´t even know where to begin with the Finns..
Work in a bar, a really awkward, pale, asian looking guy comes up. Doesn´t know how to order, he stumble over his words, looks around with panick written all over his face..
Finally he mumbles his order "two beers"
Serve him the beers. He just looks at me like i invented fire. No words, nothing. I point at the beers, say "there you go mate"
He is just standing there not knowing what to do.
"you´re from Finland aren´t you?"
He nods and turns around forgetting his beers and at this point the entire bar is just trying to help the poor guy remember his bruh, what you ordered is right there
Finally he grabs the beers drenched in sweat
What a mess