>american education
American education
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What the hell? Who wrote this? It sounds like a woman wrote it.
>Nobody knows where it came from
Sure, nobody “nose”. Gets kicked out of literally every country they were in.
>For religious reason
If with religious reason you mean cash and workers then yes.
aaahhhh yep
Whoever wrote this has the writing ability of a 3rd grader
sounds like a jewish name
Men't for grades 5 and up
>for no raisin
>That "no question about it"-line
>That despicable jewish rhetoric everywhere
Why the fuck are the jews still alive. Oh wait, that's right, the holocaust didn't happen.
damn that book is written unprofessionally, even jew women cant get in the level of jew men.
>"scientific" ideas
>absurd tests of their ethnic origins
H-hans... stopp, Zey meight liesstenen sein. Schhhh!
>It was hatred of Jews. No one was quite sure where it came from - although the subject was studied endlessly.
>the dictatorship in Soviet Russia was almost as bad
Sup Forums help me out here, my qt gf is Jewish and she openly admits that she knows nothing about WW2 and Hitler apart from "muh gas chambers" propaganda from going to a Jewish school (kek, implying all schools aren't Jewish). How can I make her realise that it is greatly exaggerated. I don't want to sound like a raving stormweenie. I've redpilled her on a couple other things and she can be pretty politically incorrect at times so I'm sure she can handle it. I just don't want to offend her. After all...
>there's literally nothing wrong with being jewish
>Go to History class
>13 years old at the time
>"Everyone stand up."
>We do.
>Teacher goes around.
>Tells people to sit.
>Only three people left standing
>Me and two girls
>"Everyone would be dead in here if Hitler was around apart from these three!"
>"Because they have blonde hair and blue eyes!" Hitler would have sent everyone else to the gas chambers!
A grown man actually told us this and believed it
Holy shit how does it get this bad. What went wrong with Britain?
Also in an RE lesson:
>"Hitler wanted to kill everyone who wasn't German"
>Some girl asks why
>"Because he was mentally ill and evil."
That was the end of the discussion
>he was mentally ill
Fucking able-bodied discrimination. Your teacher needed to check his privilege.
I loved this history lesson. It's what made me start question the holohoax.
>Me: Why would a brown haired man want to exterminate other brown haired people and why would other brown haired people willingly help him do this?
>Teacher: Pure evil, 6 million, literally Hitler
It was so ridiculous I just sat back in my chair and began to question whether anything my teachers taught me was actually true.
RE teacher was a nigress.
I remember the time in RE when we were talking about other Christian religions and people were chimping out about Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and Amish and stuff, saying they're evil and sick and most likely pedophiles. The nigger teacher just stood there smiling and saying "okay".
IMAGINE if I had said "All Muslims are terrorists."
Also I got a huge folder of qts.
So like they lie about the racist, clannish kikes... and portray the Word of Jesus as the faith of the Christ Killing Pharesees?
Jews are despicable.
What made me realize the Holohoax was a lie was the day my history teacher told us the nazis threw jewish babies into the air and used them as machine gun targets.
When I was in school I never really believed the Holocaust myth and I've always been fascinated by WW2 and the Nazis as a regime. I don't tell people openly because of the stigma but it's always interested me.
Someone asked that exact same thing. "Didn't Hitler have brown hair?"
"Well he was just a murdering psychopath and completely evil so it didn't matter."
>>american education
>thinking only america gets the propaganda
>jews think that everyone is equal under god
except the other 99% of the world who they think are cattle
Reported to Europol, Scotland Yard, and various other local police forces
I hope you've enjoyed your freedom of "expression," you'll have lost that right shortly
i red-pilled someone on the holocaust the other day, took me two weeks to break thru the mental conditioning , their response when it was all said and done 'why were we never told about any of the history leading up to ww2' and 'i never heard any of these stories before' stories about cyanide gas melting people and fusing them to concrete, etc. or about the actual conditions of Auschwitz : swimming pool, movie theater, orchestra, etc.
If they just played their cards right and kept the lies small most of us probably would have continued to believe it.
>Poor jews were rounded up into camps, treated poorly, left to starve, not treated for diseases, and thousands died because of it.
But jews being jews just couldn't help themselves.
>Human lampshades, acid baths, gas chambers, bars of soap, furnace roller coasters, ovens, masturbating machines, gas showers, and 6 million (then 10 million then 18 million then 600 gorillion) dead
>furnace roller coasters
>masturbation machines
Those are my 2 favorite parts of the fairytale
You forgot GIANT ELECTRIC CHAIR that roasted a million Jews at a time.
you misspelled Billion there friend, dont undermine the atrocity of what happened, We must never forget the 6 trillion
I just reported to to the North Korean death squads, have fun dying in the pokey faggot.
Thought we were up to 6 Quadzillion now but I'll remember to never forget the 6 Octobajillion in the future.
Also remember how EVERY SINGLE JEW in the camp personally met Mengele. Top kek.
6 infinite you fucking bigot.
And how would you know Mengele's operations have not existed ? And others in other death camps ??
Same thing happened to me