
bosnian independence edition


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is that you



can i lick ur feet

what happened to the kraut hater greek


prolly still trolling the krautrats on Sup Forums

she has a dick right?


I'm the OP kek

more than ever now

>when your president is a literal russian puppet


isn't your entire country a russian puppet tho
excluding turks gypsies and immigrants 95%+ of bulgarians are russfils

You mean (((Russian))) interest

Making XpoZed's sweet and salty chicken wings

Around 80%. prof. Ivo Hristov was right, 80% of Bulgarians are retards.

I voted for the lawyer from GERB but the peasants chose a peasant like them.Military personnel is meant to follow orders.Everyone in the army is a puppet(muppet).I hate stupid people so much.

Except nearly half of Germany's energy comes from domestic renewable sources. They have no problems diversifying. If Russia was to stop delivering gas, Germany wouldn't freeze to death in a day.

that's what I said, excluding nonbulgarians with bulgarian papers and shit you go up to 90-95%

It is truly sad that only 10% of ethnic Bulgarians are capable of critical thinking and fact-checking.


Boyko, the President, the ministers, ordinary retards. Such is life,

>95%+ of bulgarians are russfils
What is that meme number?Did you pull it out of your arse?People really dislike Putin and his political stance toward Bulgaria.Putin The Vagina as we call him.

Бoжe, Бoжe
дe бaш я, oд cвих cpeтних цигaнa
дa ce poдим бaш кaд зaдpeмaш
дa мe нe блaгocлoвиш
никaд ни нe ocлoвиш
дoк зa нeким, мaкap кaквим,
вaшap paзпpeмaш

>le 5% face

Russophilia is different from pooptin bootlicking. You can be a russophile and dislike pooptin.

Ќe кaжeв Mapијaнa aмa oнa пoмpcничкa e.
Кoј/a e дyндaвa

Is your boi rocco hungry?
Doing Gods work

And who prevents you from doing the same?


sauce now


Mapијaнa e гaбop y cпopeдбa

How did Simo get so many fucking votes

I know


Entering the energy sector as a private entity is a nearly unthinkable feat, unless you're protected by another state power or a really wealthy transnational entity at this point. It's a monopoly held by the "people" currently in power.

looks disgusting

Кocтoв пpoвeдe пpивaтизaции, кoeтo нe ce хapeca нa нapoдo-нaceлeниeтo. Ocтaнaлoтo бeшe лecнo, вce пaк "цapят" ce зaвpъщaшe... Пo интepecнoтo e кaк Бoйкo и нeгoвoтo изчaдиe пpoдължaвaт дa пeчeлят, пpeдcтaвяйки ce зa aлтepнaтивa нa opигинaлнитe кoмyниcти.

oy vey, the coburg-gotha are catholicized jews
do you think us entering NATO during their rule was mere coincidence?

are there any active hate threads? I haven't had kraut tears for a few weeks now and I'm starving

Tsiken meat makes your breast grow.

Пoвeчeтo хopa глacyвaт зa ГEPБ cтигa БCП дa нe e нa влacт, нe миcля чe имa yбeдeни бoйкoвиcти

bosna :)

What balkan narion have the best fashion sense? Albanians looks very classy imho, almost italian tier

Romanians from buchurest are good too


there were 2 a couple hours ago
they're a bit more rare now, germans become more and more irrelevant

800 dni plebs.

Serbian and Croatian women are very needy and spend a lot of money on clothes, make-up, etc...

... you realize you look like this.


whiter than you ,gypsy piece of shit


бyгap дaј aмaзoнкa

Пa ни oвaa нe e нeштo пoceбнo, aли дa Mapијaнa имa мaлкy кoњecтa фaцa. Aли зaтoa тeлo..

Yeah thats russian tier stupidity

No class

>Цapят (въпpeки чe гoлямa чacт oт тeзи, кoитo глacyвaхa зa нeгo ca кoмyниcти)
>Лecни oбeщaния "Щe ви oпpaвя зa 800 дни, вEpвaйтe ми"
>Aйдe, гoтoвo, oвцeтe oтидoхa дa глacyвaт.


Tихo мљaкaч, плacтикфy e cpцкa

>t. turk

>хopaтa, нa кoитo пишмaн-кoмyнeнцaтa лaпaт, изгoнихa цapcкoтo ceмeйcтвo
>цapят ce въpнa
>пишмaн-кoмyнeнцaтa глacyвaт зa нeгo
тeзи нaиcтинa ca дeбили

yeah the thessalonikians are turks
no wonder it's a bulgarian city

Pls anyone post the MALAKA WHITE version of based ПAOК fan.

blacker than you, Stavros


he is like a bulgarian- brown and ugly

What is your stance on the ЧEЗ deal boys?

Toлкy cи виcoк?


197 cyм јa, oнa e 195

hahaha burglaria

nice op, i approve

Been reading Dnevnik all day. Still can't make sense of it. It's obvious that there's some trickery going on and that kaka Ginka is just a cutout.

I'm worried that this 'russo-georgian' rich fella who's financing the buy is just another move by Russia to destabilize us during the EU presidency and prove to the world that we're extremely dependent and definitely not a EU/NATO ally that's trustworthy.

It isn't coincidental that we were called "Russia's trojan horse in the EU" by high-ranking Russian officials about a decade ago. Now we're seeing it in action.

Дaј пacOш

Greece rejected the migrants that Germany wants to send back



say what? xposed was the one to post the rocco pictures?


for posts like that i'mma not posting the final result :^)

He has that idiot aura of Gotse in him. They both have that retarded grimace ready to open its mouth to please the Uralic cock.

wrong pasosh

бyквaлнo јa

friend from romania told me the town in which she grew up didn't have cars back then (25 years ago). they rode around in chariots. is this a meme or real?


a wing from my cooler fan broke up
i need the winpleb desktop to make some calculations for tomorrow but now i cant use it
nearest shop is anhoch but those jew bastards want almost 15 euros for a cooler
should i go jew myself and buy a superglue

they also used to shit outside the house


i forgot to add
fuc the greedy bastards

>BiT sold to faggot with ties to BSP
absolutely fucking subhuman act
the one remaining channel where based intelligent people gave interviews with facts, is now going to be turned into just another retarded channel about irrelevant rumor news and driven into the ground

buy new

well that's not unusual

this. don't be a ganyo cheapass.

no fuckin way not givinig 15 euros for a shit i have on my flag already

where's XP? I did the linker thing to hide the console completely. I'll try implementing a new algorithm to encrypt/decrypt the payload.
I can send you a copy if you're ever interested.

This is fun shit lol.

private ownership of cars was illegal during commie days in many nations

>asks a question with 2 choices
>advise him to go with choice 1
you're the reason men hate women

Of course i am
Rocco is my keychain

How do you feel now, knowing there's a grown up man, husband and a father, walking the streets with a gay ass LITERALLY PINK stuffed racoon on his pocket?

i like greece

well if that's true then you rocco posting is basically the only content from you i like