bonus points for rare flags.
How many people in your country would vote to join the U.S. if there was a referendum?
Maybe 40 percent.
Probably 1% tops
Youre already destined to be ours.
Dont know, i for sure as hell would vote to join russians instead. Still waiting for the invasion
we are pretty much a vassal state anyway
about 30-40%
1-2% max.
Why would you think anyone would want to join the united states
Realistically? 15% at best. It's just not in our nature desu
Traitor. I get the sudden urge to spit in Finlands general direction.
what if was based more on libertarian principles and individual states had more freedom to self govern.
Protectorate is probably more accurate. We don't really pay any tribute or anything, like most vassals would..
The only people who like the US have never left the US, or never been to the US.
we have helped them fight in every war since ww2
>implying states rights is something that foreigners consider one of the big issues
Newsflash, it isn't.
This, only 30% of Americans have passports
They helped us seeing as we were part of both wars for 3 years prior to their entry
Occupy gringo land
no GOY
after the bombing, 0
maybe a few sjw leftis cuntfaces, but that's it
And post ww2 it was pretty much in our interest to take part in korea vietnam and the gulf as it massively raised our stock around the world as a world power.
Why? Better to be russian than to get cucked by eu and immigrants and our shitty politics
t h i s
by states I meant countries. in other words decentralise power across the board i.e u.k. is separated into 4 self governing regions or states and so for the continental us and other countries and those states all work together under a common banner.
Mexico and africa
whoops this --
I lived there and liked it
But that was the south, the north and Cali were awful.
If we had a vote, I'd go to Japan! Deep culture, interesting traditions, kimonos, anime, samurai. It's just endless creativity in the land of the rising Sun. Sun never sat in the British Empire? Yeah, well a new Sun is always rising in Japan. You never know WHAT they'll think up next. So yeah, count me in.
My country is currently in a break up from an abusive relationship.
We're not ready to start dating again anytime soon.
(We can still be FWB, Yanks)
USA deserves to be utterly wiped out for being Israel's lapdogs. Israel deserves 10 nukes to wipe them out completely. Fucking parasites.
I'm from there. I've lived in the Midwest, South, East Coast, and visited all other places.
Everything is bland, crime ridden shitholes. Even the smaller towns are now just drug filled faggots doing nothing with their lives.
I've also lived in Germany for a while now, and also China. Both of those places are much better.
Ok Akmed
The prime minister would, but nobody else.
Between 10 and 20%. And I'm not even sure
I'd guess about 5%, and I'd guess that nearly all males would be against it. Women would vote much more positively.
>Cucked german doesn't know who is behind all this mess
lad Merica is one of the most hated country nowdays just like all the dominant countries it's just like ask to join Russia
None, we don't want to live with you pathetic backwards hickass-republicunts and libtards.
Neither do we sunshine
oh shut up you love us, you hate our government. we also hate our government. I'm talking post revolution.
No they just want out of Mexico. Yeah it is nice to visit here and there, especially if they have family there, but they would never dare leaving the USA for Mexico.
>This, only 30% of Americans have passports
That seems high. I would guess more like 10% or less, meaning most of the wealthy people and some of the middle class.
>a world power.
that used to mean something.
.05% at best
>Everything is bland, crime ridden shitholes. Even the smaller towns are now just drug filled faggots doing nothing with their lives.
You are correct about the bland part, very wrong about the rest. Did you like to walk around alone at night in ghetto neighborhoods?
culturally nowadays is the dominant country but other than that don't think any european country would put in risk his social protection system to join usa
Our greatest (((ally))) wouldn't let it happen
less than 10%
I would vote yes to get the 2nd amendment desu. Dont think wed have a chance though.
I also like how you call all none america forieners. littlr fruedian slip because sweden is already culturally american
ah yes, everything is da joos fault. Da joos made da white man do drugs and look at pron. da joos made da white man get fat, and race mix. Its all da joos!
Get life faggot.
Nah. Also, a friend of mine just got back from Colorado. He said a good 30% of all the women are dressing like men now.
Less than people who would like to declare a war on US
Why would I want to join the U.S.A, when all I get is Niggers who blame whitey for everything
>Muh Slavery
A SJW culture which hates everything white people stand for and are triggered about the dumbest shit and need dedicated safe spaces.
Let Spics illegally immigrate and you are to afraid to kick them out because SJW would call you a bigot.
No thanks, I rather stay Australian.
Yeah I'm not surprised, women here are obsessed with being dudes. I've fucked women from Spain, France, and a couple Germans. They were all pretty cool and feminine. The U.S.A is pretty good in some aspects, but not the best. Also your country ain't doing so good either Germany. Berlin felt like fucking Turkey when I was there.
Patriotism is at a 50 year high here with Brexit and our Olympic success. A 51st state isn't going to happen
we don't want you southern hemispherians. go racially purify the rest of oceana
not being able to think in hypotheticals is the mark of a weak-minded man. obviously I was speaking from the point of view of Americans. I already gave my reply as a Swede above.
that would be necessary for even remotely efficient management of the territory its not something that should be hailed as a positive when its a necessary evil. federalism is cancer and theres just absolutely no fucking way that it would be USA the rest of the world rallies under. thats clinically delusional.
tell that to Scotland.
The US would probably be split up if that happened
Maybe 10% but if there was referendum to unify whole Europe in to one US like collection of states with some control over their own regional business and culture it might go as high as 40% within few years if not more. But there are many problems with Europe that id like to see fixed before even considering to vote for such a thing.
I'm talking more of a european union, but not fascist and based on the ideal american fundamentals(freedom of speech, separation of church and state, right to bare arms, ect.)
Sadly most of polacks would vote for it.
>That seems high. I would guess more like 10% or less, meaning most of the wealthy people and some of the middle class.
It's not too high at all. Think of all the of the Americans that travel to Mexico, Canada, the Bahamas, or Bermuda in their lifetime. A better question would be: How many Americans have ever left the North American continent, in which case you'd probably be right.
Quebec 51st state when
Best course of action is to restore liberty and ride it high and if other nations want to follow they can do so of their own accord.
Never. You guys voted against joining thinking that France would one day come to save you. If it wasn't for that choice, Canada and the USA would be one nation today.
around 53% if trump was in power.
desu the UK should consider becoming a state, it would make sense as we are the link that connects the US to Europe due to the language we both speak. The American civil war was a huge mistake, we could have rules over the entire world together...
Nice try jew. One day you will be exterminated like a stain of shit that you are.
Why would I want to go across the world to see muslims?
I wouldn't want another country joining the union desu since it would just deliver millions of more libshit voters to the democrats.
>desu the UK should consider becoming a state, it would make sense as we are the link that connects the US to Europe due to the language we both speak. The American civil war was a huge mistake, we could have rules over the entire world together...
You've just voted out of the EU. You're not connecting US to Europe anymore. Europe doesn't even give a fuck about your language and you haven't noticed. You really think that EU speaks British English? Lol. Get off your tiny island sometimes.
I'd vote no to joining the US, but yes to adopting the US constitution and its amendments.
>Russian Federation merging with the USA
Now that would be interesting. Europe and China would simultaneously shit a brick.
why in the fuck would you want to become a state? you'd get a shit ton of Mexicans and niggers you fucking retarded fuck.
Countries I'd take:
You're speaking it right now you cuck, what happened to your Western Finland moon runes?
>desu the UK should consider becoming a state, it would make sense as we are the link that connects the US to Europe due to the language we both speak.
No, you speak different languages. Jeremy Clarkson thinks that American English is stupid (find on youtube) and he's the usual ugly ass brit.
Fuck you OP, why would anyone want to merge with a country full of SJWs and cucks
You need to go back.
Probably Caucasians and similar scum would vote for that, so ~10-15% maybe. It's highly unlikely for us to willingly, without a fight, give up to you, CIA.
Why, so you can give us like 3 delegates or some shit and pretend we have an equal say in your ''democracy'' while Commiefornia is actually the real leader of the world?
I wonder if they will use all those immigrants as cannon fodder or will the native German be forced on the front line.
Now that is what you would call white male privilege.
Just a reminder to the Germans out their, the Russian military accepts all volunteers under the age of 39 who can speak Russian.
100%, if we had same rights as everyone else, I can't see why not, one government in one world opens prospects for space traveling, I'm tired of this border crap, we should all be free, and as long as we all have same rights, I'm perfectly fine with anyone being in power
we sort of already have that but its just close alliances nothing in stone. Most countries uk,aussies,canada generally share ideals when it comes to the bigger stuff. freedom merica
I'd fucking adore letting Switzerland come here
fucking Serbia, of all the countries...
the EU would get rekt by my tiny island desu m8
Can we cross breed kangaroos with bald eagles?
0% why would we have all your shitty laws and rules when we can have the amazing social/education/school systems that holland has?
Because of the US, not because of the UK