What are your though on Stefan "based" Molyneux?
What are your though on Stefan "based" Molyneux?
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Pretty good as of late. His Rome video was great.
Occasionally the smug bastard seems like he's talking out of his butt and a bit too ideologically idealistic, but he has some great "the truth about" videos and interviews.
what are your thoughts on our controlled opposition?
Despite some moments of pure smuggery I think he's great in his topics and manner of speaking.
His Truth series are great, even some of his relationship video's are great.
plus.. Lauren Southern was his most recent guest.
Not an Argument/ 10
>inb4 (((Stefan Molyneux)))
He occasionally does a decent video, Untruth About Donald Trump is damn good. He's not very good at articulating his ideology. He got absolutely BTFO whenever he disagreed with Scott Adams, despite easy arguments being present.
His biggest problem is advocating people to abandon their families and break off all communication.
Also he's Jewish for what that's worth.
It blew me away with the depth. It was a left field ball from his recent stuff for the past month.
someone post the bill whittle meme FAST
of course you'd think that. You're American. You've never actually read a book and got to know what "depth" in a topic meant
He's pretty good at making informational videos, finding rare bits of information and summarizing things up but a lot of the time his dishonesty is a bit off-putting.
Great expert guest, great videos on racial diffences, good arguements, way too many single mother callers (non-expert caller videos are annoying as fuck).
I liked his video on the Fall of Rome, but I kind of prefer to just listen to him in the background while playing video games.
He's a force for good overall, he is a bit narcissistic though.
I prefer Bill Whittle.
He's an important rung mid-way along the redpill ladder.
>Transitional point between 2 & 3
>Lolbertarians see him as fellow anti-state logical philosopher man
>They follow his subtle pivot to Western idealism/nationalism
Is it that time in the evening when the aussies have gotten a few drinks in them and wish to lash out at the world?
>still anchoring this hard on a jewish relative
stay retarded with that cognitive bias, Sup Forums
smallman syndrome too strong lol
He's very measured. I like him, and I only started watching his videos a short time ago.
I decided to listen to a handful of his early material, and it's fascinating to see how he's changed over the years. From discussing the land of the non aggression principle to differences in IQ between races - it's a leap.
He's a fraud. If you've ever read any books about the topics he discusses you quickly realise this because he has an "inch deep, mile wide" understanding on them. He has a very binary worldview and it lacks nuance. His videos on anything regarding history are absolutely fucking atrocious. his formula is to list the details that confirm his preconceived conclusion and ignore everything that contradicts it, then from there he will move on to discuss the conclusion which is always a fringe narrative that has little support. He's a meme
>still no picture of based Bill Whittle
Sup Forums is dead to me
Nah sober tonight I got work tomorrow. That was last weekend :^)
He's done pieces comparing modren society to the fall of Rome before, hence why it was so concise.
But yes, his videos of late have mostly been click-bait trash made solely to appeal to the alt-right who are so desperate to have their beliefs reaffirmed they will lap anything up.
Bill Whittle is an Israel shill.
I'm sorry to do this to you user, I used to love Bill...but he's not as based as you may think.
He's spent most of his life being libertarian and in fact embracing those views was a major turning point in his life there is no way he'd take the next step so quickly. His whole UPB stems from his family life as a way to deal with his grief from being swindled by his brother and beaten by his mother. Most of us went threw the 2-3 steps quickly because we aren't as emotionally and psychologically invested as him but I do agree he will in about 2 years. Well at least 2 years from now he'll be honest about it.
He used to actually try to release content but I think it's become more and more about business. And the way he gets so emotional in some of the videos. Holy fuck man get a grip of yourself. Alt-right are basically as emotional and shrill as the SJW they shit on. They both just get incoherent
his some dumb cunt that mouths off on youtube because he has no friends
Not an argument
You should leave your parents
Your opinions are irrelevant because you got spanked as a child
I enjoy his "Truth about" videos. You can tell a lot of time and research has gone into them. I also enjoy his political commentary quite a bit, as well as the "What pisses me off about" series.
That said, his philosophy work isn't ironclad.
>inb4 le sweden yes
Stafan "pls make me famous Sup Forums ;_; me and my life is a joke" Molyneux is a cùck of epic proportion.
He gets no respect from his peers his own age, and he have autism desperatly marketing his stuff here.
The autistic fuck is prone to make memes of himself, that is how desperate he is.
Common shillthreads by molonox himself
We get that you are a failed professor and you make no money, but please, you are JUST degrading yourself when you attentionwhore on Sup Forums
it's not an argument you fucking autistic cunt its a fucking statement
Don't mean to split hairs, but it's more informative than informational.
he's a pandering litteral autist. watch anyone of his videos, its like watching an alien try to mimic human expressions
Not an argument
did it take you this long to reply because you had to prep the bull?
crappy jokes
everything else is mostly good
He won't name the Jew or a lot of other conspiracies.
On this he is a coward and refuses to see the real monstrosities destroying are world.
Yes most people are foolish and the masses are basically fools not dealing with emotional baggage but there are still groups organized running the most evil outfits of this world
Read his entry on WIkipedia. Him and his wife are crazy.
He's a Jew, what did you expect?
>He won't name the Jew or a lot of other conspiracies.
Depends on what you mean
He had a call-in with a Jewish guy, Stef asked why doesn't Israel take in rapefugees
There was an episode where he mentioned multiculturalism doesn't work, or else Ashkenazi Jews would actually be assimilated
Those are off the top of my head
What does ((( ))) mean?
Not an argument
[Newfag detected]
I'm more than willing to believe your take, but require actual examples/proof. It's very easy to say he's "inch deep, mile wide", "binary worldview", selective details etc.
But every time someone says this i never get examples. And without them your entire post is literally not an argument. Every time being the two times i've been in Molymeme threads before.
"Binary worldview" isn't even negative. You may/should certainly compromise in practical reality, but to compromise in your philosophy/ideology would be nonsensical.
I know right
I like him
his roman empire video really made me think
yes that's true
but I'm mean more along the line of 911 type stuff which was a joint US Mossad operation
There was a video about the conspiracy and he was a total fucking normie about it
Charlatan and opportunist.
I also recommend reading his masters thesis on UPB. It's hilariously awful.
yea yeah right, you fucking shills are so obvious
He's painful to listen to.
All the fucking anarchist stuff is just bluepill after bluepill
Anti-Christian Odinist Jew Mole
I like his stuff, but I can also see why some people don't
Could be based but he's too arrogant and he preaches to the choir. Also UPB is fucking retarded and I've never seen him explain coherently how it would work in practice.
Typical Libertarian really, just with more intelligence and ability to articulate than a memester like Gavin Mcinnes. He claims to be objective but his ego gets in the way of true objectivity imho.
Still like listening to him though, even though a lot of stuff he says is baby red-pill. His 2 hour long vid on the Roman empire was really interesting.
>His 2 hour long vid on the Roman empire was really interesting.
when will this Jewish meme end?
I didn't say I agreed with it all paddy, I just thought it was interesting.
He's good on certain things. He is redpilled on immigration and SJW stuff. That Rome presentation was also great.
Annoying to listen to and always with a smug look on his face, picks arguments with retards in order to make himself seem like some sort of enlightened guru.
I just noticed that he tends to sperg out way more when he is doing his videos alone.
What is exactly wrong with his presentation about the fall of Rome?
You should ring up mate
I'm a fish, but arms are sore from RSI and masturbating furiously.
He memes for support on Sup Forums. That should tell you everything you need to know.
he's an interracial homosexual jew
I'm not mentally deficient and don't hold any retarded opinions like >muh flat earth . Maybe if you consume more "red pills" you might become as smart as him one day though.