I'm slowly realising something. The Rothschilds were right. Look at what happens to society when you give right to uneducated fucks. Look how degerate the world has turned out to be now. The elites are more fit to rule than any of us. Now I'm actualy scared that their plan will go to shit.
What if they are right?
The fuck are you talking about? They've worked long and hard to make people as uneducated and stupid as fucking possible.
You know what sensible leaders do? They help the people they rule over - make their lives better, improve their tribe, accomplish grand things.
You know what these elites do? They try to fuck everyone over to secure a future only for themselves.
They are selfish and paranoid; so scared of losing power that they're willing to destroy the people they rule over just to preserve it.
If we are dumb enough to get destroyed by them then they deserve to be in power.
>Look at what happens to society when you give right to uneducated fucks. Look how degerate the world has turned out to be now.
Who do you think turned the world that way? The anglosphere used to have values and a NEED for a strong family unit. And at least in the US, people used to be much more independent without a reliance, in fact, a disdain for government assistance. They controlled our media and culture to produce a people who are obedient, hedonist, and most of all, ashamed of our past accomplishments so that we'll never go back to a society we once had (white guilt).
These fuckers didn't leave shit to the people, they've been controlling them the whole time. In fact, I blame this whole clusterfuck on them, what did they think was going to happen importing a shit ton of Muslims, that they'd work like all the other immigrants? Though I'm sure they're ready to blow out anyone or anything that comes close to actually killing them, pieces of shit.
That's exactly how they want you to think. You've been Jedi-mind-tricked, goy.
If they can control us so easily then we deserve our place. They didn't force this upon us, they just suggested it over the years and we just collectively
embraced it. Now look at the families, most of them are destroyed, everyone is more egocentric than ever. Their ruse worked. The beauty of it is that we had a choice all along but people are so retarded that they made a bad choice. To me it seems they just showed us who's the smartest and deem to rule over the other one.
Defeatist cuckold
Range ban all leaves
Dumb or smart, doesn't matter anymore. They are on a whole other level. It's already too late.
>the rich elites who despise me will surely do what's in my best interest
>they surely won't turn me into a glorified serf
You are still too much concerned with your own little person. Think smarter. Why are we here? To survive. The human race needs to survive and only the best must remain to ensure the preservation of our specy.
If you want to reach the top of the mountain, sometimes you have to leave the cripples behind, they slow you down.
sounds like something a rothschild would say.
noone gets left behind you shitskin lizard
Of course someone from a shithole with a colonial governor would surrender readily
Only a few people easily controls billions of other people. Who's more fit to rule? Think about it. You don't need to be a Rothschild to realise this.
The Human species has a long history of social safety networks, food sharing networks, mutual aid networks
Individualism is a radical change from our species' evolutionary ecology
Haha the same rulers that have been filling the oceans with the discarded refuse of their consumer economy? the wealthy of earth are still at the mercy of the mob, we outnumber them by billions and we're not sure the military would obey orders to open fire on civilians in their masses
You are like a dog praising the ticks. Leaf, please.
This word is typically never used in the singular.
So, you're a nigger.
Being against Democracy and the rule of the people doesn't mean you then need to necessarily support the rootless cosmopolitan plutocracy. I'm all for a rule by the best so long as the Aristocracy cares for its people. The Rothshild's don't give a fuck about you or anybody else. They care about money, power and wealth.
Not argument. The more I talk to people, the more I realise something. They think they are 'special snow flakes' and deserve special treatment. You have to earn your place in this world.
You deserve to get Abo'd.
No argument.
I'm in favour of constitutional monarchy (king/elected official system) with limited suffrage (land owning men).
But I don't think Jews should control every single bit of wealth in the world.
I don't support their actions but if a group/family is smart enough to literally shadow rule the entire World then their better leaders than any public figure
I agree totaly. But the jews elites (not the normal jews) are just the best option for NOW. In the future, some people might wake up and take over their empire. But for now they are the more fit to rule.
>elites create masses of educated fucks, and then give them rights
>the elites should rule because mass of educated fucks have rights
Educated fucks? Eh.
"You made a typo, therefore your argument is irrelevant, tough luck m8"
i love traditions, self determination, the familiar feeling of the tribe, culture. i think they're quintessentially human things and without them we're just frustrated monkeys with trousers.
on the other hand i can understand why people think they're limitations. the good savage, the being living attuned to nature is something that doesn't push for progress. it destroys everything around him but allows him to get on top.
what's the purpose of life itself? is it to just exist? or get on top? or evolve into some collective megabeing and become god itself?
we'll never know i guess. jews might be right when they push for total, omologating collectiveness. that and transhumanism are maybe the only ways humans can evolve and leave behind the petty delusions and illusions of culture.
but fuck me culture is beautiful. the vibrant diversity of different people, different countries, different mindsets. i firmly believe that every people has the right to evolve and develop naturally and follow its own path, not with shitty fucking forced immigrations and MUH INTEGRATION.
is it the right way? i dunno Sup Forums, in the end i'm just a monkey in trousers too.
>tfw no beer, qt redhead gf and a trusty doggo