Give me a valid reason why in this day and age a white man shouldnt go for the slavic/east asian woman.
Do you people honestly believe that this broken mess that we call western women will ever be a good mother or life partner?
Give me a valid reason why in this day and age a white man shouldnt go for the slavic/east asian woman.
Do you people honestly believe that this broken mess that we call western women will ever be a good mother or life partner?
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Race mixing is immoral.
Tous les mêmes hans
Race mixing with animals aka niggers or other brown subhumans is immoral.
Mixing with other light skinned high iq races isnt
One reason I can think off is that since you're a weak beta male (can tell from seeing your flag), you will most likely infect Slav women with the Western woman cancer eventually.
So you are saying that weak beta males can steal your prime women? Says a lot about your males then
We both know you prefer slavs and chinks because as a rich westerner you have a better chance with them as they see you as a key to a better life.
You're disgraceful. Off yourself.
Literally this
Is that what you tell yourself to feel better about your desire to ruin your white genes with chinghongs? Fuck off.
I would love to worship each one of those adorable little girls.
What would you do to them?
>as a rich westerner
The day of the rich westerner are long over. Why not just discuss the topic at hand instead of sperging out
>still falling for the nip woman meme
You're a moron
No, it doesn't say anything about our males actually. You wouldn't be "stealing" anything. There are way too many good looking women in my country. It is just as hard to find an ugly and/or fat young girl here as it's hard to find a good looking anti-Fluchtlinge woman in Germany (0.0001% of the female population in the
>tfw no tall athletic asian gf
Tickle their feet, Lick all over.
Make them feel like special little angels like they are.
Because you have an idealized view of them larely based on cartoons and pornography.
That's why Mohammed comes to your country, right? For a better life with more money. Newsflash, lowerclass Asians and Slavs have a life a lot worse than lowerclass Germans. How dense are you, you retard.
>is friends with a ugly manlet feminist
>calls others beta
I think you are projecting your anger from your friend onto this topic
>being unironically a delusional Beta cuk feminist
I am so disappointed in Australia.
Would you also caress their tummies?
I really like slavic women
>lowerclass Asians and Slavs have a life a lot worse than lowerclass Germans. How dense are you, you retard.
Absolute nonsense these people from my experience have far more shit than lower class germans since they know how to play the system and stick together in small communities helping each other out
>East Asian
Go home Germany, u drunk.
I'm not actually friends with him anymore, used to be friends in high school before he started going full cuck mode. But I guess you're right, I am angry at his feminism which came from your people here, so my anger with you is justified.
>stating facts about my country
>not the same id as
Australian cuck crew reporting in?
We're talking monetary wealth you sperg.
I like bellies. They are so soft and cute. I would like to put my face up against them and rest.
I like thighs, noses and ears too. Like breathing on their little noses to tickle them and make them giggle, whisper in their ears and make them shiver from the soft spoken words.
jap women are superior
>I am angry at his feminism which came from your people here, so my anger with you is justified.
Oh so now germans invented feminism? LOL
Most people in the West live from paycheck to paycheck and Millennials are debt ridden throughout the West
White men get out of Asian cunts RRRREEEEEEEEE
It is an interesting question. From a WN perspective it would be ok to mix with a slav but not an east asian. But from a race realist HBD perspective it would be better to mix with an east asian.
Personally I think that while IQ is important, there are things more important than it. I think I would rather have white children with a slightly lower IQ that look like me and can relate to me, than have asian kids.
sorry chingy chong. I'm here in this asian woman cunt and she worships me for it. She keeps telling me that men from where she is are such losers.
Yes, Adolf Hitler was a highly progressive feminist actually. Ramzpaul said so too.
Yes I think I do want children that look like me as well, even though Asian/white can be adorable and good looking.
Just find a wife that can tolerate you and love you. Fuck caring about all the racey stuff. I mean honestly you are looking for a woman to be your best friend, good in bed, someone you can stand to be your roomate, someone you can be moral support for/ get moral support from and on top of all that be a stable person.
Its a pretty tall order.
Pedo scum detected.
Small dicks like yours can't compete in the free market desu
>Ramzpaul said so too
wow that totally changes everything
Glad we've come to an agreement.
Seems like the last mongol raid got during the 40`s got you good as it did us, but damn, why would you want to go even further?
Are you a secret Finnish Khanate ally or some shit? Are you trying to create a new breed of mongols (krautcück, türk/sandniger & soulless manlet chinks?)
I would consider slavic. I am a quarter slavic anyway so it isn't really mixing.
I do not have anything against Asians but I really would not want a happa son.
Are you trying to go against the word of Allah? Filthy infidel
Learn your place goat
Well well well, isn't that dj racemixer over here. I can see your nose all the way from here.
Quiet down slav. We all know you are descendants of Genghis Khan raping your ancestors repeatedly. You're closer to turks than proper Aryans.
Enjoy chink eyed dark haired dark eyed kids you fucking burger. Eh, not like your gene pool was savable anyways.
Jews did nothing wrong : )
The death of German civilisation, right here
>German women
>not even once
>that horrible interviewer's German
>all the male German Betas refusing to say anything negative about Merkel
Better have my kids look finish and keep their high iq instead of getting a brown mongrel
I just want a traditional virgin gf.
I don't care about race any more.
I wouldn't really care about what kind of white they are. I'm an American mongrel anyway, mostly Irish and German I think.
I am completely fine with Slavs.
In fact I would love to make lovely children with Lera
>Do you people honestly believe that this broken mess that we call western women will ever be a good mother or life partner?
Do you honestly believe the problem is solely the culture they were raised in and not at all the sheer legal power they were given by feminism over recent decades?
alpha white genes died in europe a long time ago. and the old alphas in america are too old to have kids now. your beta genes would just create elliot rogers thatll vote open borders in asia. youll ruin everything, as germs usually do
God didn't say anything like that. He left it upto society to decide the age of consent which changed through history as people in those days only lived till 30 and children matured much faster than people today. So a 12 year old of that era is not the same as our 12 year old with a life span of 80-90 years.
They don't exist anymore.
I will send you a traditional virgin gf if you kill these Australian feminists for me
Sperg. You desire an internet meme.
So a young version of Scarjo comes up to you and thinks you are the greatest thing since sliced bread but you wouldnt take her because shes not white enough aka part kike?
Honestly, reproduction is the only reason I want a wife. Otherwise I would be perfectly happy being alone. I just feel like reproducing and starting a family is an important part of life, something I do not want to miss out on.
I think it is actually important to consider what type of child you will produce. If people thought about that they might chose their partners more carefully.
A "12 year old of that era" or let's say 9 year old like Aisha, wife of Mohammed (PBUH) was actually far less developed than the same age in today's world. Age of puberty in females has dropped a lot over the years.
>people only lived to 30
What a bunch of stinky dooky
I'm sure you can find a virgin. The question is can you find your way out of one?
We have those by the millions. My wife was a virgin and very obedient to me. Her purpose in life is to take care of me.
You jelly faggot?
Adopt then.
Yes. I tell her to fuck off.
All women aren't loyal. If you are not ready to fight for them they won't respect you.
The point is that If you can't straight out your own people then you don't have much chance with others.
The Location thats filmed at is Karlsplatz which is always filled with Tourists and Students from the surrounding Lefty Schools during break. Dont expect to find redpilled shit there
Out of curiosity what kind of internet coverage does your country get? Can you get away with not being super religious yet pretend to be muslim.. sorta "jack muslim" as the case may be?
But thats impossible when your country is being invaded by sandnigger hordes as we speak.
What are your chances anyway?
I`ll have you know from my own existence that you do not want your kids to end up a confused & messed up.
Imagine this:
You have your asian wife birth like 2-3 kids & you watch them grow, but as time passes, they start to notice they are different from others by genetics, behavior & such.
Just wait until they hit their existential crisis and you have 2-3 Elliot Rodgers.
I`m sure no parent would want that, but no, >muh asian waifu meme
>youll ruin everything, as germs usually do
Cant be as alpha as the American LBGT youth
Race mixing is perfectly fine. What matters is how you will raise your children. If you race mix with a very smart ugly black woman but ensure a perfect future for your child then you are successful. If you marry a beautiful white girl but she is retarded and you both are poor and uneducated... please do NOT make children. And even if you do, your genes will disapear ultimatly, so who cares, do what you want.
Looks white to me.
They are full of shit.
Right is such a goddamn cutie. No pedo, mostly.
Not sure what you are implying. Internet here is censored and regulated by govt. like every other country.
Someone nuke Canada. Every canadian I've seen today has had some bs opinion. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
>But thats impossible when your country is being invaded by sandnigger hordes as we speak.
Best thing to happen to Europe in the long run because they are crashing every welfare system and are redpilling the Euro Youth about race realism undoing decades of lefty Propaganda imo
Biggest problem with that is that the kid won't be related to you.
Also they don't give kids to single males. At least I hope they don't.
>Unironically advocating racemixing
>I'm the cuck
Get fucked, faggot. Asian girls aren't like anime characters and JAV IRL.
Wasn't implying anything. I was wondering about the speed. And I really want to know if you can get away with like pretending to know all the muslim stuff
You're right Sholomo, white men just shouldn't breed and go out of existence. Blacks are stronger and have better dicks than us, after all.
Naturaly if you don't give your own opinion it's easy to say that everyone has a shitty opinion. Why do you think race mixing is a bad thing ?
slavic is fine, east asian is bad
The majority of my relationship with whites ended with them cheating because"you dont give me permanent attention all day and you are working to put food on the table, inexcusable"
on the other hand I had a relation with an asian, she respected me, my passions, my family, prepared the food for me when i was tired and was genuinely caring, we went our separate way because I wanted to leave shitskin shithole that is the south and she had her family here
White women are self entitled, I'd donate my sperm but I sure as hell never getting back in a relationship with one.
They are related. I mean my dad was abandoned by his bio dad. His mom was a drunk. My dad's Step dad adopted him legally after my grandmother married him.
I honestly think of him as a grandfather and my dad thinks of him more as a dad than his bio dad ever was.
>Best thing to happen to Europe in the long run because they are crashing every welfare system and are redpilling the Euro Youth about race realism undoing decades of lefty Propaganda
Yes, but by doing that they are also destroying your nation & people you (I hope) hold dear in the process.
It seems like you forgot that normies learn only when its already too late.
Now I can understand why the eternal Anglo wants you dead.
Give me a valid reason why in this day and age a white woman shouldnt go for the slavic/east asian woman.
Do you people honestly believe that this broken mess that we call western men will ever be a good father or life partner?
>tfw blonde haired blue-eyed Aryan girl with Chinese girlfriend
Feels good
In theory we should create genetic super soldiers in vats....
But then we get this.
LARP elsewhere senpai.
>Yes, but by doing that they are also destroying your nation & people you (I hope) hold dear in the process.
If the Culture is worth it will stand the test of time. As for now Europe needs to waken up the hard way
>Now I can understand why the eternal Anglo wants you dead.
Anglos stood by for decades watching Pakis rape their daughters doing nothing.
How they pulled off the Brexit is beyond me but with all the figure heads gone we already see that nothings happening.
Europe also needs back its Christian roots and by that i mean the old school Christianity and not the shit the faggot enables in the Vatican is preaching
Protestantism is the cause of this
Remove Protestant to fix white women
>I'm a girl so my opinions are much more valid
There isnt.
However, white women will always have an army of useful idiots who just happen to share their opinion, what ever it might be. Asians and slavics present competition to them in finding the best mate, and so they become despised of by white women and their useful idiots alike.
Look, lets just take the ultimate redpill and accept reality? Why is it so hard?
Us white people cannot survive in the sun, the most natural thing in the world.
So we made artificial suncream to protect us.
If a species cant naturally drinking the water without artificial pills before, to prevent death, they arent meant to exist.
Us whites created an artificial society, based on artificial rules (read nonsense court stuff & alimoney). Why? Because we are a mutation that cannot survive in the real world, so we build an entire artificial world with television telling you what to think, and human computerized programming (school).
We are the mutated robotic genes. We are pale, stiff and boring.
When white women encounter a black warrior, despite the stigma, despite the lack of wealth, despite being objectified and even possibly raped, white women feel the Original Human, the Black Race, and mother earths drum beating.
White women want to destroy the artificial fake robotic mannequin white race, in favor of something more natural. That is why white women breed out the white race. Only white men can get what the desire by holding to white patriarchial order.
When its broken (and it will be soon) all women will sleep with whomever they want and the white race will finally become bred out!!!
The germans deserve everything they got. : )
Soviet invasion of germany and rape of german women again please.