Who did a better job as President - Obongo or Dubya?
If your last two numbers are (00-49 obongo) (50-99 bush boy)
Come on bushy
busie cmonnn
King Nigger of Fight For Israel Man.
They were both puppets to the same master
come on bushie do your 9/11 magic on soros
He was an expert at being unintentionally funny. Either that or he's a hell of an actor.
let's see, which one increased the debt by a shit ton, started 2 wars and allowed over 3,000 american civilians to be killed on our soil, and almost killed the economy?
not sure if trolling or retarded
Neither. Both puppets to the internationalists globalist agenda who seek nothing but control and power
Hmmm..I wonder...
Moar troops... moar troops
They're both shit, but Dubya started the (((war in Iraq))) so he deserves to burn in the mouth of Satan for eternity for destroying Europe, America, and eventually Western Civilization.
Both Bush and Obama fight for Israel. And they both should be chopped to pieces and fed to the pigs for that.
But Bush was better merely because he used the US Army fighting the wars.
Unlike Obama who funded and armed rebels to fight Israel's wars, essentially creating ISIS.
i know greeks are morons, but this is too much.
Bush going into Iraq and destabilizing it is what gave birth to ISIS.
bush was my boy greatest neo-con pencil pusher to ever exist
Nah, they weren't organized back then as they are now.
They were just random bunches of insurgents setting up roadside bombs for your troops to have fun with.
Not a threat to anyone outside Iraq.
The Nigger though went and gave them weapons so they can fight against Assad, that's when things got ugly. That's when they became ISIS and not just the remnants of the Iraqi army anymore.
It probably doesn't mwan much coming from a foreigner, but l don't really mind Obama. The only issue l have with him concerns immigration, because if America clamped down on illegals, the rest of the world would follow.
I like Dubya a lot, but when it comes to his time in office, l consider him to be the Republican version of Jimmy Carter - a geniunely good human being whose legacy was fucked up because of events that were out of his hands, but still went on to do great things and hwlp people after leaving office.
Rollin' for Dubya.
how does obama not clamp down on illegals? he's deported more spics than bush.
>muh amnesty
I somewhat support it considering you can't actually deport them all, but blanket amnesty is stupid.
LION TED had a good immigration plan that wasn't based on wall memes, hopefully Trump will stop spouting that shit since he doesn't need to throw meat to his base anymore.
Even 'Harambe' was a better pick for POTUS then Dubya
obama's part time "jobs" that you need 3 of to support yourself.
>wall meme
I never got why people viewed a wall on the border as unrealistic.
probably because the republican controlled congress won't raise wages.
Neither they were both absolute shit.
The Obama administration counts turning away illegals at the border as a deportation.
There are also more people crossing the border than ever before.
And finally, Bush was also very lax on immigration, so the difference between them is pretty negligible.
Just how exactly will raising minimum wage create more jobs?