How do white people live with themselves?

How do white people live with themselves?

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That is extremely accurate.

If dirt were people.


Well Africans are actually lower than dirt

In a warm soft bed, well educated and gainfully employed.

How do you live with being a cuck?

Lmfao, top kek

Rightfully good. I aint fucking care about africans or southamericans or whatsoever.

>my land has more diamonds in it than yours
Why do black people consider this to be bragging rights?

>africa is so shit that even the water will not enter

>Spain not filled with "gold"

Really now, even I have somehow benefited from Africa, but Brazil hasn't, the Middle East hasn't, China hasn't?
Fucking britcucks man

Pretty swell and comfy, to be honest.
That trying to "solve" this "problem", is far beyond my might, also helps. Heck, it would even be beyond a single country to change this, you'd need to convince the whole EU or US to do "stop" this. Only to fall behind in the global financial race, and be turned into the bitch of who-ever is going to win it in the end.


Quite comfortably in my ivory tower and earning 25% more than women, apparently

Holy shit Hans is learning.
You must be the funniest person in Germany who isn't a politician.



The Africans weren't using their resources at all, why let them go to waste?

Hell they're still not using them.

Other than ivory and metals what actually comes out of Africa that's worth taking ? >Fuck of FBI malaria doesn't count



Coffee, i guess. Diamonds. Bananas. And food back in the rhodesia days

This is what happens when you give the French rights

some dumb cunt let a bunch of Niggers into Melbourne and now they just rob cunts all day. Get sent to jail and get out 3 months later and do it again.

Hopefully the chinks enslave them all

I always thought coffee was more of a Brazilian/south america thing. Yeah I kinda figured diamonds and gems from the blood " man has a ciggerette in every scene" diamond


Funny thing is that legally migrating to ostrelia is incredibly tedious If not impossible.

>implying people live in Africa

Its basically virgin wilderness.

Oil, ores, diamonds etc.
Parts of Africa could be paradise on Earth if they weren't populated by niggers.

>Here's your (You)

I kek in the face of danger.

> not including China who is doing most of that

Why can't there just simply be one country that doesn't accept African American immigrants?

I agree, send Africans back to Africa. Machines can do their jobs without spitting in food or clamoring for gibsmedats

Diamonds, gold, platinum, uranium, oil, and so on.

Nigger Africa is the richest continent in the world. Shit's LOADED. Of course niggers are completely incapable of exploiting their own resources and building a state with the profit.

thats why the hole is so deep right ?

if we could put them back i think we would at this point

coffee is from arabia you daft cunt.

it only originated there.
as usual it took the white man to transform coffee from boiled seeds with chunks and a skim of greasy film, into the beverage of choice for civilized peoples everywhere.

You might want to see what China is up to in Africa, leaf.

> Chinese people didn't colonise everyone
> Still #2 in the world and catching up due to whitey's self-cucking

Doesn't the whole Asian Dragon thing completly invalidate the notion that a people can only get ahead by colonialism?

>being crushed under a massive heap of African dirt and refuse
checks out

Pretty good, you might want to talk to the financiers of all that colonialism though.

> said the country founded by a Britishman

>Chinese people didn't colonise everyone
I could see chinks ACTUALLY believing this

>mfw even the ocean doesn't want to go into africa
Top lel

nice one, have a well deserved (you)

Well, exactly. Singapore has one of the highest standards of living in the world and we WERE a colony. If we can do it, why not Africa?

The PRC neo-colonialism in Africa came AFTER China's rise, not before. It's because they have the capital to invest already.

lmao nice

>the 2000-year long period of Han expansion and assimilation wasn't colonization
Okay Zhang.

Richly and prosperously?

The tributary states were just showing respect to the Emperor
It's literally no different to the Holy Roman Emperor sending a tithe to the Pope, and nobody calls 12th-century Germany an Italian colony

ah shit FPBP mexico.

Except the Han exported and culturally assimilate everyone around them. China was diverse once.

It's more comparable to the Arab expansion, who assimilated much of the Levant and north Africa.

Because africa is full of nig nogs unlike Singapore

>We kept digging until we brought back the people

Fucking Kek.

> live with themselves
We don't. There's too many niggers here.

I live pretty good.

>Tributary states showing respect to emperor
>Not colonies

12th century Germany wasn't a country. literally. it didn't exist. and yes. it basically was a Political-turned-religious colony. most of Europe was and had been for over 1000 years by that point. you srsly need to brush up on post-roman christian expansion, Singapore.

Gold have been mined out of spain by the time of the romans. It's just that africa is not mined out yet.

>leaves out India, Middle East and Latin America

black ppl be raciss!!!

Africa is still full of resources.

The problem is niggers can't maintain anything or put any of it to use.


>Africa has all those natural resources and many african nations could be the richest countries in the world but ooga boogas rather shoot other ooga boogas and get aids from raping

Because you are not nignogs, simple as that.
Oh and Lee Kwan is also a good reason.


Actually coffee came from africa, precisely from Ethiopia and was spread by arabs. All types of commerce was occurring between arabs and africa including slaves until not long ago.

> 12th century Germany wasn't a country. literally. it didn't exist.
This kind of sophistry might play while you're sharting in mart, but whining about anachronistic Westphalianism doesn't detract from my point. I don't recall Latium taking slaves, opening mines, and growing sugarcane in the Rhineland to fuel its own development. Comparing the Pope's religious influence to 18th century colonialism is going full retard. In the same way as comparing the Emperor's influence to 18th century colonialsim is retarded.

Il accept that I am a daft cunt because the only coffee I drink is Brazilian

That's so wrong on so many levels...

>gulf states dindu nuffin
>china not even in the picture
yes goy, only white people are evil, the rest of the world is great.

Funny how white me never sees a single cent of that WHITEY GOLD.

Holy shit.
Maybe that curse of Cain or Ham or whatever is true...

Are all blacks REALLY meant to be slaves?

First Arabs, then the Europeans... next the Chinks?

Maybe them basically being pack mules is their destiny.

Maybe it takes more than 200 years to go from neolithic level society to modern post industrial revolution one. Nearly everyone here descent from people from antique advanced civilization like romans or Chinese empire

>don't recall Latium taking slaves, opening mines, and growing sugarcane in the Rhineland to fuel its own development

You're right

>Because Byzantium had already done it for them
but moving on to your ravings about the Qin/Han expansion

Let's do a quick breakdown of what you're calling 18th century colonialism -

>Desiring wider resource pools, Europeans actively conquer foreign lands, or at least aggressively colonize
>They install a ruling class (governor) and a military presence (barracks) to suppress native population
>They force native population to manual labor while erasing native values and installing European culture

Now, let's take a look at what the Han did -

>Desiring wider resource pools, the Han actively conquered foreign lands/tribes (Minyue, Nanyue, Baiyue, Etc.)
>They installed a ruling class/military presence (Commandery) to suppress native population
>They forced the native populations to manual labor while erasing native values and installing Han culture

Please tell me how you see this as different.

>south america
>Not dug up
>Spain empty?

José bringing los bantos

Why dont Madagascar hole like africa

Oh right they shit down everything

>buy ressources from niggers because they couldn't extract them if their life depended on it
>pay them money so they can buy food they are unable to produce



>doing anything with their wealth
This way they can actually benefit from new tech being developed by whites. What good does it when the resources just remain in the earth unused, because it "belongs to the people living on top"?

By gawd, someone ring the bell, it's over!

I feel like I'm put on some watchlist for watching this.

You did well Mexico.