Will it be good Sup Forums?

Will it be good Sup Forums?

On one hand, Marv Wolfman.

On the other hand, a comic about Raven going to high school sounds boring.

You make it sound like modern Wolfman is good.

One of the hands is supposed to have something good, OP.

>a comic about Raven going to high school sounds boring
maybe it'll be like Blood C, with her schoolmates dying one by one to the demonic beasts that keep attacking her,

Wolfman literally did this before.

And it sucked.

>Will it be good Sup Forums?
Hell no. Raven is a character who has absolutely nothing to her. Making a solo series is utterly pointless.

Both hands are bad. Marv Wolfman hasn't written a good comic since the early 90s.

The only way I see this being good is if they give her an expanded demonic/supernatural rogues gallery. Like what they've done with Cyborg Rebirth pitting him against every robotic villain in DC, pit Raven against tons of Eldritch horrors and such.

Psycho Pirate was a good foe but used in a bad way.

>The only way I see this being good is if they give her an expanded demonic/supernatural rogues gallery.
Basically, making shit up. Kill yourself, you creatively bankrupt sack of shit.

>Basically, making shit up
That is LITERALLY what writing fiction is. What the fuck are you on?

>making shit up is creatively bankrupt

its the same shitposter from last thread ignore him

>That is LITERALLY what writing fiction is.
There's a very real difference between crafting a story and making shit up as you go. The later nearly always ends in a poor quality product.

It is. You have a huge shared universe to work with, and instead of doing the smart thing and utilizing previously existing elements, you just want to clutter the setting further by making up new crap that's not even remotely as interesting. Shit like this is why people don't like comics anymore.

>"There's a very real difference between crafting a story and making shit up as you go"
>implementing new ideas is automatically the same as making shit up as you go along
So craft a story that introduces new characters and elements you dumbass.

He is a troll stop responding to bait

There's reason to make up new characters in a shared universe like this. Get off your lazy ass, look through the archives and do some fucking research. There's almost certainly a character or element you can use that will suit your needs just waiting around in limbo.


>shared universe
>not the most cancerous thing about capeshit

modern Sup Forums

not only are you wrong, you are wrong about what you think you are right about, because
suggested digging up every single pre-existing infernal villain you can find and making a rogues gallery from that

This thread is just gonna die anyhow. Might as well talk to someone about comics while it's here even if its a baiting dumbass.

The one place Raven does not belong is high school. She's dark fantasy, she's mysticism and surrealism. She belongs in an environment like the video game Hexen.


>implying Wolfman was ever good
Nah I'm just shitposting vut seriously an 80 year old man writing about teenagers?
Fucking kill me.

the world of Hexen has a population of literally three people

I'm all for old concepts & Characters getting a new spin but these writers are allowed add something new.

I want it to be like a slice of life manga, I would read the shit out of it.

Geesh, no.

School plots are never conductive to a long term story.

>I want it to be like a slice of life manga
This but with Horror elements

it's 6 issue mini

>School plots are never conductive to a long term story.
in american comics maybe.

I want it to be like several Junji Ito mangas, back to back

This comic had everything.
>High school shootings
>Ecstasy and Driving inder the influence
Wolfman just gets it.

>in american comics maybe.


Then it should be alright. But the comic gives me a different feel from the slightly more punk Raven from the Rebirth preview.

>I want it to be like several Junji Ito mangas, back to back
god no, I wouldn't be able to open the book without feeling like throwing up
I wouldn't known, I only read like 2 volumes of it.

Well DC only have Blue Beetle and Gotham Academy that takes place in a school setting compare to Marvel's Ms. Marvel, Nova, and black Spider-man.

Raven should never be punk, she's way too gentle for that shit.

Bleach went to shit after it moved away from the 'ghost busters afterschool club' premise

I want it to be like Machen's the great god pan.

no, it should be like jitsu wa watashi wa but with raven.

Ooh, good taste

No, it should be like the current sabrina comics.

haven't read it yet, is it just like after life with archie?

Kinda but with more lovecraft.

I'm down.

I agree, I was hinting at how Bleach failed to preserve the school setting.

I want Raven to be just as enthralling as Helen.

Card captor Sakura Raven, NOW!

Raven & Teen Titans would lend themselves to a manga perfectly. The cartoon was influenced by anime in a lot of ways. It's a shame DC will probably never publish anything like that.

>LIKE the video game Hexen
>as in not exactly or literally the same
Dumbasses can't read. And in other news water is STILL wet! Can you believe it? How come that shit ain't dry yet?