Could Fascism or National Socialism work in the United States?
Could Fascism or National Socialism work in the United States?
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interesting picture..
Too many kikes.
Not racially homogenous, weak average patriotism, highly consumerist, highly individualistic.
Also, in general the fascism boat has sailed since the internet. Even the extreme left wing, which is both supported by authorities and only weakly fascist, is still too fascist not to be called out.
Back during the depression? Definitely. Right now? No. In 40 years in a balkanized America broken along ethnic lines? For sure.
Fascism? Yes.
National Socialism?
Well one of the main tenets of it is about "National Identity"
From my understanding the current population of U.S represents wide range of traditions and people of different cultural background that do not identify with each other. Maybe in 300-400 years when there are no racial or cultural differences seen (if we are to believe in the Melting Pot -theory) we may see American National Socialism.
you obviously don't know what fascism means
no, america is the epicenter of liberalism, its the last place it would take off. not impossible, u could have a fascist pro capitalist christian theocracy supported by a military industrial complex, but good luck enforcing a collectivist non democratic idea in the land of the free
You under estimate how fast America is on the road to breaking down and no longer existing as one country. In the remains of white America something like National Socialism not only would be possible but necessary.
I feel like America has - or had - a strong national identity, and can be revived. Think 50s style families and americana
I think I understand perfectly and I think your definition is tainted by your idealism of it, just like Marxists who think communism isn't a totalitarian police state.
No. you're treating Fascism like it's the state of being authoritarian
Why would we want communism in America?
>pro capitalist, christian theocracy
Oxymorons like these make me cringe
It's the only thing that could save us, but it will not happen.
>The boomers didn't act
>It's nearly too late for us to do anything
Americana was subverted by globalism, your new Cambodian, Peruvian and Ghanaian neighbours don't have a sense of shared identity with you sadly and as for the family, that was always doomed once women had the vote.
I wouldn't JUST define it as authoritarian, which is only mildly better than defining it as strictly right wing nationalism. My idea of fascism is it's highly dependent on image, propaganda and state control (especially of the media). In fact, a properly constructed fascist state wouldn't even need policemen to constitute a police state.
I'd actually say a better representation of fascism is Mussolini's Italy rather than Nazi Germany. In fact, Stalin's Russia was ultimately as fascist as Nazi Germany. Russia had one chance of communism without fascism and they drove an ice pick through it.
>as for the family, that was always doomed once women had the vote.
under national socialism they would be segregated or booted out
NO. you need a hunified culture to make them work, something you don't have.
if the core of hyper nationalism is maintained its fascism. fascism is different in every state autist. some nations have clerical fascism, others are secular. the degree of socialism also would vary, as would policy on race and the jews
Duterte is more fascist than Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and Pinochet ever was.
He said if it was viable for today's america, I'm saying it's too diverse to even achieve to start with.
They vote for welfare, easier divorces and are easily swayed by current opinion spewed by media.
Harsh punishments and a leader with a cult of personality isn't exactly fascism either.
National Socialism relies on Culture and Tradition to thrive, the U.S. has neither of those things. It's a complete meme country that can only really survive under capitalism and enterprise but the Jews fucked that up for you.
It could have if it were implemented immediately after or during the great depression.
I still think America has a culture, it may not be as vibrant or obvious as our brothers in Europe, but we have one.
Spin it as a populist movement and sure. populism is very popular right now.
yes, there's no way you'd be able to call it Fascism or National Socialism. It would need a new name.
>more fascist than hitler. you're fucking joking, duterte hasn't even abolished democracy yet. fuck off sweden