So considering that they have never been conquered, sould their land or signed a treaty does that mean they are the rightfull owner of the land?
Would/should a private company then be able to buy the sentinelese islands or a remote part of the amazons and force the natives out in a libertarian society.
Uncontacted tribes and land ownership
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obs forgot to put a question mark on the last question
just kill all the cunts who fucking cares about some abo tribes in brazil
Hueland is so unexplored that they still have completely wild amazon indians in it. Just goes to show you how shit Brazil is.
Holy shit, that extra black nigger, did the cunt forgot his color somewhere ?
They looks like video game enemies.
Sic the robo dogs on them
The Island
Wouldn't that violate private property rights anf the NAP?
They're living history, our history. It's like looking into a mirror and seeing ourselves in another life, another time.
I'm not of a country which has uncontacted tribes, but if in my opinion at least, I care more about them than say, endangered animals. I'd be more interested in preserving uncontacted tribes than pandas, for example.
You only own something as long as you can hold it. If another tribe attacks them and takes the land, it will belong to the new tribe. The same applies if the government of some country decides to mine, harvest or build on the land.
Ancap/libtard responses to first society people border on the religious -- these people are essentially living in sin, and so for once physical violence is justified in bringing them back to the light of the "perfectly natural" system of private land ownership.
Where are we talking about? Brazil? Those savages are as good as dead.
I don't care about NAP just kill them, just like we should kill all nigger they are worthless dross
i'l have to agree with this.
That's a woman. You can see the boobies.
fuck you, leave them alone they are the last freemen on earth uncontrolled by anyone.
>implying that some flea bitten illiterate stone age niggers too stupid to evolve past ooga booga stage aren't already owned by a private entity that has already decided their fate in a locked board room somewhere.
>implying they have anything in common with you when irl, they would likely kill you, cook you and eat you.
Looks /comfy/
Those are cousins to redskins not niggers you ignorant fucktard.
we need to preserve them to study them. eventually we will have to kill them all though. they're fucking savages who will cut your throat, and if you believe otherwise, it explains why your country is so fucking cucked
Not my history. Those are island niggers.
You want to recreate that? Buy an island and transplant a few hundred niggers sans technology onto it. They will achieve comparable levels of society within 4-5 generations.
They're important because they're uncorrupted. They're the closest thing to humanity in it's purest form.
Also in a grim sense, I would imagine uncontacted tribes to be the sort relatively untouched by some sort of global war or disaster. We can nuke ourselves into oblivion, but out there in the deep of the continent and the jungle, those humans will keep on living just as they ever had.
>I'd be more interested in preserving uncontacted tribes
the funny part is that eventually it will be like a game preserve with some kind of weird fence that they can't see through or climb over. It's sad in a way that we want to preserve them because we basically want to do what you said, study them to learn about our past.
It kinda resembles the idea of taking children at birth and raising them in all sorts of controlled environments to learn how much culture and evironment affect us, vs. genetics.
They're not island niggers. There are uncontacted tribes on islands, but this OP case is deep in the Amazon.
>They're important because they're uncorrupted.
what does that even mean? they have no crime or no what? You don't think for one minute, do you, that the meanest toughest guy there doesn't intimidate everyone else into giving him the best women, food, whatever?
please elaborate on how they are uncorrupted while presumably everyone else is.
Someones got their feels hat on tonight.
My recommendation is "The Tasmanian Aboriginal Solution".
Leave them alone. It's their business and their right to live in peace by themselves.
They're the closest remaining humans as how nature intended.
The rest of the world is corrupted, in the sense of deviation from nature. That's not a bad thing of course, as shown by the progress of humanity, and our history. It's not a case of where developed humans and civilization are bad and the uncontacted tribes are good or vice verse, it's just a case where they are like looking through a window to the past, to the earlier remaining form of humanity.
>Relevant vid for those interested
Maybe I'm just a faggot but I find it facinating, if a little sad. I look at them and see you and me. Our lives couldn't be more different, and yet they are still humans. They live, just like anyone.
>nature has intentions
>They're the closest remaining humans as how nature intended.
>The rest of the world is corrupted, in the sense of deviation from nature
you did not give any specific example. Hippy talk is cheap. Tell me one concrete example of how we or anyone is corrupt and how you know that sort of behavior is not manifested in this group of people.
>Intention by design
That they are uncontacted and remain in their state of development is an example of the manifestation.
He's just virtue signalling
>That they are uncontacted and remain in their state of development is an example of the manifestation.
in other words you are talking out of your ass.
>He's just virtue signalling
How is it virtue signalling if I just think they shouldn't have their land bulldozed and their people killed?
There's, what, less than 10 major groups of uncontacted tribes left in the world? It's virtue signalling to believe they should be left alone?
why not buy some guns and overtake the island from the jungle dindus, and try to make a paradise ?!
It's a pretty good backup if the rest of the world gets wiped out by disease or something
Lol who cares they are relics of another time they should all be exterminated.
You are a faggot
That's literally exactly what the Portuguese did and look what happened...
>have their land bulldozed and their people killed?
The only time this has ever happened is in south america by south americans, and that's for the trees and fertile land so virtue-signalling hippies like you can have "all natural" palm oil and soy milk in their starbucks coffee.
Literally nobody could ever have any reason to repossess the sentinel islands.
>implying this small event didn't completely fuck them up and now they worship helicopters and planes as gods
No it's more like so that companies like mcdonalds can have more land for pasture
who implied that?
I'm sure mcdonalds would be highly interested in basing cattle farms on the sentinelese island
go back mate
i tought you where talking about the amazons?
I'l agree nobody in their right mind would care about contacting the sentinels (except edgy Sup Forumstards)
Mcdonalds doesn't base their cattle farms in the amazon either.
They're mainly killing the rainforest for soy and palm oil farming, as the ground there is perfect for that. They're also literally killing farmers and landowners who don't go along with that. This is directly caused by the shitty shift towards "ugh I can't drink real milk I need soy milk" and "ugh I can't eat animal fats, I hope this product has natural oil in it - such as palm oil!". You can have cattle farms whereever.
South America is where the majority of the uncontacted tribes are.
By the same logic that they encroach on Amazon tribes because their land is valuable, if Sentinel island was of worth then they wouldn't be at risk? The Amazon tribes are at risk today, but if there isn't an effort to stop action against uncontacted tribes in general, then eventually even the Sentinelese will be on the chopping block, by someone at some point.
>implying people didn't have guns in the 1500s
>Implying Columbus didn't use guns to take over Caribbean feather niggers even before the 1500s
> if Sentinel island was of worth
Keywords "if" and "was"
They're not killing and taking their land in the rainforest in the amazons just cause they're dumb tribal people and they hate them and don't respect them. They're killing and taking their land because they can cheaply base farming operations on that land.
They basically just happen to be in there. Most of the rainforest they destroy is uninhabited. Nobody really cares about the tribes in there.
Do you use soy products or eat any processed foods that advertise "no animal fats"? You're responsible for that.
I also don't like the focus on the tribes you have. Just as bad for the legitimate local farmers who get their families murdered over that shady business down there.
literally what aliens are doing with us
They were cutting the rain-forest before the No animal fat trend starded.
Palm oil has been used for 100s of years, this isnt a new fad or something caused by the left.
Stupid plus sign
Except palm oil is now in literally every other processed foodstuff made with fat. It's used more than ever, which is why they cheaply farm it down in south america where it's worth more than peoples lives.
Same with soy, shit's getting massive.
I don't think I even just implied that it didn't exist before as a product
1. Produce research demonstrating that the Sentinelese practice a primitive form of communism
2. Cleanse the damn commies
>implying niggers aren't worthless
Shut up cuck
they need to be massacred, for the advancement of civilised mankind
I want to run a company that lets you control drones fixed with guns so you can have a remote control IRL video game
One life, using this island - seek and destroy
>Do you use soy products or eat any processed foods that advertise "no animal fats"? You're responsible for that.
Most of the soy is used as animal feed, so the opposite is true.
>muh soy is killing muh rainforest
Soy is killing the Chaco not the rainforest, it is a temperate/subtropical crop that doesn't do well in equatorial rainforest climate.
Get a fucking clue
>Nobody really cares about the tribes in there.
That's the point, it should be cared about.
Same for Sentinel island, it doesn't have the same worth as the Amazon today, but in a hundred years? Even just to own it like a bid by some country to throw their weight? Eventually you have to assume that as the rest of the world gets developed upon, eyes will fall to Sentinel island for some reason or other.
>which is why they cheaply farm it down in south america
More bullshit
>yfw it's actually an important site for shadow military operations and the "natives" are actually hired actors put there to scare away any trespassers