This movie was Ok actually

This movie was Ok actually


It wasn't as bad as Sup Forums tried to make it seem.

I think it's a mediocre "DUDE WEED LMAO" joke that runs for longer than it should do. It's amusing on a mindless basis.

It's biggest sin is being popular. There's probably going to be an influx of more DUDE WEED LMAOs because this thing did so well.

>My friends wanted to see that movie over Kubo
>The only friend who wanted to see Kubo was going with a date to see a different movie
>she stood him up
This shit is why I'm antisocial

>and I saved the thumbnail

It's exactly what was expected of it
It sits squarely on the top of the bell curve as a movie that is "eh"

>lol they're having sex, get it? its funny because seeing food having sex is weird
>seth you fucking genius, here's another 10 million

why do stoners ruin everything?

Why are there Sausage Party apologists now?

>she stood him up

Did he get vengeance?


yeah he shot up all of the theatres, mine included
i'm a fucking ghost


And they really tried

I really wish we could've seen more of her...

Either way, I now wanna fuck a bottle of yellow mustard.

What's wrong with "DUDE WEED LMAO" exactly you angry 30 years old boring person?

>thinks weed humor is funny enough to carry an entire movie

God her face is disgusting

No seriously explains that instead of playing the greentext douche.
Why there are a constant bitching when something here is not intellectual or childish/casual/family humor? why do you care if little kids or popular normie teens like that too?

this is just simple humor, it could be funny even being shit, you never watch a shitty movie like Carnosaur 3 for fun ? why constantly researching patrician and serious quality? especially on a comedy?

this is why i think you are a angry 30 years old boring person.

It was actually a pretty smart movie. Sup Forums just has shit taste.

>she stood him up
Karma is a bitch. Bros before his always.

Thank you Elliot for giving him energy and courage.

ho's. Fuck you, autocorrect.

I laughed maybe 3 times the whole movie, so it was a failure of a comedy. So what was left after that? The story? Dumb. The acting? Meh.

It was mediocre to bad, but in a really boring way.

Dumb frog poster.


that was like one joke. one scene. who cares? we have lewd-for-the-sake-of-lewd jokes here all the time on Sup Forums. get the fuck over it.

>stupidity is funny
>cultural humor is funny

Well, I should say it's only funny if you're a part of that culture.
Being a respectale person, I'm not part of the WEED LMAO culture, so I don't find it funny.
It'd be like if you redpilled in real life, very few normal people would laugh along with you.

>user posts nostalgia chick
>user has difficulty understanding humor analysis
it writes itself

Everytime I see Seth Rogen I can't help but envision that's it's Justin Roiland but fifteen years older and with Down's. Am I the only one?

Eh, it was okay.

Kind of disappointed that a fair amount of the script was changed, though.

what the fuck is """"cultural humor""""" ????
you behave like some kind of hipster hating something just because some kind of people like that.

I know it's part of the regular trolling of Sup Forums but being seriously like that in real life is really a huge waste of time.

>implying Edward Norton as Sammy Bagel, Jr. isn't the best thing ever

I just like that gif, man. I think the lot of you just wanted the movie to be bad and just perceived it that way.

Agreed. The fact that Sammy asks why someone would even name their child that at the end of the film was also funny.

>this movie is outselling Titanic
>all because of the DUDEWEEDLMAO stoners
>there will be a Sausage Party sequel in your life time

>Posting risitas
>Talking about humor analysis
>Not understanding sex is a regular theme on humor and most people laugh about stuff related to that.
Sorry for not corresponding to your christian standards, next times they probably make jokes about your sad regular life problems of angry 30 years old boring person, something related to your work, banks or how to buy stuff on the supermarket.

and this kind of comment is why i, and everyone else, know you are a retarded 16yo stoner.

the infinite search for higher quality and entertainment is one of the biggest moving forces in human history. sure, seeing some lighthearted, mindless movie every once in a while is fun and it's even good to build perspective.

thing is, stoner humor is one of the weakest, most retarded and repetitive things out there, meaning that setting a search for quality aside for the sake of watching "DUDE WEED LMAO" shit is just as ridiculous as it gets, you fucking pleb.

now stop accusing others of being angry or boring or old just because they have better taste than you.

Weed jokes can be funny, but it's not funny when weed is all there is to the joke. Just showing a character smoking or getting high isn't a joke, especially if you never actually go anywhere with it.

>what the fuck is """"cultural humor""""" ????
>that many quotation marks
>that many question marks
please user
please don't do this to yourself

also I just explained cultural humor to you, but I'll use another analogy if the first one didn't work
>user watches a lot of anime
>user notices something silly in the translation, e.g. "I wish to touch the manko (T.N. Manko means pussy)"
>user goes online, finds discussion forum
>"I wish to touch the manko" memes everywhere
>user laughs hysterically
>user later goes outside
>user is hanging out with hot chick and friends
>Friends are making references to jokes he doesn't get
>user blurts out, "I wish to touch the manko!"
>Friends "lolwut" in confusion
>user is ostracized for being a faggot and meming in real life
I suppose a better term would have been "inside jokes," but that doesn't work if your 'inside' joke is known to the entire metrosexual population.

>next times they probably make jokes about your sad regular life problems of angry 30 years old boring person, something related to your work, banks or how to buy stuff on the supermarket.

you mean things that have already been used in comedy plenty of times before, including way before stoner comedies were around? besides, who the fuck laughs at sex jokes outside of high-schoolers and kids? do you still chuckle when you hear the word penis?

Maybe 90% of the population??? And your exemple is pretty lame and exaggerated.
But Well i understand your reasoning if you come from a place culturally protestant, they are fucking cold.

>Maybe 90% of the population???
if by population you are referring to your school campus, maybe. jokes about someone's sexual life, sexual habits and sex itself can be funny, but to laugh at the mere mention or implication of sex between characters you're either too young to be posting here or have the mental age of a child.

shit, i get it now
my bad user, i've always been a little slow on the uptake

>we will never have a twinkie thread again

All the humans were awful

>this movie is outselling Titanic

Check your sources dude

Why did Douche know his exact purpose and was fine with it while all the other grocery items had to be lied to about theirs?

At what point does a grocery item gain sentience? How can a bag of potato chips and a potato each be one being?

Try not to overthink a 90 minute dick joke that some stoners came up with in a weekend.

>Rogen grungles quietly in the middle of the room

It's not supposed to make sense

It was okay until the climax, when the premise went from an absurdist joke about how food in the supermarket would think/act in a Pixar movie into a preachy message about how religion is bad and you should "give into your urges, goy." I don't want to get all Sup Forums, but this is what happens when Jews go secular. Their natural urge to do good is misappropriated in things like the church of progressivism. A bunch of secular Jews made a movie about how religion and national borders only exist to keep you from enjoying life, so we should destroy them and have a huge pansexual orgy.