Why do millennials eat healthy food but boomers eat fast food?
Why do millennials eat healthy food but boomers eat fast food?
Only somebody from my generation...
>buys a bag of lettuce marked up 60%
>all food sealed by useless middlemen
>doesn't have a single coupon or item on sale in cart
>fell for healthy food isle scam
The most important part
>throws half of it away anyways because her cooking skill is worse than a new runescape character.
Rema 1000 is 'quite cheap' though, you filthy burger
I bet that mart smells awful.
>Buying "healthy" food from the supermarket
>vegetable from grocery
>he walks all the way across the MART to use the toilet
Learn some efficiency you kangaroo fucker.
Here in the first world, it's possible to purchase clean and healthy produce from a public supermarket.
Supermarket produce is full of chemicals.
she's cute
>muh chemicals are bad meme
You can buy untreated produce from stores as well if you're a conspiracy theorist.
>throws half of it away anyways because her cooking skill is worse than a new runescape character
There's so many fat fucks my age (21). Pretty much all the girls went to shit when we finished high school, that's why most of the attractive women I see in clubs or whatever are early 30's.
>buys some plants
>doesn't eat meat because MUH BOOR ANIMULZ
>dies from malnutrition
Also millennials eat plenty of fast food.
My mother eats very healthy but I eat garbage.
Fast food = junk food.
Medicine is too expansive so millenials prefer healthy food to prevent overweight and bad cholesterol .
>I eat garbage.
>Falling for the BIO meme
They just use less chemicals but chemicals anyways.
Millennials can't afford health care so have to do their best to avoid ever getting sick?
I don't know or care what that is. I am not a female.
>That post
Never change you uncultured swine.
That's why I eat just bio.
I am the most important person in this world ( from my perspective) and that's why I try to eat the best food available and if there is a chance that bio is a little bit better I eat it
Most of you are just a bunch of subhumans, laughing at people who take care of themselves, but you just have to look in the mirror, all your fat, your uhealthy skin and you know deep down that you are not part of the masterrace
>millennials eat healthy food
not a fucking chance
They don't want to end up like all those fat sick weak looking boomers that they see everywhere and who ruined many things.
>buying food produced from jew farm companies
>not buying from legit native farmers
Who do you think supplies the stores with food? Everything I buy is grown/bred in America. Can you ever grow food in flipland?
Millennials only eat "healthy" because they want everyone else to see them eating healthy
"Bio" food is called "organic" in the US/in English
2€ per aspargus? lol top tip kek tap top
millenals think they are saving the world by eating vegan and only buying soya products imported from china.
From what United Statesmen have told me "Whole Foods Markets" are some massive rip off chain of stores that only hipsters go to
Boomers are stuck in their ways. Millenials are at least exposed to new health information and are still young enough to be open to considering eating a certain way.
I can hardly get my parents to ever try new foods. Fish is too exotic for them.
Oh puh-leease. Most millennials are hiding in their parents basement eating cheetos and pizza pockets, and drinking their boyfriends cum.
It's 100% true
What's with all the cheese? They seem to love cheese for some reason.
Shit is disgusting in high amounts.
>Fish is too exotic for them.
Holy fuck.
>Fish is too exotic for them.
haha i thought the "amerifat burger" was a meme
i feel kinda sry for u user, you have to redpill your parents on healthy foods gl
I don't know. They will probably eat bullets in a near futur, according to news.
When I was growing up I had to eat fast food at least 5 days a week, sometimes multiple times per day. That was enough to cause me to swear off it completely when I got old enough to control my own diet. I haven't touched McDonald's in over 10 years. It's the same deal with pizza too. I just can't eat that shit anymore.
What the fuck were your parents thinking?
Marketing was all about convenience foods back in the day. Just look at some of the recipes from that time, especially cream of whatever soup. Boomers were convinced that making things from scratch was too hard.
I don't know. My mom at least is extremely lazy.
>not being vegan in current year
They saw what the shit food did to their parents
It's all the preservatives keeping boomers kicking past 80. They're like pre-embalmed.
That's true. I used to work at a thrift shop and the amount of microwave cookbooks from the 70s and 80s is mind boggling.
He takes roids and he looks like an average meat eating bodybuilder
Also his skin looks green
Cause everyone got fat. And that's not cool.
>Also his skin looks green
That's probably the result of using a warm coloured light bulb combined with a shitty camera
that's why I only eat based DEMETER
He does not take roids.
His skin does not look green either, but his head does look the alien from american dad.
>>throws half of it away anyways because her cooking skill is worse than a new runescape character
Vegans absolutely BTFO
cant these fucking cunts do anything without taking a picture of themselves doing it?
they buy healthy food but don't eat it, just bin it once it's gone off. They all just eat microwave meals or fast food because they can't cook
No. That's what happens when you a raise a generation and don't tell them they're as worthless as everyone else.
It's true. Publix and HEB have good shit without all the pretentious asparagus water crap.
>Lost to a DYEL mode dude in an armwrestle
you eat rotten fish, fuck off an let us eat our rotten animal milk
Literally doesnt matter if its healthy or not.
You badmouthing cheese? I wont stand for that.
>not realizing it comes from farms
Do you live in Kansas? Fish is available pretty much everywhere.
Because they're all on food stamps.
millennials are bigger meme queen virtue signalling faggots
they don't enjoy eating healthy they enjoy being seen eating healthy
Mfw westerners don't have their own pieces of land for subsistence farming.
Home-grown cabbage and lettuce are the best
The funny thing is that most Sup Forumsacks who bitch about millennials are millennials themselves. If you're 30 and under you're one of us.
>tfw 31
Social media culture.
People are obsessed with it and want to look their best in photos etc.
Even if it means starving themselves for a few months.
better question is why non milennials americans shart in mart
I'd like to propose China being added to the doesn't shit in toilets side
I'm better than everyone in this thread.
>Millenials eat healthy
Only to add a "Vegan" to their social media bio.
Overall Millenials still lurk at McD all day.
It's true. My parents have two of them. I can't even imagine why you'd need a microwave cookbook, period.
This is good too. I highly recommend growing your own food. Much better quality control.
I have fatfucks for parents. If other millennials are anything like me, it's just for the petty purpose of wanting to be the opposite of their parents.
The trend will reverse next generation when people rediscover junk foods.
we dont need more of these liberalinvasion-threads
back to tumber with this crap