>good goy support degenerate rights and you will become western european
Good goy support degenerate rights and you will become western european
>glorious red colour
Feels good
>somebody uses my 3y old OC
feels great
>Source: wikipedia
Not saying it's not true, it probably is. But these paint-coloured infogram's of the world map are cancer without a real source.
Why do you give a fuck if two poofters want to get married? Honestly, you don't have to agree with it, or even like it. What difference does it make? Why would you want to tell others how to live? Let the poofters do their thing, that's what I say. We have more pressing matters at hand to fuck around with this dumb shit
Oh darn my country supports gay rights.
Oh well looks like ill have to move to your prosperous and succesful country in order to sustain just a tiny will to live on.
Only in the country where SJW's were born
I hope that they start teaching your children in schools that it's cool to be trannies like they've done in mine. I hope the gay couples are allowed to start suing churches and businesses that don't want to partake in their gay wedding festivities like they've done in mine. maybe then you'll understand, weak faggot
Blue:Advanced and rich
Red:Backwards and poor
I'd rather be gay than live in Romania tbqhdsuanvm
Ah, an argument based on logical fallacies. I believe the one you used is called "card stacking". Educate yourself
Stuff like that only happens in america
You retards always take things to the extreme
I thought that Estonia is more pro degeneracy.
what de fug spain
>Caring aboht gay marriage and other contenporary social issues
Nah senpai, we're about a century behind when it comes to everything.
Denmark telling it like it is.
(((they))) game the elections using internet voting every 4 years, that's how they passed gay marriage.
How can a Social Democrat refugees welcome, gays welcome, i hate to be estonian type become president in an Estopia?
SJWs in America have been trying to turn us into Western Europe for decades, it's a feedback loop.
>omg Europe has no guns and no mass shootings! Ban them!
>omg Europe allows gay marriage!
>omg Europeans do socialism, fucking 1%
Looking pretty faggy there, Poland. Thought you were the last bastion of tradition? Not too far from turning blue.
Seems like you have the problem there. If it bothers you that much, just get over it. Why would a business want to turn down paying customers, even if they are faggots? If you want to spend your time wining about how faggots are ruining your nation instead of just letting live.... Just don't go to church so often, it's messing with your head. Approach things logically and ask yourself; why do I hate faggots so much? Then, stop being a total faggot, and let the retarded poofters do their thing
Thank God for aids
That's alright
>why does it bother you that gays want to turn your children into trannies
because I have a sense of morality unlike you, hedonistic faggot
Triple doesn't lie
You also have a sense of slippery slope, burger.
Your God is retarded as is your image, as are you. Get out of the Bible Belt.
Marriage is a religious thing, and our bible and our Orthodox priests say no-no to that.
If you're gay, idgaf if you're taking it up in the ass, but marriage should be religious only.
Because if not, what's the point of marriage then?
I use ethics, not morality. You sound like a Christian of some form. Kill yourself, your morals are based on emotive faggotry, not humanism
What's with Spain?
>only light red
welp, time to kill myself
Funny, if you ask Euros they say they're getting all their "progressive" values from us.
proof that slavs are superior to europeans
pic related,
genetic defects like yourself
Meanwhile they are aborting children at a rate that would even make a Swede uncomfortable.
Pretty ironic you're calling us faggots there, since you're the faggot one.
Your priests are closeted fags anyway.
You don't need a church or a priest to get married
Next up - diversity. Get ready because it's coming.
And your Imam's are Turkish/ISIS supporters.
Bullshit graph, Greece invented homosexuality
> picture from 2010
Not relevant anymore.
It's not mujo stupid milosh. Still being terrorist beats being faggot on any day.
Ah, an ad hominem. You know, the tactic you resort to when your arguments are crap and you're butthurt
>Not Morality
You're one fucking stupid shtposter
we can tell if a child will be a liberal in the future before it's born
if so then we abort it
Stipe I thought you were suppose to be Seig Heiling by now, have you taken hormones?
Your SJW's over exaggerate
Pretty sure almost all gays here are just normal people
Lol Australia what's your problem? Tired of kangaroo? You wanted to marry a bear and it's not allowed in our countries? Why are you so upset?
What are the current statistics?
No mate. I'm one of the best
That's why we don't have such scum in our countries as Australia is in this thread
We both get them from globalists.
>Not spporting gay rights
What's wrong with you?
but you know its not based on principles but on backwards countries caring more about their next meal than some social bullshit
pure autism
the irish are truly the absolute niggers of Europe.
He's right tho
What kind of decadent culture calls these abomination "normal"?
Actually, there are no bears here. I just don't give a fuck if someone's gay or not. Doesn't bother me in the slightest. If they want to fuck a dude, why should I give a fuck?
Eastern Europe aren't cucks like the west portion.
Plus they get the western part to send them free money via the EU, and the west Euro cucks just meekly take it.
What a life.
Hmmmm this looks vaguely familiar
Sure the italian part isn't correct in OP graphic. We didn't even have a civil union law for gays until a couple of months ago.
Pic related is a recent survey, on the left was asked "are you ok to a form of civil parthnership for gays" and on the right "are you ok with gay marriage?"
Red is "i'm not ok"
Blue is "i'm ok"
Yellow is "I don't know/no opinion"
I don´t give a shit about gay rights
The UK would be dark blue if not for all the muslims living there lol
I don't know about the rest of the countries, but in 2014 we had 1,942,683 births and 929,963 abortions (0.47 abortions per birth). Probably in 2015 and 2016 even less abortions, because they decline each year.
In 2010: 1,788,948 birth and 1,186,100 abortions (0.66 abortions per birth).
disease. You want a HIV dude who has dick shit in his mouth and fingers handling your food?
Think about it.
A lot of these will work in the food industry , in the service industry.
They fist their boyfriend till the shit runs down his legs and eat and regurgitate it into eachothers mouths and drible their shitty cum all over each other.
and then they go to work and serve you your meal.
Bon apetite western man.
Ape tite.
You realize you messed up the figures. According to you over half of total births were aborted in 2010
We sort of do. The most recent insanity stems almost solely from US college campuses (trans and fat acceptance, various privileges and institurional and intersectional insanity).. We legalised gay marriage 15 yeara ago, and those things were non issues. It wasn't until the era of Jenner that it became a mainsteam issue here. And we mostly still think they're all nuts.
the pay is lower so the prices are lower too
at least we have non halal food
So the thing is that we don't care too. The only problem is that all this faggots try to show how they 'love' each other in public, and I don't want my children to see it and to think that this kind of behavior is normal
Who gives a fuck honestly
I agree. Faggots aren't a threat to Europe. Islam and third world immigrants are.
Your children?
You mean the ones youre going to abort anyways?
It also looks familiar to this one, never saw what the problem with gays marrying is
>at least we have non halal food
Can't argue with that though, you get that shit in the uk superarkets
Oy Vey!
Fight muslims , but keep Jewish degeneracy goyim.
gooooood gnoyim
ggggooood gnoym
>I care about what homo should do
Would marry.
And yet the root of both of those problems and many others are the same
Ahmed stop shitposting
Thats right. Im against what I perceive as a threat to my safety, my living standards and the survival of my people.
That means fags aren't a threat.
>Bon apetite western man.
You mean I should've summed up two numbers and then divide the abortion numbers?
>estonia 467
what the fug
estonia has shitloads of HIV so when a muslim rapes a woman he will get infected and die
it's a self defence mechanism
What happens in America, comes to Europe a few years later.
Uh oh, I would refrain from having sex if I were you
Great. What about the shitty fingers in your food.
Got a graph for that?
dizz guzztin
Same-sex marriage is anti-degeneracy though. When you create a stable relationship and economic motivations it decreases the prevalence of sexual promiscuity and spread of STDs.
In western societies being anti-gay is one of the few "safe" counter-culture positions you can hold. You're sick of the decline and degeneracy, but you can't be openly racist so you speak out against gays (soon it will be the pedos).
In eastern societies is just hollow moral posturing, especially Russia, they are fucking Africa tier when it comes to social ills, but they can be real tough on the gays.
I mean, you wrote
>1,186,100 abortions
I assume you meant the opposite
What kind of porn are you into you weird faggot
Fuck yall. I don´t give a shit about HIV or AIDS. I don´t have it, never will have so fuck off with these petty attempts to make yall´s shit countries look better.
You will never be a nordic aryan chad like me, it must feel bad
Carry on now untermensch
Gays should be able to be gay but should be segregated in ghettos to keep
their shit obsession away from clean humans who lube their cocks with shit and blood.
Where same sex marriage was first approved is where is more popular. It has been "normalised". In Spain TV is full of faggots and a lot of TV series and films have at least one of them. All of this has worked perfectly.
If a referendum was held in Spain in 2005 like in Ireland it would have been tied between Yes and No.
>Ireland and Spain "Catholic" countries darker than the UK
>crimea part of russia