/nzpol/- New Zealand General

ITT: We discuss New Zealand Politics, News, Happenings and everything it means to be kiwi. Here we can laugh at abos and the rest of the world in general
Joshies allowed on the condition of posting a rare pepe

>A diverse, multicultural cast of AU law students apoligises for percieved slights against Maoris. So progressive


>Last week
>Labour-Greens gaining in polls

>Visa numbers reach staggering high

>This week
NZ at 16th place on olympic medal standings as of 2.50PM

>Population hits 4.7m as Chang and Ling pour in

>Wide support for WEED decriminalisation

>New Zealand athlete helps injured US athlete on track

>Lisa Carrington wins Gold in K1 200m

>DHB and Doctors Union negotiations fail, doctors left working 12 day shifts

>Hippie bequeaths $280k upon the Greens

>Crappy ute parked in snobby suburb in Wellington- could this be our user?

>Auckland's Unitary Plan passed

>Making this a weekly thing
>More community
>Make memes
>Start having more media presence- Farcebook, Twatter, Newspapers
>More frequent threads in run-up to elections

Other urls found in this thread:


night guise

how do I become pic related

Hey, here would be a neat idea for a way to protest:
>surround Beehive with blank signs on posts
>provide things for writing with

Tbh Kinda hoping our economy goes down the drain so people realise how dogshit National is

Don't be pinoy for a start

Yeah but then people will write

If there were to be a rise in right-wing populism in New Zealand, probably led by NZF, how would it be done.

Naturally one couldn't take after Trump. He's too brash for most NZer's, but one could take inspiration from him.

What would y'all do?

I dunno, people write Sup Forums-tier things on the blackboard next to one of the main walkways through Kelburn Campus of Victoria university.

Exactly, don't rely on Wellingtonians to write on blank signs. Most sjw city in NZ

In Dunedin and Auckland quite a few of the students are sjw; in Wellington the whole place is


I told you last thread dickhead, it's youse

It already is being done, there just is no market for it in NZ politics; Kiwis just aren't that prone to fear-mongering and populism. Winston Peters every election and every other week spouts out shit about Asians, yet they'll never reach even 15% kek.

>Most sjw city in NZ
Why is Wellington such a SJW shithole?

>New Zealand
Never heard of her

Staking claim with my 1st post in the new thread, while still posting in the old one.

Anyone interested in local government politics? Would hate to see Phil Goff win Auckland mayoralty. An obvious desperate move by a lifelong lefty politician . I'm keen on Pelino or Victoria Cron (??? Not sure how spelt) they both seem pretty sensible.

What the FUCK

>they're all white

Yeah, there was a thread on friday. Many keks were had. I cant sit past the 30s point personally, I don't know how people can subject themselves to that crap

Fuck up West Island

>taking inspiration from a retarded demagogue

Might as well starting taking inspiration from the murdering psychopath.

Peters is better in every aspect. If NZF doesn't get votes, the problem isn't in arguments or positions, it's in the mindset of voters.

We really need a strong, humourous leader.
In New Zealand, there seems to be a power vacuum as far as the public sees; people think that National and Labour are terrible, and they don't know anything beyond those two.
But people with good and funny bants like Obama (funny to them, at least) are popular here.
If we had someone with the ideals of Trump and the relatability of Obama, they could do well in New Zealand.

I'm going to look through the archive, this shit is unbelievable

Victoria University is an awful, awful place.

here's the trick, not interested in politics? You're instantly better than what we have

>What would y'all do?
Take the piss, banter. Like you said Trump is too brash but the problem with Kiwis is we are a nation of dickheads.

People screamed about the TPPA here and are against immigration. Trump is (or was or whatever) against those so you'd think we'd be for him. Nope, Hillary is the one Kiwis want, look at the situation in the comments on Stuff for example.

The issue with Kiwis, and most Anglos, is housing, employment, health, etc. Yo have to bring race,culture into it once you've addressed these issues. We're a funny bunch.

We want the answers before we want the question,

Dunedin is bearable. Biggest issue I have right now is that they put down these real smooth tiles across half the fucking uni, that get slippery when wet. I practically aquaplane on my longboard

7th getting uppity again ;)

Several weeks ago I wrote 16chan.nl/vuw on a bathroom wall, still the only post is an awoo from yours truly.
I thought it would catch on.



Yeah if Peters shut up about Asians and came up with smart ideas about controlling immigration along the basis of the housing crises up in Auckland, and started appealing more and more to those who have felt disillusioned by National, he could push his numbers up.

glad im a part of UOA masterrace

New Zealanders are infantile and will vote for the most parental candidate.

This is the key to Key's success and also the reason why NZ will never have a decent libertarian movement.

Has to be seen to be believed. I believe it has this image for the OP

The real problem is that we need an educational reform to provide real students studying real subjects with the information they need, rather than presenting half-complete information totally out of order, and running university in a way that encourages bad study habits.

I feel kind of cheated because I would be spending next year on a boat with my dad writing educational software and designing a pajeet-proof framework for educational curriculums, except that he can't commit to anything so he's decided to refund the boat just after buying it.

7th state*

That was a fucking abomination.

You should check how he got the money in the first place and then you should check how reality works when it comes to asset management of billionaires. Spoiler: it's mostly done by their managers.

>John Oliver is in the top 10 trending on youtube every week here

Yeah, fucking drop meme degree studies like feminism and gender. Doesn't count towards studylink free gibs but could you imagine the backlash:

We just need a proper leader who'll standby his beliefs and not a whore like Winnie

NZ first was strong as fuck in the nineties before the voters realized Winnie was a politician not a hero

It's like you're either trying to work our what we're going to do so you can counter us, or you're a shill for another party who wants to steal ideas.

Anyway, I'd push for more sport participation, and push for offering a wider range of sports, like shooting, wrestling, gymnastics, muay thai, and so on and so forth.

I'd also push to encourage more people to be proud of their country and to not feel bad for it. It's their already, but NZers also cringe at National pride sometimes, so we need to normalise it. We also need to remove the idea of it being racist.

I'd push for poor youth and blue-collar workers and families to play more sports and support more Nationalism. There is a huge group of strong, loyal and fertile people going to waste because they're turning to crime, drugs and suicide. I'm talking about Māori, bogans, white trash and blue-collar people.

I'd push for Māori pride, but alongside us Pakeha brothers. The idea would be to put New Zealanders as two different but strong ethnicities who each bring different cultures and histories together to form an ultimately strong peoples. Māori and Pakeha propaganda. ANZAC pride. There are no pure Māori left anyway, so we are all one peoples.

I'd also modernise Māori culture. Get rid of some of the more superfluous crap and make it more Nationalistic. Some of it, like mountains and rocks being spiritual, is nonsense. Maybe not though, because it's a source of their pride.

Then I gotta push for more NZ baby births and nuclear families.

I flicked onto TV1 tonight just as Seven Sharp was on.

They were showing a john Oliver clip. I stayed with it for a couple minutes to see what they were shilling for. Toni Street - is that her name? comes on and says something mindnumbingly dull about charter schools. Made a pleasant change at least from them bagging Trump.

Theres a reason people don't watch TV anymore.

I'm talking more about teaching STEM subjects in a way that actually makes sense.
Any STEM concept I understand fully, I can explain in depth in a way that requires layman-levels of prerequisite knowledge. This should ideally be the standard of our curriculum.

Seven Sharp is the worst 'current affairs' program to ever have existed. That woman presenter is the fucking dumbest woman I've ever heard' the dude's pretty fucking empty in the head too

What I don't get about this is there are fucking zero Maoris who even give a shit about this anymore. They've got so much shit out of reinterpretation of that treaty it's mind boggling

These bitches are just trying to create an issue

Yeah i rarely watch the (((news))) anymore but the last few times I've had a gander there's been an anti-Trump article. Of course our non-biased presenters don't say anything negative against him though, they just report "the facts" which translates to: How CNN is portraying Donald Trump.

Has anyone even seen an anti Clinton article in any news outlet here ever?

Guys, we'd need to further break up the phone monopolies.

Also, crush Sky TV.

>using the electric jew
Can't remember the last time I tuned into TV tbqhwy

I was actually just getting a general idea of what was needed. I'm no shill and don't want to counter you.

I had considered hopping into the finance world for a few years, making some bank and then entering into NZ First. I want to Make New Zealand Great Again.

I don't really have any proof, but I wore my MAGA hat to my high school the other week. Wew lad was that fun. I just want to provoke people and then debate them.

>tfw the only teachers who like trump at your school are your female english teacher and female comsci teacher


Trade agreement when?
We want all your lamb.

That's a good point.

Some of the most loyal people to the crown are Maori and they have NO representation. This assumption they all feel oppressed is bullshit.

I'd like to see a speration of the State (Prime Minister) and the Crown (Governor-General). The situation in which the state has sold of assets is bullshit.

The Crown holds the land
The State works it.

And it is? I am doing a BSci as well and all that I won't be able to explain to a layman is electron quantum theory, even then it boils down to electrostatic attraction

Mike Hosking isn't unintelligent but he is a massive National stooge which is even worse

I've worn my MAGA hat to work countless times. NZ is a p. safe place for a MAGA hat.

one news saying Trump is losing in polls. Say he's falling behind in key state Ohio poll to Clinton by 4 points.

He was down 8 last week. Fucking morons.

You ditched us when you joined the Cuck Union. Fuck off

sure as hell don't need our pork

Just look for the obscure goodies.
Skinny is hands-down better than everything else I've seen, although no one I know uses it.

Paul Henry is going to be presenting the new rival show to seven sharp. It should be a little more bearable with him at the helm, I should think

We have all those sports out there, it's just there's fuck all financial support because we keep throwing all of our money at rugby, crickey and rowing.

I think NZ would do fantastic if we focused more on individual sports

Using Black+White m9, not that great.

vodafone x is a pretty good deal 2bh

Not when all the girls in your school year are feminists, and all the guys are on the whip enough to go with them.

They actually have a "brick wall" patterned paper mural on the wall of one of the classrooms saying make germany great again.

curious, I asked the teacher who's class it was what she thought of Ronald Reagan. She said she loved him.

>ronald reagans slogan was "Make America Great Again"

A clever enough layman will understand you if you avoid all jargon, especially mathematical jargon.
Mathematical jargon is the worst because it's not "words you don't know but could research", it's "familiar symbols you don't know the meaning of in the current context".

Never heard of it, for I am a hypocrite it seems.

7sharp is terrible but m8 I've had a full on stroke watching the corresponding show on tv3. Can't think of the name, its Bernie Sanders style leftist garbage. They had a story about a tr%nsgender fucking 10 year old boy

After the story:
> omg what a brave little girl
> parents justifiably proud of their princess
> anyone who doesn't agree with this is truly worse than hitler
> I'm sure well get hate mail from religious nuts

Rage ensues in my living room.

Good point. I've never, never seen an anti Clinton piece on any NZ media. Just like I've never seen anything positive about Trump. The bias is obscene.

>Winston will die soon
>Labour wants to kill our country with immigrants
>National wants to kill our country with immigrants
Life is suffering

Even my parent think seven sharp is awful. Everyone fucking hates it

my parents watch it. theyre politically inept.

Man, I'm a leftie but this is the shit that pisses me off. Why the fuck are there so many retard SJWs? They make us look like spastics

>neglected his son to party with some kikes
>forced us to export to shitty Muslim countries and make our meat halal

Fuck off poms, you're dead to us now.

It's troubling, because there is this "us vs them" mentality.

I'm also pro-monarchy; I love being under the Queen's (figurative) rule, but to get Māori agreement, I doubt we'd be able to keep the country under the Monarchy.

I'd give incentives for New Zealanders to have more children, but there'd be requirements for them to have two parents and neither of them be on the dole.

How the fuck do we address our working class population? So many of them go on the dole, turn to crime, become drug-addicted tradies, and/or commit suicide. It sucks seeing strong young men work 9 hours getting yelled at on a construction site or in roadworks, to then head home and skull cans of Diesel until they pass out drunk, ready to repeat the next day.

So are mine. My mother told me she was a Marxist a few weeks ago, even though she's actually pro trump. Kek

They don't have a fucking clue

Seven Sharp had a thing about antiracism a while back and the person arguing their case was an elementary teacher from the States (who I'm sure was a Jew).

An elementary teacher saying 'Race is only skin deep'.

I almost cried.

>I'm a leftie
literally why

>Clever Enough layman
Good luck explaining it to pic related. Actually, fuck them. They deserve to wallow in ignorance.

>Never heard of it
Just a network that piggybacks the Voda network

We also need to make sure that we don't ruin our rugby skills by lowering th budget. What a tough problem.

I used to do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and MMA. So much fucking fun.

I remember watching last week's "One Jews" at 6 and they were running a hit piece on Trump produced by ABC (USA). They were attacking Trump for his flippant "I guess I support the Iraq war" on Howard Stern. No mention of fucking Hillary actually voting for that nightmare war.

They also always choose the worse possible photo of Trump when reporting him. I pray Trump wins just to stick it to those left-wing faggots and force them to cover him for 4-8 years.

>How the fuck do we address our working class population? So many of them go on the dole, turn to crime, become drug-addicted tradies, and/or commit suicide. It sucks seeing strong young men work 9 hours getting yelled at on a construction site or in roadworks, to then head home and skull cans of Diesel until they pass out drunk, ready to repeat the next day.

So true, and so sad. What can we do?

>working class problem

More doctors and nurse.

They are all foreigners, train up more doctors and nurse means we won't need nearly as many immigrants, and it will also reduce the number of tradies, meaning they have to be treated better by their employers if they want them to stick around

Man up, oi. Get redpilled.

Start lifting, dress well, look after your hair and teeth, and starting being a chauvinist pig who doesn't give a shit. It's great.

My bosses etc. are all Trump. It is almost just me supporting Trump at work, but I wind people up anyway. Mind you, they don't mind so much because I act like I don't give a shit if they care or not.

Anyone here read Scott Adams blog? He does some amazing stuff about how Trump is really good at persuasion. I reckon if someone could put that to work in New Zealand, then we could Make Nationalism Cool Again.

Yes that's a delicate balance.

The key is to make being a champion have a lot of glory and prestige, but not actually have to pump a shit load of money to incentivise people, let their own desire for glory push them.

No, link to a good article.

>left wing faggots
Has nothing to do with left/right wing, it's establishment vs wild card


They take so much shit out of context and so so many of my classmates just eat that shit up
History class is the worst because we're studying black civil right's and people draw bullshit parralels between Jim crow ideologies and trump
Although ncea pushes you to consider different perspectives nobody questions how biased NewZealand media is and it fucks me off
>(inb4 underage&band I'm at the end of y13)

I dress pretty okay already. I could do with a haircut. Will start lifting soon.

I wouldn't necessarily say I'm a chauvinist pig. Just incredibly blunt. I call things as I see them and don't care for the repercussions.

>How the fuck do we address our working class population?
You've already addressed it.


Sport is in our very blood the issue, however, is our elected leaders have never represented us. The socialist who have gone on to become the greenies, Neo-Labour, have always been part of this country because of the beliefs of the people who moved here (ACT are totally out of touch with the very reason tis nation was founded), but those socialist types are at odds with the majority. We want socialism for ourselves, not everyone else. Kiwis are tightarses something wicked (most of us have Scottish blood) and it boils down to 'If you sratch my back, I'll scratch yours" as opposed to "OMG everyone is the same let's just give everyone everything".

We value hard work but we demand being paid properly for it. That is one of the biggest issues with Western societies, we have never valued the hard work, the productivity, of ourselves in the manner it ought to be, we think "If Asians, Indians, et al, can work for cheap then so can we".

Look at what Labour, the original Labour government, actually believed, they would be called racist today.

Sport/National Pride/Hard work/Study

That's how you get to the working class, by tagging at the very heartstrings of what it means to be a Kiwi and why or ancestors moved here.

You get to the working class by shaming them. "Our ancestors, your ancestors moved here, they fought and bled to create a society you benefitted from and you, we, are arrogantly throwing it away".

Anglos feel shame just like the Japanese, it's just never been used in the right ('right') manner.

The ride never ends mate.
Be a good kid and get into a STEM degree

>taking humanities in a school
You fucking deserve it dude, should have taken real subjects like math and chem, and taugh yourself about that shit by reading books at the library

Mandatory military service would help - nothing else will work to change mindset and lifestyle enough to generate doctor and nurse tier people from the working class population.

He made a small compilation from the start of his campaign through the primaries. His more recent posts discuss the pivot to the middle that Trump is making.


>Just incredibly blunt. I call things as I see them and don't care for the repercussions.
As someone who lead a life like this, don't do this.

You've got to be more charming than that. It's not about being right and making sure others know, it's about having the ability to get people to do what you want, and being charming is the way

I've been following persuassionanons posts on here and it's something I've started looking into.

You want a bit of a redpill? Trumps mum was Scottish, most of NZ has Scottish blood. Our tv/movies in this country are shit but our adverts are actually brilliant, not all, obviously, but a lot are fantastic. we have the Fairgo ad awards for a reason.

New Zealand is a nation of traders (again, look at our history. We whine about the price of goods so much because we know a deal or a rip off when when we see it). It's part of the reason Key got voted in and continues to get voted in. He's not a salesman though (funnily enough). He's a used car dealer who most everyone know's is hoodwinking us but there's no one else selling us the deal any better, the other sellers in the game are even worse.

We need to sell Nationalism to the massea, we need a salesman to do so.

Studying medicine requires years of dedication, competition, and a shitload of debt. I mean, we should push for more NZ doctors, but these people who would drop out in year 11/5th form wouldn't have the patience or dedication. Another problem we have is that our current doctors are overworked. If we want more doctors, we have to target them during childhood and teenage years with propaganda.

Getting them (the blue-collar) into engineering is probably a better bet. We just need to get to them with propaganda
in primary school and high school. The ones who are already out in the field, we need to encourage into community-based schools or apprenticeships if they're not already doing them.

There's also the police and the military. And firefighters.

We also need to tackle drugs. Meth is a problem over here. So is alcohol, ecstacy, LSD, and as much as I hate to say it, weed.

We should start providing meth clinics for the truly addicted to help get them off it, and to dry out to dealers.

We should legalise marijuana and tax it. It'll lose some of the appeal if it becomes legal, while recreational users still enjoy it, and we save money and time.

Idk what to do about Ecstasy/MDMA and LSD. Perhaps legalise MDMA, but restrict how much you're allowed? Idk. LSD, I've had it myself, and the problem with it is that while it's beneficial in small amounts, there are people that take it almost every day or week for years, which fucks with you. Again, idk.

We also encourage the craft beet market, because it reduces alcoholism by making it unstylish.

Tobacco can be solved by vaping/e-cigs. Deal with it.

There's a difference between not caring for repercussions, and picking your battles, though, too. Gotta find the balance.

Nothing like a cold craft beet at the end of a long day.

There is nothing that I regret more than what subjects I chose
I chose social sciences because they were more English intensive subjects because that's my forte
I dropped anything to do with math ((with the exception of economics))and science as soon as I could and I want to end myself for it
I'm just going to get an apprenticeship next year

>pic related
At least it cuts down on the dangerous shit like pills being cut with rat poison.

>Drying out the Meth dealers
>Not going out and killing them Deuterte style

>Craft beers to make alcohol lame
Fucking brilliant