What's worse? Muslims or Jews?

What's worse? Muslims or Jews?

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Israeli Jews are pretty based desu. American globalist Jews are scum though.

All mudslimes need to be eradicated.

If it wasn't for jews the sandcoons would be contained to their little sandbox while occasionally being bombed when they get too uppity instead of being poked continuously.

Jews doesn't explode usually, therefore they are better.


jews bring muslims to your country

this. americucks will ignore this because they want nothing more than to die for israel

They're both semitic.


Jews because without jews around we can control are boarders and stop muslims from coming in.

people that don't understand that are NEET.

>Israeli Jews are pretty based

Based? Why?
They stole land from the Palestinians after WW2, and basically just use weapons the US send them to send to bomb the fuck out of based Palestinians.
They are basically terrorists. What do they even teach you about Isreal in US schools?

this meme again

Damn, do I have to pick?
I'd probably say jews.

So, the OP is asking me to choose between Mia Khalifa and Greg Lansky.

I don't want to live in a world where we can't have both.

which came first


or cool ranch

It's not a meme. It's truth.

Without the $Billions that the US gives Israel, it would still be Palestine.

No tanks. No planes. No technology. Just two groups of sand niggers throwing rocks at each other.

That's like asking "What's worse? Subversive or total war?"

Cool ranch

>Implying stealing land from arabs is ever truly stealing

Not all but quite a few Israeli Jews realize that if Soros and company get their way, they're gonna be surrounded and raped eventually. Israelis don't like us any more than we like them but they realize that their only chance to survive requires Europe to stay European.

He said that all Muslims need to be eradicated, why would you think he gives a fuck what happens to Palestinians?

>American Jews
>responsible for ~25% of all US science awards while being 2% of the population
>saved the US from the commies

It's only stealing land if your conquest fails desu

Jews are a higher power who enable Muslims and enhance their potency, allowing them to flood the west and carry out attacks etc.

Without Jews, Muslims would mostly be harmless because they couldn't infiltrate us as easily or get the connections to be able to attack us.



Also nigs n nogs too



I know a few muslim guys and they are actually pretty cool. They usually like tradition and religion, modesty in women. The local kebab guys are also some of the nicest shop-owners around here. Whereas the one jew I know is a faggot and he constantly complains about how hard jews have it in Europe because of muslims.

Muslims can be bro tier, fuck what pol says, its literally always an uneducated amerifat who has never ever met a real muslim before

Israel needed help, and it knew how to take advantage and get that help, and that's the difference.

And also do a reasonable job of emulating their Nazi oppressors.

Jews. Islam is a universal religion with a huge amount of followers; naturally there are good and bad people following it. The average Muslim fighting in the SAA for Syria's survival is surely a good man; so were the Muslim volunteers who fought in the German forces during WW2. On the other hand you have inhuman savages like ISIS and similar terrorist groups.

The jews are not a confession, but an ethnic group whose holy words are teachings of racial supremacy written down in a canonical format. Their most vocal representatives have caused incredible damage to the world and to the West in particular, always trying to hurt and subvert the majority in a paranoid rage of imagined persecution and oppression. It would have been so much better, both for us and for them, if all jews had actually been concentrated in a single country of their own, like Israel or Madagascar.

We didn't steal their lands they sold us

>bro tier

Only if you're a loser that can't befriend other whites and niggers

Get gassed you Paleostain.

Jews! They are behind all evil. Sad to see that parts of Sup Forums are falling for the JIDF propaganda.

Muslims are just jewish plants. Their religion is in many parts very jewish. One of allah's names is even 'rabbi'. Furthermore, as already mentioned ITT, jews are from an ethnic not religious background. They all are evil. Muslims are like everyone else in the world, a mixed bag. Though the jewish influence through religion shifts the pendulum to the bad side.



Muslims, there's only like 6 million Jews in the world

It's possible to hate both jews and muslims.
I'd like to see Israel get invaded and destroyed someday

Muslims and jews

By who? The mudslides? Theyre way worse than the Jews, and it's not even close.

Muslims, because when you think about it even with small numbers Jews already control most mass media.



>Less than 1/1000 person in the world is a jew.
Yet they control 99.9% of economics, politics, entertainment, science and society.

Jews may be.... evil but they invent stuff. A lot of the advancements coming out of isreal are pretty amazing to be honest in terms of medical technology.

Muslims dont invent shit
>muh maths from thousands of years ago
Ok if you want to go back that far then sure what ever... but since the fucking middle ages they havent invented shit, and are pretty much worthless.

All they cause is death and destruction... and really boredom everywhere they go. I mean when your ass is in the sky for a third of the day it kind of makes sense.

Rate my lists.


Even Obama got a Nobel prize. Keep your filthy little prizes to yourselves.

Friendly reminder to those who think Muslims are worse.


Thinking of Obama and jews...

Ever notice how democrats and jews go hand in hand?.... Weird huh?


>india can't tell peace prizes from the scientific ones apart
At least you can write in English.

Muslims wouldn't be a problem if the jews weren't importing them into our countries.

The UK should stop electing Jewish Prime Ministers.


nice memelist schlomo. if you are so smart, why the muslimscum still exist in current year?

There is no such thing as a Palestinian. It's a made up people.


Because us Jews make up 0.2% of the world,
while Muslim are almost 22% of it.

nice dubs schlomo

you one of us now and you know what to do

that is one ugly doggo

White faggots are worse than muslims or jews


Nignog detected


Jews, I'd rather not be wiped from existence by muslims

What are your thoughts about Isla Fisher?

What are your thoughts about Ivanka Trump?


A Christian married a Jew, got cucked by Muslim

You shitposting.

Not all Jews are Zionists, who think that are superior to other races


Fuck the Muslims (but not Tatars)

>What are your thoughts about Ivanka Trump?
It's Mrs. Kushner now, thank you very much.

Muslims by far, the absolute worse out of all the Abrahamic religions. At least Jews have the only democratic, secular nation in the Middle East right now.

Comparing to every secular Islamic nation, which have abandoned secularism in exchange from Islam long ago.

>oy veyyy this again

What's worse cancer or AIDS?