Based Marvel does it again

>replacing an old cis white male with a young beautiful intelligent black woman

How can DCucks even recover from this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>comic books

Grow up

They can't. Black woman created everything, they're basically god if there was one.


Marvel must have forgotten what profit is.

mcu did really well, it's the comic suffering i heard, but they don't care they already rake billiondollar from movies.

Iron Man becomes Iron Heart

So why didn't Spider-Man become

I think the printed comics only exist to keep pushing propaganda onto spineless beta males. They don't make any kind of actual profit anymore.

If they weren't propaganda then I don't know why they haven't shut all the cape comics down. Marvel basically relies entirely on getting at least one big Hollywood blockbuster once every few years to not go bankrupt. If cucks would stop going to see Alien vs Predator vs the X-Men vs Lois Lane, Sup Forums would finally be free.

Iron man will suffer the same fate as the other comic books that change the main character. Huge spike in sales for 1 month and then it drops off to

the patriarch will do that friend, we just have to work harder to dis(((MAN)))tle cis white male racism, we are making great strides towards a better future , just look at the success of ghostbusters . we are winning sister stay strong

OP is a faggot who pokes slowly

What pushes American comic industry into such cesspool of 'progressivism'? Letfists seldom vote with their pockets.

>mcu did really well, it's the comic suffering i heard, but they don't care they already rake billiondollar from movies.

Marvel-based movies are directly controlled by teams appointed by Marvel's owners. Marvel itself exists mostly as a part of an IP mine and as such only draws comics due to their significantly lesser cost than movie production.

Milo interviewed Chuck Dixon about sjws and the funny book industry, it was pretty good

thats not how it works... she would carry none.

why does she have pubes on her head?

She can carry mine if you know what I mean.


But not fathers, amirite?

Well it's kinda your fault for make every comic character white, then you get suprised when marvel try to fix things a little?

Considering Bruce Wayne has a good track record of getting raped by women in the past 5 years, I'd say DC is doing just fine with its own brand of equality.

She must have got fucked a lot.

>she's not an olympic gold medalist
Why do they have to be so racist against black women?

We can recover by not buying comic books anymore.

No one cares if you make superheros that aren't white.

what matters is that you are destroying already created superheros and changing their race.

Not only is it insanely offensive, which no one cares that I say because I'm a FUCKING WHITE MALE but it also shows that you do not have the ability or motivation to make an original character.

Thor IS NOT a female.
Spider man IS NOT a black teenager
Iron man IS NOT a black woman.

IF you want multi racial superheros make some new ones up.

fucking losers.


Honestly this niggers.

Not ever comic book character is white.

there is the falcon, black panther, storm, and many many more.

This is bullshit "we're good guys for attacking white men" bullshit.

If you want better black or whatever representation in comics, make more fucking comics about black panther, storm, ect. and make new super heros.

Marvel is total fucking bullshit.

Why couldn't they have the big afro black lady just build a suit on her own and show Iron Man that she can be smart like him or something?

I'd also like to point out that black panther is named after a black supremacist group.

It's not like there is a white king of a super powerful aryan nation in the comic books called KKK man

>know as Ironheart

Why couldn't they give her a black name?

DCucks permanently btfo. I think I'm in love, user.

he became arachnigger in 2011

why the fuck do you people keep watching the jewood propaganda?

Filthy xenos scum

Cool thing those characters are so 2D that you can just switch up their gender and paint color so easy.

>Toilet paper stories

The problem lies in comic book culture as a whole. Nerd culture is still much a niche thing and even know with it being so popular is more of a passing fad and a novelty for teens and young adults. They aren't fans and there for, only know what they know from whatever happens to come in to the mainstream.

Because they are ultimately the ones who are going to make the money for the company they are going to be pandered too the most, and sense normies do not know, are not willing or just don't even care about reading and learning about comic universes and stories they need to come up with an idea that is both new but fimilar enough that normies will still be able to understand the basics of it.

So instead of making a new hero they are just going to change the heroes everyone already knows in order to keep normies interested.

Yeah, fuck that bullshit.

the soul has completely gone out of entertainment everything is rehearsed, remixed, and rehashed bullshit that has been done form generations previous in literally all the media forms.

NO ONE gives a shit anymore to make anything original or interesting. It's literally all about money.


this guy knows whats up

They think that there is this huge potential market of SJWs who are just waiting for Comics to change enough that they'll buy them regularly. They base this on the fact that comic conventions are about 45-55% or so female but comic sales are about 20% female.

They assume that the male audience will just roll with it any changes because they aren't bigots who hate all women. Reality is that we don't care 90% of the time as long as the story is good and the characters are well developed. But the recent changes in Marvel's lineup have been so blatant that even if they were well written I'd avoid them on principle alone.

She's not beautiful, though
Relax, it will flop. Like that netflix series I forgot the name and the supergirl crappy attempt.

Pandering only makes the problem worse. Lets see how badly this hurts their bottom line.

American comic books are literally an umpteenth rehash of 1930s material. It was too late to lament them by 1950s.

And the industry was also always legendary for having very low regard for its audience. It was always about "let's do this and that and see if the suckers buy it". It was always an anti-art like everything in America.

If you're allergic to Japanese culture, try French material, it's the best in the Western world.

>Spider man IS NOT a black teenager

It's ultimate Spider-Man, who gives a fuck about ultimate Spider-Man


Muskfags getting btfo is a nice touch though.
>muh shruggin atlas is almost as cool as this woman of color

why do blacks have the stupidest names?

Guess I will buy Batman comics instead.

>recast iron man, spider man, thor, captain america, captain marvel, kingpin, nick fury, etc.

'progress' and 'equality'

*smacks lips*
*gets jiggy wit it*
*spends food stamps*
*collects welfare*
*fails to pay child support*

>Iron Man
>Fe Male


*smacks lips*
*gets jiggy wit it*
*spends food stamps*
*collects welfare*
*fails to pay child support*

Why don't sjw just invent their own capeshit instead of stealing already successful and established characters to diversitywash?

They're pretty much admitting that ciswhitemales are the only ones capable of creativity and decent writing that can captivate an audience, and minorities and wimminz can only ride the coattails of success by theft and blackwashing.




Batman and black people have a lot in common.
His father left him at a young age after having a fight with his mother about another man and there is no way that he's coming back.
He's basically half black already.

really makes you think

I can't look at this image without cringing.


Stale thread needs something to spice it up, like sage

They Stewarts called their first born LaStonia so they had to go with Latevin to keep with the theme. In a racist twist, poor Litvelle got conflated with the litre.

Black Aquaman would drown.

>comic companies constantly pushing diversity
>most popular comic book character is a rich white guy womanizer who beats up poor people
can't make this shit up

I bet writers want to make him a black tranny but corporate tells them to fuck off because he makes too much money

There's only one lady of iron and the mere mention of her sends lefties into a fit.

>not Iron Lady
So when is Wonder Woman gonna become a guy?
Also isn't Iron Man technically Dick Chaney with superpowers? Why wouldn't they pick a fictional character they haven't just tuned into a a power hungry fashist who turns on his friends out of moral relativism... Oh...


If Batman was black he'd be the one mugging people at 2am.

Learn from the Boys and make a flying brick called Stormfront. Heatvision to incinerate the untermenschen and poison breath to gas the kikes.

I would actuall read some of the progressive-vengers stories and f they had some identity beyond "the ____iron man/Thor/Spider-Man!"
Hell, black iron man girl could be her own hero, merely inspired by heroes around her to build her own suit and upgrading it as she gets more skilled, that sounds like an interesting story.
More interesting than Tony being so impressed by a black girl that he showers her in money like she just brought her cool clock to school

Ironman becomes a black woman

>Iron is still relevant but man isnt

Iron woman

> But it dosen't reglect that shes black


>But it dosent have that cultural familiarity that Ironman has

Nigger in Irons

>nailed it


vote with your wallets people.

>implying iron man is somehow a leftist icon

>not buying comic books anymore

Wait, you've still been buying them and only now considering to stop?

They will see that nobody will buy their shitty comic books because SJW's are loud but low in numbers. The real fans will stop buying and Marvel will be history.


While Marvel's raking in the dough from the movies (though most of its going to Disney now), sales of physical comics for both Marvel and DC are fucking hemorrhaging right now.

They cheer on the fact that women now make up 40% of comic readers but what they're too humiliated and ashamed to say is that the actual number of women reading comics hasn't increased, but rather so many men have stopped reading comics that the ratio has jumped that high.

And they've got no one to blame but themselves. The writers have gotten lazy, you've had reboot after reboot after reboot, everyone's replacing characters with new hip diverse versions and in general they're just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks instead of letting good writers develop interesting ideas.

Occasionally you get an idea that works - Miles Morales as a new Spiderman and Kamala Khan as Ms Marvel worked out really well because time and effort was taken by the writers to make them into interesting and engaging characters instead of token stereotypes.

On the other hand you've got shit like SpiderGwen, FemThor, Ironheart, etc which haven't gone any further than "What if ______ had a pussy or was a sassy black woman?". And DC can't be bothered to put up even that much effort, resorting to stupid shit like "What if there were THREE Jokers!?" or "What if Superman didn't have any powers?" as they continue to put out flop after flop in the cinema.

Unsurprisingly, readers are bailing.

>implying putting some dindu in a movie about white people is fixing anything
>implying replacing all movie lies with subtle black supremacy is a good thing
>implying niggers are a good thing

>Because you know le fighting spirit
I'm so glad Trump is reeling in the black votes recently so we can get over this shit.


>Executive 1: Why dont we create some new black female super hero to empower the new generations?
>Executive 2: Nah... too much work, lets fuck iron man and go buy cocaine.
>Executive 1: Yeah, cocaine.

Fuck this shit.

Fucking this



You guys realize this is because of Disney right?

Highly Underrated

Yes I already assumed this was clear to most people.
You are right.
This is also how they got people butthurt over star wars and not watching it was racist because people complained that the fucking clone was black instead of whiteish as before.

There is equality in Batman comics if you look hard enough. But DC doesn't go too over the top like Marvel does. There's no balance with Marvel. That's why Barman gets my few bucks passed over the shop counter for the comic instead of Marvel. Marvel must be losing a fuck ton of white male readership bucks.

>because they can't do anything in their own nations

Jesus christ.

i will be a happy man when videos start surfacing of perverts ejaculating on unwary oculus users in public

I would beat me a shitskin if I saw one of these things wiping my flag on their ass.

As long as they don't fuck Up, I am happy

>Waardenburg syndrome

marvel should have a white dude become black panther

the difference is that when they made Jew Lesbian Batman and Black Batman they didn't replace the original, they made new characters.

I loved that manga.

Go the fuck on, and boycott this shit !

Why'd you start? Superhero shit aside there is nothing worth reading in comics. The only things I'd consider buying in one of those stores are artbooks from a small pool of artists

Is it bad I fail to see the problem here?

>telling people to grow up on a mongolian cartoon porn website