Ask a north african anything.
no b8s
Ask a north african anything.
no b8s
Do you like French cuisine?
Carthaginian Empire when?
Rome is weak. The time to strike has come.
How brown are you?
not specially. Gratin dauphinois and tome of savoy are ok.
eh I'm not semit, not a fan of carthage, our ancestors sided with Rome.
No no no.
thanks for inventing algebra, my dude.
when are you guys going to put out the next big thing?
135+ last time at the psy. I'm making a good use of it.
I'm whiter than most of European. Google "ait atta"
Sup in Algeria anyway, like nothing? Is that what Muslim countries do when being left alone?
I'm getting into this thread to
Maghreb master race
What do you think about jews?
>Is that what Muslim countries do when being left alone
The racial stock is different from the gulf and south asian states.
it's pretty calm, the main problem is (your country)'s deasese.
>Is that what Muslim countries do when being left alone?
Algeria tried political Islam in the 90's and sparked islamic terrorism. Probably the reason why it's one of the few arab countries that didn't get fucked by islamic terrorism recently because they managed to blow the fuck out of terrorists and public support to the terrorists is also virtually non-existent.
>ethnic label
Do y'all want to infiltrate Europe and fuck them over?
>Ethnic groups
>99% Arab-Berber
We get ride of this deasese , now we're basically vaccined for ever.
That's a pseudo-scientific term.
A berber is to a swede as a saudi is to a berber.
Also besides Moroccans, do the other North Africans like USA?
Or do you hate us.
My uncle who in fact knows but french, English, Arabic, and German want to move there
He said if he didn't have kids he would go to like Bavaria
but he is pretty cool
> pseudo-scientific term.
How? It's like saying German-Poles don't exist (it merely implies ancestry of both germans and polacks)
Tunisia id considered a major none Nato ally by the US so I guess we friends burger
It's based on pre-genetic science anthropological descriptors with a socio-political undercurrent. There is no special genetic proximity between a saudi and a north african.
no one can immigrate today, it's very closed, even for very educated people.
A dentist uncle tried several times and always no.
No real opinion really, people consume american culture in mass so I assume they're ok with usa.
Obama usa is liked overall, bush one not that much
You think you'll ever have democracy?
Also how ''hard'' is your dictatorship?
How is France and the colonial period viewed there?
Thank you!
Also how dangerous would it be for a journalist to be in Algeria?
I'm interesed in coming there for a bit, but I know little of the country.
I have been to Iraq, Egypt and Libya right after the revolutions... So I believe I'll handle myself but I would appreciate a opinion from a local!
Can't speak for Algeria bro but were going to have an election pretty soon
Tunisia is the only place that wasnt fucked after the Arab spring
Don't have dictatorship
Now a days people don't give a shit anymore because it was in the 50s and anyone old enough to remember is nearly dead
French is pretty much an official unofficial language here
Thank you! I'm interesed in Tunisia too. Want to visit it after my I return from Pakistan.
Couple of question I have, if you want to answer them.
How popular is the Islamist party?
Also there was a report couple of months ago on both BBC and CNN that the biggest Islamist party in Tunisia decided to ''drop the Islamist'' part of it's platform.
I do expect them to still be pretty conservative, but is there any truth to this? Have they moderated their message?
Thank you!
Another question for Algeria user, if he wants to answer.
Do you think a Parlamentary system would have served your country better then a presidential one?
Can you call back all your cousins and tell them to come home ? We don't want you here.
On vous a rendu Alger, rendez-nous Roubaix.
We "technically" are a democracy already, if you mean a real democracy, not soon.
Country is very liberal since 90's medias became free because the power find out that he simply doesn't care, you can do and say pretty much everything, it doesn't have any power.
basically to sum: dictatorship was "shut up", democracy is "Talk all you want"
We are the only country in mena who had a independance war so the settlers are not liked.
no it's cool. Newpapers critisize the power 24h a day. They stopped giving a fuck.
How do I stop France from conquering you in 1840 as Prussia? I kick France's ass but they always want more juicy Algerian land.
well you took immigrants by yourselves few decades ago because of economic boom, kinda your problem to deal with.
you've an euthousiasm that people here doesn't have, it's completly hopeless to a nihilistic level, no one is naive enough to belive that anything will change.
people live in a constant existentialist crisis. Absurdism was born in Algeria for a reason;
Interesting. Thank you for the answers!
Are people content with the current political situation? Or is there a ''opposition'' movement?
Also after the Arab spring has there been any reforms?
Also besides Algiers what other places should I visit if I get there? I like to interview mostly common people.
KYS Shitskin Nigger
Conquer it, then release as puppet, or sphere them.
Telling 80% of France to go to algeria is impossible
They are just berbers with arab culture
Libya is about 1% semetic if you look up libya demographics
But whatver
Not Sup Forums
How much does petrol cost over there?
Also are the living standards there like The Congo's living standard or closer to south American living standards or even better?
What is this shit?
Are interesting discussions no longer permited here?
Only Shills and Trumpfags?
Do you miss peace since Gaddafi left us?
Oh, those are not a problem and are well integrated. It's there children and children's children that are fucking scum
I think I end up 2 nights a month minimum fighting with one of those sauvages.
Good things shitskins are dyel manlets, it's easy to deal with them
I assume you meant to say that to me. I'm thinking of making Romania as Wallachia in my new game.
>American ''''education'''''
nice meme Egypt. I like your country only because of Mohamed Ehab anyway
Paradox game aren't realistic, Prussia steamrolled france in 1870 due to superior weapon (needle gun etc.) and strategy, yet in game you lose.
we're way beyond those kind of stuffs, there's no way to change the current situation by a single atom. People will laugh at you if you think the opposite.
They made some light reforms to avoid some chimp out.
Big cities like Oran, Constantine etc. Kabylia is a nice place too to interview, people are different.
0.07 dollars liter, average joe earn 400dollars here a month this year. Baguette cost 0.09 dollars, cigarets 0.5 dollars.
We've a 0.73 hdi, n1 in africa, balkan and south america tier quality of life, whitout the gun violence.
Oh yeah that was meant for you.
Try if you want but it's shit, Russia, Austria and the Turks will cuck you for the first 30 or so years. You need Prussia, France is good ally but too far.
>losing in a paradox game
>wtf are you doing
The only parties that really matter are nidaa and ennahda
Nidaa is secular while ennahda is moderate Islamist
Nidaa supports social liberalism pretty much to the point of faggotry
This is a muslim country so good luck trying to support fags
But then again I said it's muslim and I think people are tired of seeing whores walking around in short shorts and a fucking bra
I think ennahda will gain some seats but not enough to take over nidaa
Tunisia will always be "conservative" because Muslims but more liberal than any of its neighbours
If you're going to visit go to a 4 star hotel AT LEAST if you want to we another white person
Oh I can crush France easily as Prussia. I just get sick of seeing them put their greedy hands all over Africa.
Is there prevalent Tribalism in Algeria? Or do people have some sort of identification with their nation?
Thank you!
So no risk of a party going crazy and trying to takeover like in Turkey or how they tried in Egypt?
Oh I don't really care about being around ''white people'' I'm there to interview locals after all!
I like the challenge. Have you tried making Babylon as Iraq? It's fucking impossible.
Never tried that.
Tried playing as China but seeing my 80k stacks getting beaten by 20k British stacks got boring........
Japan was fun though.
not anymore. The tribalism didn't stopped the people to identify with a state or a nation by the fast btw.
never had the time to play it, I'm extremly good at many other RTS games tho (AoM)
Not at all
You may get robbed though but no one is going to kill you or imprison you
People are more on the edge after the revolution though
I see. That's interesting. Certainly puts you a step ahead of a lot of other muzzie countries
also AoM is pretty based. Prostagma!
Egypt is king of all middle East. That's all one needs to know.
are we the most B A S E D african country this days ?
Good to see Tunisia is doing relatively well, compared to others in the region.
So you think the liberal party will ''win'' the elections?
Seeing as they seem to be very big in Tunisia, how do you think ''conservative'' laws such as making the hijab mandatory or similar laws would be received by the population?
Average nignogs thoughts on whitey over there?
A king of a pile of shit isnt much
Interesting little question.
Do you guys consider yourself ''Africans'' or ''Arab''?
How many women or young boys have you raped?
What's it like being a part of the Neanderthal family?
Hows Egypt nowadays, haven't been there in 2 years?
The only reason middle East is all not part of Egypt's borders is because we don't want to be involved in their shit. But once they sort our their shit and have good cities, we will probably conquer them.
But your country is extremely poor and underdeveloped as well as unstable
They won't
At all.
My aunt works for the national television on Tunis 1 for weather without a hijab
It's actually more common to be seen without one than with one
Trying to implement mandatory hijab would be poltical auicide as now 50 percent won't vote for you
good I guess, prefear neandertal over homo sapiens sapiens desu
6 fucking days
faggot-pencil neck-goat fucker-dyel-manlet- stinky-inbred shitskin
african mean black here, no one see himself as african where i live, it's the word we use to speak about sub saharians
people saw themselves as algerian before anything.
I'm whiter than you, then.
It is shit obviously, I'm not saying it's great or ideal. But the middle east is nothing or less than nothing. Egypt is something. Thanks to America and Israel middle East is now even more pieve of shit, so someone with a bit if history has to step up.
Interesting. Thank you for the answers.
Truly a interesting country! I will visit the first chance I have.
the rest of middle east is way richer and more developed than egypt, even non oil state like lebanon are 30 years above.
Nice meme
Probably a proxy too
We barley afford food
How does it feel being a tool of Soros & co.?
What did your ancestors do during colonization? Which side were they on when the war broke out?
What will happen when Bouteflika dies?
Visited Lebanon, truly amazing country.
Sad that Iran tries to fuck it.
but you have internet
>What will happen when Bouteflika dies?
Recolonisation, Jacques... :^)
True except the "sparked Islamic terrorism" part. It started with the CIA's Mujahedeen in Afghanistan during the last act of the cold war.
And many of the Algerian terrorists leaders were former fighters in Afghanistan.
Ironically it's the same in some poorer regions of Romania.
No electricity and they still shit outside, but they do have fiber-optic highspeed internet that is 10 times better then in Australia.
What do you guys think about blacks around the world increasingly starting to claim that ancient Egypt was ruled by Kangz and shit, and that present day Egyptians are just thieves of ancient black civilization?
this Egypt bro is right
I'm actually tunisian-Egyptian and when i visited Egypt my father told me not to give good out to beggars because when you do you will have 10 other follwing you
That's how it happened in Egypt, Saudi arabia, Iraq, Syria.......etc.
Funded by the USA to fight the USSR and dictators then were more then happy to get rid of those people, they didn't think what will happen on the long term when this people will return home.
lived isolated in moutains and ignored france's existance.
They didn't knew what france was until the 1980's, here's a video about it :
"What will happen when Bouteflika dies?"
No one know, anything or nothing. The worst or the best.
Let's at least reclaim the Sahara part.
we call black people (Sahrawa)pulural means littirally Saharians if its a word we can call one nigrou. and redheads rougi and outskirt people kavi and white skinned roukhou
can we avoid get the millions of algerians thugs in france back
kahloush if often used here.
We don't care, since we getting poorer and wondering if we gonna turn into Venezuela. Not many Egyptians care whats going on outside Egypt, I've never heard anyone mention it, it doesn't really affect us. But Beyonce had a bad time in Egypt if I remember.
Anyone of you did the Hajj? How was it?
Also how ''secular'' would you consider yourself to be?
Final question because I have to go to work.
I want to thank everyone who took their time to answer my, and all the other, questions!