So Anne Frank died at the young age of 16 because of the Nazis, huh? Those are some bad fellas.
So Anne Frank died at the young age of 16 because of the Nazis, huh? Those are some bad fellas
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cute desu
No, because of typhus because of the American bombing
Too bad she never existed.
The Diary was written by a novelist her father commissioned after the war to cash in on this whole nice "Holocaust" thing they were riding to take over what was left of the USA. To know this it takes no further knowledge than that the manuscript was written with a ballpoint pen - which weren't invented until the 1950s, if I recall.
She probably did exist and die during the war, but the story you're told is largely a fiction.
U wot
*******No no .* Anne Frank invented the bapoint pen mi
Apparently not
And her book was written with a ballpoint the pen, invented in the 50s.
>Trying to debunk neo-nazi propaganda
>On Sup Forums
yeah, she died, and after her death she has written numerous memories of terrible war in which she died, using ball point pen, which was invented way later, while having different style of writing.
Too bad she died, she could have told us how to time travel, because it is only rational explanation of her bullshit diary.
all germans are pedophiles they allow sex with children under 18 which is a violation of US federal law per the adam walsh act.
>US federal law
And now you made me mad
Your law only applies inside your country. When you try to force other countries in applying your law, you are no better than Stalin.
>Your law only applies inside your country. When you try to force other countries in applying your law, you are no better than Stalin.
Protecting children is a basic human right, your country doesnt even know who Adam Walsh is or why he is a national hero here. Pedophile countries like yours are why the west is falling apart since your just a bunch of baby rapers until you protect the sacred innocence of children.
i want to fuck anne
disregarded the post
>Drinking legal at 21
>Sex legal at 18
The US is a fundamentalist country no better than the UAE or Qatar.
Does Anne Frank single-handedly disprove the holocaust?
>lives for two months in Auschwitz September-October 1944 with entire family
>dies of typhus with sister in March 1945
>mother dies of starvation in Auschwitz
>father survives and is freed from Auschwitz
>goyim still believe this shit.
Anne Frank safely made it out of the country and spent her remaining years in the illegitimate state known as Israel.
> Pedophile countries like yours
Poland: The pedo country
You have to go back. Go back to school. You are dumb as fuck.
And no one in position of power gives a fuck about human rights. Even your glorious USA tortures captured terrorists, China performs experiments on humans, and Russia.
I don't think I've seen a single Holocaust story that pol hasnt tried to debunk
It's really pathetic
I quite frankly flat out don't care
Should've gassed her twice desu
What is pathetic about trying to find truth in history?
You cannot prove most of the holocaust stories as real, why should we believe you?
that hitler fella was a jerk. I mean he was a real jerk.
But Anne Frank wasn't part of the holocaust. She died of typhus. None of her family were.
>Anne: cause of death
>Sister: cause of death
>Mother: cause of death
>Father: cause of death
>old age
This. She wasn't even in a death camp.
She is my personal hero.
I feel blessed every day that I was taught about the Holocaust in 3rd grade, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, APUSH, APWH, AP L&E, several gen-eds, and every tangentially related undergraduate class.
Otherwise I would not have known about the horrific treatment of 100% of Jew lolis by them there Nazis.
I think if more people knew that Aoldf Hittler farted into so many showers that every preteen QT jewess literally died, they wouldn't like him so much on this board!
peace be upon you
She did live in Auschwitz from September-October 1944 though. Without being gassed. And then died from typhus at Bergen-Belsen in March 1945. Really makes you think.
yea but they pretend when people get disgusted. your leaders arent smart enough to pretend america ok? Guys I think the shart jokes are getting to them.
What the fuck is even your problem, pedos in Poland got murdered, not cuddled
New based Polish govt tries to open up Jedwabne case, where supposedly 200 jews got burned in shed by Polish people. Obvious propaganda bullshit, but it would hurt kikes if truth ever got out, and would be first step in opening and investigating Aushwitz and entire holohoax case.
Even if she did die of Typhus, the intention of the Nazis was exactly that, they weren't dumb and they knew what happens once you concentrate people in an area
Do you seriously think that every single thing that's told about Jews in WW2 is a lie? You're not trying to find the truth, you're trying to find justifications for your ideology
Even if her dad was a co-editor, it doesn't make her diary any less true
And it feels to me that many people here believe that none of the stories are true, which wouldn't make much sense obviously
>And no one in position of power gives a fuck about human rights.
Spoken like a true baby raper, no surprise its someone from poland the pedophile paradise.
>every single thing that's told about Jews in WW2 is a lie
I never said that, do not put your words in my mouth crooked nose man.
But I am sure as hell most of those stories are gross exagerrations.
You lost human lampshades, you lost jew to soap conversion, some of your brethen claimed bullshit of hollocoaster, or bear and eagle sorts.
You get very offensive when I just talked about touching that topic. Is that because you have something to hide Shlomo?
>Your law only applies inside your country.
You know we have mandates in front of the UN being pushed through that demand that childrens rights come first in any nation that will be part of the G8 to protect all those under 18 from pedophiles like you.
>all those under 18
and why under 18?
why not under 20?
why not under 16?
what makes the age 18 so special?
What the fuck is wrong with you and accusing me of being a pedo?
Protecting children is just cause, but most of time, you use your position to protect corporate interests, not human beings. Fuck off and care about your internal shit, for example fact that you have most imprisoned people in the world.
Are you nation of lawbreakers?
>what makes the age 18 so special?
Your a fucking idiot its proven in american courts and the US senate that any person under 18 is a child incapable of comprehending the meaning of sex which is why its rape you fucking baby raper.
16 is legal in the uk
>What the fuck is wrong with you and accusing me of being a pedo?
Clearly your a pedophile if your from poland, I mean seriously you dont even know who Adam Walsh is... Im just wasting my time here because people like you cant be treated thats why we need the death penalty for all baby rapers.
>16 is legal in the uk
pedophile paradise in the UK.... no wonder its a shit country that everyone hates because they dont protect their children from being raped by adults.
>proven in american courts
No one outside of america cares or should care about american courts
Get real faggot, Japan is way more pedo than everybody in Europe, maybe with exception of Portugal or Germany.
Superiority complex much?
>hurr durr we pick this number randomely
>anybody who doesn't conform to it is a retarded pedo
but why 18?
Are you telling me that suddenly when a person hits their 18th birthday, they have undergone a huge mental and physical change? Suddenly they are a new person?
She literally died of NOT ENOUGH Zyklon B
>Clearly your a pedophile if your from poland
Clearly a Nigger if you are from USA
>No one outside of america cares or should care about american courts
That si why polish like all pedophiles are seen as human garbage in the world community. being a bunch of baby rapers is why you will never get a seat on the security council or invited to the G8.
>Are you telling me that suddenly when a person hits their 18th birthday, they have undergone a huge mental and physical change?
Yes its been proven in court that under 18 the person is a child and its rape which destroys the person forever. We just sentenced some teacher to like 144 years for raping with not one but 2 17 year old boys. What she called sex was rape and those children are lucky to be alive.
>hurrr durr im a baby raper
this is why everyone hates latvians
>Yes its been proven in court that under 18 the person is a child and its rape which destroys the person forever
How old are you
This board is 18+
>implying I'm not a tourist
Why did they bother trying to combat the typhus by shaving all their heads, making them shower, and fumigating their clothes on arrival at the camps then?
>Himmler orders, "The death rate in the concentration camps must be reduced at all costs," 28 December 1942
>this order is relayed by Richard Gluecks, Chief Inspector of Concentration Camps, to the commandants of all affected camps at the beginning of 43
Different states have different ages of consent.
And your parents can provide you booze if they want to.
Wait, what's wrong with me? Why am I responding to a nigger?
>>implying I'm not a tourist
probably one of those freaky sex tourist. If you were in america you would be in jail and killed day one for being a fucking baby raper you sick fuck.
>zylkon b was used to kill lice (other than jews)
>she died from a disease she got from lice
I have no idea what nigger raped your sorry ass when you were 17 and a half, but I feel for you. Does not change the fact that sperm from your ass went all the way to your brain, transforming you into cuck forever, and altering your world view in a ways never imagined before.
and this thread is about Anne Frank, stop derailing, Jewish Internet Defence Force warrior
>I have no idea what nigger raped your sorry ass when you were 17 and a half
dont project your rapist thoughts on me pedophile. Its there a kiddle you can go diddle? Its the duty of every country to protect the sacred innocence of children under 18. You showed your true colors as a baby raper by not even grasping the most basic of concepts.
>sacred innocence of children under 18
>the most basic of concepts
again, why 18?
if you're gonna repeat this bullshit
>Yes its been proven in court that under 18 the person is a child and its rape which destroys the person forever
then please tell me how exactly they proved it, and what scientific evidence they used, and show me some statistics
Yep. But the worst thing, the fact that her Diary is not hers, but somebody else is not acknowledged, and this is the thing that everybody should know.
Benefiting from such tragedies is almost as vile as creating them.
Jews have weird way of thinking only they died during WW2, and as a Pole, I cannot accept such motion.
Ignore him Latvia, he is obvious faggot with no real value here or in the offline world
>You will never fuck Anne Frank and make Dutch jewbabies
>then please tell me how exactly they proved it, and what scientific evidence they used, and show me some statistics
Its proven that baby rapers like you cant be treated. That means there is only one cure and that is death to anyone who violates the purity of a child who is anyone under 18.
There is no way Dutch women are uglier than Anne Frank
I always thought your girls are curvier germans with weird accent
>Its proven that baby rapers like you cant be treated
Actually, it has been scientifically proven that people who believe 18 is the true age of consent are more likely to be retarded.
Furthermore, it has been scientifically proven that kids who have sex legally at a younger age of consent are more likely to grow up smarter, and be more successful in their lives.
Prove me wrong (PROTIP: you can't)
A lot of them are, a lot of them aren't. We're a very mixed bag in that department.
I honestly can't tell German and Dutch girls apart unless they talk, same with Belgian or Luxembourgish girls.
They all look the same except for the language and in that case Belgian girls defenitely do it for me.
The language is so feminine and soft, it sounds amazing on a girl.
That was very interesting stuff to know, thank you anons.
BTW is that thing in 16161.jpg a trap, or my new fap material?
Anonymous fights to put baby rapers like you who destroy the innocence of youth behind bars. The legal standard for a child is 18 due to what happened to Adam Walsh you pedophile.
>Himmler orders, "The death rate in the concentration camps must be reduced at all costs," 28 December 1942
I'll bite
Why would a regime that openly despises the Jews, want to decrease their death rates?
No problem Polebro, remember that Dutch and German is genetically indistinquishable by modern forensic research, only having small differences between how much Scandinavian and English ancestry is within them for example.
Genetically there's zero to no difference between us, only by language and culture.
And that's a girl, it's a fetish called petplay.
Who killed her, the Allies?
Stalin should have surrendered on day one.
Why did he insist on taking over the world?
>Why would a regime that openly despises the Jews, want to decrease their death rates?
And why Jews tried to undermine Weimar Republick?
History is not something you are told at schools, because your "nation" had no land until after WW2, and thus, most of facets of your historical education are fabricated bullshit.
Hitler first tried to move out all jews away, out of Germany. Then he put them in camps.
Captcha: No Right Turn sign
Anne Frank used Jewblood Ink, and Jewbone Ballpoint Pen technology.
Anne Frank is a fucking pen! She was turned into a pen!
>that openly despises the Jews
maybe because this assumption is incorrect?
If she was German, she would have been raped and killed by the Soviets.
>petplay fap.
If it was not so close to furfaggotry, I would be scanning sites right now in search of nearest female.
I never tried it but I know it would be my fetish.
if you don't know the reason why you really should try to do some introspection and reflection.
or maybe not, maybe your retarded nomad brain really cannot comprehend the reason.
>their sources are literally jews
Actualy the patent for the modern ballpoint pen was made by lászló bíró in 1938
What i don't get about the germans holocausting jews thing is that there are jews who were stuck in concentration camps for 2+ years.
I mean surely with all the german efficiency they would be gone in a couple of months tops, even if there was serious overflow, no?
Or how exactly did they survive 2+ years of typhus and starvation?
And there is a patent for curing aids via cosmic rays
Sorry swissbro, but patents are not credible source of info. Fun fact though!
My Grrandfather's brother died in a labor camp, not even a death camp, the nazis saw the jews as subhumans and treated us like dirt, they didn't care if we died because they planned on killing us anyway. I see why you mock it though because it was so long ago and unless you have family that went through it it's hard to understand just how terrible it was. A lot of people like to meme that the holocaust never happened, but if you unironically believe that and just look at all the evidence, all the work camps and anti-semetic propaganda that the nazis pushed, it's pretty obvious that they hated us.
Yes there are some people that lied about it for attention and fame, but there are people that do that with almost every disaster, and the fact is that most survivors don't want to talk about it at all because it really was hell for them.
Simple: most camps weren't death camps, they were work camps and concentration camps
why would you kill slaves?
Then how did they kill 6 million?
maymay stolen
The ones who got sent to death camps were actually killed. The ones who got sent to work camps were rounded up and shipped to death camps in a last ditch effort to kill them, but the allies got to Germany before they could finish the job.
So they killed most of the jews in the last few months when they started losing territory?
Wouldn't the railways be better utilized moving units to the fronts that needed them?
Also, one more question, why were all death camps in Poland?
Wouldn't it be more efficient to have them interspersed across the whole Reich?
They didn't have enough soldiers. They kept the jews alive to use their labor, but when the war was ending and it was clear they were going to lose they tried to finish the job.
Yeah, Nazi Germany could have actually won the war if it didnt pour resources in holocausting Jews and undesirable Slavs, eg if it attacked Iraq instead of Soviet Union in 1941. But it didnt, because lebensraum for "Aryan" Germans was the core of its ideology.
What i've read on the subject is that the pen writings were notes about the book on "free pages" added to the diary (so not on the diary itself). So it seems they were added by someone who work on the first edition of the diary but only for a better comprehension.
I've read that they forced prisoners to march to extermination camps, but you bring up a good point. I can't really say for sure how they did it, but maybe the ones who were far from extermination camps just rounded up their prisoners and put them in mass graves.
Most of the death camps were in Poland because Poland had a very high concentration of Jews. One of the highest, really, in terms of density.
Maybe if they didn't attack the slavs but putting the jews in camps and confiscating all their wealth was a major boost to the German economy.
>Really makes you think.
yes those camps had some real bad health problems