Fucking gooks are taking over our fucking country

Fucking gooks are taking over our fucking country.
Motherfuckers come here like: 'ching chong ping ring dis ourrrr rand nowr', and fucking kick us real Australians out.
Fuck its sad to see how many fucking traditional chinese are coming here, a quarter of Aussies are actually not fucking Aussies they're dirty imigrants, and half of those are fucking gooks.
They own our land, they have our industry by the dick, whythe fuck doesn't the government get rid of these sub-human fucks?
I'd welcome deepest Africaan niggers to this country before I let any more Gooks in.
Getting rid of the white Australia policy was the worst mistake we ever made.

Fook you Japs, gooks and any other asians looking to skull fuck ussie culture.
I wish we could go back to the days where Abos were the problem. Its fucking ironic that now the only real Aussies can be found in the middle of fuckking nowhere.

Fuck gooks

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Just do a race war already you cuck.

You can even win against fucking emus how are you expecting to not get cucked by us?



You cant even spell, how are you meant to not be a fucking cucknadian
Start ww3 I want the nukes to fall

Is it true those gooks destroyed most of Darwin during WWII? What the fuck, man. I know it's abo central now but still

I knew this would be either be Australia or Canada without first looking at the flag. Also, quit your bitching, you cunts have it easy compared to the rest of us. At least you don't have to deal with that many niggers and sand niggers.

Only major shit was a bombing on civilians, and an escape of POWs in the middle of nowhere.
Luckily the gooks realised how worthless they are and went around killing themselves

at least they only shot each other in the streets, and don't own half your country cause the government loves taking tiny Asian dick in the ass

Fuck gooks they are taking over everything
Id still rather asians over blacks/muslims though

Daily reminder Jews did china.

What's bad about them?

They own us, they dont give a fuck about the real culture of Australia, and in 50 years we'll be learning about how great Chairman Moa was. I dont mind the ones that dont try to dominate our culture, but the demonstrations in Melbourne show that a lot of them are just fucking sleeper agents

I'm more worried about Muslims.

dude, boats aren't even getting close, its too bad where letting the plague in through our airports

It's not gooks chimping out in melbourne carjacking, home invading though it's sudanese and shit.

They look like human-alien hybrids.

I fear Asian immigrants will only increase in numbers. Especially as east Asian nations become more and more developed, they will have many people that qualify for citizenship in many western countries.

The funny part is that we started this shit. If it weren't for the west (especially the US) shedding trillions of dollars in the form of manufacturing these Asian nations (except japan) would be on the level of fucking africa. Dirt poor and starving. But thanks to capital flight and western investments, they were able to escape poverty and industrialise on the western investments.

This chink fiasco was created by us. We've created a monster due to our own greed for profit. And I assure you, it won't only be gooks. India is heading on the same path, so expect to see some poor. As well as africa, once the investments in India and east Asia become to expensive, companies will move to Africa (they all ready are) in l look for cheap labour. As long as globalism continues, expect to see many nations develop (more immigrants) due to our sacrifice.

Its not niggers who have a massive fucking military, and heaps of fucking agents living in our country. We've let the invasion force in already, its only a matter of time.

Least you ain't got niggers and spics. Maybe we can work out a trade or some shit. You can ship us your zipperheads and we'll give you our blacks and browns in return.

And we'll genuinely displace you too. We did it to Singapore. 1830: 100% Malay. 1930: 75% Han. We've got practice at this.

That being said:
> I'd welcome deepest Africaan niggers to this country before I let any more Gooks in.
Don't pretend we're not the least objectionable immigrants. We're slightly smarter than you, we won't rape you to death, and in fact our women slightly prefer you (hands off gwailo REEEEEEE). If you have to become a minority, you'd better thank your weird Nazarene god that it's us rather than anyone else.

Fucking globalism, bringing the rest of us down since the 1600s. Britain should have made like the Romans and enforced their rule. better then whats happening right now

Hando tried to warn ya!
Why the fuck dincha' listen?!!!

bait thread
bait thread

had this exact thread a few hours ago

Either race war or come home white man, become a citizen buy funz drive a big truck and live in the country, no libshits or leftists, it's bretty gud.

> we'll be learning about how great Chairman Moa was

too late

maybe, but if it was thicklipped monkeys then maybe we could start a revolution or something. Europe managed to control South Africa despite only having like 10% of the population. You guys are like a disease, the best cure is prevention, and we're way past that.

brb moving to straya


because as it turns out the government loves that tiny chinese dick

and people like this fucking retard arent helping,

go back to ur own country before complaining about immigrants

all fucking race traiters

violent take over is fine in my book. Its what works, and basically how every empires fucking made. Its just depressing seeing real Australians crushed out of the country. Its inevitable at this rate, so they could at least speed it up

whatever, I've vented.Goodnight

fuck off ahmed



You cant win.
Just like US is going to be majority mexican in the same way will you be majority asian over time.

sorry dude germany only accepts muslim and black immigrants now . im stuck here

SO what do you suggest we do about it and how are you ending the Asian Invasion? We need to hear some plans and policies!

Africans are worse than fucking gooks, I'd rather see Australia nipped than blacked

fucking kek

mate i hate gooks as much as the next guy (no actually, far more), but you're fucking insane if you think we'd be better off with nignogs or mudslimes. if we have to betray our people and destroy our country - which apparently we must as a developed white country - at least let it be by people who study hard, pay their taxes, don't mass rape our women and don't follow a murderous desert cult.

Fuck chinks though.

Chink here,
All we want is land and good business opportunities. Build us a city for just chinks just like you've done for muslim immigrants and we'll happily migrate there so you can have your own section of australia for yourself. we're not leaving the country regardless though

Just release the emus.


Yes fuck chinks. In 20 years you will be roasting dogs in the street and celebrating breautifrul dragon dancing with 5'0" mongols with 2" hard dicks...

>I'd welcome deepest Africaan niggers to this country before I let any more Gooks in.

this is pants on head retarded. you dont know any chinese people do you? theyre not so bad. its muslims who are the problem. id rather 100 asians rather than 1 muslim in australia.

Australia has no culture. Any culture it does have was imported by immigrants. Enjoy your AFL and meat pies you faggot!

TFW neighboring region is becoming majority Chinese.
I'm gonna border China in my lifetime :DDDD

Ching chong to the club Australia.

>Build us a city for just chinks just like you've done for muslim immigrants and we'll happily migrate there

how many china towns do you want?

They've build a whole city for shitskins?

Which region?

Lol, angry Australia reminded me about nice movie Romper Stomper. Inb4 I'm really sorry that you have so much problems with gooks

The one that borders China, obviously - Far East

Give Australia back to the aborginials, you fuck.


I don't get it though. China is a really big country jam packed full of people that the US props up. How do you not have business opportunities there?

I mean, where does it end? I'm not anti-chink, but when is enough enough? You already have tons of ghost cities there. Why build another one in Australia?

More like towns, but there's more than one.

The pollution in China is so high that people decide to move over. And we can't lower the pollution becuz u white ppl always come to china and make new factories

That's so fucking dumb. I want our production back over here and for China to stop being a mess. win-win you know?

There are almost no pure Aboriginals left, and the percentage that are abbo enough to not be white are less than 1% of the population. They're mostly NEETs and contribute fuckall to society apart from dot paintings and a place for centrelink payments to go to.

If we left (and that means the fucking chinks and non-abbo shitskins) then Australia would collapse and become 5th world in about 5 years tops.


Also here's your:
>(ching chong)

go back

Then you should start working for 2 dorrar an hour and cancel all them ecological standards.

just die

Fuck off Chang, you disgusting pile of shit.

Is it Koreans or Chinese?

Gook = Korean
Is calling them Japs and Gooks the bait here? Did I bit the bait properly, OP?

Nah, just rev up those protective trade tariffs and tax them when they don't meet our environmental standards.

>I'd welcome deepest Africaan niggers to this country before I let any more Gooks in.

What the actual fuck is going on here?!


They will just stay where they are but rise the prices for their products in USA

Yeah, that's kind of the point. That way the pricing is fair and we make and buy more of our own stuff.

>I'd welcome deepest Africaan niggers to this country before I let any more Gooks in.

I don't think you realize what your saying user... be careful what you wish for.

Don't forget they gave you this:


Shit that's produced inside will still be worth more , cause they will have to pay 5 the salaries to the staff that consist by 50% of useless ballast that is needed to hit them diversity quotas :^)

Our Jew bankers should like that since rising prices and wages help them with inflation.

It's not a perfect solution, but it is preferable to cucking ourselves to poverty and relying a foreign slave force that exports cheap shit as well as polution (prevailing winds bring it right across the Pacific.)

That sucks but you still have it better than Europe. Fucking Pajeets, poo-in-loos, Mudshits, and niggers swarming Europe and UK.

And the US niggers are really forgetting their place

Genetic engineering is the only way. We need to make the white gene dominant, this way we can fuck asians and make white babies out of it.