it's sad when a fortune cookie makes more sense than your average Sup Forums poster
It's sad when a fortune cookie makes more sense than your average Sup Forums poster
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Thats a whole lot of thinking.
my car, vodka, pizza, kebab, coffee, movies, tea, shirt, oil, electronics, numbers and letters do not foster an ideology that involves putting my head on a pike
the democracy maybe
My car, vodka, pizza, kebab, democracy, coffee, movies, tea, shirt, oil, electronics, numbers, and letters do not blindly stumble around, bumping into me obliviously, walking slower than time, looking for welfare checks.
what a shit fortune cookie
Wrong, I don't own a car currently, I don't drink anymore, my pizza is frozen, we are a republic not a democracy, most our oil comes from canada, I don't non US made shirts, my elctronics maybe chinky my numerals are english as are my letters, so much wrong with your little cookie.
That's not a fortune at all
I don't get how people can conflate free trade with immigration.
There's a huge difference between buying rice from rice farmers in South-East Asia and inviting their whole extended family to live in your country.
Numbers are Indians, not Arabics.
Nice try, fucking cookie.
I can almost guarantee this original quote was from an Indian or more specifically a Tamil Nadu region Indian.
They are the most inappropriately arrogant of all the Indians. They truly believe they were as advanced as super powered space negro egyptians and for the most part 99% of everyone on earth doesn't know what the fuck it is to be Tamil or where it is.
source: dated a stuck up bitch from Tamil region
My movies are American? That's the best you got?
>Your vodka is Russian.
No way that came from a chink restaurant, that has to be from some hipster "Asian Fusion" restaurant ran by white nu male cucks.
My car, beer, pizza, kebab, tea, oil, shirt, electronics, numbers, letters, coffee. REPUBLIC didn't come here illegally to spread drugs ,commit crime, and spread whatever shit ideology they have
Items have nationalities? I thought there were no borders and people were people? My car is a car that by chance happened to be made in Germany. That's how this works, isn't it?
None of those objects rape white women, none of those objects are violent towards white people and none of those objects shit up my culture.
>I don't get how people can conflate free trade with immigration.
That's a core principle of the EU (2 of the 4 freedoms).
>That's a core principle of the EU (2 of the 4 freedoms).
Yeah which is why the EU sucks donkeyballs.
So if you benefit from trading with other countries and LEGAL immigration over many generations, then you absolutely must support illegal immigration, welfare abuse, and reckless government spending? That's the most retarded argument ever.
>not polish
>arabic numbers
fucking cultural appropriation, the numerals actually come from india and just reached arabia before europe
So did you order the Kosher General Tsao's Chicken or the Chang's Matza Ball noodles?
thats not a fortune cookie
Polish vodka is a thing? We only ever see imports from Russia. Russian Standard is one of the most popular brands of vodka in the world and for good reason.
Because we experience the joys of international and free trade, we must accept immigrants with a completely separate culture? Great logic.
That's not a fortune, why is it in a fortune cookie?!
USA is a major rice exporter. US is just kinda shit with consumer goods and sub-components of cars.
Is this trying to say that's where all these things were invented? Because my car is clearly American
Belvedere is the Polish vodka they sell around here. Its similar in quality to Grey Goose.
>Your letters Latin
Бляхa мyхa, вcя мoя жизнь - cплoшнoй oбмaн!
>latin is a nationality
>tea from Tamil
kill la kill yourself, Pajeet
wtf i hate cookies now
pretty much THIS
Hm.. Truly makes one ponder..
>and your crime African
>Your letters latin
Пyшитe ми кypaц Зaпaдњaци.
your country is significantly worse because of unfiltered and unregulated immigration for the last 80 years
You're right we should stop trading with anyone
Хaхa нaйc миим мaй фpeнд. Ъпвoyтeд!
This. We provide food and weapons to the world.
Note that immigration threatens that as people want to live in nice areas that would be better utilized by agriculture. Look at how California's Central Valley is filling up with suburbia.
>imgur filename
bullshit. there's a huge difference between importing objects/concepts and importing a bunch of people, who hate my culture
wow really jiggles my wiggles
>Starting a word with the hard sign
What the actual fuck
(((Fortune Cookie)))
>Your car was made in germany so you should let arabs rape your children
makes sense to me
I think the U.S. as well as the U.K. is a plutocracy.
бългapcки =/= pycки
Cali has almost ruined their breadbasket status with shitty water laws.
Only silver lining is that they've solidified urban and subsistence farming rights.
My oil is from Canada, my shirt is Canadian made and my truck in from America
And i'm almost certain that I don't import a pizza from fucking Italy everytime I order one
I'd like to see ONE fucking "green" lefty bring up the topic of overpopulation. 100% if the population growth was from White people they'd be all over it as the cause of so may problems.
Lefties complain about overpopulation all the time when supporting abortions or condom use, or saying that white people shouldn't have children.
You seem to have fallen into the fallacy that people are logical or consistent.
>pic unrelated, Will Allen is an awesome urban farming guru who actually helps the community through education while having a profitable greenhouse business that sells salad greens, micro-greens and tilapia.
>your car is german
Nope. Stopped reading there.
Of course it is a thing, we invented it
good read.
wow way to objectify immigrants you peace of shit
My pizza doesn't hate my culture and it definitely doesn't want to rape my daughters though.
Thanks. I'd like to add a couple more regarding the "lettuce would cost $25 without immigrants" and the "we're a nation of immigrants" tropes.
>when the nigger is based
We need more based niggers.
The only thing that makes me real nervous on the topic of overpopulation is the consumption of our limited resources. Yeah, population density and all that shit sucks, but it's something that would eventually balance out.
I'm most concerned with fisheries collapse and overall ocean pollution. I don't really know how the planet recovers without a human cleanup program and a 50 year moratorium on wild fishing.
Oh for fuck sake not this shit post again.
I drive a 1976 and a 1994 Ford Bronco. My Whiskey is from Tennessee. My Pizza is pretty damn well an americanized version of it. I don't eat kebab. My republic is American. I don't drink coffee. My movies are actually Chinese(I love Samo Hung). I don't drink tea. My shirt is homemade by my wife. My oil is Illinoisan. My numbers are english, my letters are derived from latin.
And I don't have neighbors, and if an immigrant were to buy the fields next to mine, then build a McMansion on the property I would gladly blow it up.
What state?
>The British and Indians both speak Indo-European languages
>Ergo Indians are racist for opposing the British Raj
>Hindustan for everyone
I think this is an EU fortune cookie. I hope it was halaal.
Good thing I don't believe in the EU
Tamilians aren't really that bad, i think your view is just based on the bad ones.
t. American from tamil nadu.
I'll probably come across as an Uncle Tom, but Indians are some of the worst people outside of their country. I don't know what happens. I think it's a culture clash when you go from having absolutely 0 manners or sense of civic duty or civic virtue to countries where being friendly and helping other people is expected. Even simple shit like cleaning up after yourself or not littering; they cant do it. It's appalling.
South india really has no history like the rest of india. all we really have is the mahabharata, which is like greeks saying they have the illiad.
It's not called the Latin alphabet, it's the Roman alphabet. There is a difference you fucking retard.