


Math is a made up language it is the most impure of all.

prove it empirically

lick my anus

Tips fedora: the comic

>posting under dave's star

Not Sup Forums related

/pol stem threads are very frequent.
lurk more newfags. Also I hope you niggers saged. God forbid a non trump (edition) EDITION edgelord thread is on the front page.

>sociology is applied anything
>psychology is applied anything
>psychology is applied biology
>math mathematicians don't actually do anything that helps with maps and are basically just math philosophers

I was expecting a political edit, you've disappointed me.

Physics is just applied mathematics.

Go away filthy jew

I asked five american dentist and all agreed. Math is a language not a natural science.

*Not pictured: the engineer is at work.

Academia, not even once


Fuck off bitch. Math is a tool used to describe physics. Saying math is the foundation of physics is like saying the founding fathers based their thought off the constitution.

Mathematicians are probably also the most autistic of them all.

>the mathematician is a woman

Suspension of disbelief broken.

Math is to science as literature is to language. There is no reason to believe high level math is anything other than fiction.

Why can't math adopt syntax that's less ambiguous and expressible in plain ascii?

Because that would be trivial.

Math is about using a grammar of symbolic logic to attempt to link some batshit concepts together.

>Math Hypothesis: Unicorns exist
>define: unicorn = horse that grows a single horn
>horses exist and some 4-legged mammals exist that grow horns
>therefore unicorns might exist
See, its mathematically possible for unicorns to exist, I've proven it, math is so fucking smart.

String theory isn't any different.


>prove math is impure using math

Oh crackers! Looks like we've got ourselves a Jew!

>Making themselves look like uneducated plebs to spite a kike

Literally kys

Have you graduated high school?
Or did you stay at home fucking your sister?

Hey, shlomo, nice slide thread

Good job
You got the joke

I'd say physics is the most pure

It's the purest study of the world, of reality, of physical phenomena

Maths is just a language that we use. I guess it's intellectually pure but who cares about that. Maths is only useful because of what it can describe. Maths just for the sake of maths is the definition of useless

i'ts the only language describing nature prove me wrong protip you can't

>prove math is impure using math

answer to my language
using language

fuck off macleod

>language is just applied grammar
>food is just applied cooking
>blood oxygenation is just applied breathing

This is how autismal mathematicians are

Wheres the guy with a gun?
The fields were left pretty pure in Cambodia.

Holy fucking wew lad
>prove god isn't real using theology

You're both right, sort of

It is not a natural science. It's a language

>i'ts the only language describing nature prove me wrong protip you can't
Well, it doesn't actually describe anything in nature unless we ascribe values to algebraic variables with NATURAL LANGUAGE (e.g. English). Maths doesn't mean anything until we use natural language to explain what it is describing in nature.

As for being the *only* language, perhaps you could say it is, but then again surely a lot of mathematical statements are capable of being expressed in natural language? E.g. "energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared". So in that way it's not the only language.

well, science just for the sake of science is useless, you study it for a reason, curiosity, helping the human race, etc.

Reality won't be anything else than it is because you didn't observe it( (inb4 muh kantik).

Math is made up of axioms.

High level math is used in advanced physics.

he's not exactly wrong, slightly retarded but not wrong


>posting xkcuckd

there is, you can type LaTeX codes using ascii symbols


>the distance between physicists and mathematicians

this cartoonist can't think this is actually to scale, can he?

t. butthurt chemist

>made up language
Well I suppose it is, it's made up symbols that can be used to represent real things
>most impure of all
I would disagree, math is the understanding of our world. I'd say it has to be very pure if it is as accurate as we perceive it to be

seems like boolean math/discrete math?

I have a question for you queers

Is being an engineer the same as being a physicist if you do a "physical" engineering like civil, EE, mech, CE etc (anything aside from Software basically).

Would it be to far to say that you are a ______ physicist if you are a ______ engineer.


You can't, thats why it is more like a religion. You can only prove math with more math.

>right thing

And ? Why should give a simple fuck about it ?

Proper conservatives are not cucks you fucking idiot, those are neo-cons

I would like to stay in Regressivism and Conservatism

Psychology and Sociology are pseudosciences. Anyone who tells you otherwise is definitely a Jew.

>math is a made up language

atheistic, nihilistic, cosmically abandoned, unloved, overweight fedora tipper spotted

>3 women and 3 men
>woman on top

So diverse.

anyone have the version with "MUH MATH" at the end with pic related replacing the mathematician?
I've seen it posted several times but have never saved it


You want to go back to being ruled by Germans and Russians?

Epystemology sounds like applied sociology though.

Can science answer such questions as "What started everything ?" or "What values are true ones ?"

>maathe is s0000 g4y d00d
>earns $9 an hour at walmart

there's a coorelation

At least you know history but.. Are you understand idea of Conservatism/Regressivism ?

Your answer shows you don't know what science is

You're talking about reactionism

Math is a formal codified language of logic.

Yes. I talk about reactionism, a return to traditional values.

Science ?.. " Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. "

Now fuck off and tell me. Can science tell us what started everything ?

Idk what I'm talking about: the post

it could and it could not, we have no way of knowing

it's also a trick question because we don't know if there is even a thing such as a start

Not politics. Saged, reported.

Love maths but the vast majority of mathematicians are intolerable cunts. I'm glad I'm blessed enough to have two rare mathematician friends that aren't like that.

As i was talking about. Thats why we always need philosophy.

your confederalist sure sounds a whole lot like a communist

in case you didn't know how communist worked


Math is a Jewish creation

Physics is the most pure.

>a system of government with regional autonomy and a heavy separation of power

are you retarded?

>What values are true ones ?

This it can answer.

>What started everything ?

This is can't. It's only a theory. Religion however is a children's story.


it derives from local macro management

you're talking about the economy, like a typical jew

I'm talking about law and general policy

Math is the most basic form of communication.

And the Ontologist is all the way to Pluto shitposting loudly.

At least in childrens story you have good one and evil one, and always a happy end. And if Religion is "children story" then its really beautiful and trustworthy one. PS - Some of childrens story is based on real facts :)

Not even close. Fists are.

Logic is the purest, though.

>troll bait image in OP
xkcd is cancer

Kurwnigger what ?

Children's story are notorious for having catastrophic endings. The little mermaid comes to mind, but even in the "good" endings the bad guys end up dismembered or any other gruesome fate.
Those stories are hardcore, it's a real shame they aren't read anymore

Some of them. Not all.
And you know. Aren't crucification of acient hippie called Jeb wasn't catastrophic ?


>FAGtheist 'philosophers'

*tips fedora*


Mathematics is just applied logic

I'm in an ms program. Who gives a fuck how "pure" something is? Aesthetetists please go

Forgot to mention its in math. Academic cock measuring is for unpublished plebs.

It's originality and connections that mean anything and that will get you anywhere. Besides that no one cares what field you're working in.

Mathematics is the purest field... of autism.


nah, they are on the opposite side of the scale, sociology is applied shitposting

sociologists are humanities students that didn't understand the 1st year's books

and the scientific method is literally a spinoff of philosophy

Physics uses math as a language to describe physical states and to predict physical states.

Math is a language with a logical grammar. Like any other language there are multiple dialects and translations. The symbols and methods we use for Math are arbitrary and we have historically used other symbols and grammars.

Consider infix and postfix notation. Both describe the same thing, but with different grammar. You can translate between the two and both are logically consistent.

Math is a logical language, nothing more. You must connect math to the physical world for it to have meaning and most of those connections are approximations. Excellent approximations, but still approximations.

You can write all the math fiction you want and it can all be logically consistent within the existing math operands and grammar, yet have no meaning outside itself.